changed feeder velocity to fix note going in too far
changed feeder velocity to fix note going in too far
changed feeder velocity to fix note going in too far
changed feeder velocity to fix note going in too far
Fixed note not going in enough
Fixed note not going in enough
drive kp changed. old 2.5, new 2.2
drive kp changed. old 2.5, new 2.2
drive kp changed. old 2.5, new 2.2
drive kp changed. old 2.5, new 2.2
wheel offsets to be fixed next shop session
wheel offsets to be fixed next shop session
added counter auto for aces high in elims
added counter auto for aces high in elims
fix bad parallel path and pickup change
fix bad parallel path and pickup change
added option for close 4 note auto
added option for close 4 note auto
raise shoulder angle for farther shots
raise shoulder angle for farther shots
adjust amp autos to go directly over midline
adjust amp autos to go directly over midline
increase shooter and drive motor current limits (80 amps for 4.5 seco…
increase shooter and drive motor current limits (80 amps for 4.5 seco…