Spatial RESTful services are provided by the Dirt-Simple PostGIS HTTP API and are exposed at
See for available functions.
All spatial tables are in EPSG:27700 (British National Grid). Their geometry type is given below:
- cellars: dataset of Lancaster Buildings showing presence or absence of cellars - point
- studyarea: study area boundary of Lancaster Urban Archaeological Database project - multipolygon
- listed_polys: boundaries of listed buildings - multipolygon
- event_points_full: dataset representing historic or archaeological events - point
- event_polys: dataset representing the outline of events such as archaeological digs - multipolygon
- mons_points_full: dataset representing historic or archaeological monuments - point
- monspres_polys: dataset representing definite monument outlines, eg extant or exposed by archaeological events - multipolygon
- monsint_polys: proposed outlines of monuments based on information from archaeological research, events and other information - multipolygon
- geophys: contour lines from geophysical survey - line (note this data has no attributes so might be best as base mapping)
The ws_geo_listlayers endpoint will provide you with this list in json format:
The ws_listfields endpoint will provide information on the fields/columns for a particular table in json format. Call it like so:
PGRest assumes that the coordinate system (srid) is EPSG:4326 and that the geometry column (geometryfield) is called the_geom. This is incorrect for the Lancaster UAD- so you will need to explicitly state the srid and geometry_field whenever you do a spatial query. The URLs below show the correct format to use:¶meters=monid=%27531%27