Ruby Version: 2.0
The function API.bind
uses this list of key strings.
class API
class << self
def reload_config; end
def after(sec, &blk); end
def log(str); end
def bind(key, mods, &blk); end
def alert(msg); end
def shell(path, args, opts={}); end # TODO: document opts
def open(thing); end
def clipboard_contents; end
def choose_from(list, title, &blk); end
# takes list of strings
# blk gets index of chosen string, or nil of canceled
def focused_window; end
def visible_windows; end
def all_windows; end
def main_screen; end
def all_screens; end
def running_apps; end
def listen(event, &blk); end
# 'window_created', callback args: (win)
# 'window_minimized', callback args: (win)
# 'window_unminimized', callback args: (win)
# 'window_moved', callback args: (win)
# 'window_resized', callback args: (win)
# 'app_launched', callback args: (app)
# 'app_died', callback args: (app)
# 'app_hidden', callback args: (app)
# 'app_shown', callback args: (app)
# 'screens_changed', callback args: ()
class Screen
def frame_including_dock_and_menu; end
def frame_without_dock_or_menu; end
def next_screen; end
def previous_screen; end
class App
def all_windows; end
def visible_windows; end
def title; end
def hidden?; end
def show; end
def hide; end
def kill; end
def kill9; end
$window_grid_width = 3
$window_grid_margin_x = 5
$window_grid_margin_y = 5
class Window
def other_windows_on_same_screen; end
def frame; end # => returns a Rect
def top_left; end # => returns a Point
def size; end # => returns a Size
def frame=(x); end # => takes a Rect
def top_left=(x); end # => takes a Point
def size=(x); end # => takes a Size
def maximize; end
def minimize; end
def un_minimize; end
def screen; end
def app; end
def title; end
def focus_window; end
def focus_window_left; end
def focus_window_right; end
def focus_window_up; end
def focus_window_down; end
def normal_window?; end
def minimized?; end
def get_grid; end
def set_grid(g, screen); end
class Point <, :y); end
class Size <, :h); end
class Rect <, :y, :w, :h)
def integral!; end
def inset!; end