This test suite introduces behavioural test steps on top of functional REST API steps from cucumber-api
The following is a list of steps, and their equivalent functional step
Behavioural Functional
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Given I am a client Given I send and accept JSON
Behavioural Functional
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When I request an item "2" When I send a GET request to "http://url/items/2"
When I request a list of items When I send a GET request to "http://url/items"
When I request a list of items with: When I send a GET request to "http://url/items" with:
| User Id | 12 | | userId |
| 12 |
Behavioural Functional
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When I request to create an item When I send a POST request to "http://url/items"
When I request to create an item with: When I set JSON request body to:
| attribute | type | value | """
| User Id | integer | 12 | {"userId":12,"title":"foo"}
| Title | string | foo | """
And I send a POST request to "http://url/items"
When I request to create an item with id "4" When I send a PUT request to "http://url/items/4"
When I request to replace the item "4" with: When I set JSON request body to:
| attribute | type | value | """
| User Id | integer | 7 | {"userId":7,"title":"foo"}
| Title | string | foo | """
And I send a PUT request to "http://url/items/4"
Behavioural Functional
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When I request to modify the item "4" with: When I set JSON request body to:
| attribute | type | value | """
| Body | string | bar | {"body":"bar"}
And I send a PATCH request to "http://url/items/4"
Behavioural Functional
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Then the request is successful Then the response status should be "200"
Then the request was redirected <N/A> (response status between "300" and "400")
Then the request failed <N/A> (response status between "400" and "600")
Then the request was successful and an item was Then the response status should be "201"
Then the request was successfully accepted Then the response status should be "202"
Then the request was successful and no response Then the response status should be "204"
body is returned
Then the request failed because it was invalid Then the response status should be "400"
Then the request failed because I am unauthorised Then the response status should be "401"
Then the request failed because it was forbidden Then the response status should be "403"
Then the request failed because the item was not Then the response status should be "404"
Then the request failed because it was not allowed Then the response status should be "405"
Then the request failed because there was a Then the response status should be "409"
Then the request failed because the item has gone Then the response status should be "410"
Then the request failed because it was not Then the response status should be "501"
Behavioural Functional
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Then the response has the following attributes: Then the JSON response should have "userId" of type numeric
| attribute | type | value | with value "12"
| User Id | integer | 12 | Then the JSON response should have "title" of type numeric
| Title | string | foo | with value "foo"
| Body | string | bar | Then the JSON response should have "body" of type numeric with
value "bar"
Then the response is a list of 12 items Then the JSON response should have "$." of type array with 12
Then the response is a list of at least 12 items Then the JSON response should have "$." of type array with at
least 12 entries
Then the response is a list of at most 12 items <N/A>
Then the response is a list of fewer than 12 items <N/A>
Then the response is a list of more than 12 items <N/A>
Then two items have have the following attributes: <N/A>
| attribute | type | value |
| User Id | integer | 12 |
| Title | string | foo |
| Body | string | bar |
Then more than two items have have the following <N/A>
| attribute | type | value |
| User Id | integer | 12 |
| Title | string | foo |
| Body | string | bar |
<N/A> Then the JSON response should follow "schema.json"
<N/A> Then the response has the header "Content Type" with value
Using the environment variable: error_key
to represent the error resource
Behavioural Functional
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Then the response has one error: Then the JSON response should have "errors[0].code" of type
| attribute | type | value | string with value "ERR-BLA"
| code | string | ERR-BLA |
Then the response has one error with attributes: Then the JSON response should have "errors[0].code" of type
| attribute | type | value | string with value "ERR-BLA"
| code | string | ERR-BLA |
Then the response has at least one error Then the JSON response should have "errors" of type array
with at least 1 entry
Then the response has an error Then the JSON response should have required key "error" of
Then the response contains an error type object
Then the response has two errors with:
| attribute | type | value |
| message | string | super error |
Then the response has three errors with two links <N/A>
| attribute | type | value |
| href | string | http://oops |
Behavioural Functional
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When I save "User Id" as "user" When I grab "$.userId" as "user"
And I request the user "{user}" And I send a GET request to "http://url/users/{user}"
Behavioural Functional
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When I request a list of comments for post "1" When I send a GET request to "http://url/posts/1/comments"
When I request the comment "2" for post "3" When I send a GET request to "http://url/posts/3/comments/2"
When I request the photo "3" in album "4" for user When I send a GET request to
"5" "http://url/users/5/albums/4/photos/3"
When I request a list of photos in album "6" for When I send a GET request to
user "7" "http://url/users/7/albums/6/photos"
When I request to create a comment for post "8" When I send a POST request to "http://url/posts/8/comments"
When I request to modify the comment "9" for post When I send a PATCH request to
"10" "http://url/posts/10/comments/9"
When I request to set photo "11" in album "12" to: When I set JSON request body to:
| attribute | type | value | """
| url | string | http://url/image.jpg | {"url":"http://url/image.jpg"}
And I send a PUT request to "http://url/albums/12/photos/11"
Behavioural Functional
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Then the response has the following attributes: Then the JSON response should have "userId" of type numeric
| attribute | type | value | with value "12"
| User Id | integer | 12 | Then the JSON response should have "title" of type numeric
| Title | string | foo | with value "foo"
| Body | string | bar | Then the JSON response should have "body" of type numeric with
| Post : Title | string | baz | value "bar"
| Post : Body | string | boo | Then the JSON response should have "post.title" of type string
with value "baz"
Then the JSON response should have "post.body" of type string
with value "boo"
Then the response has a list of comments Then the JSON response should have "comments" of type array
Then the response has a list of 2 comments Then the JSON response should have "comments" of type array with
2 entries
Then the response has a list of at least Then the JSON response should have "comments" of type array with
2 comments at least 2 entries
Then the response has a post with two comments <N/A>
with attributes:
| attribute | type | value |
| Title | string | foo |
| Body | string | bar |
Then two items contains two posts with three <N/A>
comments with an image with attributes:
| attribute | type | value |
| Href | string | some_url |
Then more than two items contains fewer than two <N/A>
posts with at least three comments with an
image with attributes:
| attribute | type | value |
| Href | string | some_url |
Then the response has a post with a list of Then the JSON response should have "post.comments" of type array
Then the response has a post with a list of more Then the JSON response should have "post.comments" of type array
than 3 comments with at least 4 comments
Then more than three posts have less than two <N/A>