You should update your installer, e.g., with brew update
or apt update
It's also a good idea to upgrade any old or outdated packages, e.g., with brew upgrade
or apt upgrade
You will need to install curl, e.g., with brew install curl
or apt install curl
. See the curl
website for details.
To setup your system to build the latest release, run the command:
curl -sL | sh
To setup for a development build, run the command:
export GRIDLABD_ORIGIN=arras-energy/gridlabd/develop
curl -sL${GRIDLABD_ORIGIN}/ | sh
where you can substitute your own values for GRIDLABD_ORG
as needed.
After the setup is complete, you can active the gridlabd build environment for python using the command
. $HOME/.gridlabd/bin/activate
Once you have completed this procedure you may download and build GridLAB-D using the usual procedure, e.g.,
git clone$GRIDLABD_ORG/$GRIDLABD_REPO -b $GRIDLABD_BRANCH --depth 1 gridlabd
cd /gridlabd
autoreconf -isf
make -j$(($(nproc)*3)) system
gridlabd -T 0 --validate
Follow the scripts located in the setup
folder of the repository you wish to use.