The reveal.js backend is a collection of Slim templates for Asciidoctor that transform an AsciiDoc document into HTML5 slides animated by reveal.js.
Ensure Asciidoctor, Slim and their dependencies are installed:
$ gem install asciidoctor tilt thread_safe gem install slim --version 2.1.0
WarningWe recommend using Slim 2.1.0 until issue #8 is resolved. -
to get templates for rendering presentation HTML:$ git clone git://
( *.adoc or *.ad or …):-
Slides & content per slide
(Optional) Set presentation options at top of
. The options available & their values will depend on presentation library (some examples below).:${Attribute}: ${Value}
Generate HTML from the Asciidoctor templates
Command Line:
$ asciidoctor -T templates/slim CONTENT_FILE
Build Script: use Ruby, JavaScript, Gradle or your favorite build tool/script with presentation options
Copy or clone presentation library (to output destination/branch)
$ git clone -b 3.0.0 git://
If you want to use reveal.js 2, please switch to the reveal.js-2.x branch. |
If you are using GitHub Pages, plan ahead by keeping your source files on master branch and all output files on the gh-pages branch.
Let’s see some examples of revealjs
backend features:
= Title Slide == Slide One * Foo * Bar * World == Slide Two Hello World - Good Bye Cruel World [NOTE.speaker] -- Actually things aren't that bad --
In previous snippet we are creating a slide titled Slide One with bullets and another one titled Slide Two with centered text (reveal.js' default behavior) with speaker notes.
[data-background="yellow"] == Slide Three Is very yellow
Slide Three applies the attribute data-background to the reveal.js
<section> tag.
Anything accepted by CSS color formats works.
Here is the upstream documentation.
== Slide Four [%step] * this * is * revealed * gradually
Slide Four has bullets that are revealed one after the other.
This is what reveal.js
calls fragments.
Applying the step option or role on a list ([%step]
or [.step]
) will do the trick.
Here is upstream documentation on the topic.
Note that only fade-in
is supported for lists at the moment.
== Slide Five Uses highlighted code ---- print "Hello World" ----
uses highlight.js to do its syntax highlighting by default.
By default [source]
blocks and blocks delimited by ----
will be highlighted.
An explicit [listing]
block will not be highlighted.
does language auto-detection but using the language="…"
attribute will hint the highlighter.
For example this will highlight this source code as Perl:
== Slide Five [source,perl] ---- print "$0: hello world\n" ----
Currently revealjs uses a rather old version of highlight.js that does not handle callouts correctly.
To fix this download a current version of highlight.js and copy it to reveal.js/plugin/highlight/highlight.js .
To use Coderay:
= Title slide :source-highlighter: coderay
To use Pygments:
= Title slide :source-highlighter: pygments
== Slide Six Top slide === Slide Six.One This is a vertical subslide
Slide Six uses the vertical slide feature of reveal.js
Slide Six.One will be rendered vertically below Slide Six.
Here is upstream documentation on that topic.
The reveal.js backend only supports level 1 (== ) and level 2 (=== ) sections. Level 3 sections are not supported and will not render correctly.
directory contains jade template files they are ported from /templates/slim
templates. These templates were written to support reveal.js backend for Asciidoctor.js environment that is currently using in AsciidocFX editor. You can look at the demo.
There are some attributes that can be set at the top of the document which they are specific of revealjs backend.
Default settings are based on reveal.js default settings.
Attribute | Value(s) | Description |
beige, black, blood, league, moon, night, serif, simple, sky, solarized, white |
Chooses one of reveal.js' built-in themes. |
<file|URL> |
Overrides CSS with given file or URL. Default is disabled. |
<file|URL> |
Overrides highlight.js CSS style with given file or URL. Default is built-in lib/css/zenburn.css. |
<file|URL> |
Overrides reveal.js directory. Example: ../reveal.js |
true, false |
Display controls in the bottom right corner. |
true, false |
Display a presentation progress bar. |
true, false |
Display the page number of the current slide. |
true, false |
Push each slide change to the browser history. |
true, false |
Enable keyboard shortcuts for navigation. |
true, false |
Enable the slide overview mode. |
true, false |
Enables touch navigation on devices with touch input. |
true, false |
Vertical centering of slides. |
true, false |
Loop the presentation. |
true, false |
Change the presentation direction to be RTL. |
true, false |
Turns fragments on and off globally. |
true, false |
Flags if the presentation is running in an embedded mode (i.e., contained within a limited portion of the screen). |
<integer> |
Delay in milliseconds between automatically proceeding to the next slide.
Disabled when set to 0 (the default).
This value can be overwritten by using a |
true, false |
Stop auto-sliding after user input. |
true, false |
Enable slide navigation via mouse wheel. |
true, false |
Hides the address bar on mobile devices. |
true, false |
Opens links in an iframe preview overlay. |
none, fade, slide, convex, concave, zoom |
Transition style. |
default, fast, slow |
Transition speed. |
none, fade, slide, convex, concave, zoom |
Transition style for full page slide backgrounds. |
<integer> |
Number of slides away from the current that are visible. Default: 3 |
<file|URL> |
Parallax background image. Defaults to none |
<CSS size syntax> |
Parallax background size (accepts any CSS syntax). Defaults to none |
If you want to build a custom theme or customize an existing one you should look at the reveal.js documentation and use the revealjs_customtheme
AsciiDoc attribute to activate it.