First of all, thank you for contributing to Ashen! In the interest of keeping the repository as clean and error-free as possible, there are a few general guidelines you should keep in mind.
Please adhere to general good coding style, as well as what's defined in .stylua.toml.
Please try your best to include type annotations with any new code. LazyDev can help with this.
This project requires commit messages to follow the conventional commits standard. This is required by the release action, so please adhere to it.
Including a scope with your commit messages is encouraged but not necessary. At the end of the day, just use your common sense with them -- the point is to make sure the automated semantic versioning release action remains intact.
If your changes require any documentation, please update the README. If you're
adding an extra, then please add a
to its folder containing
installation instructions.
I recommend checking out llscheck and
luacheck, which can both be installed via
. Consider making a habit of running these commands!