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151 lines (92 loc) · 7.71 KB

File metadata and controls

151 lines (92 loc) · 7.71 KB


Butterfly build status

Simple, beautiful, static websites. Butterfly combines Markdown files, JSON data, and your HTML layout file to produce a static website. Perfect for hosting on websites like GitHub Pages!

  • Blazing Fast: no server back-end required. Everything is static HTML (and Javascript, if you like).
  • Easy to use: updating your blog is as easy as writing Markdown.
  • Customizable: you control how the final HTML looks.


You need to install:

  • Haxe 3.1.3 or newer
  • Neko 2.0.0 or newer

Generating Your Site


Run ./ or ./run.bat and specify where your website files are:

./ /home/myblog

Your website files must include, at a minimum, a src directory with the following:

  • A layout.html file containing your HTML template for every page, and butterfly markup.
    • Your layout file can contain any CSS/HTML/Javascript you like.
    • Include a <butterfly-content /> tag, which will be replaced with actual page content (post/page content, or the list of posts for the index page).
    • Include a <butterfly-pages /> tag, which will be replaced with a list of links to the pages.
    • Optionally include a <butterfly-tags /> tag, which will be replaced with a list of tag links.
  • An optional pages directory which contains one markdown file per page. You don't need any meta-data for it.
    • The file name becomes the post name, and the markdown content becomes HTML.
  • An optional posts directory, with one markdown file per post.
    • The linemeta-tags: foo, bar, baz tags a post with the tags foo, bar, and baz.
    • The line meta-publishedOn: 2015-12-31 sets the post's publication date to December 31st, 2015.
    • See the "Meta-Data" section below for more information about meta-data.
  • A content directory containing CSS, Javascript, and favicon files (if they're not referenced through a CDN).
  • A config.json file. See the JSON Configuration section for information on what goes in here. It must have at least siteName, siteUrl, and authorName defined.

Output appears in the bin directory, a sibling-directory to src.

For an example repository, check out my Learn Haxe blog repository.

What's Generated

Butterfly generates:

  • One HTML page per page (post-title.html)
  • One HTML page per post (page-title.html)
  • One HTML page per tag, listing all posts with that tag (tag-foo.html)
  • An Atom feed of the most recent 10 items (atom.xml)

OpenGraph Support

Butterfly includes very limited support for OpenGraph, and tries to behave sensibly out of the box:

  • The first line of your post, which doesn't include an image, becomes the content of the og:description meta tag.
  • If your post includes images, the first image becomes the content of the og:image meta tag. You can override this by including a meta-image line with an image URL, eg. meta-image:

JSON Configuration

Butterfly requires a config.json file. At a minimum, it should , contains the following fields: siteName, siteUrl, and authorName (these are used for Atom feed generation).

Required Attributes

A minimal config.json file looks like this:

  "siteName": "Learn Haxe",
  "siteUrl": "",
  "authorName": "ashes999",

Optional Attributes

  • authorEmail: The site owner's email. (Appears in the RSS feed.)
  • googleAnalyticsId: Your Google Analytics site ID (eg. UA-12345678-1). If present, Butterfly generates the latest version of Google Analytics code. The code is wrapped in an if statement that prevents it from being executed if the site URL starts with file://.
  • homePageLayout: The name of a file that contains the HTML template for just the home page (eg. homepage.html). Variables, butterfly tags, etc. all work as usual on this page.

Layout.html (Template File)

Every butterfly site needs a layout.html file. This contains the template page that we use and populate with content (pages, posts, etc.).

Required Tags

Your layout file needs the following tags:

  • <butterfly-content /> which renders the actual post/page content
  • <butterfly-pages /> renders the list of page titles (and links to the pages), usually for navigation. This generates a link (a tag) for each page. Optional attributes include:
    • link-prefix: An HTML/text prefix to prepend to each link (before the <a tag, eg. <li>);
    • link-suffix: An HTML/text suffix to attach after each link (after the </a> tag, eg. </li>)
    • link-class: The CSS class to specify on all links, eg. if you specify blog-nav-item, the HTML generated for each a tag includes class="blog-nav-item".

Optional Tags

You can add the following optional fields in your layout:

  • <butterfly-tags /> renders a list of <li>tag name</li> for each tag (ordered alphabetically). You can include the tag counts by adding show-counts (eg. <butterfly-tags show-counts="true" />). This is not recommended, because adding a new post causes every HTML file to change -- which makes it difficult to diff and see what really changed.
  • <butterfly-title /> renders the post title as-is.
  • <butterfly-comments /> renders the Disqus code for commenting on that page/post.
  • <butterfly-post-date /> renders the date the post was published on (doesn't render on pages). If it's not specified, butterfly generates Posted on {date} for posts. Optional attributes include class (CSS class) and prefix (a message to display before the date). eg. if class is bear and prefix is hungry on, Butterfly generates <p class="bear">hungry on {date}</p>


Variables in your config file can be rendered in the final HTML if you put $variable-like placeholders in your layout template.

In your layout template, you can specify the value of any config file property, prefixed with a $, to substitute it for the value. For example, with a config that includes "siteName": "Learn Haxe", your layout may include:


This will generate the following HTML:

<h2>Learn Haxe</h2>

Post/Page Content

In general, any Markdown content will work. If you run into trouble, open an issue and let us know so we can investigate and hopefully resolve it.


Some meta-data applies only to posts; some applies only to pages; some applies to both.

Common Meta-Data

  • meta-title: The title of the post or page. For pages, this is the name that appears in the list generated by <butterfly-pages />. If unspecified, a cleaned up version of the filename becomes the title.

Posts Only

  • meta-tags: A comma-delimited or space-delimited set of tags for posts (not pages). (Butterfly also generates a page, per tag, listing all posts with that tag.)
  • meta-publishedOn: The publication date of the post, in the format YYYY-mm-dd.

Pages Only

  • meta-order: The page order for pages displayed in <butterfly-pages />. The default page order is 0 and it's ordered ascendingly, so any negative numbers (eg. -3) would appear before the main list, while positive numbers will appear after the main list.

Generated Meta-Data

The following meta-data is automatically inserted, and shouldn't be changed/deleted (unless you are really sure that know what you're doing):

  • meta-id: a unique ID for each post. This is used for Disqus integration (Disqus requires a unique URL and ID for each piece of content). Changing this could result in you losing comments on your post/page!


We welcome contributions to Butterfly. Please note that you must write unit tests to cover any new code, and all existing tests must pass (otherwise, the build fails).