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Audit provenance

Hassaan edited this page Mar 15, 2019 · 56 revisions

Data Model

The Audit reporter transforms records into an Open Provenance Model (OPM) representation.

The table below outlines the key-value annotations that decorate the OPM elements generated.

OPM element Annotation Key Annotation Value's semantics Annotation Value's type Presence
uid operating system identifier of user that ran the program unsigned
euid operating system identifier of effective user of program unsigned
gid operating system identifier of user's group when they ran the program unsigned
egid operating system identifier of effective group of program unsigned
suid saved identifier when program's effective user has changed unsigned
sgid saved identifier when program's effective group has changed unsigned
fsuid program's user identifier for filesystem access checks unsigned
fsgid program's group identifier for filesystem access checks unsigned
source can be one of:
syscall - if information came from a Linux kernel Audit system call record
/proc - if information came from Linux's /proc pseudofilesystem
string (as enumerated) required
name command used to invoke program string optional
pid operating system process identifier integer required
ppid parent's process identifier integer required
cwd only for process from operation execve, current working directory of user (in the shell when they ran the program) string optional
command line only for process from operation execve, program name and arguments provided string optional
start time if known, when the process (or unit) started (in Unix time) floating
seen time if start time not known, (Unix) time of first event seen from process floating
unit only if BEEP used, unique identifier of unit (with 0 denoting the non-unit part of the process) long
count only if BEEP used and unit0, number of times entire unit loop ran previously long
iteration only if BEEP used and unit0, number of times unit loop has iterated long
source can be one of:
syscall - if information came from a Linux kernel Audit system call record
/proc - if information came from Linux's /proc pseudofilesystem
beep - if information came from BEEP
string (as enumerated) required
subtype can be one of:
memory - for memory addresses
file, link, directory, block device, character device - for filesystem entities
named pipe, unnamed pipe, unix socket, unnamed unix socket pair, and unnamed network socket pair - for inter-process flow
network socket - for network flows
unknown - underlying artifact can be of subtype file, link, directory, block device, character device, named pipe, unnamed pipe, unix socket, network socket, unnamed network socket pair, or unnamed unix socket pair
string (as enumerated) required
memory address only for subtype memory, location in memory integer (in hexadecimal) optional
size only for subtype memory, length of allocated memory hexadecimal integer optional
tgid only for subtype memory, unnamed pipe, unknown, unnamed unix socket pair, or unnamed network socket pair, group identifier of threads that share memory or file descriptors integer optional
time only for subtype memory, unnamed pipe, 'unknown', unnamed unix socket pair, or unnamed network socket pair, start or seen time of group identifier of threads that share memory or file descriptors floating point optional
path only for subtype file, named pipe, link, directory, block device, character device, or unix socket, location in the local filesystem string optional
permissions only for subtype file, link, directory, block device, character device, named pipe, or unix socket, filesystem access mode integer (in octal) optional
version only for subtype file, link, directory, block device, character device, named pipe, unnamed pipe, memory, unix socket, or unknown, how many times it has been written integer optional
epoch only for subtype file, link, directory, block device, character device, named pipe, unnamed pipe, unix socket, network socket, or unknown, how many times an artifact has been created at specified path integer optional
fd only for subtype unknown, descriptor used to access file integer optional
read fd only for subtype unnamed pipe, descriptor used to read pipe integer optional
write fd only for subtype unnamed pipe, descriptor used to write pipe integer optional
fd 0 only for subtype unnamed unix socket pair, and unnamed network socket pair, one of the descriptors assigned using socketpair system call integer optional
fd 1 only for subtype unnamed unix socket pair, and unnamed network socket pair, one of the descriptors assigned using socketpair system call integer optional
local address only for subtype network socket, host from which connection originates dotted octet optional
local port only for subtype network socket, connection port used at originating host unsigned
remote address only for subtype network socket, host at which connection terminates dotted octet optional
remote port only for subtype network socket, connection port used at terminating host unsigned
protocol can be one of: udp or tcp, only for subtype network socket, connection protocol used string (as enumerated) optional
source can be one of:
syscall - if information came from a Linux kernel Audit system call record
netfilter - if information came from a Linux kernel Audit network filter record
/proc - if information came from Linux's /proc pseudofilesystem
beep - if information came from BEEP
string (as enumerated) required
operation can be one of:
update - implicit process ownership change
setuid or setgid - explicit process ownership change
string (as enumerated) optional
time if known, when the event occurred (in Unix time) floating
event id if source is syscall, underlying event's identifier unsigned
source can be one of:
syscall - if information came from a Linux kernel Audit system call record
/proc - if information came from Linux's /proc pseudofilesystem
string (as enumerated) required
operation can be one of:
fork - another independent process was created
clone - another process created with shared state
execve - child process replaced parent
unknown - underlying operation can be of type fork, clone, or execve
update - implicit process ownership change
setuid or setgid - explicit process ownership change
unit - creation of a BEEP unit (by a program loop)
unit dependency - dependent unit read memory written by another unit
ptrace - a process modified/controlled by another process
kill - a process sent a signal to another process
string (as enumerated) optional
flags only for operation clone, clone flags string optional
request only for operation ptrace, action performed on the tracee string optional
signal only for operation kill, signal sent integer optional
time if known, when the event occurred (in Unix time) floating
event id if source is syscall, underlying event's identifier unsigned
source can be one of:
syscall - if information came from a Linux kernel Audit system call record
/proc - if information came from Linux's /proc pseudofilesystem
beep - if information came from BEEP
string (as enumerated) required
operation can be one of:
create - file was created
open - file was opened for writing
write - data was transferred to memory, file, or network
send - data was transferred from process to network
connect - outgoing network connection was established
truncate - data at end of file was removed
rename (write) - to new file, after renaming
link (write) - to new file, after linking
mmap (write) - to mapped memory
tee (write) - data copied to pipe
splice (write) - data transferred to destination
vmsplice - data mapped to pipe
chmod - changed file permissions
mprotect - changed memory protection
unlink - file was deleted
close - file was closed
string (as enumerated) required
size only for operations truncate, tee (write), splice (write), vmsplice, write, and send, number of bytes transferred long
mode only for operations chmod, open and create, permissions applied to file integer (in octal) optional
flags only for operations open and create, creation and status flags string optional
protection only for operations mmap, and mprotect, permissions set for memory location hexadecimal integer optional
offset only for system calls pwrite, and pwritev, offset in the file where bytes were written long optional
time if known, when the event occurred (in Unix time) floating
event id if source is syscall, underlying event's identifier unsigned
source can be one of:
syscall - if information came from a Linux kernel Audit system call record
/proc - if information came from Linux's /proc pseudofilesystem
beep - if information came from BEEP
string (as enumerated) required
operation can be one of:
open - file was opened for reading
read - data was transferred from memory, file, or network
recv - data was transferred from network to process
accept - incoming network connection was established
rename (read) - from original file, before renaming
link (read) - from original file, before linking
mmap (read) - from mapped file
tee (read) - data copied from pipe
splice (read) - data transferred from source
load - dynamic library loaded
close - file was closed
init_module - module loaded from memory
finit_module - module loaded from file
string (as enumerated) required
size only for operations read, tee (read), splice (read), and recv, number of bytes transferred long
mode only for operation open, permissions applied to file integer (in octal) optional
flags only for operation open, status flags string optional
offset only for system calls pread, and preadv, offset in the file from where bytes were read long optional
time if known, when the event occurred (in Unix time) floating
event id if source is syscall, underlying event's identifier unsigned
source can be one of:
syscall - if information came from a Linux kernel Audit system call record
/proc - if information came from Linux's /proc pseudofilesystem
beep - if information came from BEEP
string (as enumerated) required
operation can be one of:
update - the artifact has been modified
rename - the same artifact has a new name
link - a new name can be used to refer to the old artifact
mmap - a file has been mapped into memory
tee - data copied between pipes
splice - data transferred between artifacts
string (as enumerated) required
pid process that performed the operation integer optional
time if known, when the event occurred (in Unix time) floating
event id if source is syscall, underlying event's identifier unsigned
source can be one of:
syscall - if information came from a Linux kernel Audit system call record
netfilter - if information came from a Linux kernel Audit network filter record
/proc - if information came from Linux's /proc pseudofilesystem
beep - if information came from BEEP
string (as enumerated) required

NOTE: Though some operation values match system call names, the semantics differ. In particular, the interpretation is provenance-oriented. Multiple system calls may map to a single operation value (such as chmod() and fchmod() both reported as chmod). Some system calls have an indirect effect (such as dup() resulting in a new file descriptor resolving to the old path during read() and write() calls). The mapping of system calls to OPM edges is outlined here.

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