Releases: asimons04/tesseract
Bugfixes: Minor
- May only have been an issue for admins, but administratively hidden and removed communities will now no longer show up in community autocomplete results.
- They will still show up when filtering for a community in the modlog though (though only admins should be able to see those results)
- Fixed full URLs not truncating properly when "Show Full URLs" option is enabled
- Fixed issue with click-to-play not working on post pages if media is disabled on post pages.
- Disable "reply" button if post is removed or deleted
- Disable 'report' post action if post alredy removed (I think deleted posts can still be reported, though. Need to double-check the API behavior.)
- Disable 'report' comment action if comment already removed.
- Fixed Gifs not previewing if just 'url' is present (i.e. no thumbanil_url or embed_video_url)
- Indicate post's removed/deleted/lock state in the comment item component when viewing profiles
- When "Match Crossposts on Title" is enabled, posts with the same title but different URLs will no longer be erroneously rolled up
- "Distinguish" now only shows on your own comments if you are a moderator. This matches the stupid API behavior because...the Lemmy devs don't listen to anyone. (Wow I really can't go one release without throwing deserved shade at them, can I?)
- Modlog now shows hide/unhide and remove/restore community events.
Bugfixes: Major
Image Cache Housekeeping
Fixed image cache housekeeping not working correctly.
There were changes to fs/promises
that I missed, and some functionality changed along with a few of the member variables being deprecated. This was causing the directory content calculations to silently fail safe (returned 0 rather than crashing).
As a result, nothing was ever getting evicted from the cache.
If you are using the cache functionality of the image proxy, you will likely notice that startup takes a bit longer this time if you have housekeeping set to run at startup (recommended). This is because it will be housekeeping all of the cached objects it should have been housekeeping all along. Once the initial cleanup of the backlog has completed, further startups should complete in the normal/expected amount of time.
If startup takes too long, you can always delete all of the .cache
objects manually from the mounted cache folder. See the Media Proxy docs for configuration options.
New Features / Changes
"Hybrid" Post View
Rather than a binary choice of "card" or "compact", hybrid view will let you set a list of post types (image, video, article, etc) that you want to render as cards while displaying everything else as compact. This is the new default view.
This is useful, for example, to let memes and news articles co-exist without having to expand every meme image manually in compact view or view every article thumbnail card-sized.
The behavior and post types can be configured from Quick Settings -> Post Style -> Hybrid
and then clicking the link for "Configure" -or- from Settings -> Feed- > Hybrid View Configuration
By default, only image posts are expanded to cards.
In addition to setting the types of posts that should render as cards, you can optionlly keep read posts collapsed into compact view when they would otherwise be cards if they were unread. This is enabled by default, but can be easily disabled.
There is also a new regular view called "Compacter". It is the same as compact but post body is fully collapsed. Similar to "More Compact" but not full width.
Post Form Now Automatically Searches for Crossposts/Duplicates
When you are creating a post, the URL will be searched to see if you're posting something that's already been posted. It should do this automatically when the URL field changes or the URL is set and the community changes. The behavior is slightly different depending on if a community is defined:
If the community is not set, then it will search for any posts on your instance matching that URL. The label will be "Crossposts".
If the community is set, then it will do a remote API call to search the home instance of that community for any posts to that community with that URL. The label will be "Existing posts".
The latter behavior is particularly useful if you want to avoid accidentally posting a duplicate that may have been posted by someone you've blocked or by someone your instance doesn't federate with. Those posts may not be visible to you locally, so the remote search should help identify them so you don't clutter up the feed and/or add extra work for the moderator who usually removes duplicate posts.
If for whatever reason it doesn't trigger automatically, the "Magnifying Glass" icon to the right of the URL field can trigger the search manually.
Also note that behavior #2 only works if you're posting to a Lemmy community since it makes a remote API call to the community's home instance using the Lemmy API. Thus, it cannot search a remote Kbin/Piefed, etc instance.
Can Now Vote on Crossposts Without Clicking Into Them
Vote buttons have been added to the crosspost items, so you can now vote on them from the feed and post.
In the feed, since the cross_posts are rolled up manually from regular post objects, the voting works as expected.
Unfortunately, when clicked into a post, the API call does not add the my_vote
variable to the cross_posts
array. So while you can vote on the crosspost, and the vote will be correctly recorded, your vote will only display correctly while you're on that page. Since the API doesn't return the vote you cast, on refresh or subsequent loads, the vote button will not indicate which way you voted. If you try to vote again, the score will not necessarily change. Yet another feature I want to implement hampered by dumb API decisions.
DailyMotion Video Embeds Now Supported
I forgot Dailymotion existed until someone posted a link a while back. Upon inspection, they have an embed API, so I figured why not add support for it.
Moderation Menu Has Been Replaced With New Moderation Modal
The moderation menu on posts and comments has been removed. The reason is that the menus were getting cluttered when new things are added, especially for admins who have more options available than regular mods. Rather than creating sub-menus (yuck!) or introducing separate UI elements for admin controls, I've just scrapped the whole thing and started over.
The "mod" button will now open a modal containing all the mod tools that are appropriate for the item.
The cool thing about the new mod modal is that all of the tools are packaged into it. It doesn't open separate modals for banning/unbanning, removing/restoring, etc. It even has the community details available so that mods can reference the rules when issuing actions without leaving the item they're working with.
Current Capabilities and Features
- A mini-banner heading showing the current community with its icon and the creator of the item and their avatar/info.
- Both communtiy and user are clickable to bring up their respective profile modals to get more info (these pop up in separate modals and aren't integrated into the mod modal)
- Pin/Unpin the post to the community
- Feature/Unfeature the post on the instance (admins only)
- Lock/Unlock the post
- View the community details relevant to the current item (post or comment)
- View the votes for the item (admins only until whatever version of Lemmy lets mods do this for their communities)
- Remove/Restore the post or comment (shows the post meta header or the comment meta header and comment previews)
- Send a DM to the post/comment's creator
- Purge the post or comment (admin only)
- Ban/Unban the user from the community
- Ban/Unban the user from the instance (admins only)
- Distinguish/undistinguish mod comments
- View the user's modlog history
- Defaults to their history in the community relevant to the current item
- Can toggle between their modlog history in the community and their full modlog history
- Also has link to the full modlog viewer filtered for that user.
All tools stay within the same modal, and it shrinks/expands to accommodate the various integrated tools.
Improved Community Modals
To reduce clutter, the "Subscribe/Unsubscribe" (RSS Icon), "Favorite/Unfavorite" (Star), "Add/Remove to Group" (3 People) buttons have been moved to the modal title bar as icon-only buttons.
"Create Post" is no longer a link to the community's create post page. It now shows the create post form right in the modal. There is a button in the upper-right which will take you to the /c/{community}/create_post
page if you want to use the old form ( 🖼️ 👩🏻🦰 🖼️ it's the same form).
For admins, "Remove/Restore Community" and "Hide/Unhide Community" have been integrated. They will also now prompt for an optional reason to show in the modlog.
The "Community Details" is now a panel (like in the moderation modal) rather than being an accordion. Same functionality, different packaging.
You can now view the community's modlog directly in the modal.
Added the direct ban/unban user tool to the community modal. Instance admins and community moderators can now manually ban/unban users from the community without having to dig up a submission. Useful to revisit an old ban or to ban a known troll making the rounds before they hit your community.
Improved User Modals
The "Copy Lemmyverse Link" and "Copy Actor ID" buttons have been moved to the modal's title bar as icon-only buttons.
- The "Share" icon is for Copy Lemmyverse Link. This is used to share an instance-agnostic link to a user.
- The "Link" icon is for Copy Actor ID.
- The box with arrow in top right icon will take you to the user's ...
UI Changes
"Favorites" (star button) menu in the top navbar is now called "My Communities". Icon is now the icon for community.
- This was changed since the favorites menu was enhanced to also show your subscribed communities. The change better reflects the capabilities of the menu since it's the current way on mobile to access the community subscriptions that are in the sidebar on desktop.
- "Subscribed" is now the default selection
"Browse Communities" button changed to say "Explore Communities"
Communtiy items in sidebar and "My Communities" menu have favorites toggle and indicator icon.
- Allows to quick favorite/unfavorite communities
New Features
Favorites Dropdown in Navbar Now Has Subscribed List
The "Favorites" menu (star button) in the top navbar has been expanded to show both favorited communities as well as your subscribed list (with filter ability).
This is particularly useful on mobile to give quick access to your subscriptions without having to go through the Browse communities page which is clunky for this type of usage since it is limited by the API (as it's intended more for browsing communities than navigating them).
The "Subscribed" list is also filterable in the same way the sidebar filter is (they're literally the same components, just repackaged).
Until I get the sidebar and main layout re-written such that the sidebar can be used on mobile, this should work as a nice stopgap to provide feature parity with desktop usage.
UI Tweaks
Nav bar menus now have an indicator effect/color when open
Addressed some community icons that wouldn't display properly due to pict-rs refusing to generate thumbnails less than 128px
Fix bug where community modal cannot load if call to
fails and the community is already known- [774a41e] Separate resolveObject and getCommunity steps into separate try/caches in Community Profile modals
Fix bug where thumbnail size and preferred format for image URLs were being ignored when media proxy disabled
- [352ff2c] Apply format and size to default URLs if not going through image proxy
Flairs in Post Titles
It was pointed out that words in brackets meant to act as clarifying text were being converted to flairs and making some post titles hard to read. This is because the [tag syntax]
is the same as is used for clarifying text, so there was some overlap causing that behavior.
Now only bracketed text at the beginning and end of the title will be converted into a flair. This should allow flairs using the [tag syntax]
to co-exist with all but a few edge cases of clarifying text.
[Flair] [Flair 2] The title [of the book] goes here [Published 2022]
-> The title [of the book] goes here
with the flair tags being Flair, Flair 2, and Published 2022. The clarifying text in the middle remains unrendered.
The other bug I discovered in this area was that if the whole title was inside brackets, it would be converted into a big flair tag. Now, if there is no title text left after extracting the flairs, the title will be used as-is.
[Jaws theme intensifies]
would have been converted to a flair before. Now it will render as text (as likely intended by the creator).
Misc Bugfixes
- [26d2679] Add error handling in case bad URL sent to
helper functions. - [6b99e0c] Fixes issue where post was not being marked as read correctly on newer API versions since it was sending a single post ID instead of an array.
New Features in 1.4.16
Can Automatically Mark Posts as Read While Scrolling
Per user request, a new option and feature has been added that will automatically mark posts as read as you scroll past them in the feed. This is disabled by default, but can be enabled in Settings -> Feed -> Mark Posts Read on Scroll
Currently, a post will mark as read when 60% of it is in the viewport for more than 1.5 seconds.
Better Crosspost Attributions
Crossposts are great from a user standpoint as they reduce clutter, but they often bury other communities since it's not easily apparent where it was cross-posted from and by whom. The link also typically takes you away from your home instance (depending on UI, anyway).
Now, when crossposting, the default cross-post header has been updated to give better visibility to the original:
Cross posted from "ORIGINAL_TITLE" by @[email protected] in @[email protected]
The title is linked to the canonical AP URL of the original post (same as before but with text applied instead of a bare link). The original user and original community links are in the standard user/community link format. In Tesseract, both of those are clickable to view the user and community profiles.
Since Tesseract will automatically resolve unknown communities if you're logged in, this should give a visibility boost to communities that may go overlooked.
Note that since the crosspost header info is just prefixed into the new post body, this will have no effect on old crossposts. It will also not change anything for crossposts made via other UIs nor will it affect the crosspost behavior in general since those are all based on the post's URL.
Sidebar Community List
The sidebar with the subscription list has been completely overhauled. I'm now using standard CommunityLink
components which have the benefit of opening the community modals. The community buttons are still buttons and will take you to the community page. Clicking the community text will open the modal while clicking the button around that will take you to the community page.
The inline menu buttons have been removed since all of those functions are also available from the community modals. This saves a good chunk of memory since a discrete menu is not required for each element now.
The instances for each community are now also shown by default. You can disable this by turning off Settings -> General -> Show Instance Names in Sidebar
Community List Filtering
I've also re-implemented the filtering of the subscription list. It is now more granular and can accept modifiers as well as take the instance into account.
By default, the filter query will be a case-insensitive contains
comparison against the community's display name (or system name if display name is undefined).
It will now also accept an instance if you include it after an @
. The instance is compared with a case-insensitive startsWith
against the actor id of the community.
- Example 1:
will return any community containingnew
in its display name (or name if display name is not set) - Example 2:
will return[email protected]
,[email protected]
, etc.
Filter by Name (rather than display name)
If you want to filter the list by the community's system name rather than the display name, prefix the filter with an !
The instance is also accepted here if it is provided after an @
- Example 1:
will return any community whose system name begins withnew
such as[email protected]
,[email protected]
,[email protected]
, etc - Example 2: Using the same example from above,
will return[email protected]
but not[email protected]
- Example 3: Can be used if you want an exact match based on the community link syntax (![email protected])
Filter by Instance
To filter by instance, prefix the filter with an @
. This will only show communities belonging to the specified instance. This filter method uses a startsWith
, case-insensitive comparison against the hostname of the community's actor id.
This is particularly helpful if you want to see what communities you're subscribed to on a particular instance. AFAIK, there is no way to get that info from the API.
UI Tweaks
Independent Preview Button in Post Create/Edit Form
Rather than previewing the entire post, including thumbnail and embed metadata, you can now also preview just the markdown of the post body.
The old behavior was more of an intentional choice that didn't work out well in practice / real-world use. You can still preview the entire post (that hasn't gone away); you just have more granularity in what you preview.
Added "Fact Check" Section to Alternate Source Link Menu
There are one or two "Fact Check" options available in the alternate source link menu now.
- MBFC, if avaialble
- (shows on all links)
I'm not a fan of AI-generated summaries and analysises anything, so I probably won't be using that, but it's an option if you want to use it.
Direct Video Embeds Now Support Custom Thumbnails
If a custom thumbnail is provided for a post where the URL is to a video, the thumbnail will now be used for the click-to-play overlay.
Other Stuff
- [7c8c96f] Update MBFC dataset
- [c6ce221] Update MBFC removal template
- [c908b88] Add option to disable automatically refreshing dates in the RelativeDate component (post/comment published/edit times, etc)
- [135ed9c] Changed animation on menus to
instead ofscale
Get Tesseract
- Github
- Docker:
[322a00f] Reduce subnavbar button gap on smallest viewport to 0 to accommodate smaller displays. Additionally, load the "post view mode" menu from top-center instead of top-left.
[c925403] Fixed another case of infinite loop race condition when resolving community/user when no modlog actions matching the query exist. This should be the last time I have to fix this. Added a
flag so it can't run concurrently.
Bugfix + Enhancement
Community and Person Autocomplete Search Inputs
These are based on the API's search endpoint, and Lemmy's search kind-of sucks in a lot of ways. The relevant suckage is that when you've got the search type set to User or Community, it only searches against the name and title/display name and doesn't factor in the instance at all.
So, if you enter [email protected]
, you won't get any results because that's not the name
or title
of the community. If you just type news
, you get anything (remote or local) that has the word news
in its name or title (which is a lot). There is also no way to scope the search for local
Ok, so you have to scroll through 214 results to get to the right "news" community? Well, yes, but actually no. This part is my fault, though.
The autocomplete components did not incorporate any pagination logic and could only show a maximum of 50 results (max API allows per page). The hope was that Lemmy's search would suck less over time and the query could be tuned to make sure your desired object was within the first 50 results.
Still waiting on that.
So now, the auto complete components have been adjusted to compensate and extended with infinite scroll pagination:
It will first look for an exact match to the provided community. If the community is local, it can resolve with or without the
suffix. If the community is remote, the instance suffix is required for an exact match. -
If an exact match is found, it will be the first item in the results
The query is passed to the search endpoint as before, ignoring anything after
. e.g.[email protected]
just queriesnews
since the instance name isn't factored into the search (and works against it) -
Any results from the search step are appended to the results after the exact match (if any)
The autocomplete dropdown now does infinite scroll pagination for the search results.
This should make both the person and community auto complete components more useful and fix the issue with the 50 item limit.
- [0ed9799] Don't badge-ify hashtags if the hashtag linkify option is disabled
- [ce5a310] Make markdown text reactive (and re-run pre-processing step) to changes to the enable/disable hashtag setting.
- [704e2d7] When clicking the user/community links in the modal, close the modal when navigating to the target (previously modal stayed open)
- [3b8ef65] Update banner when viewing a post on a remote instance to use more concise verbiage and add an extra button to link to the post's canonical instance.
- [ec8c4bf] User and Community links are now
elements rather thanbutton
. Allows middle-clicking or right-click-> open in new tab to immediately open the profile/community in a new tab without having to click through the modal. Regular clicks still open the modal.
New Feature: Synthetic View Modes
Under the hood, there are still only two main types of view: Card and Compact
However, Compact view is affected by several options which can be combined to create different view styles.
The "compact/card" switcher button has been replaced with a selector menu to select from one of 6 views:
Card: The flagship Tesseract post view. Posts are shown as cards with all the media embed bells and whistles. Post body preview is set to 240 characters.
Compact: The classic "compact" view as of 1.4.12. Feed margins are present, post images are thumbnails, the post body preview is 240 characters, and no media is embedded unless the post is expanded into card view.
Wide Compact: Same as "compact" but without the feed margins. Posts span the full width of the display. Clicking the thumbnail image or the "expand" button in the post action bar will expand the post into card view.
More Compact: Same as "wide compact" except the body preview length is set to zero and can be expanded.
Ultra Compact: Same as "wide compact" except the thumbnails and the post body are hidden. Post body cannot be expanded, and you will need to click into the post to see it. Post can be expanded to card view only with the "expand" button in the post action bar. Expanding into card view does not reveal the post body, only the thumbnail image (if present). If the post is a media post, the embed will be available (either in full or click-to-play depending on settings)
Reader: Same as "wide compact" except the entire post body is shown (up to 10,000 characters).
More views may be added along the way, but for now, those should cover more use cases without having to manually fiddle with the various options.
- Fixed reactivity on modlog filter lookups (sometimes they got into a fetch loop)
- Fixed unhandled exception when a bad match occurs when detecting community/user links to be badge-ified (backported to 1.4.11)
Compact View Refreshed and is No Longer Second-Class Citizen
The 'compact' view has been refreshed. Now slightly more compact and powerful. Thumbnail images have been moved to the right side so they can be moved higher up in the post card while also keeping the left side consistent if there is no thumbnail image.
Compact mode now no longer automatically disables the feed margins. You'll need to use the "toggle margins" buttons in the navbar to make them full width (the setting will persist, so you only need to do it once).
It also works quite a bit better in mobile, though not perfect (there's not much difference in overall post height when it's scrunched down that far).
That said, "compact" view is mostly designed for desktop though I've done my best to make sure it looks presentable on mobile as well.
Posts can now also be rendered in compact mode on the post pages (e.g. /post/12345). All media and image posts, though, will still default to "card" mode (but can be minimized to compact). This was chosen as a compromise between not making article headline images huge and having to click twice to show an image post (e.g. meme) in full when clicking into it.
Adjustable Preview Length in Feed
Added a new setting (Settings -> Feed -> Post Body Preview Length
) to allow setting the number of characters that show in the post body in the feed before requiring a click of 'expand'. Can even disable the body previews if you want really compact posts. This setting is also available in the "Quick Options".
The default is 240 characters (same as the old hardcoded value in prior releases).
What's the difference between 'Disabled' and '0'?
Setting the body preview length to disabled
will hide the post body component completely in the feed (including the expand button); you will have to click into the post to see the body at all.
Setting it to 0
will not show the body preview contents but will keep the "expand" button to enable you to view the post body in the feed if you wish.
Possibilities for Synthetic View Modes
I really don't want to (and have no plans to) create and maintain more than two basic types of view.
That said, the compact view is flexible since it's affected by several different config options. In the future, I may add some "synthetic" view modes that change the margins, body preview length, and other config options to certain presets.
Reader View: Compact posts, full width (no margins), and shows most (or all) of the post body.
High Desnsity Mode: Compact posts, full width (no margins), post body preview disabled, flairs disabled, and thumbnails disabled (disabling thumbnails isn't a feature currently but can be)
??? (Suggestions welcome)
Link Preview Modal Can (try to) Load the Link in an iFrame
Added a button to the bottom of the link preview modal that will let you try to view the link in an iframe. Not all websites allow this (they set the X-Frame-Options
header to disallow it), but enough do that this feature can still be useful.
I tried doing a pre-flight check to determine if the link allowed loading in a frame and conditionally hide the button, but hit several snags:
- Browser-side: CORS policy would only allow opaque fetches (which, by nature, don't return the header I need to check).
- Browser-side: Checking the onLoad event from the iframe doesn't differentiate between success and failure
- Server-side: Tried adding an API endpoint and doing a server-side fetch to get the target page headers, but Cloudflare said 'fuck off, these are my M&Ms'
- Server-side: I started adding shims to get past Cloudflare, but quickly realized that is not a cat/mouse game I want to play.
So, the "IFrame" button will always be present/enabled on desktop view and may or may not work for any given link.
Streamlined Modals to Reduce Memory Consumption
Have reduced memory consumption by about 15-25% overall
Removed the embedded action modals (ban, remove submissions, etc) from moderation buttons and am calling the "shared" ones.
Ironically, this is basically putting those back to the way they were when I first forked from Photon. The problem, then, was that they weren't reactive and you had to refresh the page to see the results. Not ideal.
That was addressed with the new event dispatcher I added...
Switched from Bindings to Event Dispatchers/Listeners for Reactivity
In several places, variables were bound between 3 and 4 levels of components for the purposes of triggering state changes. This worked but was cumbersome and often left some things in the old state because there was no direct link between the component initiating the action and the one that needed to react to it.
I already used Svelte-native dispatchers in many places, but there were some components that didn't have a direct link to receive the dispatched events (similar to the bound variable conundrum)
Once I setup a global dispatcher, I started reconfiguring the reactivity to work with those events rather than binding everything down a huge chain of components.
This is expanding upon the reactivity enhancements first introduced in 1.4.2.
- [1751d2e] Don't fire swipe event if insde a text area or if selecting
- [e407e12] Don't close comment edit modal if clicking outside of it
- [42042b8] Fix
renderers so they don't make the inner text transparent when truncated with the fade effect - [feb8a19] Add
to zoomable image element; should help with some sites blocking cross-origin images fetches. - [721b5c2] Don't badge-ify hashtags in subnavbar post title
- [3f90524] Quick settings are now in a column layout on desktop (reflows to rows on mobile).
- [c8e541b] Make
class toggleable on modal titles; capitalize community names when rendering community profile modal - [8c78432] Added missing modlog actions:
- Transfer Community
- Remove / restore community
- [8c78432] Remove 'reason' placeholder in modlog details and make reason a conditional display element
- [f13796e] Tweak
regex pre-processor to ignore patterns that are part of a URL (e.g. Mbin's stupid /u/@username actor id format) - [5a99e6d] Add support for accented characters in hashtags
- [e1ea16a] Reimplement event handlers/forwarders in TextInput component so typescript doesn't bitch and moan
- [d8b6720] Removed redundant hashtag badge-ifier step in markdown link renderer
- [94b7080] Tweak hashtag regex yet again
- [b2bace2] Remove unsed imports, including old Fediseer components, from PostMeta compoennt
- [3a6b348] Reimplemented access control logic to community settings and admin panel
- [31d204e] Fix reversed conditional on ban/unban result toast message.
- [b5bbede] Fix community profile avatar to use initials rather than adventurer icons as placeholders
Community Management
[cbb5fae] Update community mod team management:
- Indicate community owner / top mod with green badge
- Add transfer community buttons for admins to assign a new owner/top mod
- Add conditional verbiage describing mod team
- Add keybinding to 'submit' when pressing enter when adding new mod
[4446918] Community cards now indicate if the community is deleted
[42e4f09] Mini modlog in community settings area no longer filters events; shows all relevant events for the community (previously, only showed a subset)
[94fa370] Communities can now be deleted/restored by top mods
- API will not let admins do this, but they can now transfer the communities to themselves and perform the deletes/restores
- Admins can now "take over" communities if needed (button adds them as a community mod and transfers it to them)
- Because I can't go one release without complaining about some stupid thing the Lemmy devs did, here's a fun fact:
- If a top mod deletes the community and then disappears (or deletes their account), there is no way to undelete the community from the API level; you have to set
for the record via the database. Only top mods can delete/undelete a community, and even admins cannot modify the moderators if the community is deleted (which is a pre-requisite for transferring the community which is a pre-requisite for undeleting the community). :sigh!: No idea if that is addressed in 0.19.4 or 5.
- If a top mod deletes the community and then disappears (or deletes their account), there is no way to undelete the community from the API level; you have to set
[1d663b8] Admins can remove/restore and hide/unhide local communities from the Community Settings page.