- released 2024-07-09
- added rsp_eu shortcut for SPECIEUROPE profiles
- released 2024-06-12
- added standard plot output handler for rsp_ and pls_ plots
- added SPECIEUROPE data set; and renamed sysdata SPECIATE for consistency
- added source argument to rsp(), 'us', 'eu', 'all' for extraction from SPECIATE, SPECIEUROPE or both; also added same to rsp_find_... functions
- various function updates to handle SPECIEUROPE profiles
- renamed rsp_q_... functions rsp_us_... because SPECIATE only
- renamed rsp_x_... functions rsp_id_... (request after rsp_x objects added)
- various fixes; some typos in docs; rsp_plot_species id tracking when species is factor
- website update
- released 2024-05-17
- code and documentation refresh...
- added as.respeciate method; replacing related unexported code
- sp_profile, sp_build_rsp_x updates; both now use as.respeciate
- sp_profile to rsp_profile; sp_dcast/melt to rsp_dcast/melt; both as part of object class rebuild
- sp_pad to rsp_pad; sp_rescale to rsp_rescale; class rebuild
- sp_match_profile to rsp_match_profile; class rebuild
- sp_cor to rsp_cor; sp_distance to rsp_dist; class rebuild
- rsp_plots now track factors
- pls_plots updated for object class
- released 2024-02-17
- sp_plot_species update; species order forced, added reset.x
- sp_match_profile update; fit methods for pd and sid (Belis)
- sp_match_profile update; added sid variations
- pls_plot patch; forcing profile order 1
- released 2023-12-01
- sp_build_rsp_x update; added further value handling
- summary.respeciate update; removed output print
- pls_rebuild update; option to add species as marker
- now importing lattice and latticeExtra for plot paneling
- pls_plots and plot.respeciate now using lattice/latticeExtra
- added sp_plot_profile and sp_profile_species
- reduced padding on log scale y-axis
- released 2023-10-25
- sp_build_rsp_x update; x converted to data.frame (trouble with tibbles!)
- pls_plot update; changed mar settings
- added first draft pls_test
- released 2023-10-14
- added functions: pls_fit_species
- added draft rsp_pls and rsp_x object classes
- added draft sp_build_rsp_x
- moved from importing data.table to data.table::as.data.table, etc...
- released 2023-09-26
- added functions: sp_rescale_species, sp_dcast, sp_dcast_species sp_pad, sp_pls_profile
- added draft spq_ quick profile build functions
- added pls_ functions for sp_pls_profile outputs
- sp_profile update: references not included by default
- sp_match: changed n to matches; added min.n (so more consistent with other functions); now averages x
- sp_species_cor: added heatmap and key list options
- released 2023-08-24
- now imports data.table; moving to data.table methods for speed
- changed news format because build_news missing previous md text
- added functions: sp_rescale_profile, sp_dcast_profile, sp_species_cor, sp_profile_dist, sp_match_profile, sp_melt_wide
- reduced object classes
- released 2023-06-21
- updated sysdata (now using SPECIATE 5.2)
- added sp_find_species
- extended sp_find_profile; now searches by species_name
- simplified plot.respeciate
- released 2021-05-26
- Karl Ropkins joined
- moved your sysdata.rda to the package data folder
- reset lazy.data to TRUE
- added an object class
- added sp_find_profile (find_code but making object class)
- added sp_profile (spec but making object class)
- added crude print and plot methods for object classes
- updated date and version
- The new code is in R:speciate.0.2.r
- [0.1.0]
- released 2020-12-20
- Created respeciate