As a Flutter plugin can not be built as a standalone application, the only way to verify the compilation is to build the example application using flutter build apk
or flutter build ios
from inside /auth0_flutter/example
The .githooks
folder contains git hooks specific to this repository. To make sure these get called, after cloning run the following from the repository root:
git config core.hooksPath .githooks
Run the unit tests for both packages using flutter test
in /auth0_flutter and /auth0_flutter_platform_interface respectively.
The example app can be run by executing flutter run
in /auth0_flutter/example.
UIAutomator interacts with device emulators, ensure an emulator for Android is running and accessible before running the tests.
The above tests rely on a couple of environment variables that can be defined in /auth0_flutter/example/.env:
: Auth0 DomainAUTH0_CLIENT_ID
: Auth0 Client IdUSER_EMAIL
: Email to log into the configured Auth0 Domain and Client IdUSER_PASSWORD
: Password to log into the configured Auth0 Domain and Client Id
With the environment variables defined, we can execute the integration tests using the terminal from /auth0_flutter/example/android:
./gradlew connectedDebugAndroidTest