Prepare dev tools
- Install GIT
Clone GIT repository
git clone https://github.com/automation64/bashlib64.git
Adjust environment variables to match your configuration:
- Copy environment definition files from templates:
cp dot.local .local cp dot.secrets .secrets
- Review and update content for both files
Download dev support scripts
- Add/Edit source code in:
Add/update test-cases in:
Build for testing:
Run test-cases using container images bundled with the
tool./bin/dev-test-testmansh [CONTAINER] [TEST_CASE] # example: ./bin/dev-test-testmansh bash-test/sles-15-bash-test test/batscore/bash-os/iam/bl64_iam_user_add_08
Open a lab (sandbox) container
./bin/dev-lab-bash [CONTAINER]
Run ad-hoc tests
- Project GIT repository: https://github.com/automation64/bashlib64
- Project Documentation: https://serdigital64.github.io/bashlib64/
- Release history: CHANGELOG