Firecdn is a low latancy cdn using firebase, You can directly upload a file (Authenticated) and share it on internet. It will be pretty much handy and very fast because you can choose your server's location.
Deploy is not quite simple. But if you are a tech lover you will definitely enjoy. Deployment is divided into two parts.
Setup the Firebase is simple. But firebase storage comes without access-control-allow-origin
header (CORS) that's why we have to setup the cors.
- Open Firebase Console
- Create a New Project (Click on Add Project)
- Give a Name, and setup the project
- We have set write on storage only from the authenticated request, that's why we have to setup Firebase Auth. So, click on
in Dashboard and hitGet Started
- Enable
method inSign-in providers
- Click on users and add an user by entering Email & Password
- Copy
User UID
of that created user - Now in Project's Dashboard click on
, Click onGet Started
- Click on
for security rules (Will change it later) - For cloud storage location, Setup your nearest location (Check this out) and hit
- Copy the bucket url for later (starts with gs://)
- Click on
and replace it with (Don't forget to add the Copied UID) 👇
rules_version = '2';
service {
match /b/{bucket}/o {
match /{allPaths=**} {
allow read, write: if request.auth.uid == "copied_uid";
- Now everything is ready to go, Now have to setup the cors. For that got to (Same Account which is used in Firebase)
- Paste the script in terminal 👇
curl -sSL | bash
- It will ask for
(Previously Copied), Paste that and hit enter and you are ready to go
- Firstly fork this Repo (Also give a Star 😁)
- Open Firebase again, go to that created project and click
add an web app
- Give any name to it
- It will give you some configuration scripts, Only copy this part like below
var firebaseConfig = {
apiKey: "AIzaSyB9eBs10atrgeGAI-WQm6UO72lhzmT-vpo",
authDomain: "",
projectId: "thefirecdn",
storageBucket: "",
messagingSenderId: "707022422419",
appId: "1:707022422419:web:b51d29ade5652390246866"
- Edit
- Replace with the copied script in marked place
- Now you can host the website using Vercel / Netlify / Github Pages etc.
- This Project is Apache-2.0 Licensed
- Copyright 2021 by Tuhin Kanti Pal