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Amazon Lex V2 CloudFormation Custom Resource

An Amazon Lex V2 CloudFormation Custom Resource

NOTE: this project has been deprecated. Amazon Lex now supports AWS CloudFormation.

Quick Start

Deploy Your Own Stack

Before you can use the Custom Resource, you need to deploy this project in your AWS account. You can deploy this project using the AWS Serverless Application Repository (SAR) or using the AWS Serverless Application Model Command Line Interface (SAM CLI). Once you deploy it, you can reference the created Lambda function and IAM role in your CloudFormation templates. See the Usage section below for details on how to use the Custom Resources.

Deployment options:

  1. Using SAR:

    You can deploy this project with this AWS Console one click link.

    Alternatively, you can directly embed the SAR application as a nested stack in your CloudFormation template. See the following snippet or the examples/zip-code directory for a template that uses this nested stack approach.

    NOTE: Deploying the stack with the one click SAR link above is preferred over using the nested stack in cases where you want a single instance of the Custom Resource Lambda function to be shared between stacks to avoid duplication.

      # This deploys the Custom Resource as a nested CloudFormation stack
      # The Custom Resource is provisioned with your bot. However, the Custom
      # Resource becomes dedicated and should not be shared with other stacks
      # as it gets deleted when you delete your stack
        Type: AWS::Serverless::Application
            ApplicationId: arn:aws:serverlessrepo:us-east-1:777566285978:applications/lex-v2-cfn-cr
            SemanticVersion: 0.3.0
            # Custom Resource Lambda log level
            LogLevel: 'INFO'
        Type: Custom::LexBot
          # this references the Lambda function created by the Custom Resource stack above.
          # Note that it uses the Outputs of the nested stack
          ServiceToken: !GetAtt LexV2CfnCr.Outputs.LexV2CfnCrFunctionArn
          botName: My Bot
          # ...
          # See the example in the examples/zip-code directory for a full template
          # that uses this approach
  2. Using the SAM CLI:

    Clone this repo and issue the following commands from a host with the sam cli:

    sam build --use-container
    sam deploy --guided

    See the examples/order-flowers directory for a template that illustrates how to use this approach. See the Development section below for more details.


Once you have deployed the Custom Resource stack as described above, you are ready to use it in your own CloudFormation templates. There are three Custom Resources that work together:

  1. LexBot: Deploys a Lex bot including associated subresources: locales, slot types, intents and slots. These subresources are managed as a unit with the bot so everything is managed from a single resource. CloudFormation changes are done to the DRAFT version of the bot. The Custom Resource automatically builds all locales after successful CloudFormation deployments
  2. LexBotVersion: Creates immutable bot versions from the bot DRAFT version
  3. LexBotAlias: Provisions and manages a bot alias that is pointed to a version

The snippett below shows an example of how to use these Custom Resources in your CloudFormation templates:

  # add a parameter to your bot template to reference the Custom Resource stack
    Description: >-
      Existing Lex V2 Custom Resource Stack Name. This is used to import the
      Lambda function and IAM role provisioned by the Custom Resource stack
    Type: String
    # If you deployed via the SAR Console and used the defaults, your stack
    # will be named serverlessrepo-lex-v2-cfn-cr. If you deployed manually,
    # make it match the name of your Custom Resource stack
    Default: serverlessrepo-lex-v2-cfn-cr

  # LexBot resource contains the bot definition and subresources including:
  # locales, slot types, intents and slots. These subresources use custom
  # attributes with a name prefix: CR.<subresource name>
  # The changes are done to the DRAFT version of the bot.
  # All locales are automatically built
    Type: Custom::LexBot
        # Points to the Custom Resource Lambda function
          Fn::Sub: "${LexV2CfnCrStackName}-LexV2CfnCrFunctionArn"
      # Bot level attributes
        childDirected: True
      description: Test bot deployed using CloudFormation Custom Resource
      idleSessionTTLInSeconds: 300
        # Points to the Custom Resource IAM Service Linked role
          Fn::Sub: "${LexV2CfnCrStackName}-LexServiceLinkedRole"
      # List of Bot Locale definitions. Requires one or more locales
        # Locale level attributes
        - localeId: en_US
          nluIntentConfidenceThreshold: 0.40
            voiceId: Salli
          # List of optional Slot Type definitions
            # Slot Type level attributes
            - slotTypeName: ZipCodeType
              parentSlotTypeSignature: AMAZON.AlphaNumeric
                resolutionStrategy: OriginalValue
                  pattern: '[0-9]{8}'
          # List of Intent definitions. Requires one or more Intents
              # Intent level attributes
            - intentName: UpdateZipCode
                - utterance: i want to change my zip code
                - utterance: i have a new zip code
                - utterance: my new zip code is {ZipCode}
               # List of optional Slot definitions. Defined in order of slot priority
                # Slot level attributes
                - slotName: ZipCode
                  # Slot Type Name is used to dyanmically resolve the ID of the
                  # associated Slot Type defined above
                  CR.slotTypeName: ZipCodeType
                    slotConstraint: Required
                        - message:
                              value: What is your zipcode?
                      maxRetries: 2
                      allowInterrupt: true
            # The Fallback intent is automatically created by the Lex service
            # This will update the default fallback intent
            - intentName: FallbackIntent
              description: Default fallback intent when no other intent matches
                    - message:
                          value: Sorry I am having trouble understanding.

  # Creates an immutable Bot Version
    # Bot versions are deleted by the Bot on Stack deletions. This deletion
    # policy speeds up deletes
    DeletionPolicy: Retain
    # Version number changes between updates which cause a CloudFormation
    # delete event since the version number is the physical resource ID.
    # The following policies prevents deletion events to retain the bot versions
    # and speed up updates
    UpdateReplacePolicy: Retain
    Type: Custom::LexBotVersion
          Fn::Sub: "${LexV2CfnCrStackName}-LexV2CfnCrFunctionArn"
      # Bot Version level attributes
      botId: !Ref LexBot
      # botVersionLocaleSpecification is derived from the bot locales
      # this controls which locales are added to the version
      CR.botLocaleIds: !GetAtt LexBot.botLocaleIds
      # lastUpdatedDateTime is used to detect changes in the bot
      CR.lastUpdatedDateTime: !GetAtt LexBot.lastUpdatedDateTime

  # Provisions a Bot Alias that points to a version
    # Bot aliases are deleted by the Bot on Stack deletions. This deletion
    # policy speeds up deletes
    DeletionPolicy: Retain
    Type: Custom::LexBotAlias
          Fn::Sub: "${LexV2CfnCrStackName}-LexV2CfnCrFunctionArn"
      botId: !Ref LexBot
      botAliasName: live
      # points to the latest version of the resource above
      botVersion: !Ref LexBotVersion
      # enable locales under this alias
          enabled: True

    Description: Lex Bot ID
    Value: !Ref LexBot

    Description: Lex Bot Locale IDs
    Value: !Join [",", !GetAtt LexBot.botLocaleIds]

    Description: Latest Lex Bot Version ID
    Value: !Ref LexBotVersion

    Description: Lex Bot Alias ID
    Value: !Ref LexBotAlias

Generally, the Custom Resources proxy the requests to the corresponding Create/Update/Delete operations of the Lex V2 Models API using boto3. For details, see the boto3 Lex V2 Models reference

Some attributes of the custom resources use the prefix CR. as a marker for subresources (e.g. locales, slot types, intents, slots). It is also used for cases where the underlying API requires an ID that needs to be dynamically resolved and for custom attributes that are not part of the Lex APIS.


  • CloudFormation update and creation events must complete within the Lambda limit of 15 minutes. This also includes building the Bot locales. This is enough time for the vast majority of bots. The poller functionality of the CrHelper library is not used to extend this time since larger bot definitions can trigger a 8KB limit in the CloudWatch Events input payload
  • If a bot fails to build during a deployment, it may not be able to automatically roll back the DRAFT version. In that case, you may need to restore the DRAFT version manually and rebuild before you can update with CloudFormation again. You can also use the Lex export functionality to an get an existing working bot version and restore it into the current DRAFT using the Lex import functionality
  • Lex Bot Resource Policies are not implemented
  • The Custom Resource stack deploys a regular IAM Role instead of an IAM Service Linked Role to be used with the Lex Bot. The SAR service does not currently support Service Linked Roles. We may change this if support is added. You can create your own Service Linked Role separately and use it in your template


Deploy Using SAM

The deployment of this project uses the SAM CLI.

The SAM CLI is an extension of the AWS CLI that adds functionality for building and testing Lambda applications. It uses Docker to run your functions in an Amazon Linux environment that matches Lambda.

To use the SAM CLI, you need the following tools.

To build and deploy your application for the first time, run the following in your shell:

sam build --use-container
sam deploy --guided

The first command will build the source of your application. The second command will package and deploy your application to AWS, with a series of prompts:

  • Stack Name: The name of the stack to deploy to CloudFormation. This should be unique to your account and region, and a good starting point would be something matching your project name.
  • AWS Region: The AWS region you want to deploy your app to.
  • Confirm changes before deploy: If set to yes, any change sets will be shown to you before execution for manual review. If set to no, the AWS SAM CLI will automatically deploy application changes.
  • Allow SAM CLI IAM role creation: Many AWS SAM templates, including this example, create AWS IAM roles required for the AWS Lambda function(s) included to access AWS services. By default, these are scoped down to minimum required permissions. To deploy an AWS CloudFormation stack which creates or modifies IAM roles, the CAPABILITY_IAM value for capabilities must be provided. If permission isn't provided through this prompt, to deploy this example you must explicitly pass --capabilities CAPABILITY_IAM to the sam deploy command.
  • Save arguments to samconfig.toml: If set to yes, your choices will be saved to a configuration file inside the project, so that in the future you can just re-run sam deploy without parameters to deploy changes to your application.

Development Environment Setup

This project is developed and tested on Amazon Linux 2 using AWS Cloud9:

This project contains a Makefile that can be optionally used to facilitate tasks such as:

  1. Create a python virtual environment and install the required dependencies:

    make install
  2. Build the project

    make build
  3. Deploy the stack:

    Before deploying for the first time, you may need to configure your deployment settings using:

    sam deploy --guided

    Alternatively, you can edit the samconfig.toml file to configure your deployment values.

    After that initial setup, you can deploy using:

    make deploy
  4. Run linters on the source code:

    make lint
  5. Publish to SAR:

    make publish
  6. Delete the stack:

    make delete-stack

SAM Local Invoke

To invoke local functions with an event file:

make test-local-invoke
EVENT_FILE=tests/events/lex_v2_cfn_cr/create-bot.json make local-invoke-lex_v2_cfn_cr

SAM Local Invoke Debug Lambda Functions

To interactively debug inside the SAM container running a Lambda function put debugpy as a dependency in the requirements.txt file under the function directory. That allows to attach a Python debugger to the Lambda function.

To debug using Visual Studio Code, create a launch task to attach to the debugger (example found in the launch.json file under the .vscode directory):

       "name": "Debug SAM Lambda debugpy attach",
       "type": "python",
       "request": "attach",
       "port": 5678,
       "host": "localhost",
       "pathMappings": [
               "localRoot": "${workspaceFolder}/${relativeFileDirname}",
               "remoteRoot": "/var/task"

Set the DEBUGGER environmental variable. For example, to debug the lex_v2_cfn_cr function, run the following command (requires debugpy in the function requirements.txt folder):

DEBUGGER=true EVENT_FILE=tests/events/lex_v2_cfn_cr/create-bot.json make local-invoke-lex_v2_cfn_cr


See the AWS SAM developer guide for an introduction to SAM specification, the SAM CLI, and serverless application concepts.


To delete this application, you can use the AWS CLI:

aws cloudformation delete-stack --stack-name '<cloudformation-stack-name>'

Or delete the stack using the AWS CloudFormation Console


See CONTRIBUTING for more information.


This project is licensed under the Apache-2.0 License.