This MATLAB toolbox was developed to study the Weyl-Heisenberg bases and their properties in the field of signal processing and compression in time-frequency domain. The toolbox includes m-files that allow the synthesis and analysis of forming WH-functions and their corresponding orthogonal bases.
The classic procedure for the synthesis of Weyl-Heisenberg bases is described in detail in this article. The fast algorithm which uses discrete Wigner transforms is described in paper or Zak-transforms in paper.
Add to MATLAB path toolbox scripts and samples folders:
addpath('[...] /matlab/toolbox_scripts')
addpath('[...] /matlab/toolbox_samples')
Run sample script:
>> plotgauss3
Number of samples = 128
Standard deviation = 0.00025
Example of the bases construction: Gabor (non-orthogonal) and Weyl-Heisenberg (orthogonal).
Run sample script:
>> basis
Number of frequency shifts M = 16
Number of time shifts L = 16
Alfa-parameter = 8
Standard deviation = 0.0025
Apache License v2.0
A full list of references is given in a separate file (primarily in Russian).