diff --git a/truss-chains/tests/chains_test.py b/truss-chains/tests/chains_e2e_test.py
similarity index 56%
rename from truss-chains/tests/chains_test.py
rename to truss-chains/tests/chains_e2e_test.py
index e3c7fcb89..9e403a91b 100644
--- a/truss-chains/tests/chains_test.py
+++ b/truss-chains/tests/chains_e2e_test.py
@@ -1,14 +1,10 @@
 import logging
-import re
 from pathlib import Path
-from typing import List
-import pydantic
 import pytest
 import requests
 from truss.tests.test_testing_utilities_for_other_tests import ensure_kill_all
-import truss_chains as chains
 from truss_chains import definitions, framework, public_api, remote, utils
@@ -128,114 +124,3 @@ async def test_chain_local():
             match="Chainlets cannot be naively instantiated",
             await entrypoint().run_remote(length=20, num_partitions=5)
-# Chainlet Initialization Guarding #####################################################
-def test_raises_without_depends():
-    with pytest.raises(definitions.ChainsUsageError, match="chains.provide"):
-        class WithoutDepends(chains.ChainletBase):
-            def __init__(self, chainlet1):
-                self.chainlet1 = chainlet1
-            def run_remote(self) -> str:
-                return self.chainlet1.run_remote()
-class Chainlet1(chains.ChainletBase):
-    def run_remote(self) -> str:
-        return self.__class__.name
-class Chainlet2(chains.ChainletBase):
-    def run_remote(self) -> str:
-        return self.__class__.name
-class InitInInit(chains.ChainletBase):
-    def __init__(self, chainlet2=chains.depends(Chainlet2)):
-        self.chainlet1 = Chainlet1()
-        self.chainlet2 = chainlet2
-    def run_remote(self) -> str:
-        return self.chainlet1.run_remote()
-class InitInRun(chains.ChainletBase):
-    def run_remote(self) -> str:
-        Chainlet1()
-        return "abc"
-def foo():
-    return Chainlet1()
-class InitWithFn(chains.ChainletBase):
-    def __init__(self):
-        foo()
-    def run_remote(self) -> str:
-        return self.__class__.name
-def test_raises_init_in_init():
-    match = "Chainlets cannot be naively instantiated"
-    with pytest.raises(definitions.ChainsRuntimeError, match=match):
-        with chains.run_local():
-            InitInInit()
-def test_raises_init_in_run():
-    match = "Chainlets cannot be naively instantiated"
-    with pytest.raises(definitions.ChainsRuntimeError, match=match):
-        with chains.run_local():
-            chain = InitInRun()
-            chain.run_remote()
-def test_raises_init_in_function():
-    match = "Chainlets cannot be naively instantiated"
-    with pytest.raises(definitions.ChainsRuntimeError, match=match):
-        with chains.run_local():
-            InitWithFn()
-def test_raises_depends_usage():
-    class InlinedDepends(chains.ChainletBase):
-        def __init__(self):
-            self.chainlet1 = chains.depends(Chainlet1)
-        def run_remote(self) -> str:
-            return self.chainlet1.run_remote()
-    match = (
-        "`chains.depends(Chainlet1)` was used, but not as "
-        "an argument to the `__init__`"
-    )
-    with pytest.raises(definitions.ChainsRuntimeError, match=re.escape(match)):
-        with chains.run_local():
-            chain = InlinedDepends()
-            chain.run_remote()
-class SomeModel(pydantic.BaseModel):
-    foo: int
-def test_raises_unsupported_arg_type_list_object():
-    with pytest.raises(definitions.ChainsUsageError, match="Unsupported I/O type"):
-        class UnsupportedArgType(chains.ChainletBase):
-            def run_remote(self) -> list[pydantic.BaseModel]:
-                return [SomeModel(foo=0)]
-def test_raises_unsupported_arg_type_list_object_legacy():
-    with pytest.raises(definitions.ChainsUsageError, match="Unsupported I/O type"):
-        class UnsupportedArgType(chains.ChainletBase):
-            def run_remote(self) -> List[pydantic.BaseModel]:
-                return [SomeModel(foo=0)]
diff --git a/truss-chains/tests/test_framework.py b/truss-chains/tests/test_framework.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..45ef50c73
--- /dev/null
+++ b/truss-chains/tests/test_framework.py
@@ -0,0 +1,419 @@
+import contextlib
+import logging
+import re
+from typing import List
+import pydantic
+import pytest
+import truss_chains as chains
+from truss_chains import definitions, framework, public_api, utils
+# Assert that naive chainlet initialization is detected and prevented. #################
+class Chainlet1(chains.ChainletBase):
+    def run_remote(self) -> str:
+        return self.__class__.name
+class Chainlet2(chains.ChainletBase):
+    def run_remote(self) -> str:
+        return self.__class__.name
+class InitInInit(chains.ChainletBase):
+    def __init__(self, chainlet2=chains.depends(Chainlet2)):
+        self.chainlet1 = Chainlet1()
+        self.chainlet2 = chainlet2
+    def run_remote(self) -> str:
+        return self.chainlet1.run_remote()
+class InitInRun(chains.ChainletBase):
+    def run_remote(self) -> str:
+        Chainlet1()
+        return "abc"
+def foo():
+    return Chainlet1()
+class InitWithFn(chains.ChainletBase):
+    def __init__(self):
+        foo()
+    def run_remote(self) -> str:
+        return self.__class__.name
+def test_raises_init_in_init():
+    match = "Chainlets cannot be naively instantiated"
+    with pytest.raises(definitions.ChainsRuntimeError, match=match):
+        with chains.run_local():
+            InitInInit()
+def test_raises_init_in_run():
+    match = "Chainlets cannot be naively instantiated"
+    with pytest.raises(definitions.ChainsRuntimeError, match=match):
+        with chains.run_local():
+            chain = InitInRun()
+            chain.run_remote()
+def test_raises_init_in_function():
+    match = "Chainlets cannot be naively instantiated"
+    with pytest.raises(definitions.ChainsRuntimeError, match=match):
+        with chains.run_local():
+            InitWithFn()
+def test_raises_depends_usage():
+    class InlinedDepends(chains.ChainletBase):
+        def __init__(self):
+            self.chainlet1 = chains.depends(Chainlet1)
+        def run_remote(self) -> str:
+            return self.chainlet1.run_remote()
+    match = (
+        "`chains.depends(Chainlet1)` was used, but not as "
+        "an argument to the `__init__`"
+    )
+    with pytest.raises(definitions.ChainsRuntimeError, match=re.escape(match)):
+        with chains.run_local():
+            chain = InlinedDepends()
+            chain.run_remote()
+# Assert that Chain(let) definitions are validated #################################
+def _raise_errors():
+    framework._global_chainlet_registry.clear()
+    framework.raise_validation_errors()
+    yield
+    framework._global_chainlet_registry.clear()
+    framework.raise_validation_errors()
+TEST_FILE = __file__
+def test_raises_without_depends():
+    match = (
+        rf"{TEST_FILE}:\d+ \(WithoutDepends\.__init__\) \[kind: TYPE_ERROR\].*must "
+        r"have dependency Chainlets with default values from `chains.depends`"
+    )
+    with pytest.raises(definitions.ChainsUsageError, match=match), _raise_errors():
+        class WithoutDepends(chains.ChainletBase):
+            def __init__(self, chainlet1):
+                self.chainlet1 = chainlet1
+            def run_remote(self) -> str:
+                return self.chainlet1.run_remote()
+class SomeModel(pydantic.BaseModel):
+    foo: int
+def test_raises_unsupported_return_type_list_object():
+    match = (
+        rf"{TEST_FILE}:\d+ \(UnsupportedArgType\.run_remote\) \[kind: IO_TYPE_ERROR\].*"
+        r"Unsupported I/O type for `return_type`"
+    )
+    with pytest.raises(definitions.ChainsUsageError, match=match), _raise_errors():
+        class UnsupportedArgType(chains.ChainletBase):
+            def run_remote(self) -> list[pydantic.BaseModel]:
+                return [SomeModel(foo=0)]
+def test_raises_unsupported_return_type_list_object_legacy():
+    match = (
+        rf"{TEST_FILE}:\d+ \(UnsupportedArgType\.run_remote\) \[kind: IO_TYPE_ERROR\].*"
+        r"Unsupported I/O type for `return_type`"
+    )
+    with pytest.raises(definitions.ChainsUsageError, match=match), _raise_errors():
+        class UnsupportedArgType(chains.ChainletBase):
+            def run_remote(self) -> List[pydantic.BaseModel]:
+                return [SomeModel(foo=0)]
+def test_raises_unsupported_arg_type_list_object():
+    match = (
+        rf"{TEST_FILE}:\d+ \(UnsupportedArgType\.run_remote\) \[kind: IO_TYPE_ERROR\].*"
+        r"Unsupported I/O type for `arg`"
+    )
+    with pytest.raises(definitions.ChainsUsageError, match=match), _raise_errors():
+        class UnsupportedArgType(chains.ChainletBase):
+            def run_remote(self, arg: list[pydantic.BaseModel]) -> None:
+                return
+def test_raises_unsupported_arg_type_object():
+    match = (
+        rf"{TEST_FILE}:\d+ \(UnsupportedArgType\.run_remote\) \[kind: IO_TYPE_ERROR\].*"
+        r"Unsupported I/O type for `arg` of type `<class 'object'>`"
+    )
+    with pytest.raises(definitions.ChainsUsageError, match=match), _raise_errors():
+        class UnsupportedArgType(chains.ChainletBase):
+            def run_remote(self, arg: object) -> None:
+                return
+def test_raises_unsupported_arg_type_str_annot():
+    match = (
+        rf"{TEST_FILE}:\d+ \(UnsupportedArgType\.run_remote\) \[kind: IO_TYPE_ERROR\].*"
+        r"A string-valued type annotation was found for `arg` of type `SomeModel`"
+    )
+    with pytest.raises(definitions.ChainsUsageError, match=match), _raise_errors():
+        class UnsupportedArgType(chains.ChainletBase):
+            def run_remote(self, arg: "SomeModel") -> None:
+                return
+def test_raises_endpoint_no_method():
+    match = (
+        rf"{TEST_FILE}:\d+ \(StaticMethod\.run_remote\) \[kind: TYPE_ERROR\].*"
+        r"Endpoint must be a method"
+    )
+    with pytest.raises(definitions.ChainsUsageError, match=match), _raise_errors():
+        class StaticMethod(chains.ChainletBase):
+            @staticmethod
+            def run_remote() -> None:
+                return
+def test_raises_endpoint_no_method_arg():
+    match = (
+        rf"{TEST_FILE}:\d+ \(StaticMethod\.run_remote\) \[kind: TYPE_ERROR\].*"
+        r"Endpoint must be a method"
+    )
+    with pytest.raises(definitions.ChainsUsageError, match=match), _raise_errors():
+        class StaticMethod(chains.ChainletBase):
+            @staticmethod
+            def run_remote(arg: "SomeModel") -> None:
+                return
+def test_raises_endpoint_not_annotated():
+    match = (
+        rf"{TEST_FILE}:\d+ \(NoArgAnnot\.run_remote\) \[kind: IO_TYPE_ERROR\].*"
+        r"Arguments of endpoints must have type annotations."
+    )
+    with pytest.raises(definitions.ChainsUsageError, match=match), _raise_errors():
+        class NoArgAnnot(chains.ChainletBase):
+            def run_remote(self, arg) -> None:
+                return
+def test_raises_endpoint_return_not_annotated():
+    match = (
+        rf"{TEST_FILE}:\d+ \(NoReturnAnnot\.run_remote\) \[kind: IO_TYPE_ERROR\].*"
+        r"Return values of endpoints must be type annotated."
+    )
+    with pytest.raises(definitions.ChainsUsageError, match=match), _raise_errors():
+        class NoReturnAnnot(chains.ChainletBase):
+            def run_remote(self):
+                return
+def test_raises_endpoint_return_not_supported():
+    match = (
+        rf"{TEST_FILE}:\d+ \(ReturnNotSupported\.run_remote\) \[kind: IO_TYPE_ERROR\].*"
+        r"Unsupported I/O type for `return_type` of type `<class 'object'>`"
+    )
+    with pytest.raises(definitions.ChainsUsageError, match=match), _raise_errors():
+        class ReturnNotSupported(chains.ChainletBase):
+            def run_remote(self) -> object:
+                return object()
+def test_raises_no_endpoint():
+    match = (
+        rf"{TEST_FILE}:\d+ \(NoEndpoint\) \[kind: MISSING_API_ERROR\].*"
+        r"Chainlets must have a `run_remote` method."
+    )
+    with pytest.raises(definitions.ChainsUsageError, match=match), _raise_errors():
+        class NoEndpoint(chains.ChainletBase):
+            def rum_remote(self) -> object:
+                return object()
+def test_raises_context_not_trailing():
+    match = (
+        rf"{TEST_FILE}:\d+ \(ContextNotTrailing\.__init__\) \[kind: TYPE_ERROR\].*"
+        r"The init argument name `context` is reserved for the optional context "
+        f"argument, which must be trailing"
+    )
+    with pytest.raises(definitions.ChainsUsageError, match=match), _raise_errors():
+        class Chainlet1(chains.ChainletBase):
+            def run_remote(self) -> str:
+                return self.__class__.name
+        class ContextNotTrailing(chains.ChainletBase):
+            def __init__(self, context, chainlet1=chains.depends(Chainlet1)): ...
+def test_raises_not_dep_marker():
+    match = (
+        rf"{TEST_FILE}:\d+ \(NoDepMarker\.__init__\) \[kind: TYPE_ERROR\].*"
+        r"Any arguments of a Chainlet\'s __init__ \(besides `context`\) must have "
+        f"dependency Chainlets with default values from `chains.depends`-directive"
+    )
+    with pytest.raises(definitions.ChainsUsageError, match=match), _raise_errors():
+        class Chainlet1(chains.ChainletBase):
+            def run_remote(self) -> str:
+                return self.__class__.name
+        class NoDepMarker(chains.ChainletBase):
+            def __init__(self, chainlet1=Chainlet1): ...
+def test_raises_dep_not_chainlet():
+    match = (
+        rf"{TEST_FILE}:\d+ \(DepNotChainlet\.__init__\) \[kind: TYPE_ERROR\].*"
+        r"`chains.depends` must be used with a Chainlet class as argument, got <class "
+        f"'truss_chains.definitions.RPCOptions'>"
+    )
+    with pytest.raises(definitions.ChainsUsageError, match=match), _raise_errors():
+        class Chainlet1(chains.ChainletBase):
+            def run_remote(self) -> str:
+                return self.__class__.name
+        class DepNotChainlet(chains.ChainletBase):
+            def __init__(self, chainlet1=chains.depends(definitions.RPCOptions)): ...
+def test_raises_dep_not_chainlet_annot():
+    match = (
+        rf"{TEST_FILE}:\d+ \(DepNotChainletAnnot\.__init__\) \[kind: TYPE_ERROR\].*"
+        r"The type annotation for `chainlet1` must be a class/subclass of the "
+        "Chainlet type"
+    )
+    with pytest.raises(definitions.ChainsUsageError, match=match), _raise_errors():
+        class Chainlet1(chains.ChainletBase):
+            def run_remote(self) -> str:
+                return self.__class__.name
+        class DepNotChainletAnnot(chains.ChainletBase):
+            def __init__(
+                self,
+                chainlet1: definitions.RPCOptions = chains.depends(Chainlet1),  # type: ignore
+            ): ...
+def test_raises_context_missing_default():
+    match = (
+        rf"{TEST_FILE}:\d+ \(ContextMissingDefault\.__init__\) \[kind: TYPE_ERROR\].*"
+        r"f `<class \'truss_chains.definitions.ABCChainlet\'>` uses context for "
+        r"initialization, it must have `context` argument of type `<class "
+        f"'truss_chains.definitions.DeploymentContext'>`"
+    )
+    with pytest.raises(definitions.ChainsUsageError, match=match), _raise_errors():
+        class ContextMissingDefault(chains.ChainletBase):
+            def __init__(self, context=None): ...
+def test_raises_context_wrong_annot():
+    match = (
+        rf"{TEST_FILE}:\d+ \(ConextWrongAnnot\.__init__\) \[kind: TYPE_ERROR\].*"
+        r"f `<class \'truss_chains.definitions.ABCChainlet\'>` uses context for "
+        r"initialization, it must have `context` argument of type `<class "
+        f"'truss_chains.definitions.DeploymentContext'>`"
+    )
+    with pytest.raises(definitions.ChainsUsageError, match=match), _raise_errors():
+        class ConextWrongAnnot(chains.ChainletBase):
+            def __init__(self, context: object = chains.depends_context()): ...
+def test_raises_chainlet_reuse():
+    match = (
+        rf"{TEST_FILE}:\d+ \(ChainletReuse\.__init__\) \[kind: TYPE_ERROR\].*"
+        r"The same Chainlet class cannot be used multiple times for different arguments"
+    )
+    with pytest.raises(definitions.ChainsUsageError, match=match), _raise_errors():
+        class Chainlet1(chains.ChainletBase):
+            def run_remote(self) -> str:
+                return self.__class__.name
+        class ChainletReuse(chains.ChainletBase):
+            def __init__(
+                self, dep1=chains.depends(Chainlet1), dep2=chains.depends(Chainlet1)
+            ): ...
+            def run_remote(self) -> None:
+                return
+def test_collects_multiple_errors():
+    match = r"The Chainlet definitions contain 5 errors:"
+    with pytest.raises(definitions.ChainsUsageError, match=match), _raise_errors():
+        class MultiIssue(chains.ChainletBase):
+            def __init__(self, context, chainlet1):
+                self.chainlet1 = chainlet1
+            def run_remote(argument: object): ...
+        assert len(framework._global_error_collector._errors) == 5
+def test_collects_multiple_errors_run_local():
+    class MultiIssue(chains.ChainletBase):
+        def __init__(self, context, chainlet1):
+            self.chainlet1 = chainlet1
+        def run_remote(argument: object): ...
+    match = r"The Chainlet definitions contain 5 errors:"
+    with pytest.raises(definitions.ChainsUsageError, match=match), _raise_errors():
+        with public_api.run_local():
+            MultiIssue()
diff --git a/truss-chains/truss_chains/code_gen.py b/truss-chains/truss_chains/code_gen.py
index 22fa8f18f..01cacd22a 100644
--- a/truss-chains/truss_chains/code_gen.py
+++ b/truss-chains/truss_chains/code_gen.py
@@ -636,9 +636,6 @@ def gen_truss_chainlet(
     chainlet_display_name_to_url: Mapping[str, str],
     user_env: Mapping[str, str],
 ) -> pathlib.Path:
-    dependencies = framework.global_chainlet_registry.get_dependencies(
-        chainlet_descriptor
-    )
     # Filter needed services and customize options.
     dep_services = {}
     for dep in chainlet_descriptor.dependencies.values():
@@ -672,7 +669,9 @@ def gen_truss_chainlet(
                 f"Python file name `{_MODEL_FILENAME}` is reserved and cannot be used."
     chainlet_file = _gen_truss_chainlet_file(
-        chainlet_dir, chainlet_descriptor, dependencies
+        chainlet_dir,
+        chainlet_descriptor,
+        framework.get_dependencies(chainlet_descriptor),
     remote_config = chainlet_descriptor.chainlet_cls.remote_config
     if remote_config.docker_image.data_dir:
diff --git a/truss-chains/truss_chains/framework.py b/truss-chains/truss_chains/framework.py
index 3563f6f09..a65028a63 100644
--- a/truss-chains/truss_chains/framework.py
+++ b/truss-chains/truss_chains/framework.py
@@ -1,7 +1,9 @@
 import ast
+import atexit
 import collections
 import contextlib
 import contextvars
+import enum
 import functools
 import importlib.util
 import inspect
@@ -28,6 +30,7 @@
 import pydantic
+from typing_extensions import ParamSpec
 from truss_chains import definitions, utils
@@ -40,6 +43,112 @@
 _ENTRYPOINT_ATTR_NAME = "_chains_entrypoint"
 ChainletT = TypeVar("ChainletT", bound=definitions.ABCChainlet)
+_P = ParamSpec("_P")
+_R = TypeVar("_R")
+# Error Collector ######################################################################
+class _ErrorKind(str, enum.Enum):
+    TYPE_ERROR = enum.auto()
+    IO_TYPE_ERROR = enum.auto()
+    MISSING_API_ERROR = enum.auto()
+class _ErrorLocation(definitions.SafeModel):
+    src_path: str
+    line: Optional[int] = None
+    chainlet_name: Optional[str] = None
+    method_name: Optional[str] = None
+    def __str__(self) -> str:
+        value = f"{self.src_path}:{self.line}"
+        if self.chainlet_name and self.method_name:
+            value = f"{value} ({self.chainlet_name}.{self.method_name})"
+        elif self.chainlet_name:
+            value = f"{value} ({self.chainlet_name})"
+        else:
+            assert not self.chainlet_name
+        return value
+class _ValidationError(definitions.SafeModel):
+    msg: str
+    kind: _ErrorKind
+    location: _ErrorLocation
+    def __str__(self) -> str:
+        return f"{self.location} [kind: {self.kind.name}]: {self.msg}"
+class _ErrorCollector:
+    _errors: list[_ValidationError]
+    def __init__(self) -> None:
+        self._errors = []
+        # This hook is for the case of just running the Chainlet file, without
+        # making a push - we want to surface the errors at exit.
+        atexit.register(self.maybe_display_errors)
+    def clear(self) -> None:
+        self._errors.clear()
+    def collect(self, error):
+        self._errors.append(error)
+    @property
+    def has_errors(self) -> bool:
+        return bool(self._errors)
+    @property
+    def num_errors(self) -> int:
+        return len(self._errors)
+    def format_errors(self) -> str:
+        parts = []
+        for error in self._errors:
+            parts.append(str(error))
+        return "\n".join(parts)
+    def maybe_display_errors(self) -> None:
+        if self.has_errors:
+            sys.stderr.write(self.format_errors())
+_global_error_collector = _ErrorCollector()
+def _collect_error(msg: str, kind: _ErrorKind, location: _ErrorLocation):
+    _global_error_collector.collect(
+        _ValidationError(msg=msg, kind=kind, location=location)
+    )
+def raise_validation_errors() -> None:
+    """Raises validation errors as combined ``ChainsUsageError``"""
+    if _global_error_collector.has_errors:
+        error_msg = _global_error_collector.format_errors()
+        errors_count = (
+            "an error"
+            if _global_error_collector.num_errors == 1
+            else f"{_global_error_collector.num_errors} errors"
+        )
+        _global_error_collector.clear()  # Clear errors so `atexit` won't display them
+        raise definitions.ChainsUsageError(
+            f"The Chainlet definitions contain {errors_count}:\n{error_msg}"
+        )
+def raise_validation_errors_before(f: Callable[_P, _R]) -> Callable[_P, _R]:
+    """Raises validation errors as combined ``ChainsUsageError`` before invoking `f`."""
+    @functools.wraps(f)
+    def wrapper(*args: _P.args, **kwargs: _P.kwargs) -> _R:
+        raise_validation_errors()
+        return f(*args, **kwargs)
+    return wrapper
 class _BaseProvisionMarker:
@@ -54,7 +163,7 @@ def __getattr__(self, item: str) -> Any:
         logging.error(f"Attempting to access attribute `{item}` on `{self}`.")
         raise definitions.ChainsRuntimeError(
             "It seems `chains.depends_context()` was used, but not as an argument "
-            "to the `__init__` method of a chainlet - This is not supported."
+            "to the `__init__` method of a Chainlet - This is not supported."
             f"See {_DOCS_URL_CHAINING}.\n"
             "Example of correct `__init__` with context:\n"
@@ -80,15 +189,15 @@ def __getattr__(self, item: str) -> Any:
         logging.error(f"Attempting to access attribute `{item}` on `{self}`.")
         raise definitions.ChainsRuntimeError(
             f"It seems `chains.depends({self.chainlet_cls.name})` was used, but "
-            "not as an argument to the `__init__` method of a chainlet - This is not "
-            "supported. Dependency chainlets must be passed as init arguments.\n"
+            "not as an argument to the `__init__` method of a Chainlet - This is not "
+            "supported. Dependency Chainlets must be passed as init arguments.\n"
             f"See {_DOCS_URL_CHAINING}.\n"
             "Example of correct `__init__` with dependencies:\n"
-# Checking of Chainlet class definition ###############################################
+# Validation of Chainlet class definition ##############################################
@@ -122,9 +231,9 @@ def _example_chainlet_code() -> str:
 def _instantiation_error_msg(cls_name: str):
     return (
-        f"Error when instantiating chainlet `{cls_name}`. "
+        f"Error when instantiating Chainlet `{cls_name}`. "
         "Chainlets cannot be naively instantiated. Possible fixes:\n"
-        "1. To use chainlets as dependencies in other chainlets 'chaining'), "
+        "1. To use Chainlets as dependencies in other Chainlets 'chaining'), "
         f"add them as init argument. See {_DOCS_URL_CHAINING}.\n"
         f"2. For local / debug execution, use the `{run_local.__name__}`-"
         f"context. See {_DOCS_URL_LOCAL}.\n"
@@ -134,7 +243,9 @@ def _instantiation_error_msg(cls_name: str):
-def _validate_io_type(annotation: Any, name: str) -> None:
+def _validate_io_type(
+    annotation: Any, param_name: str, location: _ErrorLocation
+) -> None:
     For Chainlet I/O (both data or parameters), we allow simple types
     (int, str, float...) and `list` or `dict` containers of these.
@@ -142,88 +253,106 @@ def _validate_io_type(annotation: Any, name: str) -> None:
     containers_str = [c.__name__ for c in _SIMPLE_CONTAINERS]
     types_str = [c.__name__ if c is not None else "None" for c in _SIMPLE_TYPES]
-    error_msg = (
-        f"Unsupported I/O type `{name}` of type `{annotation}`. Supported are:\n"
-        f"\t* simple types: {types_str}\n"
-        f"\t* containers of these simple types, with annotated items: {containers_str}"
-        ", e.g. `dict[str, int]` (use built-in types, not `typing.Dict`).\n"
-        "\t* For complicated / nested data structures: `pydantic` models."
-    )
     if isinstance(annotation, str):
-        raise definitions.ChainsUsageError(
-            f"A string-valued type annotation was found for `{name}` of type "
-            f"`{annotation}`. Use only actual types and avoid `from __future__ import "
-            "annotations` (upgrade python)."
+        _collect_error(
+            f"A string-valued type annotation was found for `{param_name}` of type "
+            f"`{annotation}`. Use only actual types objects and avoid "
+            "`from __future__ import annotations` (if needed upgrade python).",
+            _ErrorKind.IO_TYPE_ERROR,
+            location,
+        return
     if annotation in _SIMPLE_TYPES:
+    error_msg = (
+        f"Unsupported I/O type for `{param_name}` of type `{annotation}`. "
+        "Supported are:\n"
+        f"\t* simple types: {types_str}\n"
+        "\t* containers of these simple types, with annotated item types: "
+        f"{containers_str}, e.g. `dict[str, int]` (use built-in types, not "
+        "`typing.Dict`).\n"
+        "\t* For complicated / nested data structures: `pydantic` models."
+    )
     if isinstance(annotation, types.GenericAlias):
         if get_origin(annotation) not in _SIMPLE_CONTAINERS:
-            raise definitions.ChainsUsageError(error_msg)
+            _collect_error(error_msg, _ErrorKind.IO_TYPE_ERROR, location)
+            return
         args = get_args(annotation)
         for arg in args:
             if arg not in _SIMPLE_TYPES:
-                raise definitions.ChainsUsageError(error_msg)
+                _collect_error(error_msg, _ErrorKind.IO_TYPE_ERROR, location)
+                return
     if utils.issubclass_safe(annotation, pydantic.BaseModel):
-    raise definitions.ChainsUsageError(error_msg)
+    _collect_error(error_msg, _ErrorKind.IO_TYPE_ERROR, location)
 def _validate_endpoint_params(
-    params: list[inspect.Parameter], cls_name: str
+    params: list[inspect.Parameter], location: _ErrorLocation
 ) -> list[definitions.InputArg]:
     if len(params) == 0:
-        raise definitions.ChainsUsageError(
-            f"`{cls_name}.{definitions.ENDPOINT_METHOD_NAME}` must be a method, i.e. "
-            f"with `{definitions.SELF_ARG_NAME}` argument."
+        _collect_error(
+            f"`Endpoint must be a method, i.e. with `{definitions.SELF_ARG_NAME}` as "
+            "first argument. Got function with no arguments.",
+            _ErrorKind.TYPE_ERROR,
+            location,
+        return []
     if params[0].name != definitions.SELF_ARG_NAME:
-        raise definitions.ChainsUsageError(
-            f"`{cls_name}.{definitions.ENDPOINT_METHOD_NAME}` must be a method, i.e. "
-            f"with `{definitions.SELF_ARG_NAME}` argument."
+        _collect_error(
+            f"`Endpoint must be a method, i.e. with `{definitions.SELF_ARG_NAME}` as "
+            f"first argument. Got `{params[0].name}` as first argument.",
+            _ErrorKind.TYPE_ERROR,
+            location,
     input_args = []
     for param in params[1:]:  # Skip self argument.
         if param.annotation == inspect.Parameter.empty:
-            raise definitions.ChainsUsageError(
-                "Inputs of endpoints must have type annotations. For "
-                f"`{cls_name}.{definitions.ENDPOINT_METHOD_NAME}` parameter "
-                f"`{param.name}` has no type annotation."
+            _collect_error(
+                "Arguments of endpoints must have type annotations. "
+                f"Parameter `{param.name}` has no type annotation.",
+                _ErrorKind.IO_TYPE_ERROR,
+                location,
-        _validate_io_type(param.annotation, param.name)
-        type_descriptor = definitions.TypeDescriptor(raw=param.annotation)
-        is_optional = param.default != inspect.Parameter.empty
-        input_args.append(
-            definitions.InputArg(
-                name=param.name, type=type_descriptor, is_optional=is_optional
+        else:
+            _validate_io_type(param.annotation, param.name, location)
+            type_descriptor = definitions.TypeDescriptor(raw=param.annotation)
+            is_optional = param.default != inspect.Parameter.empty
+            input_args.append(
+                definitions.InputArg(
+                    name=param.name, type=type_descriptor, is_optional=is_optional
+                )
-        )
     return input_args
 def _validate_endpoint_output_types(
-    annotation: Any, cls_name: str, signature
+    annotation: Any, signature, location: _ErrorLocation
 ) -> list[definitions.TypeDescriptor]:
     if annotation == inspect.Parameter.empty:
-        raise definitions.ChainsUsageError(
+        _collect_error(
             "Return values of endpoints must be type annotated. Got:\n"
-            f"{cls_name}.{definitions.ENDPOINT_METHOD_NAME}{signature} -> !MISSING!"
+            f"\t{location.method_name}{signature} -> !MISSING!",
+            _ErrorKind.IO_TYPE_ERROR,
+            location,
+        return []
     if get_origin(annotation) is tuple:
         output_types = []
         for i, arg in enumerate(get_args(annotation)):
-            _validate_io_type(arg, f"return_type[{i}]")
+            _validate_io_type(arg, f"return_type[{i}]", location)
-        _validate_io_type(annotation, "return_type")
+        _validate_io_type(annotation, "return_type", location)
         output_types = [definitions.TypeDescriptor(raw=annotation)]
     return output_types
 def _validate_and_describe_endpoint(
-    cls: Type[definitions.ABCChainlet],
+    cls: Type[definitions.ABCChainlet], location: _ErrorLocation
 ) -> definitions.EndpointAPIDescriptor:
     """The "endpoint method" of a Chainlet must have the following signature:
@@ -241,22 +370,41 @@ def _validate_and_describe_endpoint(
     * Generators are allowed, too (but not yet supported).
     if not hasattr(cls, definitions.ENDPOINT_METHOD_NAME):
-        raise definitions.ChainsUsageError(
-            f"`{cls.name}` must have a {definitions.ENDPOINT_METHOD_NAME}` method."
+        _collect_error(
+            f"Chainlets must have a `{definitions.ENDPOINT_METHOD_NAME}` method.",
+            _ErrorKind.MISSING_API_ERROR,
+            location,
+        )
+        # Return a "neutral dummy" if validation fails, this allows to safely
+        # continue checking for more errors.
+        return definitions.EndpointAPIDescriptor(
+            input_args=[], output_types=[], is_async=False, is_generator=False
     # This is the unbound method.
     endpoint_method = getattr(cls, definitions.ENDPOINT_METHOD_NAME)
+    line = inspect.getsourcelines(endpoint_method)[1]
+    location = location.model_copy(
+        update={"line": line, "method_name": definitions.ENDPOINT_METHOD_NAME}
+    )
     if not inspect.isfunction(endpoint_method):
-        raise definitions.ChainsUsageError(
-            f"`{cls.name}.{definitions.ENDPOINT_METHOD_NAME}` must be a method."
+        _collect_error("`Endpoints must be a method.", _ErrorKind.TYPE_ERROR, location)
+        # If it's not a function, it might be a class var and subsequent inspections
+        # fail.
+        # Return a "neutral dummy" if validation fails, this allows to safely
+        # continue checking for more errors.
+        return definitions.EndpointAPIDescriptor(
+            input_args=[], output_types=[], is_async=False, is_generator=False
     signature = inspect.signature(endpoint_method)
     input_args = _validate_endpoint_params(
-        list(signature.parameters.values()), cls.name
+        list(signature.parameters.values()), location
     output_types = _validate_endpoint_output_types(
-        signature.return_annotation, cls.name, signature
+        signature.return_annotation, signature, location
     if inspect.isasyncgenfunction(endpoint_method):
@@ -302,29 +450,42 @@ def _get_generic_class_type(var):
     return origin if origin is not None else var
-def _validate_dependency_arg(param) -> ChainletDependencyMarker:
+def _validate_dependency_arg(
+    param, location: _ErrorLocation
+) -> Optional[ChainletDependencyMarker]:
+    # Returns `None` if unvalidated.
     # TODO: handle subclasses, unions, optionals, check default value etc.
     if param.name == definitions.CONTEXT_ARG_NAME:
-        raise definitions.ChainsUsageError(
+        _collect_error(
             f"The init argument name `{definitions.CONTEXT_ARG_NAME}` is reserved for "
             "the optional context argument, which must be trailing if used. Example "
             "of correct `__init__` with context:\n"
-            f"{_example_chainlet_code()}"
+            f"{_example_chainlet_code()}",
+            _ErrorKind.TYPE_ERROR,
+            location,
     if not isinstance(param.default, ChainletDependencyMarker):
-        raise definitions.ChainsUsageError(
-            f"Any arguments of a chainlet's __init__ (besides `context`) must have "
-            "dependency chainlets with default values from `chains.provide`-directive. "
+        _collect_error(
+            f"Any arguments of a Chainlet's __init__ (besides `context`) must have "
+            "dependency Chainlets with default values from `chains.depends`-directive. "
             f"Got `{param}`.\n"
             f"Example of correct `__init__` with dependencies:\n"
-            f"{_example_chainlet_code()}"
+            f"{_example_chainlet_code()}",
+            _ErrorKind.TYPE_ERROR,
+            location,
+        return None
     chainlet_cls = param.default.chainlet_cls
     if not utils.issubclass_safe(chainlet_cls, definitions.ABCChainlet):
-        raise definitions.ChainsUsageError(
-            f"`{chainlet_cls}` must be a subclass of `{definitions.ABCChainlet}`."
+        _collect_error(
+            f"`chains.depends` must be used with a Chainlet class as argument, got "
+            f"{chainlet_cls} instead.",
+            _ErrorKind.TYPE_ERROR,
+            location,
+        return None
     # Check type annotation.
     # Also lenient with type annotation: since the RHS / default is asserted to be a
     # chainlet class, proper type inference is possible even without annotation.
@@ -335,10 +496,12 @@ def _validate_dependency_arg(param) -> ChainletDependencyMarker:
         or utils.issubclass_safe(param.annotation, Protocol)  # type: ignore[arg-type]
         or utils.issubclass_safe(chainlet_cls, param.annotation)
-        raise definitions.ChainsUsageError(
-            f"The type annotation for `{param.name}` must either be a `{Protocol}` "
-            "or a class/subclass of the Chainlet type used as default value. "
-            f"Got `{param.annotation}`."
+        _collect_error(
+            f"The type annotation for `{param.name}` must be a class/subclass of the "
+            "Chainlet type specified by `chains.provides` or a compatible "
+            f"typing.Protocol`. Got `{param.annotation}`.",
+            _ErrorKind.TYPE_ERROR,
+            location,
     return param.default  # The Marker.
@@ -349,19 +512,19 @@ class _ChainletInitValidator:
     def __init__(
-        [dep_0: dep_0_type = truss_chains.provide(dep_0_class),]
-        [dep_1: dep_1_type = truss_chains.provide(dep_1_class),]
+        [dep_0: dep_0_type = truss_chains.depends(dep_0_class),]
+        [dep_1: dep_1_type = truss_chains.depends(dep_1_class),]
-        [dep_N: dep_N_type = truss_chains.provide(dep_N_class),]
+        [dep_N: dep_N_type = truss_chains.provides(dep_N_class),]
         [context: truss_chains.Context[UserConfig] = truss_chains.provide_context()]
     ) -> None:
     * The context argument is optionally trailing and must have a default constructed
      with the  `provide_context` directive. The type can be templated by a user
      defined config e.g. `truss_chains.Context[UserConfig]`.
-    * The names and number of chainlet "dependency" arguments are arbitrary.
-    * Default values for dependencies must be constructed with the `provide` directive
-      to make the dependency injection work. The argument to `provide` must be a
+    * The names and number of Chainlet "dependency" arguments are arbitrary.
+    * Default values for dependencies must be constructed with the `depends` directive
+      to make the dependency injection work. The argument to `depends` must be a
       Chainlet class.
     * The type annotation for dependencies can be a Chainlet class, but it can also be
       a `Protocol` with an equivalent `run` method (e.g. for getting correct type
@@ -369,39 +532,51 @@ def __init__(
       the type is clear from the RHS.
+    _location: _ErrorLocation
     has_context: bool
     validated_dependencies: Mapping[str, definitions.DependencyDescriptor]
-    def __init__(self, cls: Type[definitions.ABCChainlet]) -> None:
+    def __init__(
+        self, cls: Type[definitions.ABCChainlet], location: _ErrorLocation
+    ) -> None:
         if not cls.has_custom_init():
             self.has_context = False
             self.validated_dependencies = {}
         # Each validation pops of "processed" arguments from the list.
+        line = inspect.getsourcelines(cls.__init__)[1]
+        self._location = location.model_copy(
+            update={"line": line, "method_name": "__init__"}
+        )
         params = list(inspect.signature(cls.__init__).parameters.values())
         params = self._validate_self_arg(list(params))
         params, self.has_context = self._validate_context_arg(params)
         self.validated_dependencies = self._validate_dependencies(params)
-    @staticmethod
-    def _validate_self_arg(params: list[inspect.Parameter]) -> list[inspect.Parameter]:
+    def _validate_self_arg(
+        self, params: list[inspect.Parameter]
+    ) -> list[inspect.Parameter]:
         if len(params) == 0:
-            raise definitions.ChainsUsageError(
-                "Methods must have first argument `self`, got no arguments."
+            _collect_error(
+                "Methods must have first argument `self`, got no arguments.",
+                _ErrorKind.TYPE_ERROR,
+                self._location,
+            return params
         param = params.pop(0)
         if param.name != definitions.SELF_ARG_NAME:
-            raise definitions.ChainsUsageError(
-                f"Methods must have first argument `self`, got `{param.name}`."
+            _collect_error(
+                f"Methods must have first argument `self`, got `{param.name}`.",
+                _ErrorKind.TYPE_ERROR,
+                self._location,
         return params
-    @staticmethod
     def _validate_context_arg(
-        params: list[inspect.Parameter],
+        self, params: list[inspect.Parameter]
     ) -> tuple[list[inspect.Parameter], bool]:
-        def make_context_exception():
-            return definitions.ChainsUsageError(
+        def make_context_error_msg():
+            return (
                 f"If `{definitions.ABCChainlet}` uses context for initialization, it "
                 f"must have `{definitions.CONTEXT_ARG_NAME}` argument of type "
                 f"`{definitions.DeploymentContext}` as the last argument.\n"
@@ -416,7 +591,9 @@ def make_context_exception():
         has_context = params[-1].name == definitions.CONTEXT_ARG_NAME
         has_context_marker = isinstance(params[-1].default, ContextDependencyMarker)
         if has_context ^ has_context_marker:
-            raise make_context_exception()
+            _collect_error(
+                make_context_error_msg(), _ErrorKind.TYPE_ERROR, self._location
+            )
         if not has_context:
             return params, has_context
@@ -429,75 +606,95 @@ def make_context_exception():
             and (param_type != inspect.Parameter.empty)
             and (not utils.issubclass_safe(param_type, definitions.DeploymentContext))
-            raise make_context_exception()
+            _collect_error(
+                make_context_error_msg(), _ErrorKind.TYPE_ERROR, self._location
+            )
         if not isinstance(param.default, ContextDependencyMarker):
-            raise definitions.ChainsUsageError(
+            _collect_error(
                 f"Incorrect default value `{param.default}` for `context` argument. "
                 "Example of correct `__init__` with dependencies:\n"
-                f"{_example_chainlet_code()}"
+                f"{_example_chainlet_code()}",
+                _ErrorKind.TYPE_ERROR,
+                self._location,
         return params, has_context
-    @staticmethod
     def _validate_dependencies(
-        params,
+        self, params
     ) -> Mapping[str, definitions.DependencyDescriptor]:
         used = set()
         dependencies = {}
         for param in params:
-            marker = _validate_dependency_arg(param)
+            marker = _validate_dependency_arg(param, self._location)
+            if marker is None:
+                continue
             if marker.chainlet_cls in used:
-                raise definitions.ChainsUsageError(
+                _collect_error(
                     f"The same Chainlet class cannot be used multiple times for "
                     f"different arguments. Got previously used "
-                    f"`{marker.chainlet_cls}` for `{param.name}`."
+                    f"`{marker.chainlet_cls}` for `{param.name}`.",
+                    _ErrorKind.TYPE_ERROR,
+                    self._location,
             dependencies[param.name] = definitions.DependencyDescriptor(
                 chainlet_cls=marker.chainlet_cls, options=marker.options
-            used.add(marker)
+            used.add(marker.chainlet_cls)
         return dependencies
-def _validate_chainlet_cls(cls: Type[definitions.ABCChainlet]) -> None:
-    # TODO: ensure Chainlets are only accessed via `provided` in `__init__`,
-    #   not from manual instantiations on module-level or nested in a Chainlet.
-    #   See other constraints listed in:
-    # https://www.notion.so/ml-infra/WIP-Orchestration-a8cb4dad00dd488191be374b469ffd0a?pvs=4#7df299eb008f467a80f7ee3c0eccf0f0
+def _validate_chainlet_cls(
+    cls: Type[definitions.ABCChainlet], location: _ErrorLocation
+) -> None:
     if not hasattr(cls, definitions.REMOTE_CONFIG_NAME):
-        raise definitions.ChainsUsageError(
+        _collect_error(
             f"Chainlets must have a `{definitions.REMOTE_CONFIG_NAME}` class variable "
             f"`{definitions.REMOTE_CONFIG_NAME} = {definitions.RemoteConfig.__name__}"
-            f"(...)`. Missing for `{cls}`."
+            f"(...)`. Missing for `{cls}`.",
+            _ErrorKind.MISSING_API_ERROR,
+            location,
+        return
     if not isinstance(
         remote_config := getattr(cls, definitions.REMOTE_CONFIG_NAME),
-        raise definitions.ChainsUsageError(
+        _collect_error(
             f"Chainlets must have a `{definitions.REMOTE_CONFIG_NAME}` class variable "
             f"of type `{definitions.RemoteConfig}`. Got `{type(remote_config)}` "
-            f"for `{cls}`."
+            f"for `{cls}`.",
+            _ErrorKind.TYPE_ERROR,
+            location,
+        return
-def check_and_register_class(cls: Type[definitions.ABCChainlet]) -> None:
-    _validate_chainlet_cls(cls)
+def validate_and_register_class(cls: Type[definitions.ABCChainlet]) -> None:
+    """Note that validation errors will only be collected, not raised, and Chainlets.
+    with issues, are still added to the registry.  Use `raise_validation_errors` to
+    assert all Chainlets are valid and before performing operations that depend on
+    these constraints."""
+    src_path = os.path.abspath(inspect.getfile(cls))
+    line = inspect.getsourcelines(cls)[1]
+    location = _ErrorLocation(src_path=src_path, line=line, chainlet_name=cls.__name__)
-    init_validator = _ChainletInitValidator(cls)
+    _validate_chainlet_cls(cls, location)
+    init_validator = _ChainletInitValidator(cls, location)
     chainlet_descriptor = definitions.ChainletAPIDescriptor(
-        endpoint=_validate_and_describe_endpoint(cls),
-        src_path=os.path.abspath(inspect.getfile(cls)),
+        endpoint=_validate_and_describe_endpoint(cls, location),
+        src_path=src_path,
         f"Descriptor for {cls}:\n{pprint.pformat(chainlet_descriptor, indent=4)}\n"
-    global_chainlet_registry.register_chainlet(chainlet_descriptor)
+    _global_chainlet_registry.register_chainlet(chainlet_descriptor)
 # Dependency-Injection / Registry ######################################################
@@ -515,13 +712,21 @@ def __init__(self) -> None:
         self._chainlets = collections.OrderedDict()
         self._name_to_cls = {}
+    def clear(self):
+        self._chainlets = collections.OrderedDict()
+        self._name_to_cls = {}
     def register_chainlet(self, chainlet_descriptor: definitions.ChainletAPIDescriptor):
         for dep in chainlet_descriptor.dependencies.values():
             # To depend on a Chainlet, the class must be defined (module initialized)
             # which entails that is has already been added to the registry.
-            if dep.chainlet_cls not in self._chainlets:
-                logging.error(f"Available chainlets: {list(self._chainlets.keys())}")
-                raise KeyError(dep.chainlet_cls)
+            # This is an assertion, because unless users meddle with the internal
+            # registry, it's not possible to depend on another chainlet before it's
+            # also added to the registry.
+            assert dep.chainlet_cls in self._chainlets, (
+                "Cannot depend on Chainlet. Available Chainlets: "
+                f"{list(self._chainlets.keys())}"
+            )
         # Because class are globally unique, to prevent re-use / overwriting of names,
         # We must check this in addition.
@@ -529,8 +734,8 @@ def register_chainlet(self, chainlet_descriptor: definitions.ChainletAPIDescript
             conflict = self._name_to_cls[chainlet_descriptor.name]
             existing_source_path = self._chainlets[conflict].src_path
             raise definitions.ChainsUsageError(
-                f"A chainlet with name `{chainlet_descriptor.name}` was already "
-                f"defined, chainlet names must be globally unique.\n"
+                f"A Chainlet with name `{chainlet_descriptor.name}` was already "
+                f"defined, Chainlet names must be globally unique.\n"
                 f"Pre-existing in: `{existing_source_path}`\n"
                 f"New conflict in: `{chainlet_descriptor.src_path}`."
@@ -563,7 +768,23 @@ def get_chainlet_names(self) -> set[str]:
         return set(self._name_to_cls.keys())
-global_chainlet_registry = _ChainletRegistry()
+_global_chainlet_registry = _ChainletRegistry()
+def get_dependencies(
+    chainlet: definitions.ChainletAPIDescriptor,
+) -> Iterable[definitions.ChainletAPIDescriptor]:
+    return _global_chainlet_registry.get_dependencies(chainlet)
+def get_descriptor(
+    chainlet_cls: Type[definitions.ABCChainlet],
+) -> definitions.ChainletAPIDescriptor:
+    return _global_chainlet_registry.get_descriptor(chainlet_cls)
+def get_ordered_descriptors() -> list[definitions.ChainletAPIDescriptor]:
+    return _global_chainlet_registry.chainlet_descriptors
 # Chainlet class runtime utils #########################################################
@@ -591,7 +812,7 @@ def ensure_args_are_injected(cls, original_init: Callable, kwargs) -> None:
         # The argument is a dependency chainlet.
         elif isinstance(value, _BaseProvisionMarker):
-                f"When initializing Chainlet `{cls.name}`, for dependency chainlet"
+                f"When initializing Chainlet `{cls.name}`, for dependency Chainlet"
                 f"argument `{name}` an incompatible value was passed, value: `{value}`."
             raise definitions.ChainsRuntimeError(_instantiation_error_msg(cls.name))
@@ -698,6 +919,7 @@ def __init_local__(self: definitions.ABCChainlet, **kwargs) -> None:
 def run_local(
     secrets: Mapping[str, str],
     data_dir: Optional[pathlib.Path],
@@ -714,7 +936,7 @@ def run_local(
     # Capture the stack depth when entering the context manager
     stack_depth = len(inspect.stack())
     token = None
-    for chainlet_descriptor in global_chainlet_registry.chainlet_descriptors:
+    for chainlet_descriptor in _global_chainlet_registry.chainlet_descriptors:
         original_inits[chainlet_descriptor.chainlet_cls] = (
@@ -745,10 +967,15 @@ def run_local(
 def entrypoint(cls: Type[ChainletT]) -> Type[ChainletT]:
-    """Decorator to tag a chainlet as an entrypoint."""
+    """Decorator to tag a Chainlet as an entrypoint."""
     if not (utils.issubclass_safe(cls, definitions.ABCChainlet)):
-        raise definitions.ChainsUsageError(
-            "Only chainlet classes can be marked as entrypoint."
+        src_path = os.path.abspath(inspect.getfile(cls))
+        line = inspect.getsourcelines(cls)[1]
+        location = _ErrorLocation(src_path=src_path, line=line)
+        _collect_error(
+            "Only Chainlet classes can be marked as entrypoint.",
+            _ErrorKind.TYPE_ERROR,
+            location,
     setattr(cls, _ENTRYPOINT_ATTR_NAME, True)
     return cls
@@ -768,16 +995,16 @@ def import_target(
     module_path: pathlib.Path, target_name: Optional[str]
 ) -> Iterator[Type[definitions.ABCChainlet]]:
     """The context manager ensures that modules imported by the chain and
-    chainlets registered in ``global_chainlet_registry`` are removed upon exit.
+    Chainlets registered in ``_global_chainlet_registry`` are removed upon exit.
     I.e. aiming at making the import idempotent for common usages, although there could
-    be additional side-effects not accounted for by this implementation."""
+    be additional side effects not accounted for by this implementation."""
     module_path = pathlib.Path(module_path).resolve()
     module_name = module_path.stem  # Use the file's name as the module name
     if not os.path.isfile(module_path):
         raise ImportError(
             f"`{module_path}` is not a file. You must point to a python file where "
-            "the entrypoint chainlet is defined."
+            "the entrypoint Chainlet is defined."
     import_error_msg = f"Could not import `{module_path}`. Check path."
@@ -803,21 +1030,22 @@ def import_target(
     sys.modules[module_name] = module
     # Add path for making absolute imports relative to the source_module's dir.
     sys.path.insert(0, str(module_path.parent))
-    chainlets_before = global_chainlet_registry.get_chainlet_names()
+    chainlets_before = _global_chainlet_registry.get_chainlet_names()
     chainlets_after = set()
     modules_after = set()
+            raise_validation_errors()
             modules_after = set(sys.modules.keys())
-            chainlets_after = global_chainlet_registry.get_chainlet_names()
+            chainlets_after = _global_chainlet_registry.get_chainlet_names()
         if target_name:
             target_cls = getattr(module, target_name, None)
             if not target_cls:
                 raise AttributeError(
-                    f"Target chainlet class `{target_name}` not found in `{module_path}`."
+                    f"Target Chainlet class `{target_name}` not found in `{module_path}`."
             if not utils.issubclass_safe(target_cls, definitions.ABCChainlet):
                 raise TypeError(
@@ -828,16 +1056,16 @@ def import_target(
             entrypoints = _get_entrypoint_chainlets(module_vars)
             if len(entrypoints) == 0:
                 raise ValueError(
-                    f"No `target_name` was specified and no chainlet in `{module_path}` "
-                    "was tagged with `@chains.mark_entrypoint`. Tag one chainlet or provide "
-                    "the chainlet class name."
+                    "No `target_name` was specified and no Chainlet in "
+                    "`{module_path}` was tagged with `@chains.mark_entrypoint`. Tag "
+                    "one Chainlet or provide the Chainlet class name."
             elif len(entrypoints) > 1:
                 raise ValueError(
-                    "`target_name` was not specified and multiple chainlets in "
-                    f"`{module_path}` were tagged with `@chains.mark_entrypoint`. Tag one "
-                    "chainlet or provide the chainlet class name. Found chainlets: \n"
-                    f"{entrypoints}"
+                    "`target_name` was not specified and multiple Chainlets in "
+                    f"`{module_path}` were tagged with `@chains.mark_entrypoint`. Tag "
+                    "one Chainlet or provide the Chainlet class name. Found Chainlets: "
+                    f"\n{entrypoints}"
             target_cls = utils.expect_one(entrypoints)
             if not utils.issubclass_safe(target_cls, definitions.ABCChainlet):
@@ -848,7 +1076,7 @@ def import_target(
         yield target_cls
         for chainlet_name in chainlets_after - chainlets_before:
-            global_chainlet_registry.unregister_chainlet(chainlet_name)
+            _global_chainlet_registry.unregister_chainlet(chainlet_name)
         modules_diff = modules_after - modules_before
         # Apparently torch import leaves some side effects that cannot be reverted
diff --git a/truss-chains/truss_chains/public_api.py b/truss-chains/truss_chains/public_api.py
index 1b503fa72..d8817decb 100644
--- a/truss-chains/truss_chains/public_api.py
+++ b/truss-chains/truss_chains/public_api.py
@@ -84,7 +84,7 @@ class ChainletBase(definitions.ABCChainlet):
     def __init_subclass__(cls, **kwargs) -> None:
-        framework.check_and_register_class(cls)
+        framework.validate_and_register_class(cls)  # Errors are collected, not raised!
         # For default init (from `object`) we don't need to check anything.
         if cls.has_custom_init():
             original_init = cls.__init__
diff --git a/truss-chains/truss_chains/remote.py b/truss-chains/truss_chains/remote.py
index 24a618e5a..1ccb7f667 100644
--- a/truss-chains/truss_chains/remote.py
+++ b/truss-chains/truss_chains/remote.py
@@ -50,7 +50,8 @@ def _push_to_baseten(
     assert model_name is not None
     assert bool(_MODEL_NAME_RE.match(model_name))
-        f"Pushing chainlet `{model_name}` as a truss model on Baseten (publish={options.publish})"
+        f"Pushing chainlet `{model_name}` as a truss model on "
+        f"Baseten (publish={options.publish})"
     # Models must be trusted to use the API KEY secret.
     service = options.remote_provider.push(
@@ -147,20 +148,16 @@ def _get_ordered_dependencies(
     def add_needed_chainlets(chainlet: definitions.ChainletAPIDescriptor):
-        for chainlet_descriptor in framework.global_chainlet_registry.get_dependencies(
-            chainlet
-        ):
+        for chainlet_descriptor in framework.get_dependencies(chainlet):
     for chainlet_cls in chainlets:
-        add_needed_chainlets(
-            framework.global_chainlet_registry.get_descriptor(chainlet_cls)
-        )
-    # Iterating over the registry ensures topological ordering.
+        add_needed_chainlets(framework.get_descriptor(chainlet_cls))
+    # Get dependencies in topological order.
     return [
-        for descr in framework.global_chainlet_registry.chainlet_descriptors
+        for descr in framework.get_ordered_descriptors()
         if descr in needed_chainlets
@@ -433,6 +430,7 @@ def push(
             raise NotImplementedError(self._options)
 def push(
     entrypoint: Type[definitions.ABCChainlet],
     options: definitions.PushOptions,
@@ -692,6 +690,7 @@ def watch(self, user_env: Optional[Mapping[str, str]]) -> None:
                 self._console.print("👀 Watching for new changes.", style="blue")
 def watch(
     source: pathlib.Path,
     entrypoint: Optional[str],
diff --git a/truss/cli/cli.py b/truss/cli/cli.py
index d505ed41b..b35aa09ac 100644
--- a/truss/cli/cli.py
+++ b/truss/cli/cli.py
@@ -96,7 +96,10 @@ def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
             raise e  # You can re-raise the exception or handle it different
         except Exception as e:
             if is_humanfriendly_log_level:
-                click.secho(f"ERROR: {type(e).__name__}: {e}", fg="red")
+                console.print(
+                    f"[bold red]ERROR {type(e).__name__}[/bold red]: {e}",
+                    highlight=True,
+                )