diff --git a/docs/chains/doc_gen/README.md b/docs/chains/doc_gen/README.md
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..f13a18490
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/chains/doc_gen/README.md
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+This generation process of the documentation is *extremely* scrappy and just
+an interim solution. It requires significant manual oversight and the code
+quality in this directory is non-existent.
+The general process is:
+1. Document as much as possible in the code, including usage examples, links
+ etc.
+2. Auto-generate `generated-API-reference.mdx` with `poetry run python
+ docs/chains/doc_gen/generate_reference.py`. This applies the patch file and
+ launches meld to resolve conflicts.
+4. Proofread `docs/snippets/chains/API-reference.mdx`.
+5. If proofreading leads to edits or the upstream docstrings changed lot,
+ update the patch file: `diff -u \
+ docs/chains/doc_gen/generated-reference.mdx \
+ docs/snippets/chains/API-reference.mdx > \
+ docs/chains/doc_gen/reference.patch`
+For questions, please reach out to @marius-baseten.
diff --git a/docs/chains/doc_gen/generate_reference.py b/docs/chains/doc_gen/generate_reference.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..de9c477c8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/chains/doc_gen/generate_reference.py
@@ -0,0 +1,215 @@
+# type: ignore # This tool is only for Marius.
+"""Script to auot-generate the API reference for Truss Chains."""
+import inspect
+import pathlib
+import shutil
+import subprocess
+import tempfile
+from pathlib import Path
+import truss_chains as chains
+from sphinx import application
+.. Dummy
+Welcome to Truss Chains's documentation!
+.. toctree::
+ :maxdepth: 2
+ :caption: Contents:
+ modules
+BUILDER = "mdx_adapter" # "html"
+ # "truss_chains.definitions.AssetSpec",
+ # "truss_chains.definitions.ComputeSpec",
+ "truss_chains.deploy.ChainService",
+ "Chainlets",
+ "APIs for creating user-defined Chainlets.",
+ [
+ "truss_chains.ChainletBase",
+ "truss_chains.depends",
+ "truss_chains.depends_context",
+ "truss_chains.DeploymentContext",
+ "truss_chains.RPCOptions",
+ "truss_chains.mark_entrypoint",
+ ],
+ "Remote Configuration",
+ (
+ "These data structures specify for each chainlet how it gets deployed "
+ "remotely, e.g. dependencies and compute resources."
+ ),
+ [
+ "truss_chains.RemoteConfig",
+ "truss_chains.DockerImage",
+ "truss_chains.Compute",
+ "truss_chains.Assets",
+ ],
+ "Core",
+ "General framework and helper functions.",
+ [
+ "truss_chains.deploy_remotely",
+ "truss_chains.deploy.ChainService",
+ "truss_chains.make_abs_path_here",
+ "truss_chains.run_local",
+ "truss_chains.ServiceDescriptor",
+ "truss_chains.StubBase",
+ "truss_chains.RemoteErrorDetail",
+ # "truss_chains.ChainsRuntimeError",
+ ],
+def _list_imported_symbols(module: object) -> dict[str, str]:
+ imported_symbols = {
+ f"truss_chains.{name}": (
+ "autoclass"
+ if inspect.isclass(obj)
+ else "autofunction"
+ if inspect.isfunction(obj)
+ else "autodata"
+ )
+ for name, obj in inspect.getmembers(module)
+ if not name.startswith("_") and not inspect.ismodule(obj)
+ }
+ # Extra classes that are not really exported as public API, but are still relevant.
+ imported_symbols.update({sym: "autoclass" for sym in NON_PUBLIC_SYMBOLS})
+ return imported_symbols
+def _make_rst_structure(chains):
+ exported_symbols = _list_imported_symbols(chains)
+ rst_parts = ["API Reference"]
+ rst_parts.append("=" * len(rst_parts[-1]) + "\n")
+ for name, descr, symbols in SECTIONS:
+ rst_parts.append(name)
+ rst_parts.append("=" * len(rst_parts[-1]) + "\n")
+ rst_parts.append(descr)
+ rst_parts.append("\n")
+ for symbol in symbols:
+ kind = exported_symbols.pop(symbol)
+ rst_parts.append(f".. {kind}:: {symbol}")
+ rst_parts.append("\n")
+ if exported_symbols:
+ raise ValueError(
+ "All symbols must be mapped to a section. Left over:"
+ f"{list(exported_symbols.keys())}."
+ )
+ return "\n".join(rst_parts)
+def _clean_build_directory(build_dir: Path) -> None:
+ if build_dir.exists() and build_dir.is_dir():
+ shutil.rmtree(build_dir)
+ build_dir.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
+def _apply_patch(
+ original_file_path: str, patch_file_path: str, output_file_path: str
+) -> None:
+ original_file = Path(original_file_path)
+ patch_file = Path(patch_file_path)
+ output_file = Path(output_file_path)
+ with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(delete=False) as temp_file:
+ temp_output_file_path = Path(temp_file.name)
+ try:
+ subprocess.run(
+ [
+ "patch",
+ str(original_file),
+ "-o",
+ str(temp_output_file_path),
+ str(patch_file),
+ ],
+ check=True,
+ capture_output=True,
+ text=True,
+ )
+ # Copy temp file to final output if no errors
+ shutil.copy(temp_output_file_path, output_file)
+ except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e:
+ reject_file = temp_output_file_path.with_suffix(".rej")
+ if reject_file.exists():
+ print(f"Conflicts found, saved to {reject_file}")
+ subprocess.run(
+ [
+ "meld",
+ str(original_file_path),
+ str(output_file),
+ str(temp_output_file_path),
+ ],
+ check=True,
+ )
+ else:
+ print(f"Patch failed: {e.stderr}")
+ finally:
+ if temp_output_file_path.exists():
+ temp_output_file_path.unlink()
+def generate_sphinx_docs(
+ output_dir: pathlib.Path,
+ snippets_dir: pathlib.Path,
+) -> None:
+ _clean_build_directory(output_dir)
+ config_file = pathlib.Path(__file__).parent / "sphinx_config.py"
+ docs_dir = output_dir / "docs"
+ conf_dir = docs_dir
+ doctree_dir = docs_dir / "doctrees"
+ docs_dir.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
+ (docs_dir / "conf.py").write_text(config_file.read_text())
+ (docs_dir / "index.rst").write_text(DUMMY_INDEX_RST)
+ (docs_dir / "modules.rst").write_text(_make_rst_structure(chains))
+ app = application.Sphinx(
+ srcdir=str(docs_dir),
+ confdir=str(conf_dir),
+ outdir=str(Path(output_dir).resolve()),
+ doctreedir=str(doctree_dir),
+ buildername=BUILDER,
+ )
+ app.build()
+ if BUILDER == "mdx_adapter":
+ dog_gen_dir = pathlib.Path(__file__).parent.absolute()
+ generated_reference_path = dog_gen_dir / "generated-reference.mdx"
+ shutil.copy(output_dir / "modules.mdx", generated_reference_path)
+ patch_file_path = dog_gen_dir / "reference.patch"
+ # Apply patch to generated_reference_path
+ snippets_reference_path = snippets_dir / "chains/API-reference.mdx"
+ _apply_patch(
+ str(generated_reference_path),
+ str(patch_file_path),
+ str(snippets_reference_path),
+ )
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ snippets_dir = pathlib.Path(__file__).parent.parent.parent.absolute() / "snippets"
+ generate_sphinx_docs(
+ output_dir=pathlib.Path("/tmp/doc_gen"),
+ snippets_dir=snippets_dir,
+ )
diff --git a/docs/chains/doc_gen/generated-reference.mdx b/docs/chains/doc_gen/generated-reference.mdx
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..910c10995
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/chains/doc_gen/generated-reference.mdx
@@ -0,0 +1,630 @@
+# API Reference
+# Chainlets
+APIs for creating user-defined Chainlets.
+### *class* `truss_chains.ChainletBase`
+Base class for all chainlets.
+Inheriting from this class adds validations to make sure subclasses adhere to the
+chainlet pattern and facilitates remote chainlet deployment.
+Refer to [the docs](https://truss.baseten.co/chains/getting-started) and this
+[example chainlet](https://github.com/basetenlabs/truss/blob/main/truss-chains/truss_chains/example_chainlet.py)
+for more guidance on how to create subclasses.
+### `truss_chains.depends`
+Sets a “symbolic marker” to indicate to the framework that a chainlet is a
+dependency of another chainlet. The return value of `depends` is intended to be
+used as a default argument in a chainlet’s `__init__`-method.
+When deploying a chain remotely, a corresponding stub to the remote is injected in
+its place. In `run_local` mode an instance of a local chainlet is injected.
+Refer to [the docs](https://truss.baseten.co/chains/getting-started) and this
+[example chainlet](https://github.com/basetenlabs/truss/blob/main/truss-chains/truss_chains/example_chainlet.py)
+for more guidance on how make one chainlet depend on another chainlet.
+Despite the type annotation, this does *not* immediately provide a
+chainlet instance. Only when deploying remotely or using `run_local` a
+chainlet instance is provided.
+| Name | Type | Description |
+| `chainlet_cls` | *Type[ChainletT]* | The chainlet class of the dependency. |
+| `retries` | *int* | The number of times to retry the remote chainlet in case of failures (e.g. due to transient network issues). |
+* **Returns:**
+ A “symbolic marker” to be used as a default argument in a chainlet’s
+ initializer.
+* **Return type:**
+ *ChainletT*
+### `truss_chains.depends_context`
+Sets a “symbolic marker” for injecting a context object at runtime.
+Refer to [the docs](https://truss.baseten.co/chains/getting-started) and this
+[example chainlet](https://github.com/basetenlabs/truss/blob/main/truss-chains/truss_chains/example_chainlet.py)
+for more guidance on the `__init__`-signature of chainlets.
+Despite the type annotation, this does *not* immediately provide a
+context instance. Only when deploying remotely or using `run_local` a
+context instance is provided.
+* **Returns:**
+ A “symbolic marker” to be used as a default argument in a chainlet’s
+ initializer.
+* **Return type:**
+ [*DeploymentContext*](#truss_chains.DeploymentContext)
+### *class* `truss_chains.DeploymentContext`
+Bases: `pydantic.BaseModel`, `Generic`[`UserConfigT`]
+Bundles config values and resources needed to instantiate Chainlets.
+This is provided at runtime to the Chainlet’s `__init__` method.
+| Name | Type | Description |
+| `data_dir` | *Path\|None* | The directory where the chainlet can store and access data, e.g. for downloading model weights. |
+| `user_config` | *UserConfigT* | User-defined configuration for the chainlet. |
+| `chainlet_to_service` | *Mapping[str,[ServiceDescriptor](#truss_chains.ServiceDescriptor* | A mapping from chainlet names to service descriptors. This is used create RPCs sessions to dependency chainlets. It contains only the chainlet services that are dependencies of the current chainlet. |
+| `secrets` | *MappingNoIter[str,str]* | A mapping from secret names to secret values. It contains only the secrets that are listed in `remote_config.assets.secret_keys` of the current chainlet. |
+#### chainlet_to_service *: Mapping[str, [ServiceDescriptor](#truss_chains.ServiceDescriptor)]*
+#### data_dir *: Path | None*
+#### get_baseten_api_key()
+* **Return type:**
+ str
+#### get_service_descriptor(chainlet_name)
+* **Parameters:**
+ **chainlet_name** (*str*)
+* **Return type:**
+ [*ServiceDescriptor*](#truss_chains.ServiceDescriptor)
+#### secrets *: MappingNoIter[str, str]*
+#### user_config *: UserConfigT*
+### *class* `truss_chains.RPCOptions`
+Bases: `pydantic.BaseModel`
+Options to customize RPCs to dependency chainlets.
+| Name | Type | Description |
+| `timeout_sec` | *int* | |
+| `retries` | *int* | |
+#### retries *: int*
+#### timeout_sec *: int*
+### `truss_chains.mark_entrypoint`
+Decorator to mark a chainlet as the entrypoint of a chain.
+This decorator can be applied to *one* chainlet in a source file and then the
+CLI deploy command simplifies because only the file, but not the chainlet class
+in the file needs to be specified.
+Example usage:
+import truss_chains as chains
+class MyChainlet(ChainletBase):
+ ...
+* **Parameters:**
+ **cls** (*Type* *[**ChainletT* *]*)
+* **Return type:**
+ *Type*[*ChainletT*]
+# Remote Configuration
+These data structures specify for each chainlet how it gets deployed remotely, e.g. dependencies and compute resources.
+### *class* `truss_chains.RemoteConfig`
+Bases: `pydantic.BaseModel`
+Bundles config values needed to deploy a chainlet remotely..
+This is specified as a class variable for each chainlet class, e.g.:
+import truss_chains as chains
+class MyChainlet(chains.ChainletBase):
+ remote_config = chains.RemoteConfig(
+ docker_image=chains.DockerImage(
+ pip_requirements=["torch==2.0.1", ... ]
+ ),
+ compute=chains.Compute(cpu_count=2, gpu="A10G", ...),
+ assets=chains.Assets(secret_keys=["hf_access_token"], ...),
+ )
+| Name | Type | Description |
+| `docker_image` | *[DockerImage](#truss_chains.DockerImage* | |
+| `compute` | *[Compute](#truss_chains.Compute* | |
+| `assets` | *[Assets](#truss_chains.Assets* | |
+| `name` | *str\|None* | |
+#### assets *: [Assets](#truss_chains.Assets)*
+#### compute *: [Compute](#truss_chains.Compute)*
+#### docker_image *: [DockerImage](#truss_chains.DockerImage)*
+#### get_asset_spec()
+* **Return type:**
+ *AssetSpec*
+#### get_compute_spec()
+* **Return type:**
+ *ComputeSpec*
+#### name *: str | None*
+### *class* `truss_chains.DockerImage`
+Bases: `pydantic.BaseModel`
+Configures the docker image in which a remoted chainlet is deployed.
+#### NOTE
+Any paths are relative to the source file where `DockerImage` is
+defined and must be created with the helper function `make_abs_path_here`.
+This allows you for example organize chainlets in different (potentially nested)
+modules and keep their requirement files right next their python source files.
+| Name | Type | Description |
+| `base_image` | *str* | The base image to use for the chainlet. Default is `python:3.11-slim`. |
+| `pip_requirements_file` | *AbsPath\|None* | Path to a file containing pip requirements. The file content is naively concatenated with `pip_requirements`. |
+| `pip_requirements` | *list[str]* | A list of pip requirements to install. The items are naively concatenated with the content of the `pip_requirements_file`. |
+| `apt_requirements` | *list[str]* | A list of apt requirements to install. |
+| `data_dir` | *AbsPath\|None* | Data from this directory is copied into the docker image and accessible to the remote chainlet at runtime. |
+| `external_package_dirs` | *list[AbsPath]\|None* | A list of directories containing additional python packages outside the chain’s workspace dir, e.g. a shared library. This code is copied into the docker image and importable at runtime. |
+#### apt_requirements *: list[str]*
+#### base_image *: str*
+#### data_dir *: AbsPath | None*
+#### external_package_dirs *: list[AbsPath] | None*
+#### pip_requirements *: list[str]*
+#### pip_requirements_file *: AbsPath | None*
+### *class* `truss_chains.Compute`
+Specifies which compute resources a chainlet has in the *remote* deployment.
+#### NOTE
+Not all combinations can be exactly satisfied by available hardware, in some
+cases more powerful machine types are chosen to make sure requirements are met or
+over-provisioned. Refer to the
+[baseten instance reference](https://docs.baseten.co/performance/instances).
+| Name | Type | Description |
+| `cpu_count` | *int* | Minimum number of CPUs to allocate. |
+| `memory` | *str* | Minimum memory to allocate, e.g. “2Gi” (2 gibibytes). |
+| `gpu` | *str\|Accelerator\|None* | GPU accelerator type, e.g. “A10G”, “A100”, refer to the [truss config](https://truss.baseten.co/reference/config#resources-accelerator) for more choices. |
+| `gpu_count` | *int* | Number of GPUs to allocate. |
+| `predict_concurrency` | *int\|Literal['cpu_count']* | Number of concurrent requests a single replica of a deployed chainlet handles. |
+Concurrency concepts are explained in [this guide](https://truss.baseten.co/guides/concurrency).
+It is important to understand the difference between predict_concurrency and
+the concurrency target (used for autoscaling, i.e. adding or removing replicas).
+Furthermore, the `predict_concurrency` of a single instance is implemented in
+two ways:
+- Via python’s `asyncio`, if `run_remote` is an async def. This
+ requires that `run_remote` yields to the event loop.
+- With a threadpool if it’s a synchronous function. This requires
+ that the threads don’t have significant CPU load (due to the GIL).
+#### get_spec()
+* **Return type:**
+ *ComputeSpec*
+### *class* `truss_chains.Assets`
+Specifies which assets a chainlet can access in the remote deployment.
+Model weight caching can be used like this:
+import truss_chains as chains
+from truss import truss_config
+mistral_cache = truss_config.ModelRepo(
+ repo_id="mistralai/Mistral-7B-Instruct-v0.2",
+ allow_patterns=["*.json", "*.safetensors", ".model"]
+ )
+chains.Assets(cached=[mistral_cache], ...)
+See [truss caching guide](https://truss.baseten.co/guides/model-cache#enabling-caching-for-a-model)
+for more details on caching.
+| Name | Type | Description |
+| `cached` | *Iterable[ModelRepo]* | One or more `truss_config.ModelRepo` objects. |
+| `secret_keys` | *Iterable[str]* | Names of secrets stored on baseten, that the chainlet should have access to. You can manage secrets on baseten [here](https://app.baseten.co/settings/secrets). |
+#### get_spec()
+Returns parsed and validated assets.
+* **Return type:**
+ *AssetSpec*
+# Core
+General framework and helper functions.
+### `truss_chains.deploy_remotely`
+Deploys a chain remotely (with all dependent chainlets).
+| Name | Type | Description |
+| `entrypoint` | *Type[ABCChainlet]* | The chainlet class that serves as the entrypoint to the chain. |
+| `chain_name` | *str* | The name of the chain. |
+| `publish` | *bool* | Whether to publish the chain as a published deployment (it is a draft deployment otherwise) |
+| `promote` | *bool* | Whether to promote the chain to be the production deployment (this implies publishing as well). |
+| `only_generate_trusses` | *bool* | Used for debugging purposes. If set to True, only the the underlying truss models for the chainlets are generated in `/tmp/.chains_generated`. |
+* **Returns:**
+ A chain service handle to the deployed chain.
+* **Return type:**
+ [*ChainService*](#truss_chains.deploy.ChainService)
+### *class* `truss_chains.deploy.ChainService`
+Handle for a deployed chain.
+A `ChainService` is created and returned when using `deploy_remotely`. It
+bundles the individual services for each chainlet in the chain, and provides
+utilities to query their status, invoke the entrypoint etc.
+| Name | Type | Description |
+| `entrypoint` | *str* | Name of the entrypoint chainlet. |
+| `name` | *str* | Name of the chain. |
+#### add_service(name, service)
+Used to add a chainlet service during the deployment sequence of the chain.
+| Name | Type | Description |
+| `name` | *str* | Chainlet name. |
+| `service` | *TrussService* | Service object for the chainlet. |
+* **Return type:**
+ None
+#### *property* entrypoint_fake_json_data *: Any*
+Fake JSON example data that matches the entrypoint’s input schema.
+This property must be externally populated.
+* **Raises:**
+ **ValueError** – If fake data was not set.
+#### *property* entrypoint_name *: str*
+#### *property* get_entrypoint *: TrussService*
+Returns the entrypoint’s service handle.
+* **Raises:**
+ **MissingDependencyError** – If the entrypoint service was not added.
+#### get_info()
+Queries the statuses of all chainlets in the chain.
+* **Returns:**
+ List with elements `(name, status, logs_url)` for each chainlet.
+* **Return type:**
+ list[tuple[str, str, str]]
+#### name *: str*
+#### run_remote(json)
+Invokes the entrypoint with JSON data.
+* **Returns:**
+ The JSON response.
+* **Parameters:**
+ **json** (*Dict*)
+* **Return type:**
+ *Any*
+#### *property* run_url *: str*
+URL to invoke the entrypoint.
+#### *property* services *: MutableMapping[str, TrussService]*
+### `truss_chains.make_abs_path_here`
+Helper to specify file paths relative to the *immediately calling* module.
+E.g. in you have a project structure like this:
+ chain.py
+ common_requirements.text
+ sub_package/
+ chainlet.py
+ chainlet_requirements.txt
+You can now in `root/sub_package/chainlet.py` point to the requirements
+file like this:
+shared = RelativePathToHere("../common_requirements.text")
+specific = RelativePathToHere("chainlet_requirements.text")
+This helper uses the directory of the immediately calling module as an
+absolute reference point for resolving the file location. Therefore,
+you MUST NOT wrap the instantiation of `make_abs_path_here` into a
+function (e.g. applying decorators) or use dynamic code execution.
+def foo(path: AbsPath):
+ abs_path = path.abs_path
+Not Ok:
+def foo(path: str):
+ dangerous_value = make_abs_path_here(path).abs_path
+* **Parameters:**
+ **file_path** (*str*)
+* **Return type:**
+ *AbsPath*
+### `truss_chains.run_local`
+Context manager local debug execution of a chain.
+The arguments only need to be provided if the chainlets explicitly access any the
+corresponding fields of `DeploymentContext`.
+| Name | Type | Description |
+| `secrets` | *Mapping[str,str]\|None* | A dict of secrets keys and values to provide to the chainlets. |
+| `data_dir` | *Path\|str\|None* | Path to a directory with data files. |
+| `chainlet_to_service` | *Mapping[str,[ServiceDescriptor](#truss_chains.ServiceDescriptor* | A dict of chainlet names to service descriptors. |
+* **Return type:**
+ *ContextManager*[None]
+Example usage (as trailing main section in a chain file):
+import os
+import truss_chains as chains
+class HelloWorld(chains.ChainletBase):
+ ...
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ with chains.run_local(
+ secrets={"some_token": os.environ["SOME_TOKEN"]},
+ chainlet_to_service={
+ "SomeChainlet": chains.ServiceDescriptor(
+ name="SomeChainlet",
+ predict_url="https://...",
+ options=chains.RPCOptions(),
+ )
+ },
+ ):
+ hello_world_chain = HelloWorld()
+ result = hello_world_chain.run_remote(max_value=5)
+ print(result)
+Refer to the [local debugging guide](https://truss.baseten.co/chains/guide#local-debugging)
+for more details.
+### *class* `truss_chains.ServiceDescriptor`
+Bases: `pydantic.BaseModel`
+Bundles values to establish an RPC session to a dependency chainlet,
+specifically with `StubBase`.
+| Name | Type | Description |
+| `name` | *str* | |
+| `predict_url` | *str* | |
+| `options` | *[RPCOptions](#truss_chains.RPCOptions* | |
+#### name *: str*
+#### options *: [RPCOptions](#truss_chains.RPCOptions)*
+#### predict_url *: str*
+### *class* `truss_chains.StubBase`
+Bases: `ABC`
+Base class for stubs that invoke remote chainlets.
+It is used internally for RPCs to dependency chainlets, but it can also be used
+in user-code for wrapping a deployed truss model into the chains framework, e.g.
+like that:
+import pydantic
+import truss_chains as chains
+class WhisperOutput(pydantic.BaseModel):
+ ...
+class DeployedWhisper(chains.StubBase):
+ async def run_remote(self, audio_b64: str) -> WhisperOutput:
+ resp = await self._remote.predict_async(json_payload={"audio": audio_b64})
+ return WhisperOutput(text=resp["text"], language==resp["language"])
+class MyChainlet(chains.ChainletBase):
+ def __init__(self, ..., context = chains.depends_context()):
+ ...
+ self._whisper = DeployedWhisper.from_url(
+ context,
+ options=chains.RPCOptions(retries=3),
+ )
+| Name | Type | Description |
+| `service_descriptor` | *[ServiceDescriptor](#truss_chains.ServiceDescriptor* | Contains the URL and other configuration. |
+| `api_key` | *str* | A baseten API key to authorize requests. |
+#### *classmethod* from_url(predict_url, context, options=None)
+Factory method, convenient to be used in chainlet’s `__init__`-method.
+| Name | Type | Description |
+| `predict_url` | *str* | URL to predict endpoint of another chain / truss model. |
+| `context` | *[DeploymentContext](#truss_chains.DeploymentContext* | Deployment context object, obtained in the chainlet’s `__init__`. |
+| `options` | *[RPCOptions](#truss_chains.RPCOptions* | RPC options, e.g. retries. |
+### *class* `truss_chains.RemoteErrorDetail`
+Bases: `pydantic.BaseModel`
+When a remote chainlet raises an exception, this pydantic model contains
+information about the error and stack trace and is included in JSON form in the
+error response.
+| Name | Type | Description |
+| `remote_name` | *str* | |
+| `exception_cls_name` | *str* | |
+| `exception_module_name` | *str\|None* | |
+| `exception_message` | *str* | |
+| `user_stack_trace` | *list[StackFrame]* | |
+#### exception_cls_name *: str*
+#### exception_message *: str*
+#### exception_module_name *: str | None*
+#### format()
+Format the error for printing, similar to how Python formats exceptions
+with stack traces.
+* **Return type:**
+ str
+#### remote_name *: str*
+#### user_stack_trace *: list[StackFrame]*
diff --git a/docs/chains/doc_gen/mdx_adapter.py b/docs/chains/doc_gen/mdx_adapter.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..53a40adce
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/chains/doc_gen/mdx_adapter.py
@@ -0,0 +1,135 @@
+# type: ignore # This tool is only for Marius.
+"""Super hacky plugin to make the generated markdown more suitable for
+rendering in mintlify as an mdx doc."""
+import os
+import re
+from typing import Any, Dict
+from docutils import nodes
+from docutils.io import StringOutput
+from generate_reference import NON_PUBLIC_SYMBOLS
+from sphinx.util.osutil import ensuredir, os_path
+from sphinx_markdown_builder import MarkdownBuilder
+from sphinx_markdown_builder.translator import MarkdownTranslator
+Create a new model by parsing and validating input data from keyword arguments.
+Raises [ValidationError][pydantic_core.ValidationError] if the input data cannot be
+validated to form a valid model.
+self is explicitly positional-only to allow self as a field name.
+class MDXAdapterTranslator(MarkdownTranslator):
+ ...
+def extract_and_format_parameters_section(content: str) -> str:
+ def format_as_table(items: list[tuple[str, str, str]]) -> str:
+ header = "| Name | Type | Description |\n|------|------|-------------|\n"
+ rows = [
+ f"| {name} | {typ} | {description} |" for name, typ, description in items
+ ]
+ return header + "\n".join(rows)
+ pattern = r"(\* \*\*Parameters:\*\*\n((?: {2}\* .+(?:\n {4}.+)*\n?)+))"
+ matches = re.findall(pattern, content)
+ for match in matches:
+ list_block = match[1]
+ list_items = re.findall(r"( {2}\* .+(?:\n {4}.+)*)", list_block)
+ extracted_items = []
+ for item in list_items:
+ item = item.replace("\n ", " ")
+ parts = item.split(" – ", 1)
+ if len(parts) == 2:
+ name_type, description = parts
+ else:
+ name_type = parts[0]
+ description = ""
+ name_match = re.search(r"\*\*(.+?)\*\*", name_type)
+ type_match = re.search(r"\((.+?)\)", name_type)
+ name = name_match.group(1) if name_match else ""
+ typ = type_match.group(1) if type_match else ""
+ typ = typ.replace("*", "").replace(" ", "").replace("|", r"\|")
+ typ = f"*{typ}*"
+ name = f"`{name}`"
+ extracted_items.append((name, typ, description.strip()))
+ table = format_as_table(extracted_items)
+ content = content.replace(match[0], f"\n**Parameters:**\n\n{table}\n\n")
+ return content
+def _line_replacements(line: str) -> str:
+ if line.startswith("### *class*"):
+ line = line.replace("### *class*", "").strip()
+ if not any(sym in line for sym in NON_PUBLIC_SYMBOLS):
+ line = line.replace("truss_chains.definitions", "truss_chains")
+ first_brace = line.find("(")
+ if first_brace > 0:
+ line = line[:first_brace]
+ return f"### *class* `{line}`"
+ elif line.startswith("### "):
+ line = line.replace("### ", "").strip()
+ if not any(sym in line for sym in NON_PUBLIC_SYMBOLS):
+ line = line.replace("truss_chains.definitions", "truss_chains")
+ first_brace = line.find("(")
+ if first_brace > 0:
+ line = line[:first_brace]
+ return f"### `{line}`"
+ return line
+def _raw_text_replacements(doc_text: str) -> str:
+ doc_text = doc_text.replace(PYDANTIC_DEFAULT_DOCSTRING, "")
+ doc_text = doc_text.replace("Bases: `object`\n\n", "")
+ doc_text = doc_text.replace("Bases: `ABCChainlet`\n\n", "")
+ doc_text = doc_text.replace("Bases: `SafeModel`", "Bases: `pydantic.BaseModel`")
+ doc_text = doc_text.replace(
+ "Bases: `SafeModelNonSerializable`", "Bases: `pydantic.BaseModel`"
+ )
+ doc_text = doc_text.replace("<", "<").replace(">", ">")
+ doc_text = "\n".join(_line_replacements(line) for line in doc_text.split("\n"))
+ doc_text = extract_and_format_parameters_section(doc_text)
+ return doc_text
+class MDXAdapterBuilder(MarkdownBuilder):
+ name = "mdx_adapter"
+ out_suffix = ".mdx"
+ default_translator_class = MDXAdapterTranslator
+ def get_translator_class(self):
+ return MDXAdapterTranslator
+ def get_target_uri(self, docname: str, typ: str = None) -> str:
+ return f"{docname}.mdx"
+ def write_doc(self, docname: str, doctree: nodes.document):
+ self.current_doc_name = docname
+ self.sec_numbers = self.env.toc_secnumbers.get(docname, {})
+ destination = StringOutput(encoding="utf-8")
+ self.writer.write(doctree, destination)
+ out_filename = os.path.join(self.outdir, f"{os_path(docname)}{self.out_suffix}")
+ ensuredir(os.path.dirname(out_filename))
+ with open(out_filename, "w", encoding="utf-8") as file:
+ # These replacements are custom, the rest of this method is unchanged.
+ file.write(_raw_text_replacements(self.writer.output))
+def setup(app: Any) -> Dict[str, Any]:
+ app.add_builder(MDXAdapterBuilder)
+ return {
+ "version": "0.1",
+ "parallel_read_safe": True,
+ "parallel_write_safe": True,
+ }
diff --git a/docs/chains/doc_gen/reference.patch b/docs/chains/doc_gen/reference.patch
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..e0c857965
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/chains/doc_gen/reference.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,497 @@
+--- docs/chains/doc_gen/generated-reference.mdx 2024-06-17 14:57:58.625022632 -0700
++++ docs/snippets/chains/API-reference.mdx 2024-06-17 15:03:31.415948834 -0700
+@@ -21,30 +21,28 @@
+ dependency of another chainlet. The return value of `depends` is intended to be
+ used as a default argument in a chainlet’s `__init__`-method.
+ When deploying a chain remotely, a corresponding stub to the remote is injected in
+-its place. In `run_local` mode an instance of a local chainlet is injected.
++its place. In [`run_local`](#truss-chains-run-local) mode an instance of a local chainlet is injected.
+ Refer to [the docs](https://truss.baseten.co/chains/getting-started) and this
+ [example chainlet](https://github.com/basetenlabs/truss/blob/main/truss-chains/truss_chains/example_chainlet.py)
+ for more guidance on how make one chainlet depend on another chainlet.
+-#### WARNING
+ Despite the type annotation, this does *not* immediately provide a
+ chainlet instance. Only when deploying remotely or using `run_local` a
+ chainlet instance is provided.
+ **Parameters:**
+-| Name | Type | Description |
+-| `chainlet_cls` | *Type[ChainletT]* | The chainlet class of the dependency. |
+-| `retries` | *int* | The number of times to retry the remote chainlet in case of failures (e.g. due to transient network issues). |
++| Name | Type | Description |
++| `chainlet_cls` | *Type[ChainletBase]* | The chainlet class of the dependency. |
++| `retries` | *int* | The number of times to retry the remote chainlet in case of failures (e.g. due to transient network issues). |
+ * **Returns:**
+ A “symbolic marker” to be used as a default argument in a chainlet’s
+ initializer.
+-* **Return type:**
+- *ChainletT*
+ ### `truss_chains.depends_context`
+@@ -54,20 +52,19 @@
+ [example chainlet](https://github.com/basetenlabs/truss/blob/main/truss-chains/truss_chains/example_chainlet.py)
+ for more guidance on the `__init__`-signature of chainlets.
+-#### WARNING
+ Despite the type annotation, this does *not* immediately provide a
+ context instance. Only when deploying remotely or using `run_local` a
+ context instance is provided.
+ * **Returns:**
+ A “symbolic marker” to be used as a default argument in a chainlet’s
+ initializer.
+-* **Return type:**
+- [*DeploymentContext*](#truss_chains.DeploymentContext)
+-### *class* `truss_chains.DeploymentContext`
++### *class* `truss_chains.DeploymentContext(Generic[UserConfigT])`
+-Bases: `pydantic.BaseModel`, `Generic`[`UserConfigT`]
++Bases: `pydantic.BaseModel`
+ Bundles config values and resources needed to instantiate Chainlets.
+@@ -76,14 +73,14 @@
+ **Parameters:**
+-| Name | Type | Description |
+-| `data_dir` | *Path\|None* | The directory where the chainlet can store and access data, e.g. for downloading model weights. |
+-| `user_config` | *UserConfigT* | User-defined configuration for the chainlet. |
+-| `chainlet_to_service` | *Mapping[str,[ServiceDescriptor](#truss_chains.ServiceDescriptor* | A mapping from chainlet names to service descriptors. This is used create RPCs sessions to dependency chainlets. It contains only the chainlet services that are dependencies of the current chainlet. |
+-| `secrets` | *MappingNoIter[str,str]* | A mapping from secret names to secret values. It contains only the secrets that are listed in `remote_config.assets.secret_keys` of the current chainlet. |
++| Name | Type | Description |
++| `data_dir` | *Path\|None* | The directory where the chainlet can store and access data, e.g. for downloading model weights. |
++| `user_config` | *UserConfigT* | User-defined configuration for the chainlet. |
++| `chainlet_to_service` | *Mapping[str,[ServiceDescriptor](#class-truss-chains-servicedescriptor)]* | A mapping from chainlet names to service descriptors. This is used create RPCs sessions to dependency chainlets. It contains only the chainlet services that are dependencies of the current chainlet. |
++| `secrets` | *Mapping[str,str]* | A mapping from secret names to secret values. It contains only the secrets that are listed in `remote_config.assets.secret_keys` of the current chainlet. |
+-#### chainlet_to_service *: Mapping[str, [ServiceDescriptor](#truss_chains.ServiceDescriptor)]*
++#### chainlet_to_service *: Mapping[str, [ServiceDescriptor](#class-truss-chains-servicedescriptor)]*
+ #### data_dir *: Path | None*
+@@ -94,12 +91,16 @@
+ #### get_service_descriptor(chainlet_name)
+-* **Parameters:**
+- **chainlet_name** (*str*)
++| Name | Type | Description |
++| `chainlet_name` | *str* | The name of the chainlet. |
+ * **Return type:**
+- [*ServiceDescriptor*](#truss_chains.ServiceDescriptor)
++ [*ServiceDescriptor*](#class-truss-chains-servicedescriptor)
+-#### secrets *: MappingNoIter[str, str]*
++#### secrets *: Mapping[str, str]*
+ #### user_config *: UserConfigT*
+@@ -117,10 +118,6 @@
+ | `retries` | *int* | |
+-#### retries *: int*
+-#### timeout_sec *: int*
+ ### `truss_chains.mark_entrypoint`
+ Decorator to mark a chainlet as the entrypoint of a chain.
+@@ -131,7 +128,7 @@
+ Example usage:
+ import truss_chains as chains
+ @chains.mark_entrypoint
+@@ -139,10 +136,14 @@
+ ...
+ ```
+-* **Parameters:**
+- **cls** (*Type* *[**ChainletT* *]*)
++| Name | Type | Description |
++| `cls` | *Type[ChainletBase]* | The chainlet class. |
+ * **Return type:**
+- *Type*[*ChainletT*]
++ *Type*[*ChainletBase*]
+ # Remote Configuration
+@@ -156,7 +157,7 @@
+ This is specified as a class variable for each chainlet class, e.g.:
+ import truss_chains as chains
+@@ -172,31 +173,12 @@
+ **Parameters:**
+-| Name | Type | Description |
+-| `docker_image` | *[DockerImage](#truss_chains.DockerImage* | |
+-| `compute` | *[Compute](#truss_chains.Compute* | |
+-| `assets` | *[Assets](#truss_chains.Assets* | |
+-| `name` | *str\|None* | |
+-#### assets *: [Assets](#truss_chains.Assets)*
+-#### compute *: [Compute](#truss_chains.Compute)*
+-#### docker_image *: [DockerImage](#truss_chains.DockerImage)*
+-#### get_asset_spec()
+-* **Return type:**
+- *AssetSpec*
+-#### get_compute_spec()
+-* **Return type:**
+- *ComputeSpec*
+-#### name *: str | None*
++| Name | Type | Description |
++| `docker_image` | *[DockerImage](#class-truss-chains-dockerimage)* | |
++| `compute` | *[Compute](#class-truss-chains-compute)* | |
++| `assets` | *[Assets](#class-truss-chains-assets)* | |
++| `name` | *str\|None* | |
+ ### *class* `truss_chains.DockerImage`
+@@ -204,12 +186,12 @@
+ Configures the docker image in which a remoted chainlet is deployed.
+-#### NOTE
+ Any paths are relative to the source file where `DockerImage` is
+-defined and must be created with the helper function `make_abs_path_here`.
++defined and must be created with the helper function [`make_abs_path_here`](#truss-chains-make-abs-path-here).
+ This allows you for example organize chainlets in different (potentially nested)
+ modules and keep their requirement files right next their python source files.
+ **Parameters:**
+@@ -222,28 +204,16 @@
+ | `data_dir` | *AbsPath\|None* | Data from this directory is copied into the docker image and accessible to the remote chainlet at runtime. |
+ | `external_package_dirs` | *list[AbsPath]\|None* | A list of directories containing additional python packages outside the chain’s workspace dir, e.g. a shared library. This code is copied into the docker image and importable at runtime. |
+-#### apt_requirements *: list[str]*
+-#### base_image *: str*
+-#### data_dir *: AbsPath | None*
+-#### external_package_dirs *: list[AbsPath] | None*
+-#### pip_requirements *: list[str]*
+-#### pip_requirements_file *: AbsPath | None*
+ ### *class* `truss_chains.Compute`
+ Specifies which compute resources a chainlet has in the *remote* deployment.
+-#### NOTE
+ Not all combinations can be exactly satisfied by available hardware, in some
+ cases more powerful machine types are chosen to make sure requirements are met or
+ over-provisioned. Refer to the
+ [baseten instance reference](https://docs.baseten.co/performance/instances).
+ **Parameters:**
+@@ -278,7 +248,7 @@
+ Model weight caching can be used like this:
+ import truss_chains as chains
+ from truss import truss_config
+@@ -321,7 +291,7 @@
+ | Name | Type | Description |
+ |------|------|-------------|
+-| `entrypoint` | *Type[ABCChainlet]* | The chainlet class that serves as the entrypoint to the chain. |
++| `entrypoint` | *Type[ChainletBase]* | The chainlet class that serves as the entrypoint to the chain. |
+ | `chain_name` | *str* | The name of the chain. |
+ | `publish` | *bool* | Whether to publish the chain as a published deployment (it is a draft deployment otherwise) |
+ | `promote` | *bool* | Whether to promote the chain to be the production deployment (this implies publishing as well). |
+@@ -330,14 +300,14 @@
+ * **Returns:**
+ A chain service handle to the deployed chain.
+ * **Return type:**
+- [*ChainService*](#truss_chains.deploy.ChainService)
++ [*ChainService*](#class-truss-chains-deploy-chainservice)
+ ### *class* `truss_chains.deploy.ChainService`
+ Handle for a deployed chain.
+-A `ChainService` is created and returned when using `deploy_remotely`. It
+-bundles the individual services for each chainlet in the chain, and provides
++A `ChainService` is created and returned when using [`deploy_remotely`](#truss-chains-deploy-remotely).
++It bundles the individual services for each chainlet in the chain, and provides
+ utilities to query their status, invoke the entrypoint etc.
+@@ -364,14 +334,6 @@
+ * **Return type:**
+ None
+-#### *property* entrypoint_fake_json_data *: Any*
+-Fake JSON example data that matches the entrypoint’s input schema.
+-This property must be externally populated.
+-* **Raises:**
+- **ValueError** – If fake data was not set.
+ #### *property* entrypoint_name *: str*
+ #### *property* get_entrypoint *: TrussService*
+@@ -390,18 +352,19 @@
+ * **Return type:**
+ list[tuple[str, str, str]]
+-#### name *: str*
+ #### run_remote(json)
+ Invokes the entrypoint with JSON data.
++| Name | Type | Description |
++| `json` | *JSON Dict* | Request payload. |
+ * **Returns:**
+ The JSON response.
+-* **Parameters:**
+- **json** (*Dict*)
+ * **Return type:**
+- *Any*
++ *JSON Dict*
+ #### *property* run_url *: str*
+@@ -427,12 +390,12 @@
+ You can now in `root/sub_package/chainlet.py` point to the requirements
+ file like this:
+ shared = RelativePathToHere("../common_requirements.text")
+ specific = RelativePathToHere("chainlet_requirements.text")
+ ```
+-#### WARNING
+ This helper uses the directory of the immediately calling module as an
+ absolute reference point for resolving the file location. Therefore,
+ you MUST NOT wrap the instantiation of `make_abs_path_here` into a
+@@ -440,7 +403,7 @@
+ Ok:
+ def foo(path: AbsPath):
+ abs_path = path.abs_path
+@@ -449,15 +412,20 @@
+ Not Ok:
+ def foo(path: str):
+ dangerous_value = make_abs_path_here(path).abs_path
+ foo("./somewhere")
+ ```
+-* **Parameters:**
+- **file_path** (*str*)
++| Name | Type | Description |
++| `file_path` | *str* | Absolute or relative path. |
+ * **Return type:**
+ *AbsPath*
+@@ -466,23 +434,23 @@
+ Context manager local debug execution of a chain.
+ The arguments only need to be provided if the chainlets explicitly access any the
+-corresponding fields of `DeploymentContext`.
++corresponding fields of [`DeploymentContext`](#class-truss-chains-deploymentcontext-generic-userconfigt).
+ **Parameters:**
+-| Name | Type | Description |
+-| `secrets` | *Mapping[str,str]\|None* | A dict of secrets keys and values to provide to the chainlets. |
+-| `data_dir` | *Path\|str\|None* | Path to a directory with data files. |
+-| `chainlet_to_service` | *Mapping[str,[ServiceDescriptor](#truss_chains.ServiceDescriptor* | A dict of chainlet names to service descriptors. |
++| Name | Type | Description |
++| `secrets` | *Mapping[str,str]\|None* | A dict of secrets keys and values to provide to the chainlets. |
++| `data_dir` | *Path\|str\|None* | Path to a directory with data files. |
++| `chainlet_to_service` | *Mapping[str,[ServiceDescriptor](#class-truss-chains-servicedescriptor)* | A dict of chainlet names to service descriptors. |
+ * **Return type:**
+ *ContextManager*[None]
+ Example usage (as trailing main section in a chain file):
+ import os
+ import truss_chains as chains
+@@ -520,22 +488,13 @@
+ **Parameters:**
+-| Name | Type | Description |
+-| `name` | *str* | |
+-| `predict_url` | *str* | |
+-| `options` | *[RPCOptions](#truss_chains.RPCOptions* | |
+-#### name *: str*
+-#### options *: [RPCOptions](#truss_chains.RPCOptions)*
++| Name | Type | Description |
++| `name` | *str* | |
++| `predict_url` | *str* | |
++| `options` | *[RPCOptions](#class-truss-chains-rpcoptions)* | |
+-#### predict_url *: str*
+-### *class* `truss_chains.StubBase`
+-Bases: `ABC`
++## *class* `truss_chains.StubBase`
+ Base class for stubs that invoke remote chainlets.
+@@ -543,7 +502,7 @@
+ in user-code for wrapping a deployed truss model into the chains framework, e.g.
+ like that:
+ import pydantic
+ import truss_chains as chains
+@@ -553,7 +512,7 @@
+ class DeployedWhisper(chains.StubBase):
+- async def run_remote(self, audio_b64: str) -> WhisperOutput:
++ async def run_remote(self, audio_b64: str) -> WhisperOutput:
+ resp = await self._remote.predict_async(json_payload={"audio": audio_b64})
+ return WhisperOutput(text=resp["text"], language==resp["language"])
+@@ -572,10 +531,10 @@
+ **Parameters:**
+-| Name | Type | Description |
+-| `service_descriptor` | *[ServiceDescriptor](#truss_chains.ServiceDescriptor* | Contains the URL and other configuration. |
+-| `api_key` | *str* | A baseten API key to authorize requests. |
++| Name | Type | Description |
++| `service_descriptor` | *[ServiceDescriptor](#class-truss-chains-servicedescriptor)* | Contains the URL and other configuration. |
++| `api_key` | *str* | A baseten API key to authorize requests. |
+ #### *classmethod* from_url(predict_url, context, options=None)
+@@ -585,12 +544,11 @@
+ **Parameters:**
+-| Name | Type | Description |
+-| `predict_url` | *str* | URL to predict endpoint of another chain / truss model. |
+-| `context` | *[DeploymentContext](#truss_chains.DeploymentContext* | Deployment context object, obtained in the chainlet’s `__init__`. |
+-| `options` | *[RPCOptions](#truss_chains.RPCOptions* | RPC options, e.g. retries. |
++| Name | Type | Description |
++| `predict_url` | *str* | URL to predict endpoint of another chain / truss model. |
++| `context` | *[DeploymentContext](#class-truss-chains-deploymentcontext-generic-userconfigt)* | Deployment context object, obtained in the chainlet’s `__init__`. |
++| `options` | *[RPCOptions](#class-truss-chains-rpcoptions)* | RPC options, e.g. retries. |
+ ### *class* `truss_chains.RemoteErrorDetail`
+@@ -610,13 +568,6 @@
+ | `exception_message` | *str* | |
+ | `user_stack_trace` | *list[StackFrame]* | |
+-#### exception_cls_name *: str*
+-#### exception_message *: str*
+-#### exception_module_name *: str | None*
+ #### format()
+ Format the error for printing, similar to how Python formats exceptions
+@@ -624,7 +575,3 @@
+ * **Return type:**
+ str
+-#### remote_name *: str*
+-#### user_stack_trace *: list[StackFrame]*
diff --git a/docs/chains/doc_gen/sphinx_config.py b/docs/chains/doc_gen/sphinx_config.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..13ac481ca
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/chains/doc_gen/sphinx_config.py
@@ -0,0 +1,101 @@
+import os
+import sys
+import sphinx_rtd_theme
+sys.path.insert(0, os.path.abspath("."))
+project = "Dummy"
+extensions = [
+ "sphinx.ext.autodoc",
+ "sphinx.ext.napoleon",
+ "sphinx_markdown_builder",
+ # "sphinx_markdown_parser",
+ "sphinx-pydantic",
+ # "myst_parser",
+ "mdx_adapter",
+myst_enable_extensions = [
+ "colon_fence",
+ "deflist",
+ "html_admonition",
+ "html_image",
+ "linkify",
+ "replacements",
+ "smartquotes",
+ "substitution",
+ "tasklist",
+autodoc_default_options = {
+ "members": True,
+ "undoc-members": False,
+ "private-members": False,
+ "special-members": False,
+ "exclude-members": "__*",
+ "inherited-members": False,
+ "show-inheritance": True,
+# Other Options.
+autodoc_typehints = "description"
+always_document_param_types = True
+# Include both class-level and __init__ docstrings
+autoclass_content = "both"
+# Napoleon (docstring parsing)
+napoleon_google_docstring = True
+napoleon_numpy_docstring = False
+napoleon_use_param = True
+napoleon_use_rtype = True
+# HTML output.
+html_theme = "sphinx_rtd_theme"
+html_theme_path = [sphinx_rtd_theme.get_html_theme_path()]
+def skip_member(app, what, name, obj, skip, options):
+ if name == "Config" and isinstance(obj, type):
+ # print(options.parent)
+ return True
+ # Exclude Pydantic's Config class and internal attributes
+ pydantic_internal_attributes = {
+ "model_computed_fields",
+ "model_fields",
+ "model_json_schema",
+ "model_config",
+ }
+ if name in pydantic_internal_attributes:
+ # This shadows user defined usage of those names...
+ return True
+ return skip
+def dump_doctree(app, doctree, docname: str):
+ output_file = f"/tmp/doc_gen/doctree_{docname}.txt" # Define the output file name
+ def visit_node(node, depth=0, file=sys.stdout):
+ # Create a visual guide with indentation and vertical lines
+ indent = "│ " * depth + "├── "
+ newl = "\n"
+ node_text = node.astext()[:100].replace(newl, " ")
+ file.write(
+ f"{indent}{node.__class__.__name__}: `{node_text}`.\n"
+ ) # Write to file
+ if not node.children: # Check if the node is a leaf node
+ empty_indent = "│ " * depth
+ file.write(f"{empty_indent}\n")
+ for child in node.children:
+ visit_node(child, depth + 1, file)
+ with open(output_file, "w") as file: # Open the file for writing
+ file.write(f"Dumping doctree for: {docname}\n")
+ visit_node(
+ doctree, file=file
+ ) # Pass the file handle to the visit_node function
+ file.write("\nFinished dumping doctree\n")
+def setup(app):
+ app.connect("autodoc-skip-member", skip_member)
+ # app.connect("doctree-resolved", dump_doctree)
diff --git a/docs/chains/full-reference.mdx b/docs/chains/full-reference.mdx
index ec7cb2565..86619a658 100644
--- a/docs/chains/full-reference.mdx
+++ b/docs/chains/full-reference.mdx
@@ -10,6 +10,6 @@ import TOC from '/snippets/chains/TOC.mdx';
-# Coming soon
+import Reference from '/snippets/chains/API-reference.mdx';
-For the time being, you can use IDE code-completions for reference.
diff --git a/docs/snippets/chains/API-reference.mdx b/docs/snippets/chains/API-reference.mdx
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..6d1427b34
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/snippets/chains/API-reference.mdx
@@ -0,0 +1,577 @@
+# API Reference
+# Chainlets
+APIs for creating user-defined Chainlets.
+### *class* `truss_chains.ChainletBase`
+Base class for all chainlets.
+Inheriting from this class adds validations to make sure subclasses adhere to the
+chainlet pattern and facilitates remote chainlet deployment.
+Refer to [the docs](https://truss.baseten.co/chains/getting-started) and this
+[example chainlet](https://github.com/basetenlabs/truss/blob/main/truss-chains/truss_chains/example_chainlet.py)
+for more guidance on how to create subclasses.
+### `truss_chains.depends`
+Sets a “symbolic marker” to indicate to the framework that a chainlet is a
+dependency of another chainlet. The return value of `depends` is intended to be
+used as a default argument in a chainlet’s `__init__`-method.
+When deploying a chain remotely, a corresponding stub to the remote is injected in
+its place. In [`run_local`](#truss-chains-run-local) mode an instance of a local chainlet is injected.
+Refer to [the docs](https://truss.baseten.co/chains/getting-started) and this
+[example chainlet](https://github.com/basetenlabs/truss/blob/main/truss-chains/truss_chains/example_chainlet.py)
+for more guidance on how make one chainlet depend on another chainlet.
+Despite the type annotation, this does *not* immediately provide a
+chainlet instance. Only when deploying remotely or using `run_local` a
+chainlet instance is provided.
+| Name | Type | Description |
+| `chainlet_cls` | *Type[ChainletBase]* | The chainlet class of the dependency. |
+| `retries` | *int* | The number of times to retry the remote chainlet in case of failures (e.g. due to transient network issues). |
+* **Returns:**
+ A “symbolic marker” to be used as a default argument in a chainlet’s
+ initializer.
+### `truss_chains.depends_context`
+Sets a “symbolic marker” for injecting a context object at runtime.
+Refer to [the docs](https://truss.baseten.co/chains/getting-started) and this
+[example chainlet](https://github.com/basetenlabs/truss/blob/main/truss-chains/truss_chains/example_chainlet.py)
+for more guidance on the `__init__`-signature of chainlets.
+Despite the type annotation, this does *not* immediately provide a
+context instance. Only when deploying remotely or using `run_local` a
+context instance is provided.
+* **Returns:**
+ A “symbolic marker” to be used as a default argument in a chainlet’s
+ initializer.
+### *class* `truss_chains.DeploymentContext(Generic[UserConfigT])`
+Bases: `pydantic.BaseModel`
+Bundles config values and resources needed to instantiate Chainlets.
+This is provided at runtime to the Chainlet’s `__init__` method.
+| Name | Type | Description |
+| `data_dir` | *Path\|None* | The directory where the chainlet can store and access data, e.g. for downloading model weights. |
+| `user_config` | *UserConfigT* | User-defined configuration for the chainlet. |
+| `chainlet_to_service` | *Mapping[str,[ServiceDescriptor](#class-truss-chains-servicedescriptor)]* | A mapping from chainlet names to service descriptors. This is used create RPCs sessions to dependency chainlets. It contains only the chainlet services that are dependencies of the current chainlet. |
+| `secrets` | *Mapping[str,str]* | A mapping from secret names to secret values. It contains only the secrets that are listed in `remote_config.assets.secret_keys` of the current chainlet. |
+#### chainlet_to_service *: Mapping[str, [ServiceDescriptor](#class-truss-chains-servicedescriptor)]*
+#### data_dir *: Path | None*
+#### get_baseten_api_key()
+* **Return type:**
+ str
+#### get_service_descriptor(chainlet_name)
+| Name | Type | Description |
+| `chainlet_name` | *str* | The name of the chainlet. |
+* **Return type:**
+ [*ServiceDescriptor*](#class-truss-chains-servicedescriptor)
+#### secrets *: Mapping[str, str]*
+#### user_config *: UserConfigT*
+### *class* `truss_chains.RPCOptions`
+Bases: `pydantic.BaseModel`
+Options to customize RPCs to dependency chainlets.
+| Name | Type | Description |
+| `timeout_sec` | *int* | |
+| `retries` | *int* | |
+### `truss_chains.mark_entrypoint`
+Decorator to mark a chainlet as the entrypoint of a chain.
+This decorator can be applied to *one* chainlet in a source file and then the
+CLI deploy command simplifies because only the file, but not the chainlet class
+in the file needs to be specified.
+Example usage:
+import truss_chains as chains
+class MyChainlet(ChainletBase):
+ ...
+| Name | Type | Description |
+| `cls` | *Type[ChainletBase]* | The chainlet class. |
+* **Return type:**
+ *Type*[*ChainletBase*]
+# Remote Configuration
+These data structures specify for each chainlet how it gets deployed remotely, e.g. dependencies and compute resources.
+### *class* `truss_chains.RemoteConfig`
+Bases: `pydantic.BaseModel`
+Bundles config values needed to deploy a chainlet remotely..
+This is specified as a class variable for each chainlet class, e.g.:
+import truss_chains as chains
+class MyChainlet(chains.ChainletBase):
+ remote_config = chains.RemoteConfig(
+ docker_image=chains.DockerImage(
+ pip_requirements=["torch==2.0.1", ... ]
+ ),
+ compute=chains.Compute(cpu_count=2, gpu="A10G", ...),
+ assets=chains.Assets(secret_keys=["hf_access_token"], ...),
+ )
+| Name | Type | Description |
+| `docker_image` | *[DockerImage](#class-truss-chains-dockerimage)* | |
+| `compute` | *[Compute](#class-truss-chains-compute)* | |
+| `assets` | *[Assets](#class-truss-chains-assets)* | |
+| `name` | *str\|None* | |
+### *class* `truss_chains.DockerImage`
+Bases: `pydantic.BaseModel`
+Configures the docker image in which a remoted chainlet is deployed.
+Any paths are relative to the source file where `DockerImage` is
+defined and must be created with the helper function [`make_abs_path_here`](#truss-chains-make-abs-path-here).
+This allows you for example organize chainlets in different (potentially nested)
+modules and keep their requirement files right next their python source files.
+| Name | Type | Description |
+| `base_image` | *str* | The base image to use for the chainlet. Default is `python:3.11-slim`. |
+| `pip_requirements_file` | *AbsPath\|None* | Path to a file containing pip requirements. The file content is naively concatenated with `pip_requirements`. |
+| `pip_requirements` | *list[str]* | A list of pip requirements to install. The items are naively concatenated with the content of the `pip_requirements_file`. |
+| `apt_requirements` | *list[str]* | A list of apt requirements to install. |
+| `data_dir` | *AbsPath\|None* | Data from this directory is copied into the docker image and accessible to the remote chainlet at runtime. |
+| `external_package_dirs` | *list[AbsPath]\|None* | A list of directories containing additional python packages outside the chain’s workspace dir, e.g. a shared library. This code is copied into the docker image and importable at runtime. |
+### *class* `truss_chains.Compute`
+Specifies which compute resources a chainlet has in the *remote* deployment.
+Not all combinations can be exactly satisfied by available hardware, in some
+cases more powerful machine types are chosen to make sure requirements are met or
+over-provisioned. Refer to the
+[baseten instance reference](https://docs.baseten.co/performance/instances).
+| Name | Type | Description |
+| `cpu_count` | *int* | Minimum number of CPUs to allocate. |
+| `memory` | *str* | Minimum memory to allocate, e.g. “2Gi” (2 gibibytes). |
+| `gpu` | *str\|Accelerator\|None* | GPU accelerator type, e.g. “A10G”, “A100”, refer to the [truss config](https://truss.baseten.co/reference/config#resources-accelerator) for more choices. |
+| `gpu_count` | *int* | Number of GPUs to allocate. |
+| `predict_concurrency` | *int\|Literal['cpu_count']* | Number of concurrent requests a single replica of a deployed chainlet handles. |
+Concurrency concepts are explained in [this guide](https://truss.baseten.co/guides/concurrency).
+It is important to understand the difference between predict_concurrency and
+the concurrency target (used for autoscaling, i.e. adding or removing replicas).
+Furthermore, the `predict_concurrency` of a single instance is implemented in
+two ways:
+- Via python’s `asyncio`, if `run_remote` is an async def. This
+ requires that `run_remote` yields to the event loop.
+- With a threadpool if it’s a synchronous function. This requires
+ that the threads don’t have significant CPU load (due to the GIL).
+#### get_spec()
+* **Return type:**
+ *ComputeSpec*
+### *class* `truss_chains.Assets`
+Specifies which assets a chainlet can access in the remote deployment.
+Model weight caching can be used like this:
+import truss_chains as chains
+from truss import truss_config
+mistral_cache = truss_config.ModelRepo(
+ repo_id="mistralai/Mistral-7B-Instruct-v0.2",
+ allow_patterns=["*.json", "*.safetensors", ".model"]
+ )
+chains.Assets(cached=[mistral_cache], ...)
+See [truss caching guide](https://truss.baseten.co/guides/model-cache#enabling-caching-for-a-model)
+for more details on caching.
+| Name | Type | Description |
+| `cached` | *Iterable[ModelRepo]* | One or more `truss_config.ModelRepo` objects. |
+| `secret_keys` | *Iterable[str]* | Names of secrets stored on baseten, that the chainlet should have access to. You can manage secrets on baseten [here](https://app.baseten.co/settings/secrets). |
+#### get_spec()
+Returns parsed and validated assets.
+* **Return type:**
+ *AssetSpec*
+# Core
+General framework and helper functions.
+### `truss_chains.deploy_remotely`
+Deploys a chain remotely (with all dependent chainlets).
+| Name | Type | Description |
+| `entrypoint` | *Type[ChainletBase]* | The chainlet class that serves as the entrypoint to the chain. |
+| `chain_name` | *str* | The name of the chain. |
+| `publish` | *bool* | Whether to publish the chain as a published deployment (it is a draft deployment otherwise) |
+| `promote` | *bool* | Whether to promote the chain to be the production deployment (this implies publishing as well). |
+| `only_generate_trusses` | *bool* | Used for debugging purposes. If set to True, only the the underlying truss models for the chainlets are generated in `/tmp/.chains_generated`. |
+* **Returns:**
+ A chain service handle to the deployed chain.
+* **Return type:**
+ [*ChainService*](#class-truss-chains-deploy-chainservice)
+### *class* `truss_chains.deploy.ChainService`
+Handle for a deployed chain.
+A `ChainService` is created and returned when using [`deploy_remotely`](#truss-chains-deploy-remotely).
+It bundles the individual services for each chainlet in the chain, and provides
+utilities to query their status, invoke the entrypoint etc.
+| Name | Type | Description |
+| `entrypoint` | *str* | Name of the entrypoint chainlet. |
+| `name` | *str* | Name of the chain. |
+#### add_service(name, service)
+Used to add a chainlet service during the deployment sequence of the chain.
+| Name | Type | Description |
+| `name` | *str* | Chainlet name. |
+| `service` | *TrussService* | Service object for the chainlet. |
+* **Return type:**
+ None
+#### *property* entrypoint_name *: str*
+#### *property* get_entrypoint *: TrussService*
+Returns the entrypoint’s service handle.
+* **Raises:**
+ **MissingDependencyError** – If the entrypoint service was not added.
+#### get_info()
+Queries the statuses of all chainlets in the chain.
+* **Returns:**
+ List with elements `(name, status, logs_url)` for each chainlet.
+* **Return type:**
+ list[tuple[str, str, str]]
+#### run_remote(json)
+Invokes the entrypoint with JSON data.
+| Name | Type | Description |
+| `json` | *JSON Dict* | Request payload. |
+* **Returns:**
+ The JSON response.
+* **Return type:**
+ *JSON Dict*
+#### *property* run_url *: str*
+URL to invoke the entrypoint.
+#### *property* services *: MutableMapping[str, TrussService]*
+### `truss_chains.make_abs_path_here`
+Helper to specify file paths relative to the *immediately calling* module.
+E.g. in you have a project structure like this:
+ chain.py
+ common_requirements.text
+ sub_package/
+ chainlet.py
+ chainlet_requirements.txt
+You can now in `root/sub_package/chainlet.py` point to the requirements
+file like this:
+shared = RelativePathToHere("../common_requirements.text")
+specific = RelativePathToHere("chainlet_requirements.text")
+This helper uses the directory of the immediately calling module as an
+absolute reference point for resolving the file location. Therefore,
+you MUST NOT wrap the instantiation of `make_abs_path_here` into a
+function (e.g. applying decorators) or use dynamic code execution.
+def foo(path: AbsPath):
+ abs_path = path.abs_path
+Not Ok:
+def foo(path: str):
+ dangerous_value = make_abs_path_here(path).abs_path
+| Name | Type | Description |
+| `file_path` | *str* | Absolute or relative path. |
+* **Return type:**
+ *AbsPath*
+### `truss_chains.run_local`
+Context manager local debug execution of a chain.
+The arguments only need to be provided if the chainlets explicitly access any the
+corresponding fields of [`DeploymentContext`](#class-truss-chains-deploymentcontext-generic-userconfigt).
+| Name | Type | Description |
+| `secrets` | *Mapping[str,str]\|None* | A dict of secrets keys and values to provide to the chainlets. |
+| `data_dir` | *Path\|str\|None* | Path to a directory with data files. |
+| `chainlet_to_service` | *Mapping[str,[ServiceDescriptor](#class-truss-chains-servicedescriptor)* | A dict of chainlet names to service descriptors. |
+* **Return type:**
+ *ContextManager*[None]
+Example usage (as trailing main section in a chain file):
+import os
+import truss_chains as chains
+class HelloWorld(chains.ChainletBase):
+ ...
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ with chains.run_local(
+ secrets={"some_token": os.environ["SOME_TOKEN"]},
+ chainlet_to_service={
+ "SomeChainlet": chains.ServiceDescriptor(
+ name="SomeChainlet",
+ predict_url="https://...",
+ options=chains.RPCOptions(),
+ )
+ },
+ ):
+ hello_world_chain = HelloWorld()
+ result = hello_world_chain.run_remote(max_value=5)
+ print(result)
+Refer to the [local debugging guide](https://truss.baseten.co/chains/guide#local-debugging)
+for more details.
+### *class* `truss_chains.ServiceDescriptor`
+Bases: `pydantic.BaseModel`
+Bundles values to establish an RPC session to a dependency chainlet,
+specifically with `StubBase`.
+| Name | Type | Description |
+| `name` | *str* | |
+| `predict_url` | *str* | |
+| `options` | *[RPCOptions](#class-truss-chains-rpcoptions)* | |
+## *class* `truss_chains.StubBase`
+Base class for stubs that invoke remote chainlets.
+It is used internally for RPCs to dependency chainlets, but it can also be used
+in user-code for wrapping a deployed truss model into the chains framework, e.g.
+like that:
+import pydantic
+import truss_chains as chains
+class WhisperOutput(pydantic.BaseModel):
+ ...
+class DeployedWhisper(chains.StubBase):
+ async def run_remote(self, audio_b64: str) -> WhisperOutput:
+ resp = await self._remote.predict_async(json_payload={"audio": audio_b64})
+ return WhisperOutput(text=resp["text"], language==resp["language"])
+class MyChainlet(chains.ChainletBase):
+ def __init__(self, ..., context = chains.depends_context()):
+ ...
+ self._whisper = DeployedWhisper.from_url(
+ context,
+ options=chains.RPCOptions(retries=3),
+ )
+| Name | Type | Description |
+| `service_descriptor` | *[ServiceDescriptor](#class-truss-chains-servicedescriptor)* | Contains the URL and other configuration. |
+| `api_key` | *str* | A baseten API key to authorize requests. |
+#### *classmethod* from_url(predict_url, context, options=None)
+Factory method, convenient to be used in chainlet’s `__init__`-method.
+| Name | Type | Description |
+| `predict_url` | *str* | URL to predict endpoint of another chain / truss model. |
+| `context` | *[DeploymentContext](#class-truss-chains-deploymentcontext-generic-userconfigt)* | Deployment context object, obtained in the chainlet’s `__init__`. |
+| `options` | *[RPCOptions](#class-truss-chains-rpcoptions)* | RPC options, e.g. retries. |
+### *class* `truss_chains.RemoteErrorDetail`
+Bases: `pydantic.BaseModel`
+When a remote chainlet raises an exception, this pydantic model contains
+information about the error and stack trace and is included in JSON form in the
+error response.
+| Name | Type | Description |
+| `remote_name` | *str* | |
+| `exception_cls_name` | *str* | |
+| `exception_module_name` | *str\|None* | |
+| `exception_message` | *str* | |
+| `user_stack_trace` | *list[StackFrame]* | |
+#### format()
+Format the error for printing, similar to how Python formats exceptions
+with stack traces.
+* **Return type:**
+ str
diff --git a/docs/snippets/chains/TOC.mdx b/docs/snippets/chains/TOC.mdx
index 48546670a..1f4c58012 100644
--- a/docs/snippets/chains/TOC.mdx
+++ b/docs/snippets/chains/TOC.mdx
@@ -9,3 +9,4 @@
* [Advanced Guide](/chains/guide)
* [Testing, Debugging, Mocking](/chains/guide#development-experience)
* [Dependencies & Resources](/chains/guide#changing-compute-resources)
+* [API Reference](/chains/full-reference)
diff --git a/truss-chains/truss_chains/__init__.py b/truss-chains/truss_chains/__init__.py
index 55dddbe28..efb2ccee8 100644
--- a/truss-chains/truss_chains/__init__.py
+++ b/truss-chains/truss_chains/__init__.py
@@ -15,19 +15,19 @@
"You can still use other Truss functionality."
-del pydantic
+del pydantic, pydantic_major_version
# flake8: noqa F401
from truss_chains.definitions import (
- ChainsRuntimeError,
+ ServiceDescriptor,
from truss_chains.public_api import (
diff --git a/truss-chains/truss_chains/code_gen.py b/truss-chains/truss_chains/code_gen.py
index cb9510b90..1af6505b9 100644
--- a/truss-chains/truss_chains/code_gen.py
+++ b/truss-chains/truss_chains/code_gen.py
@@ -2,7 +2,6 @@
Chains currently assumes that everything from the directory in which the entrypoint
is defined (i.e. sibling files and nested dirs) could be imported/used. e.g.:
@@ -10,18 +9,15 @@
These sources are copied into truss's `/packages` and can be imported on the remote.
Using code *outside* of the workspace is not supported:
`shared_lib` can only be imported on the remote if its installed as a pip
requirement (site-package), it will not be copied from the local host.
diff --git a/truss-chains/truss_chains/definitions.py b/truss-chains/truss_chains/definitions.py
index b1c6ec205..fb0f341e9 100644
--- a/truss-chains/truss_chains/definitions.py
+++ b/truss-chains/truss_chains/definitions.py
@@ -123,6 +123,29 @@ def abs_path(self) -> str:
class DockerImage(SafeModelNonSerializable):
+ """Configures the docker image in which a remoted chainlet is deployed.
+ Note:
+ Any paths are relative to the source file where ``DockerImage`` is
+ defined and must be created with the helper function ``make_abs_path_here``.
+ This allows you for example organize chainlets in different (potentially nested)
+ modules and keep their requirement files right next their python source files.
+ Args:
+ base_image: The base image to use for the chainlet. Default is
+ ``python:3.11-slim``.
+ pip_requirements_file: Path to a file containing pip requirements. The file
+ content is naively concatenated with ``pip_requirements``.
+ pip_requirements: A list of pip requirements to install. The items are
+ naively concatenated with the content of the ``pip_requirements_file``.
+ apt_requirements: A list of apt requirements to install.
+ data_dir: Data from this directory is copied into the docker image and
+ accessible to the remote chainlet at runtime.
+ external_package_dirs: A list of directories containing additional python
+ packages outside the chain's workspace dir, e.g. a shared library. This code
+ is copied into the docker image and importable at runtime.
+ """
# TODO: this is not stable yet and might change or refer back to truss.
base_image: str = "python:3.11-slim"
pip_requirements_file: Optional[AbsPath] = None
@@ -133,6 +156,8 @@ class DockerImage(SafeModelNonSerializable):
class ComputeSpec(pydantic.BaseModel):
+ """Parsed and validated compute. See ``Compute`` for more information."""
# TODO: this is not stable yet and might change or refer back to truss.
cpu_count: int = 1
predict_concurrency: int = 1
@@ -145,8 +170,16 @@ class ComputeSpec(pydantic.BaseModel):
class Compute:
- """Builder to create ComputeSpec."""
+ """Specifies which compute resources a chainlet has in the *remote* deployment.
+ Note:
+ Not all combinations can be exactly satisfied by available hardware, in some
+ cases more powerful machine types are chosen to make sure requirements are met or
+ over-provisioned. Refer to the
+ `baseten instance reference `_.
+ """
+ # Builder to create ComputeSpec.
# This extra layer around `ComputeSpec` is needed to parse the accelerator options.
_spec: ComputeSpec
@@ -159,6 +192,29 @@ def __init__(
gpu_count: int = 1,
predict_concurrency: Union[int, CpuCountT] = 1,
) -> None:
+ """
+ Args:
+ cpu_count: Minimum number of CPUs to allocate.
+ memory: Minimum memory to allocate, e.g. "2Gi" (2 gibibytes).
+ gpu: GPU accelerator type, e.g. "A10G", "A100", refer to the
+ `truss config `_
+ for more choices.
+ gpu_count: Number of GPUs to allocate.
+ predict_concurrency: Number of concurrent requests a single replica of a
+ deployed chainlet handles.
+ Concurrency concepts are explained in `this guide `_.
+ It is important to understand the difference between `predict_concurrency` and
+ the concurrency target (used for autoscaling, i.e. adding or removing replicas).
+ Furthermore, the ``predict_concurrency`` of a single instance is implemented in
+ two ways:
+ - Via python's ``asyncio``, if ``run_remote`` is an async def. This
+ requires that ``run_remote`` yields to the event loop.
+ - With a threadpool if it's a synchronous function. This requires
+ that the threads don't have significant CPU load (due to the GIL).
+ """
accelerator = truss_config.AcceleratorSpec()
if gpu:
accelerator.accelerator = truss_config.Accelerator(gpu)
@@ -184,32 +240,74 @@ def get_spec(self) -> ComputeSpec:
class AssetSpec(SafeModel):
+ """Parsed and validated assets. See ``Assets`` for more information."""
# TODO: this is not stable yet and might change or refer back to truss.
- secrets: dict[str, str] = {}
- cached: list[Any] = []
+ secrets: dict[str, str] = pydantic.Field({})
+ cached: list[truss_config.ModelRepo] = []
class Assets:
- """Builder to create asset spec."""
+ """Specifies which assets a chainlet can access in the remote deployment.
+ Model weight caching can be used like this::
+ import truss_chains as chains
+ from truss import truss_config
+ mistral_cache = truss_config.ModelRepo(
+ repo_id="mistralai/Mistral-7B-Instruct-v0.2",
+ allow_patterns=["*.json", "*.safetensors", ".model"]
+ )
+ chains.Assets(cached=[mistral_cache], ...)
+ See `truss caching guide `_
+ for more details on caching.
+ """
- # This extra layer around `ComputeSpec` is needed to add secret_keys.
+ # Builder to create asset spec.
+ # This extra layer around `AssetSpec` is needed to add secret_keys.
_spec: AssetSpec
def __init__(
- cached: Iterable[Any] = (),
+ cached: Iterable[truss_config.ModelRepo] = (),
secret_keys: Iterable[str] = (),
) -> None:
+ """
+ Args:
+ cached: One or more ``truss_config.ModelRepo`` objects.
+ secret_keys: Names of secrets stored on baseten, that the
+ chainlet should have access to. You can manage secrets on baseten
+ `here `_.
+ """
self._spec = AssetSpec(
cached=list(cached), secrets={k: SECRET_DUMMY for k in secret_keys}
def get_spec(self) -> AssetSpec:
+ """Returns parsed and validated assets."""
return self._spec.copy(deep=True)
class RemoteConfig(SafeModelNonSerializable):
- """Bundles config values needed to deploy a Chainlet."""
+ """Bundles config values needed to deploy a chainlet remotely..
+ This is specified as a class variable for each chainlet class, e.g.::
+ import truss_chains as chains
+ class MyChainlet(chains.ChainletBase):
+ remote_config = chains.RemoteConfig(
+ docker_image=chains.DockerImage(
+ pip_requirements=["torch==2.0.1", ... ]
+ ),
+ compute=chains.Compute(cpu_count=2, gpu="A10G", ...),
+ assets=chains.Assets(secret_keys=["hf_access_token"], ...),
+ )
+ """
docker_image: DockerImage = DockerImage()
compute: Compute = Compute()
@@ -224,18 +322,37 @@ def get_asset_spec(self) -> AssetSpec:
class RPCOptions(SafeModel):
+ """Options to customize RPCs to dependency chainlets."""
timeout_sec: int = 600
retries: int = 1
class ServiceDescriptor(SafeModel):
+ """Bundles values to establish an RPC session to a dependency chainlet,
+ specifically with ``StubBase``."""
name: str
predict_url: str
options: RPCOptions
class DeploymentContext(SafeModelNonSerializable, Generic[UserConfigT]):
- """Bundles config values and resources needed to instantiate Chainlets."""
+ """Bundles config values and resources needed to instantiate Chainlets.
+ This is provided at runtime to the Chainlet's ``__init__`` method.
+ Args:
+ data_dir: The directory where the chainlet can store and access data,
+ e.g. for downloading model weights.
+ user_config: User-defined configuration for the chainlet.
+ chainlet_to_service: A mapping from chainlet names to service descriptors.
+ This is used create RPCs sessions to dependency chainlets. It contains only
+ the chainlet services that are dependencies of the current chainlet.
+ secrets: A mapping from secret names to secret values. It contains only the
+ secrets that are listed in ``remote_config.assets.secret_keys`` of the
+ current chainlet.
+ """
data_dir: Optional[pathlib.Path] = None
user_config: UserConfigT
@@ -361,19 +478,26 @@ def to_frame_summary(self) -> traceback.FrameSummary:
class RemoteErrorDetail(SafeModel):
+ """When a remote chainlet raises an exception, this pydantic model contains
+ information about the error and stack trace and is included in JSON form in the
+ error response.
+ """
remote_name: str
exception_cls_name: str
exception_module_name: Optional[str]
exception_message: str
user_stack_trace: list[StackFrame]
- def to_stack_summary(self) -> traceback.StackSummary:
+ def _to_stack_summary(self) -> traceback.StackSummary:
return traceback.StackSummary.from_list(
frame.to_frame_summary() for frame in self.user_stack_trace
def format(self) -> str:
- stack = "".join(traceback.format_list(self.to_stack_summary()))
+ """Format the error for printing, similar to how Python formats exceptions
+ with stack traces."""
+ stack = "".join(traceback.format_list(self._to_stack_summary()))
exc_info = (
f"\n(Exception class defined in `{self.exception_module_name}`.)"
if self.exception_module_name
diff --git a/truss-chains/truss_chains/deploy.py b/truss-chains/truss_chains/deploy.py
index 1a92c84b6..9b1880233 100644
--- a/truss-chains/truss_chains/deploy.py
+++ b/truss-chains/truss_chains/deploy.py
@@ -146,22 +146,49 @@ def add_needed_chainlets(chainlet: definitions.ChainletAPIDescriptor):
class ChainService:
+ # TODO: this exposes methods to users that should be internal (e.g. `add_service`).
+ """Handle for a deployed chain.
+ A ``ChainService`` is created and returned when using ``deploy_remotely``. It
+ bundles the individual services for each chainlet in the chain, and provides
+ utilities to query their status, invoke the entrypoint etc.
+ """
name: str
_entrypoint: str
_services: MutableMapping[str, b10_service.TrussService]
_entrypoint_fake_json_data = Any
def __init__(self, entrypoint: str, name: str) -> None:
+ """
+ Args:
+ entrypoint: Name of the entrypoint chainlet.
+ name: Name of the chain.
+ """
self.name = name
self._entrypoint = entrypoint
self._services = collections.OrderedDict() # Preserve order.
self.entrypoint_fake_json_data = None
def add_service(self, name: str, service: b10_service.TrussService) -> None:
+ """
+ Used to add a chainlet service during the deployment sequence of the chain.
+ Args:
+ name: Chainlet name.
+ service: Service object for the chainlet.
+ """
self._services[name] = service
def entrypoint_fake_json_data(self) -> Any:
+ """Fake JSON example data that matches the entrypoint's input schema.
+ This property must be externally populated.
+ Raises:
+ ValueError: If fake data was not set.
+ """
if self._entrypoint_fake_json_data is None:
raise ValueError("Fake data was not set.")
return self._entrypoint_fake_json_data
@@ -172,6 +199,11 @@ def entrypoint_fake_json_data(self, fake_data: Any) -> None:
def get_entrypoint(self) -> b10_service.TrussService:
+ """Returns the entrypoint's service handle.
+ Raises:
+ MissingDependencyError: If the entrypoint service was not added.
+ """
service = self._services.get(self._entrypoint)
if not service:
raise definitions.MissingDependencyError(
@@ -189,13 +221,21 @@ def entrypoint_name(self) -> str:
def run_url(self) -> str:
+ """URL to invoke the entrypoint."""
return self.get_entrypoint.predict_url
def run_remote(self, json: Dict) -> Any:
+ """Invokes the entrypoint with JSON data.
+ Returns:
+ The JSON response."""
return self.get_entrypoint.predict(json)
def get_info(self) -> list[tuple[str, str, str]]:
- """Return list with elements (name, status, logs_url) for each chainlet."""
+ """Queries the statuses of all chainlets in the chain.
+ Returns:
+ List with elements ``(name, status, logs_url)`` for each chainlet."""
return list(
(name, next(service.poll_deployment_status(sleep_secs=0)), service.logs_url)
for name, service in self._services.items()
diff --git a/truss-chains/truss_chains/public_api.py b/truss-chains/truss_chains/public_api.py
index 97e61a821..f1b55ba85 100644
--- a/truss-chains/truss_chains/public_api.py
+++ b/truss-chains/truss_chains/public_api.py
@@ -6,11 +6,22 @@
def depends_context() -> definitions.DeploymentContext:
- """Sets a 'symbolic marker' for injecting a Context object at runtime.
+ """Sets a "symbolic marker" for injecting a context object at runtime.
+ Refer to `the docs `_ and this
+ `example chainlet `_
+ for more guidance on the ``__init__``-signature of chainlets.
+ Warning:
+ Despite the type annotation, this does *not* immediately provide a
+ context instance. Only when deploying remotely or using ``run_local`` a
+ context instance is provided.
+ Returns:
+ A "symbolic marker" to be used as a default argument in a chainlet's
+ initializer.
- WARNING: Despite the type annotation, this does *not* immediately provide a
- context instance.
- Only when deploying remotely or using `run_local` a context instance is provided.
# The type error is silenced to because chains framework will at runtime inject
# a corresponding instance. Nonetheless, we want to use a type annotation here,
@@ -22,11 +33,30 @@ def depends_context() -> definitions.DeploymentContext:
def depends(
chainlet_cls: Type[framework.ChainletT], retries: int = 1
) -> framework.ChainletT:
- """Sets a 'symbolic marker' for injecting a stub or local Chainlet at runtime.
- WARNING: Despite the type annotation, this does *not* immediately provide a
- chainlet instance.
- Only when deploying remotely or using `run_local` a chainlet instance is provided.
+ """Sets a "symbolic marker" to indicate to the framework that a chainlet is a
+ dependency of another chainlet. The return value of ``depends`` is intended to be
+ used as a default argument in a chainlet's ``__init__``-method.
+ When deploying a chain remotely, a corresponding stub to the remote is injected in
+ its place. In ``run_local`` mode an instance of a local chainlet is injected.
+ Refer to `the docs `_ and this
+ `example chainlet `_
+ for more guidance on how make one chainlet depend on another chainlet.
+ Warning:
+ Despite the type annotation, this does *not* immediately provide a
+ chainlet instance. Only when deploying remotely or using ``run_local`` a
+ chainlet instance is provided.
+ Args:
+ chainlet_cls: The chainlet class of the dependency.
+ retries: The number of times to retry the remote chainlet in case of failures
+ (e.g. due to transient network issues).
+ Returns:
+ A "symbolic marker" to be used as a default argument in a chainlet's
+ initializer.
options = definitions.RPCOptions(retries=retries)
# The type error is silenced to because chains framework will at runtime inject
@@ -37,6 +67,16 @@ def depends(
class ChainletBase(definitions.ABCChainlet):
+ """Base class for all chainlets.
+ Inheriting from this class adds validations to make sure subclasses adhere to the
+ chainlet pattern and facilitates remote chainlet deployment.
+ Refer to `the docs `_ and this
+ `example chainlet `_
+ for more guidance on how to create subclasses.
+ """
def __init_subclass__(cls, **kwargs) -> None:
@@ -55,6 +95,20 @@ def __init_with_arg_check__(self, *args, **kwargs):
def mark_entrypoint(cls: Type[framework.ChainletT]) -> Type[framework.ChainletT]:
+ """Decorator to mark a chainlet as the entrypoint of a chain.
+ This decorator can be applied to *one* chainlet in a source file and then the
+ CLI deploy command simplifies because only the file, but not the chainlet class
+ in the file needs to be specified.
+ Example usage::
+ import truss_chains as chains
+ @chains.mark_entrypoint
+ class MyChainlet(ChainletBase):
+ ...
+ """
return framework.entrypoint(cls)
@@ -65,6 +119,24 @@ def deploy_remotely(
promote: bool = True,
only_generate_trusses: bool = False,
) -> deploy.ChainService:
+ """
+ Deploys a chain remotely (with all dependent chainlets).
+ Args:
+ entrypoint: The chainlet class that serves as the entrypoint to the chain.
+ chain_name: The name of the chain.
+ publish: Whether to publish the chain as a published deployment (it is a
+ draft deployment otherwise)
+ promote: Whether to promote the chain to be the production deployment (this
+ implies publishing as well).
+ only_generate_trusses: Used for debugging purposes. If set to True, only the
+ the underlying truss models for the chainlets are generated in
+ ``/tmp/.chains_generated``.
+ Returns:
+ A chain service handle to the deployed chain.
+ """
options = definitions.DeploymentOptionsBaseten.create(
@@ -79,6 +151,45 @@ def run_local(
data_dir: Optional[Union[pathlib.Path, str]] = None,
chainlet_to_service: Optional[Mapping[str, definitions.ServiceDescriptor]] = None,
) -> ContextManager[None]:
- """Context manager for using in-process instantiations of Chainlet dependencies."""
+ """Context manager local debug execution of a chain.
+ The arguments only need to be provided if the chainlets explicitly access any the
+ corresponding fields of ``DeploymentContext``.
+ Args:
+ secrets: A dict of secrets keys and values to provide to the chainlets.
+ data_dir: Path to a directory with data files.
+ chainlet_to_service: A dict of chainlet names to service descriptors.
+ Example usage (as trailing main section in a chain file)::
+ import os
+ import truss_chains as chains
+ class HelloWorld(chains.ChainletBase):
+ ...
+ if __name__ == "__main__":
+ with chains.run_local(
+ secrets={"some_token": os.environ["SOME_TOKEN"]},
+ chainlet_to_service={
+ "SomeChainlet": chains.ServiceDescriptor(
+ name="SomeChainlet",
+ predict_url="https://...",
+ options=chains.RPCOptions(),
+ )
+ },
+ ):
+ hello_world_chain = HelloWorld()
+ result = hello_world_chain.run_remote(max_value=5)
+ print(result)
+ Refer to the `local debugging guide `_
+ for more details.
+ """
data_dir = pathlib.Path(data_dir) if data_dir else None
return framework.run_local(secrets, data_dir, chainlet_to_service)
diff --git a/truss-chains/truss_chains/stub.py b/truss-chains/truss_chains/stub.py
index 4ccfc32b9..04c853088 100644
--- a/truss-chains/truss_chains/stub.py
+++ b/truss-chains/truss_chains/stub.py
@@ -82,12 +82,49 @@ async def predict_async(self, json_payload):
class StubBase(abc.ABC):
+ """Base class for stubs that invoke remote chainlets.
+ It is used internally for RPCs to dependency chainlets, but it can also be used
+ in user-code for wrapping a deployed truss model into the chains framework, e.g.
+ like that::
+ import pydantic
+ import truss_chains as chains
+ class WhisperOutput(pydantic.BaseModel):
+ ...
+ class DeployedWhisper(chains.StubBase):
+ async def run_remote(self, audio_b64: str) -> WhisperOutput:
+ resp = await self._remote.predict_async(json_payload={"audio": audio_b64})
+ return WhisperOutput(text=resp["text"], language==resp["language"])
+ class MyChainlet(chains.ChainletBase):
+ def __init__(self, ..., context = chains.depends_context()):
+ ...
+ self._whisper = DeployedWhisper.from_url(
+ context,
+ options=chains.RPCOptions(retries=3),
+ )
+ """
_remote: BasetenSession
def __init__(
self, service_descriptor: definitions.ServiceDescriptor, api_key: str
) -> None:
+ """
+ Args:
+ service_descriptor: Contains the URL and other configuration.
+ api_key: A baseten API key to authorize requests.
+ """
self._remote = BasetenSession(service_descriptor, api_key)
@@ -96,13 +133,18 @@ def from_url(
predict_url: str,
context: definitions.DeploymentContext,
options: Optional[definitions.RPCOptions] = None,
- name: Optional[str] = None,
- name = name or cls.__name__
+ """Factory method, convenient to be used in chainlet's ``__init__``-method.
+ Args:
+ predict_url: URL to predict endpoint of another chain / truss model.
+ context: Deployment context object, obtained in the chainlet's ``__init__``.
+ options: RPC options, e.g. retries.
+ """
options = options or definitions.RPCOptions()
return cls(
- name=name, predict_url=predict_url, options=options
+ name=cls.__name__, predict_url=predict_url, options=options
@@ -112,7 +154,7 @@ def from_url(
def factory(stub_cls: Type[StubT], context: definitions.DeploymentContext) -> StubT:
- # Assumes the stub_cls-name and the name of the service in `context` match.
+ # Assumes the stub_cls-name and the name of the service in ``context` match.
return stub_cls(
diff --git a/truss-chains/truss_chains/utils.py b/truss-chains/truss_chains/utils.py
index 79e3469cf..b02b3a872 100644
--- a/truss-chains/truss_chains/utils.py
+++ b/truss-chains/truss_chains/utils.py
@@ -22,44 +22,42 @@
def make_abs_path_here(file_path: str) -> definitions.AbsPath:
"""Helper to specify file paths relative to the *immediately calling* module.
- E.g. in you have a project structure like this
+ E.g. in you have a project structure like this::
- root/
- chain.py
- common_requirements.text
- sub_package/
- Chainlet.py
- chainlet_requirements.txt
+ root/
+ chain.py
+ common_requirements.text
+ sub_package/
+ chainlet.py
+ chainlet_requirements.txt
- Not in `root/sub_package/Chainlet.py` you can point to the requirements
- file like this:
+ You can now in ``root/sub_package/chainlet.py`` point to the requirements
+ file like this::
- ```
- shared = RelativePathToHere("../common_requirements.text")
- specific = RelativePathToHere("chainlet_requirements.text")
- ```
+ shared = RelativePathToHere("../common_requirements.text")
+ specific = RelativePathToHere("chainlet_requirements.text")
- Caveat: this helper uses the directory of the immediately calling module as an
- absolute reference point for resolving the file location.
- Therefore, you MUST NOT wrap the instantiation of `RelativePathToHere` into a
- function (e.g. applying decorators) or use dynamic code execution.
- Ok:
- ```
- def foo(path: AbsPath):
- abs_path = path.abs_path
+ Warning:
+ This helper uses the directory of the immediately calling module as an
+ absolute reference point for resolving the file location. Therefore,
+ you MUST NOT wrap the instantiation of ``make_abs_path_here`` into a
+ function (e.g. applying decorators) or use dynamic code execution.
+ Ok::
- foo(make_abs_path_here("blabla"))
- ```
+ def foo(path: AbsPath):
+ abs_path = path.abs_path
- Not Ok:
- ```
- def foo(path: str):
- badbadbad = make_abs_path_here(path).abs_path
+ foo(make_abs_path_here("./somewhere"))
+ Not Ok::
+ def foo(path: str):
+ dangerous_value = make_abs_path_here(path).abs_path
+ foo("./somewhere")
- foo("blabla"))
- ```
# TODO: the absolute path resolution below uses the calling module as a
# reference point. This would not work if users wrap this call in a function
@@ -300,6 +298,7 @@ class StrEnum(str, enum.Enum):
StrEnum is a Python `enum.Enum` that inherits from `str`. The `auto()` behavior
uses the member name and lowers it. This is useful for compatibility with pydantic.
Example usage:
class Example(StrEnum):
SOME_VALUE = enum.auto()