Distribufy exposes a checkpoint
function which serializes continuations.
Checkpoints offer a foundation for building libraries which suspend execution
while communicating with external services, and restore from the checkpoint
upon their completion.
Modules make use of the checkpoint
method of a CheckpointRuntime
instance. This means modules must lazily "register" exported functions after
a CheckpointRuntime
object has been instantiated. The interface for
defining a module should export a register
function, which takes a
object as input, and returns an object containing the
functions to be exported.
export function register(runtime: CheckpointRuntime) {
return { `<exported functions>` };
User code can consume modules by calling runtime.require
on the module
path, and then calling the register
function on the object returned by
const runtime = require('./src/index'); // `require` a `CheckpointRuntime` instance
const mod = runtime.require('<module-path>').register(runtime); // Register an extension module
HTTP requests are the canonical example of asynchronous I/O. We develop a
HTTP module to demonstrate how to use Distribufy's
function to build suspendable compositions with external
services. The HTTP module takes an additional serviceUrl
parameter for its
function. This URL should be the address of an external service
which will make the actual HTTP request, and resume the original action from
the checkpoint where the request was made.
The Utils
module exposes a function action
, which lets users checkpoint
programs, call an external action asynchronously, and resume the original
action from the checkpoint upon its completion.
The Cloudant
module exposes functions to interact with a Cloudant database
The Parallel
module implements combinators to execute asyncrhonous actions
in parallel. The parallel branches are assumed to be deployed actions which
execute synchronously (i.e. they themselves do not checkpoint their
This program uses our HTTP module to make a request and checkpoint the cloud function, then restore execution from the checkpoint before completing.
const runtime = require('./src/index');
const http = require('./src/utils/http').register(runtime, '<http-service-url>');
function main(params) {
const url = params.url;
const response = http.get(url);
return {
input: url,
output: response,
module.exports = main;
This program demonstrates a more fully featured application, using multiple
extension modules. This applicaiton is composed of two deployed functions,
and cloudant-upsert.js
, shown below.
performs the following actions.
- Asynchronously fetches a
file - Asynchronously invokes a cloud function that transforms the
data tojson
. - Iterates over the first 5 weeks of the report, parsing the data and
mapping the
function in parallel over each state in the week's report. - Returns a message that the report has been processed.
const serviceUrl = '<external-service-url>';
const runtime = require('./src/index');
const utils = runtime.require('./src/utils/utils')
.register(runtime, serviceUrl);
const parallel = runtime.require('./src/utils/parallel')
.register(runtime, serviceUrl);
const http = runtime.require('./src/utils/http')
.register(runtime, serviceUrl);
function parseReport(x) {
var dt = x._attributes.subtitle.match(/Week Ending (.*)- Week .*/)[1];
return x.state.map(s => ({
year: x._attributes.year,
week: x._attributes.number,
dt: Date.parse(dt),
color: s.color[0],
state: s.abbrev[0]
function main(params) {
// ingest and parse xml reports into JSON
const flureport = http.get('https://www.cdc.gov/flu/weekly/flureport.xml');
const reportJson = utils.action('jsonify', flureport);
// iterate over each time period
const slices = reportJson.flureport.timeperiod.slice(0, 5);
for (let i = 0; i < slices.length; i++) {
const report = slices[i];
const parsed = parseReport(report);
// Format and upsert reports into Cloudant database in parallel.
const results = parallel.map('cloudant-upsert', parsed);
return { message: 'Flu Report Processed' };
module.exports = main;
relies on the table 'twc-flu'
existing in a Cloudant
database, which can be authenticated at the url {{{CLOUDANT_HOST}}}
, which
can be authenticated with {{{CLOUDANT_AUTH}}}
. It performs the following
- It formats the input report.
- Then invokes the
function, which makes two asynchronous requests.- First,
makes aget
request to Cloudant to query whether the key already exists in the database. - If the key exists,
mutates thevalue
to be inserted with the_id
of the existing document in Cloudant. - Then, it makes a
request inserting the possibly mutatedvalue
into Cloudant with the specifiedkey
- First,
const runtime = require('./src/index');
const cloudant = runtime.require('./src/utils/cloudant')
.register(runtime, '<external-service-url>');
function formatReport(x) {
function getColor(x) {
const map = {
"No Report": "white",
"No Activity": "green",
"Sporadic": "yellow",
"Local Activity": "orange",
"Regional": "red",
"Widespread": "purple"
return map[x]
function pad(n, width, z) {
z = z || '0';
n = n + '';
return n.length >= width ?
n :
new Array(width - n.length + 1).join(z) + n;
const dt = new Date(x.dt)
const dts = dt.toISOString()
const m = pad(dt.getMonth() + 1, 2)
const d = pad(dt.getDate(), 2)
const y = dt.getFullYear()
const h = pad(dt.getHours(), 2)
const M = pad(dt.getMinutes(), 2)
const s = pad(dt.getSeconds(), 2)
return {
meta: {
state: x.state,
date: parseInt("" + y + m + d)
rec: {
FUHdr: {
FUstCd: x.state,
FUprsntNm: x.state,
procTm: parseInt("" + y + m + d + h + M + s),
procTmISO: dts
FUData: {
FUoutBrkCd: getColor(x.color),
FUdt: "" + m + d + y + h + M + s,
meaning: x.color,
FUdtISO: dts
const chost = '{{{CLOUDANT_HOST}}}';
const cauth = '{{{CLOUDANT_AUTH}}}';
function upsert(key, value, options) {
const getResult = cloudant.get(key, options);
if (getResult.result.error === undefined) {
value._id = getResult.result._id;
value._rev = getResult.result._rev;
return cloudant.insert(key, value, options);
function main(report) {
const formattedReport = formatReport(report);
const key = formattedReport.meta.date + '-' + formattedReport.meta.state;
const value = formattedReport.rec;
return upsert(key, value, { host: chost, auth: cauth, db: 'twc-flu' });
module.exports = main;