Use the following steps in admin UI to setup a shop in Vendure
- Login using the superadmin credentials
- Create a new Seller
- Create a new channel and associate it with the seller. Note down the channel token string.
- For future steps, make sure you select the newly created shop in the top left
- Create a default Stock Location
- Create a default shipping method
- Create a default payment method
- Create catalog files in the format shown in the sample.csv
- Find the postman file here and perform the following steps
a. Create a postman environment with the following four variables
i. base_url - (The address of the vendure server)
ii. vendure-admin-token - You can leave this blank. It will be filled automatically by the login process
iii. admin-username - Vendure superadmin or store admin username
iv. admin-password - Vendure superadmin or store admin password
b. Send the Login request. It will return with response like this if it succeeds. Also the vendure-admin-token variable will be filled with the admin token
c. Open the ImportProducts request. In the Headers section fill the vendure-token variable with the channel token of the shop (See step 3 above) d. In the body, in the variable called 0, attach the catalog csv file. e. Send the request and you should get a response with the number of products that have been added to Vendure.
{ "data": { "login": { "id": "1", "identifier": "superadmin" } } }
- If you are importing data from an existing shop, refer to the readme file for how to do it.