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basf2 Externals

This repository contains the code to download and build the external software used by the Belle II Analysis Software Framework (basf2).

Most users should be able to just install precompiled versions and should not need to recompile the externals by hand. Please check the documentation.

Included Software Packages

This section lists all the software packages which are currently included in the externals.

Software Package Version License
Artistic Style (astyle) 3.1 MIT
bazel 0.26.1 Apache 2.0
belle_legacy 1.11 -
GNU Binutils 2.41 GPLv2
Boost C++ Libraries 1.78 Boost License
bzip2 1.08 BSD-style
clhep LGPLv3
CMake 3.28.3 BSD-style
Cosmic-ray Shower Library (CRY) 1.7 -
cppzmq 4.7.1 MIT-style
curl 7.77.0 MIT-style (see also: License Mixing)
davix 0.8.6 LGPLv2
Eigen 3.4.0 MPLv2
EPICS 7.0.5 EPICS License
EvtGen R02-00-01 GPLv3
FANN 2.2.0+git8ae6bb0 LGPL
FastBDT 5.2 GPLv3
FastJet 3.3.4 GPLv2 (and others)
FFTW3 3.3.9 GPL
Frugally-deep 0.15.19-p0 MIT
FunctionalPlus 0.2.18-p0 Boost Software License
GCC, the GNU Compiler Collection 14.1.0 GPLv2/GPLv3 + Runtime library Exception
GDB: The GNU Project Debugger 14.2 GPLv2
Geant4 11.2.1 Geant4 License
git 2.31.0 GPLv2
git-lfs 2.13.2 MIT
GMP, The GNU Multiple Precision Arithmetic Library 6.2.1 LGPLv3 + GPLv2
GSL - GNU Scientific Library 2.6 GPLv3
Google Test 1.10.0 BSD
Hammer 1.4.1 GPLv3
HDF5 1.12.0 BSD
HepMC 2.06.11 GPLv2
Integer Set Library 0.26 MIT
jemalloc memory allocator 5.2.1 BSD-style
libffi 3.3 BSD-style
Libxml2 2.9.13 MIT
Libxslt 1.1.35 MIT
Libmd, included only for EL7 1.1.0 BSD-3-Clause
Libbsd, included only for EL7 0.12.2 BSD-3-Clause
LZ4 1.9.3 BSD + GPLv2
Madgraph MG5_aMC 3.4.0 UoI-NCSA (according to
Millepede-II V04-16-03 LGPLv2
GNU MPC 1.2.1 LGPLv3+
The GNU MPFR Library 4.1.0 LGPLv3+
NeurobayesCppInterface c7d36c5 MIT
Ninja 1.10.2 Apache v2
nlohmann/json: JSON for Modern C++ 3.10.5 MIT
OpenSSL, included only for EL7 3.0.14 Apache v2
pandoc 2.12 GPLv2 or later
PostgreSQL interface 13.2 PostgreSQL License (similar to BSD/MIT)
PYTHIA 8.215 GPLv2
Python 3.11.9 PSFL (BSD-style)
PyTorch 2.2.2 BSD
rave 0.6.25 GPLv2
rclone v1.54.1 MIT
ROOT 6.32/00 LGPLv2.1 (GPLv3 for MathMore)
RooUnfold 3.0.2 -
SQLite 3.35.1 Public Domain
Tauola 1.1.8 -
TBB 2021.9.0 Apache 2.0
libuuid, a part of util-linux 2.35.1 BSD
Vc SIMD Vector Classes for C++ 1.4.5 BSD
VecCore SIMD Vectorization Library 0.8.1 Apache v2
VecGeom Vectorized Geometry 1.2.8 Apache v2
Virtual Geometry Model (VGM) 5.3 GPLv2
XRootD 5.6.1 LGPLv3
xz 5.2.5 Public Domain + GPLv2+
yaml-cpp 0.6.3 MIT
zeromq 4.3.4 LGPLv3 + static link exception, intent to move to MPLv2
zlib 1.2.12 MIT

Optional Package

This section lists all optional packages. These are not compiled by default but included for simplified access.

To compile any of these just go into the external directory and type

make <package name>
Software Package Version License
Cppcheck 2.6 GPLv3
Doxygen 1.12.0 GPL
LLVM/Clang, including libcxx and sanitizer tools 18.1.6 Apache 2 License with LLVM Exceptions
Valgrind 3.17.0 GPLv2

Python Packages

This section lists all the python packages which are currently included in the externals. Basically, these are a result of running

pip3 install -U pip setuptools wheel
pip3 install autopep8 awkward awkward-pandas boost-histogram CherryPy click CommonMark cython cymove dgl docutils \
             eoshep flake8 file-read-backwards gitpython h5py iminuit ipython ipywidgets jira jupyter jupyter-resource-usage jupytext keras \
             lightgbm lxml matplotlib metakernel mysql-connector-python nbsphinx pandas plothist pyarrow pycodestyle \
             pyhepmc PyJWT pylama pytest python-gitlab pytorch-ignite pytorch-lightning requests rise scikit-learn \
             scipy scons seaborn sly sphinx sphinx-book-theme sphinx-codeautolink sphinxcontrib-programoutput \
             splinter sweights tables tabulate tqdm tensorflow tensorflow-probability Theano torch torch-cluster \
             torch-geometric torch-scatter torch-sparse torch-spline-conv torchaudio torchvision uncertainties uproot \
             uproot3 xgboost zstandard

All other packages are just dependencies of these and versions between them are fixed in the externals. The actual dependencies are determined using pip-compile from pip-tools, see tools/ for details.

The package sphinx-argparse is included in a modified version containing some patches not yet included upstream (found in src/sphinx-argparse).

Name Summary Version License
wheel A built-package format for Python 0.43.0 MIT
pip The PyPA recommended tool for installing Python packages. 24.1 MIT
setuptools Easily download, build, install, upgrade, and uninstall Python packages 70.1.0 MIT
absl-py Abseil Python Common Libraries, see 2.1.0 Apache 2.0
accessible-pygments A collection of accessible pygments styles 0.0.5 BSD-3-Clause
aiohttp Async http client/server framework (asyncio) 3.9.5 Apache 2
aiosignal aiosignal: a list of registered asynchronous callbacks 1.3.1 Apache 2.0
alabaster A light, configurable Sphinx theme 0.7.16 BSD
anyio High level compatibility layer for multiple asynchronous event loop implementations 4.4.0 MIT
argon2-cffi Argon2 for Python 23.1.0 MIT
argon2-cffi-bindings Low-level CFFI bindings for Argon2 21.2.0 MIT
arrow Better dates & times for Python 1.3.0 Apache Software
asttokens Annotate AST trees with source code positions 2.4.1 Apache 2.0
astunparse An AST unparser for Python 1.6.3 BSD
async-lru Simple LRU cache for asyncio 2.0.4 MIT License
attrs Classes Without Boilerplate 23.2.0 MIT
autocommand A library to create a command-line program from a function 2.2.2 LGPLv3
autopep8 A tool that automatically formats Python code to conform to the PEP 8 style guide 2.3.1 MIT
awkward Manipulate JSON-like data with NumPy-like idioms. 2.6.5 BSD-3-Clause
awkward-cpp CPU kernels and compiled extensions for Awkward Array 34 BSD-3-Clause
awkward-pandas Awkward Array Pandas Extension 2023.8.0 BSD
awkward0 Manipulate arrays of complex data structures as easily as Numpy. 0.15.5 BSD 3-clause
Babel Internationalization utilities 2.15.0 BSD-3-Clause
beautifulsoup4 Screen-scraping library 4.12.3 MIT License
bleach An easy safelist-based HTML-sanitizing tool. 6.1.0 Apache Software
blosc2 Python wrapper for the C-Blosc2 library 2.7.0 BSD-3-Clause
boost-histogram The Boost::Histogram Python wrapper. 1.4.1 BSD-3-Clause
cachetools Extensible memoizing collections and decorators 5.3.3 MIT
certifi Python package for providing Mozilla's CA Bundle. 2024.6.2 MPL-2.0
cffi Foreign Function Interface for Python calling C code. 1.16.0 MIT
charset-normalizer The Real First Universal Charset Detector 3.3.2 MIT
cheroot Highly-optimized, pure-python HTTP server 10.0.1 BSD
CherryPy Object-Oriented HTTP framework 18.10.0 BSD
click Composable command line interface toolkit 8.1.7 BSD-3-Clause
cloudpickle Pickler class to extend the standard pickle.Pickler functionality 3.0.0 BSD-3-Clause
comm Jupyter Python Comm implementation, for usage in ipykernel, xeus-python etc. 0.2.2 BSD
commonmark Python parser for the CommonMark Markdown spec 0.9.1 BSD-3-Clause
contourpy Python library for calculating contours of 2D quadrilateral grids 1.2.1 BSD
cramjam Thin Python bindings to de/compression algorithms in Rust 2.8.3 MIT
cycler Composable style cycles 0.12.1 BSD
cymove std::move wrapper for cython 1.0.2 MIT
Cython The Cython compiler for writing C extensions in the Python language. 3.0.10 Apache-2.0
debugpy An implementation of the Debug Adapter Protocol for Python 1.8.1 MIT
decorator Decorators for Humans 5.1.1 new BSD License
defusedxml XML bomb protection for Python stdlib modules 0.7.1 PSFL
dgl Deep Graph Library 2.1.0 APACHE
dm-tree Tree is a library for working with nested data structures. 0.1.8 Apache 2.0
docutils Docutils -- Python Documentation Utilities 0.21.2 Public Domain
dynesty A dynamic nested sampling package for computing Bayesian posteriors and evidences. 2.1.3 MIT
eoshep EOS -- A HEP program for Flavor Observables 1.0.11 GPLv2
executing Get the currently executing AST node of a frame, and other information 2.0.1 MIT
fastjsonschema Fastest Python implementation of JSON schema 2.20.0 BSD
file-read-backwards Memory efficient way of reading files line-by-line from the end of file 3.1.0 MIT license
filelock A platform independent file lock. 3.15.4 The Unlicense
flake8 the modular source code checker: pep8 pyflakes and co 7.1.0 MIT
flatbuffers The FlatBuffers serialization format for Python 24.3.25 Apache 2.0
fonttools Tools to manipulate font files 4.53.0 MIT
fqdn Validates fully-qualified domain names against RFC 1123, so that they are acceptable to modern bowsers 1.5.1 MPL 2.0
frozenlist A list-like structure which implements 1.4.1 Apache 2
gast Python AST that abstracts the underlying Python version 0.5.4 BSD 3-Clause
gitdb Git Object Database 4.0.11 BSD License
GitPython GitPython is a Python library used to interact with Git repositories 3.1.43 BSD-3-Clause
google-pasta pasta is an AST-based Python refactoring library 0.2.0 Apache 2.0
grpcio HTTP/2-based RPC framework 1.64.1 Apache License 2.0
h11 A pure-Python, bring-your-own-I/O implementation of HTTP/1.1 0.14.0 MIT
h5py Read and write HDF5 files from Python 3.11.0 BSD-3-Clause
httpcore A minimal low-level HTTP client. 1.0.5 BSD
httpx The next generation HTTP client. 0.27.0 BSD
idna Internationalized Domain Names in Applications (IDNA) 3.7 BSD
imagesize Getting image size from png/jpeg/jpeg2000/gif file 1.4.1 MIT
iminuit Jupyter-friendly Python frontend for MINUIT2 in C++ 2.26.0 MIT
importlib-metadata Read metadata from Python packages 7.2.0 Apache Software
inflect Correctly generate plurals, singular nouns, ordinals, indefinite articles 7.3.0 MIT
iniconfig brain-dead simple config-ini parsing 2.0.0 MIT
ipykernel IPython Kernel for Jupyter 6.29.4 BSD
ipython IPython: Productive Interactive Computing 8.25.0 BSD-3-Clause
ipywidgets Jupyter interactive widgets 8.1.3 BSD 3-Clause License
isoduration Operations with ISO 8601 durations 20.11.0 ISC
jedi An autocompletion tool for Python that can be used for text editors. 0.19.1 MIT
Jinja2 A very fast and expressive template engine. 3.1.4 BSD
jira Python library for interacting with JIRA via REST APIs. 3.8.0 BSD-2-Clause
joblib Lightweight pipelining with Python functions 1.4.2 BSD 3-Clause
json5 A Python implementation of the JSON5 data format. 0.9.25 Apache Software
jsonpointer Identify specific nodes in a JSON document (RFC 6901) 3.0.0 Modified BSD License
jsonschema-specifications The JSON Schema meta-schemas and vocabularies, exposed as a Registry 2023.12.1 MIT
jupyter Jupyter metapackage 1.0.0 BSD
jupyter-client Jupyter protocol implementation and client libraries 8.6.2 BSD
jupyter-console Jupyter terminal console 6.6.3 BSD
jupyter-core Jupyter core package 5.7.2 BSD
jupyter-events Jupyter Event System library 0.10.0 BSD
jupyter-lsp Multi-Language Server WebSocket proxy for Jupyter Notebook/Lab server 2.2.5 BSD-3-Clause
jupyter-resource-usage Jupyter Extension to show resource usage 1.1.0 BSD
jupyter-server The backend—i.e. core services, APIs, and REST endpoints—to Jupyter web applications. 2.14.1 BSD
jupyter-server-terminals A Jupyter Server Extension Providing Terminals. 0.5.3 BSD
jupyterlab JupyterLab computational environment 4.2.2 BSD
jupyterlab-pygments Pygments theme using JupyterLab CSS variables 0.3.0 BSD
jupyterlab-server A set of server components for JupyterLab and JupyterLab like applications. 2.27.2 BSD
jupyterlab-widgets Jupyter interactive widgets for JupyterLab 3.0.11 BSD-3-Clause
jupytext Jupyter notebooks as Markdown documents, Julia, Python or R scripts 1.16.2 MIT
keras Multi-backend Keras. 3.3.3 Apache License 2.0
kiwisolver A fast implementation of the Cassowary constraint solver 1.4.5 BSD
libclang Clang Python Bindings, mirrored from the official LLVM repo:, to make the installation process easier. 18.1.1 Apache License 2.0
lightgbm LightGBM Python Package 4.4.0 MIT
lightning-utilities Lightning toolbox for across the our ecosystem. 0.11.2 Apache-2.0
lxml Powerful and Pythonic XML processing library combining libxml2/libxslt with the ElementTree API. 5.2.2 BSD-3-Clause
Markdown Python implementation of John Gruber's Markdown. 3.6 BSD
markdown-it-py Python port of markdown-it 3.0.0 MIT
MarkupSafe Safely add untrusted strings to HTML/XML markup. 2.1.5 BSD-3-Clause
matplotlib Python plotting package 3.9.0 PSF
matplotlib-inline Inline Matplotlib backend for Jupyter 0.1.7 BSD
mccabe McCabe checker, plugin for flake8 0.7.0 Expat license
mdit-py-plugins Collection of plugins for markdown-it-py 0.4.1 MIT
mdurl Markdown URL utilities 0.1.2 MIT
metakernel 0.30.2 BSD
mistune A sane and fast Markdown parser with useful plugins and renderers 3.0.2 BSD-3-Clause
ml-dtypes 0.3.2 Apache Software
more-itertools More routines for operating on iterables, beyond itertools 10.3.0 MIT
mpmath Python library for arbitrary-precision floating-point arithmetic 1.3.0 BSD
msgpack MessagePack serializer 1.0.8 Apache 2.0
multidict multidict implementation 6.0.5 Apache 2
mysql-connector-python MySQL driver written in Python 8.4.0 GNU General Public
namex A simple utility to separate the implementation of your Python package and its public API surface. 0.0.8 Apache License 2.0
nbclient A client library for executing notebooks 0.10.0 BSD
nbconvert Converting Jupyter Notebooks (.ipynb files) to other formats. Output formats include asciidoc, html, latex, markdown, pdf, py, rst, script. nbconvert can be used both as a Python library (import nbconvert) or as a command line tool (invoked as jupyter nbconvert ...). 7.16.4 BSD
nbformat The Jupyter Notebook format 5.10.4 BSD
nbsphinx Jupyter Notebook Tools for Sphinx 0.9.4 MIT
ndindex A Python library for manipulating indices of ndarrays. 1.8 MIT
nest-asyncio Patch asyncio to allow nested event loops 1.6.0 BSD
networkx Python package for creating and manipulating graphs and networks 3.3 BSD
notebook Jupyter Notebook - A web-based notebook environment for interactive computing 7.2.1 BSD
notebook-shim A shim layer for notebook traits and config 0.2.4 BSD
numexpr Fast numerical expression evaluator for NumPy 2.10.1 MIT
numpy Fundamental package for array computing in Python 1.26.4 BSD
oauthlib A generic, spec-compliant, thorough implementation of the OAuth request-signing logic 3.2.2 BSD
opt-einsum Optimizing numpys einsum function 3.3.0 MIT
optree Optimized PyTree Utilities. 0.11.0 Apache Software
overrides A decorator to automatically detect mismatch when overriding a method. 7.7.0 Apache License 2.0
packaging Core utilities for Python packages 24.1 BSD
pandas Powerful data structures for data analysis, time series, and statistics 2.2.2 BSD
pandocfilters Utilities for writing pandoc filters in python 1.5.1 BSD-3-Clause
parso A Python Parser 0.8.4 MIT
pexpect Pexpect allows easy control of interactive console applications. 4.9.0 ISC license
pillow Python Imaging Library (Fork) 10.3.0 HPND
platformdirs A small Python package for determining appropriate platform-specific dirs, e.g. a user data dir. 4.2.2 MIT
plothist Plot histograms in a scalable way and a beautiful style. 1.2.4 BSD
pluggy plugin and hook calling mechanisms for python 1.5.0 MIT
portend TCP port monitoring and discovery 3.2.0 MIT
prometheus-client Python client for the Prometheus monitoring system. 0.20.0 Apache Software
prompt-toolkit Library for building powerful interactive command lines in Python 3.0.47 BSD
protobuf 4.25.3 3-Clause BSD License
psutil Cross-platform lib for process and system monitoring in Python. 5.9.8 BSD-3-Clause
ptyprocess Run a subprocess in a pseudo terminal 0.7.0 ISC
pure-eval Safely evaluate AST nodes without side effects 0.2.2 MIT
py-cpuinfo Get CPU info with pure Python 9.0.0 MIT
pyarrow Python library for Apache Arrow 16.1.0 Apache Software
pycodestyle Python style guide checker 2.12.0 MIT
pycparser C parser in Python 2.22 BSD-3-Clause
pydata-sphinx-theme Bootstrap-based Sphinx theme from the PyData community 0.15.3 BSD
pydocstyle Python docstring style checker 6.3.0 MIT
pyflakes passive checker of Python programs 3.2.0 MIT
Pygments Pygments is a syntax highlighting package written in Python. 2.18.0 BSD-2-Clause
pyhepmc Pythonic interface to the HepMC3 C++ library licensed under LGPL-v3. 2.13.4 BSD 3-Clause License
PyJWT JSON Web Token implementation in Python 2.8.0 MIT
pylama Code audit tool for python 8.4.1 MIT
pyparsing pyparsing module - Classes and methods to define and execute parsing grammars 3.1.2 MIT
pypmc A toolkit for adaptive importance sampling featuring implementations of variational Bayes, population Monte Carlo, and Markov chains. 1.2.3 GPLv2
pytest pytest: simple powerful testing with Python 8.2.2 MIT
python-dateutil Extensions to the standard Python datetime module 2.9.0.post0 Dual License
python-gitlab A python wrapper for the GitLab API 4.6.0 LGPL-3.0-or-later
python-json-logger A python library adding a json log formatter 2.0.7 BSD
pytorch-ignite A lightweight library to help with training neural networks in PyTorch. 0.5.0.post2 BSD
pytorch-lightning PyTorch Lightning is the lightweight PyTorch wrapper for ML researchers 2.3.0 Apache-2.0
pytz World timezone definitions, modern and historical 2024.1 MIT
PyYAML YAML parser and emitter for Python 6.0.1 MIT
pyzmq Python bindings for 0MQ 26.0.3 BSD
qtconsole Jupyter Qt console 5.5.2 BSD
QtPy Provides an abstraction layer on top of the various Qt bindings (PyQt5/6 and PySide2/6). 2.4.1 MIT
referencing JSON Referencing + Python 0.35.1 MIT
requests Python HTTP for Humans. 2.32.3 Apache-2.0
requests-oauthlib OAuthlib authentication support for Requests. 2.0.0 ISC
requests-toolbelt A utility belt for advanced users of python-requests 1.0.0 Apache 2.0
rfc3339-validator A pure python RFC3339 validator 0.1.4 MIT license
rfc3986-validator Pure python rfc3986 validator 0.1.1 MIT license
rich Render rich text, tables, progress bars, syntax highlighting, markdown and more to the terminal 13.7.1 MIT
rise Reveal.js - Jupyter/IPython Slideshow Extension 5.7.1 BSD-3-Clause
rpds-py Python bindings to Rust's persistent data structures (rpds) 0.18.1 MIT
scikit-learn A set of python modules for machine learning and data mining 1.5.0 new BSD
scipy Fundamental algorithms for scientific computing in Python 1.13.1 BSD
SCons Open Source next-generation build tool. 4.7.0 MIT
seaborn Statistical data visualization 0.13.2 BSD
Send2Trash Send file to trash natively under Mac OS X, Windows and Linux 1.8.3 BSD License
six Python 2 and 3 compatibility utilities 1.16.0 MIT
sly SLY - Sly Lex Yacc 0.4 BSD
smmap A pure Python implementation of a sliding window memory map manager 5.0.1 BSD
sniffio Sniff out which async library your code is running under 1.3.1 MIT OR Apache-2.0
snowballstemmer This package provides 29 stemmers for 28 languages generated from Snowball algorithms. 2.2.0 BSD-3-Clause
soupsieve A modern CSS selector implementation for Beautiful Soup. 2.5 MIT
Sphinx Python documentation generator 7.3.7 BSD
sphinx-book-theme A clean book theme for scientific explanations and documentation with Sphinx 1.1.3 BSD
sphinx-codeautolink Automatic links from code examples to reference documentation. 0.15.2 MIT
sphinxcontrib-applehelp sphinxcontrib-applehelp is a Sphinx extension which outputs Apple help books 1.0.8 BSD
sphinxcontrib-devhelp sphinxcontrib-devhelp is a sphinx extension which outputs Devhelp documents 1.0.6 BSD
sphinxcontrib-htmlhelp sphinxcontrib-htmlhelp is a sphinx extension which renders HTML help files 2.0.5 BSD
sphinxcontrib-jsmath A sphinx extension which renders display math in HTML via JavaScript 1.0.1 BSD
sphinxcontrib-programoutput Sphinx extension to include program output 0.17 BSD
sphinxcontrib-qthelp sphinxcontrib-qthelp is a sphinx extension which outputs QtHelp documents 1.0.7 BSD
sphinxcontrib-serializinghtml sphinxcontrib-serializinghtml is a sphinx extension which outputs "serialized" HTML files (json and pickle) 1.1.10 BSD
splinter browser abstraction for web acceptance testing 0.21.0 BSD
stack-data Extract data from python stack frames and tracebacks for informative displays 0.6.3 MIT
sweights Tools for producing sweights using classic methods or custom orthogonal weight functions (COWs) and for correcting covariance matrices for weighted data fits. 1.0.0 "MIT"
sympy Computer algebra system (CAS) in Python 1.12.1 BSD
tables Hierarchical datasets for Python 3.9.2 BSD 3-Clause License
tabulate Pretty-print tabular data 0.9.0 MIT
tempora Objects and routines pertaining to date and time (tempora) 5.6.0 MIT
tensorboard TensorBoard lets you watch Tensors Flow 2.17.1 Apache 2.0
tensorboard-data-server Fast data loading for TensorBoard 0.7.2 Apache 2.0
tensorflow TensorFlow is an open source machine learning framework for everyone. 2.17.0 Apache 2.0
tensorflow-io-gcs-filesystem TensorFlow IO 0.37.0 Apache Software
tensorflow-probability Probabilistic modeling and statistical inference in TensorFlow 0.24.0 Apache 2.0
termcolor ANSI color formatting for output in terminal 2.4.0 MIT
terminado Tornado websocket backend for the Xterm.js Javascript terminal emulator library. 0.18.1 BSD
Theano Optimizing compiler for evaluating mathematical expressions on CPUs and GPUs. 1.0.5 BSD
threadpoolctl threadpoolctl 3.5.0 BSD-3-Clause
tinycss2 A tiny CSS parser 1.3.0 BSD
torch-geometric Graph Neural Network Library for PyTorch 2.5.3 MIT
torchdata Composable data loading modules for PyTorch 0.7.1 BSD
torchmetrics PyTorch native Metrics 1.4.0.post0 Apache-2.0
tornado Tornado is a Python web framework and asynchronous networking library, originally developed at FriendFeed. 6.4.1 Apache-2.0
tqdm Fast, Extensible Progress Meter 4.66.4 MPL-2.0 AND MIT
traitlets Traitlets Python configuration system 5.14.3 BSD
typeguard Run-time type checker for Python 4.3.0 MIT
types-python-dateutil Typing stubs for python-dateutil Apache-2.0 license
typing-extensions Backported and Experimental Type Hints for Python 3.8+ 4.12.2 PSF
tzdata Provider of IANA time zone data 2024.1 Apache-2.0
uncertainties calculations with values with uncertainties, error propagation 3.2.1 Revised BSD License
uproot ROOT I/O in pure Python and NumPy. 5.3.7 BSD
uproot3 ROOT I/O in pure Python and Numpy. 3.14.4 BSD 3-clause
uproot3-methods Pythonic mix-ins for ROOT classes. 0.10.1 BSD 3-clause
uri-template RFC 6570 URI Template Processor 1.3.0 MIT License
urllib3 HTTP library with thread-safe connection pooling, file post, and more. 2.2.2 MIT
wcwidth Measures the displayed width of unicode strings in a terminal 0.2.13 MIT
webcolors A library for working with the color formats defined by HTML and CSS. 24.6.0 BSD-3-Clause
webencodings Character encoding aliases for legacy web content 0.5.1 BSD
websocket-client WebSocket client for Python with low level API options 1.8.0 Apache-2.0
Werkzeug The comprehensive WSGI web application library. 3.0.3 BSD
widgetsnbextension Jupyter interactive widgets for Jupyter Notebook 4.0.11 BSD 3-Clause License
wrapt Module for decorators, wrappers and monkey patching. 1.16.0 BSD
xgboost XGBoost Python Package 1.7.6 Apache-2.0
yarl Yet another URL library 1.9.4 Apache-2.0
zipp Backport of pathlib-compatible object wrapper for zip files 3.19.2 MIT
zstandard Zstandard bindings for Python 0.22.0 BSD