Releases: bes-ptah/winbatchOS
WinBatchX - PreReleaseWBX11 - Build 1628
This build is not considered unstable as of the code rewrite.
This is the first prerelease build of WinBatchX 17.0.
NI Release 10.7.3
The code rewrite will happen on build 1630.
setting icons were added into the insertbmp folder.
a boot folder was added.
new icons were added: Tips and App Installer.
taskbar icons were renamed to "taskbar-app-"(on)(or)(off)".bmp.
other icons were squared out: apps are 256x256 pixels while setting icon apps are 16x16.
note: The desktop does not work properly with these taskbar icon renames. -
a bug was aware that WinBatchX crashes after build 1626 as the 16.0 desktop was removed. This will be fixed in build 1630.
WinBatchX - 17.0 ER 2 - Build 1627
More Fixes continuing Build 1626's release:
WinBatchX - 17.0 - Build 1627 - NI
This build is Unstable.
New Feature: Calendar Alpha 17.0.1
- Calendar loads much faster than 16.0's calendar.
More improvements:
- New Boot Sequence
- Notification Center now has a calendar for the month itself.
- Changed %_OS% to %_OS-WBX%
- Changed %_ni-ver% to %_NI-KERNEL%
- NIRCMD.EXE was added. It can do many things, including nircmd will work with paint to make .bmp, .png and other format photos.
- color inside "insertbmp's" folder is now different. The color matches bright white in the cmd line.
- chat-taskbar.bmp and scroll up and down buttons were added.
A code rewrite will happen in the next build. This build is unstable. It is marked a pre-release.
- A bug has been found if you place your coordinate to (0,0) on the cmd screen. Will be fixed in a future build.
EDIT 8/17/21: The dot loader was removed from the boot screen.
WinBatchX - 17.0 Early Release 2 - Build 1626
A long list of fixes, improvement, and some new features were made the past 2 weeks and is ready for a "big" build release.
After Testing, WinBatchX is able to be used at a 1920x1080 and 1600x900 resolution display. For 1600x900 resolution, you must hide the windows taskbar or WinBatchX will not work.
Resizing WinBatchX's display is a later project currently.
16.1 will have resizing, as it does not come with windowed mode.
For this changelog, the improvements are at the bottom of this page.
17.0 ER2
NI 10.7.2
New Features:
- New Start Menu "All Apps."section. Currently the buttons don't work but everything is laid out on the start menu.
Bugs: Currently
- Bug Fixed where the "All Apps" Button wasn't "139 14 150 14".
There are currently no other reported bugs. Report them in the "Issues" section.
New Improvments (Counted):
- Major Improvement: 16.1 Alpha desktop removed. Will be in another .zip file.
- DESKTOP.EXE now redirects to WBXCore.EXE.
- Almost all apps in the boot section of this build is now removed.
- Desktop-choice.temp is now removed. It was a temporary solution for the 16.0 and 17.0 desktop.
- Update Check for 17.0 desktop moved before ":WBXCore-BEFOREDESKTOP.EXE."
- was removed.
- Search Bar has a rounded border now.
- Start Menu has a rounded border now.
- The words "Start Menu" after "WinBatchX 17.0 Early Release 2 Start Menu" were removed.
- Replaced old, pixeled search icon and made it better on the taskbar.
- Start Menu has a power icon now.
- Profile Photo was created in the insertbmp folder.
- config.bat is now configuration-execute.bat.
- security.bat was removed. You can use the security program inside WinBatchX to scan files with windows security.
- The boot screen shows the dot loader for the first time.
Other improvements are also in this build and are not mentioned in this build
Extra Improvments or Notes:
- Line 4 now starts with the unlicense license.
- "\System\Undone" Folder was added in last build with .ico files. Will be removed next build.
- In Build 1627 the search icon will be added on top of the WinBatchX Start Menu.
WinBatchX - 17.0 ER1 - Build 1625
ER 1 Release. ER = Early Release.
This is a 16.1 Alpha and 17.0 ER 1 build.
Changes in WinBatchX 17.0 ER1 Build 1625:
ER = Early Release
NI 10.7
Still No NI 11 apps execpt wbx-security work in this build
New Features:
Lock Screen Background
Lock Screen Size
These variables can be fixed in settings.
Other New Feature:
Fixed Bugs:
- Bug Fixed: settings icon is now updated to Windows 11. It was already fixed in the last build.
Other notes: None
Extra: 16.1 Alpha Desktop has now started on it's next development cycle. Nothing has happened in 16.1.
WinBatchX - 16.1 Alpha - 17.0 ER 1 - Build 1624
This is a 16.1 Alpha and 17.0 ER 1 build.
Changes in WinBatchX 17.0 ER1 Build 1624:
ER = Early Release
NI 10.7
Still Nn NI 11 apps execpt wbx-security work in this build
(16.1 builds start in the next build.)
New Features (17.0) :
New Start Menu! It uses GetInput.EXE. A search bar has been added on the top. The start menu buttons is currently not working yet. The taskbar buttons on the start menu only work.
NIFS starts rolling out: parameters are added to NIFS. Storage of files will be in NIFS_FILES.BAT. Comming soon.
Improvments (or changes):
- config folder added
- Bug Found when right-clicking anywhere on any app, the right-click menu would show up.
- Setting's .bmp image does not match Windows 11's icons! Will be changed next build.
Fixed Bugs:
- Bug Fixed: start menu would drop into acc.temp.
Other notes:
- Old Center stuff was removed in line 920
Important: build number is still 1623.
WinBatchX - 17.0 ER 1 - Build 1623
Changes in WinBatchX 17.0 ER1 Build 1623:
ER = Early Release
NI 10.6.2
** No NI 11 apps execpt wbx-security work in this build **
New Features:
- Added WinBatchX Security! It is now inside WinBatchX and is now the only working application in the NI 11 desktop. Security is very important to WinBatchX, and it even scans it's files before showing the login screen. So, WBX Security is added before any app is able to be used. (Just note it takes at least 5 seconds to scan the files since we are still testing)
Improvments (changes):
- Added "set REQUEST-OPEN-NOTEPAD.EXE" and "set REQUEST-OPEN-EDGE.EXE" to Notepad and Edge, in case it crashes
- Added icons next to the app
- Added grayblank.bmp inside system/insertbmp
- Bug Found when right-clicking anywhere on any app, the right-click menu would show up.
- Bug issue: start menu would drop into acc.temp. Currently not fixed as it will be added in the start menu recreation later in builds 1635.
Fixed Bugs:
- Fixed a bug issue where you would have to click the mouse for 5 seconds before entering the login menu.
- A bug was fixed during development of WBX-Security App where it would not scan the files.
- A bug was fixed on Notepad and Edge for showing "NIDTKENREL-APP" instead of "NIKERNELAPP-APP."
- Bug Fixed on line 638: :acc.temp has a comma instead of a period.
Other notes:
- Removed NIDTKERNEL-DESK.EXE on line 940. Task View replaces Desk with a new way of displaying apps soon. (when: after all apps are developed and bug-free)
WinBatchX - 17.0 ER1 - Build 1622
Changes in WinBatchX 17.0 ER1 Build 1622:
ER = Early Release
** No NI 11 apps work in this build **
Lots of changes:
- A new secton is now added and working. Explorer.exe was tested for using NIDTKERNEL_INPUT.EXE. NIDTKERNEL_INPUT.EXE uses Batbox to capture the mouse on multipule "gotos," including the explorer app and the WBXCore itself.
- NI is now 10.6.1 NI 10.6 was skipped for a bug fix
- Line 1136 : added must in the description
- Changes in WBXCore.EXE
- The applications are ready. Only the application itself needs to be set up.
Other notes:
- NI 10.9 is now under planning stages. This will include moving windows under a certain size of pixels on the command line that cannot be resized.
- WinBatchX reaches 100,000 characters of batch script!
WinBatchX - 17.0 ER1- Build 1621
Changes in WinBatchX 17.0 ER1 Build 1621:
ER = Early Release
WinBatchX 17.0 will be released with build 2300. It looks impossible, though we have a lot of other work to fix up on the core system.
Not a lot of fixes:
- Edge for NI 11 was added
Other notes:
- WBX-PAINT 4 is now in alpha stages. Waiting for Windows 11 icons to come out with the new paint. (Renamed to MSPaint after icons are added)
Releasing WinBatchX BETA 17.0 ER1 Build 1620.0
Changes in WinBatchX Beta 17.0 ER1 Build 1620.0:
This is a beta build. This build number ends with a ".0".
ER = Early Release
New Features: None.
WinBatchX.bat fixes:
- Added rounded corners to start menu, Action Center, and Time Center.
- Fixed a bug where WinBatchX's build variable ends with ".0" and does not retrieve data from update.bat.
Boot Changes:
- Fixed "off" to "" on the _WEBSITE Variable in EDGE.EXE
NI System Improvments (inside System folder): None.
Coming Soon:
- config.bat will be in several dozen configs in the config/ folder. Config.bat will not change because it is still being used for the 16.0 desktop.
- Search Bar is a broken feature right now. A fix is coming soon!
WinBatchX - 17.0ER1 - Build 1619
Changes in WinBatchX 17.0 ER1 Build 1619.0:
ER = Early Release
New Features:
- New Alarms & Clock!
- New Login Screen
- Returned the rounded corners in the taskbar; they are now sharper using blank.bmp!
WinBatchX.bat fixes:
- Removed old kept process in NITASKBAR_LOOP.EXE
- Line 1022: added "10" in the notes section
- Replaced login.bash.loop and login.bash to ":NIDTKERNEL-USERLOGIN.EXE"
Boot Changes:
- Fixed "off" to "" on the _WEBSITE Variable in EDGE.EXE
NI System Improvments (inside System folder):
- Removed systemfn.dll. (fn.dll) Will be used in a future build.
- Changed desk-active.bmp
- Fixed kernelreboot.bat
Coming Soon:
- config.bat is now in a bunch of configs
- Search Bar will work in the next build correctly