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Crisis Response Teams

Meitar M edited this page Aug 20, 2016 · 17 revisions

WikiDocumentationUser DocumentationCrisis Response Teams

  • Released in version: 0.1
  • Also called: "Teams"

Crisis Response Teams (or just Teams, for short) are where alerts get sent and define the basic unit of organizing incident response actions. A Team is essentially a list or grouping of other users whom an individual can contact en-masse when they need to. It is a good idea to create different Teams for different purposes, and organize your Teams in a way that makes sense for you.


  1. Accessing your Crisis Response Teams
  2. My Teams
  3. Adding a new Crisis Response Team
  4. Editing a Crisis Response Team
  5. Team membership
  6. Advanced Team features

Accessing your Crisis Response Teams

To access your Teams page, first login to your account if you are not already logged in. (This process may differ slightly from one Buoy-enabled website to another.) Then, do this:

  1. Tap on or click the "My Teams" link in the left-hand Dashboard menu.

Annotated screenshot showing the WordPress Dashboard after initial account registration.

From this link you can access all your Buoy Team settings, including both Teams you own and others' Teams you have joined.

My Teams

The "My Teams" page shows all Teams you own, along with some basic information about each Team. Each Team is its own row, and basic stats for each Team are shown across multiple columns. You can sort your Teams listing by clicking on the column header for the stat you want to sort by. For instance, you can quickly find Teams with the most or fewest members on them by clicking on the "Members" column. Clicking on the same column header again will reverse the sort order.

Screenshot of "My Teams" page after registration.

When you first create your Buoy account, you will have three default Teams created for you, named Friends, Family, and Neighbours. You can use these Teams as-is, edit them to suit your needs, or delete them and create new Teams to replace them with.


The Title column shows the name of your Team. The Team's title is displayed when choosing which Team(s) to send an alert to, so it should be short and briefly describe the purpose of the Team.


The Date column shows you when you last made changes to this Team.


The Members column shows a count of the total number of other users who you have invited to join this Team. This count includes people who have not yet accepted your invitation.

Confirmed Members

The Confirmed Members column shows a count of confirmed Team members. These are other users who you have invited and who have accepted your invitation to join the Team. Only confirmed members can receive alerts that you send, so this is among the most important pieces of information about a Team.

Default Team?

The Default Team? column shows a Yes or No depending on whether the given Team is pre-selected to receive alerts you send.

  • If a team is a default Team (marked with Yes in this column), then the confirmed members of that Team will receive alerts unless you explicitly deselect the Team(s) they're on when sending an alert.
  • If the Team is not a default Team (marked with No) in this column), then in order for its confirmed members to receive an alert, you must actively select the Team when you send a new alert.

You can change whether a Team is marked as default at any time by editing the Team itself.

Adding a new Crisis Response Team

Each time you want to make a new Crisis Response Team, you need to access the Add New Team page. The Add New Team page is only accessible after you have already logged in to your account. Once logged in, there are several ways you can access the Add New Team page:

  • From New Content menu in the admin bar, tap or click the "Crisis Response Team" menu item: Screenshot of accessing "Crisis Response Teams" from the New Content admin bar menu item.
  • From the My Teams page, press the "Add New" button: Closeup screenshot of "Add New" button on the "My Teams" page.
  • From the Dashboard menu, tap on or hover over the "My Teams" menu item, then tap on or click the "Add New" menu item: Screenshot of accessing the "Add New" menu item from the "My Teams" Dashboard menu.

All three of these options leads you to the Add New Team page, where you can create a new Crisis Response Team. The following screenshot shows the initial state of the Add New Team screen. In addition to entering a Title and choosing publication options, different boxed areas of this screen enable you to invite (add) new Team members, view or remove existing members, and toggle whether or not this Team will be included in your default Teams list.

Screenshot of the Add New Team page.

Enter team name here

The Enter team name here text box allows you to type the name or title of your Team.

Add new member

The Add new member box contains a single text field where you can type the username or email address of a person you want to invite to join this Team. If you don't know the username or email address of the person you want to invite, you can tap on or click inside of the field to reveal a drop-down list of options. The options that appear here are other users who have set their Buoy crisis response preference to publish their presence. You can still invite people who don't show up in this list to join your Team.

See Assembling a crisis response Team for detailed instructions on inviting others to join your Team.

Current team members

The Current team members box shows which users are on this Team, their total number, and their invitation status (either confirmed or pending). This box also lets you remove team members by checking the box next to the usernames you want to remove. Leaving one of these boxes unchecked retains that Team member (making no changes to their status).

Default Team?

The Default Team? box contains a single control you can use to toggle whether this Team is included in your default Teams list on the My Teams page. Checking this box will make this Team automatically pre-selected when sending an alert. Unchecking this box means that you will need to explicitly address alerts to this Team when you send new alerts.

Editing a Crisis Response Team


Team Membership


Advanced Team features

If you have completed your User profile, you will have access to additional Team features. These advanced, optional features are described elsewhere in this guide:

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