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Example COMBINE/OMEX archives

This directory is a collection of example COMBINE/OMEX archives that describe simulations of biological models. As detailed below, the archives in this directory involve a variety of modeling frameworks (e.g., logical, constraint-based), simulation algorithms (e.g., CVODE, SSA), and model formats (e.g., BNGL, SBML). All of the simulations in the archives in this directory are described using the Simulation Experiment Description Markup Language (SED-ML).

The purpose of this directory is two-fold:

  • This directory serves as a reference for the community.
  • The directory serves as a test suite for the BioSimulators registry of biosimulation tools. Tools submitted to the registry are validated using the software in this repository and the examples in this directory.

Modeling frameworks employed by the example archives

The archives in this directory involve the following modeling frameworks:

Name SBO id
flux balance SBO_0000624
hybrid flux balance-continous SBO_0000684
logical SBO_0000234
non-spatial continuous SBO_0000293
non-spatial discrete SBO_0000295
resource balance SBO_0000692
spatial discrete SBO_0000294

Simulation algorithms employed by the example archives

The archives in this directory involve numerous simulation algorithms such as:

Name Acronym KiSAO id
Code Value Ordinary Differential Equation Solver CVODE KISAO_0000019
Stochastic Simulation Algorithm SSA KISAO_0000029

Model formats employed by the example archives

The archives in this directory involve the following model formats:

Name Acronym EDAM id
BioNetGen Language BNGL format_3972
CellML format_3240
NeuroML/Low Entropy Model Specification Language LEMS
RBA TSV/XML format
Smoldyn Language
Systems Biology Markup Language (core) SBML format_2585
SBML flux balance constraints package SBML-fbc format_2585
SBML qualitative modeling package SBML-qual format_2585
SBML MASS schema
Virtual Cell Markup Language VCML
XPP ODE format

Note, more specific EDAM terms have SBML-fbc, SBML-qual, and other formats have been requested.

Formats for the example data visualizations for the results of the example archives

The archives in this directory involve the following model formats:

Name EDAM id
SED-ML format_3685
Vega format_3969

Compatibility of the example archives with simulation tools

Because each simulation tool only supports a limited number of modeling frameworks, simulation algorithms, and model formats, no simulation tool is capable of executing all of the archives in this directory. The BioSimulators registry of biosimulation tools contains detailed information about the modeling frameworks, simulation algorithms, and model formats supported by each registered tool. This information can be used to determine which tools are capable of executing a given archive.

Below is information about the compatibility of a selection of archives.

Source Archive Results Data visualization (Vega) Modeling framework (SBO id) Simulation algorithm (KiSAO id) Model format (EDAM id) Compatibile simulators
Bordbar Cell Syst .omex .h5 non-spatial continuous (0000293) CVODE (0000019) SBML (format_2585) tellurium
Caravagna J Theor Biol .omex .h5 non-spatial continuous (0000293) CVODE (0000019) SBML (format_2585) PySCeS, tellurium, VCell
Chaouiya BMC Syst Biol .omex .h5 logical (0000234) synchronous updating (0000449) SBML qual (format_2585) BoolNet, GINsim
Ciliberto J Cell Biol .omex .h5 .json non-spatial continuous (0000295) CVODE (0000019) SBML (format_2585) PySCeS, tellurium, VCell
Ciliberto J Cell Biol .omex .h5 non-spatial continuous (0000295) Fehlberg (0000086) SBML (format_2585) libSBMLSim, tellurium, VCell
Dolan PLoS Comput Biol .omex .h5 non-spatial discrete (0000295) NFsim (0000263) BNGL (format_3972) BioNetGen
E. coli core metabolism (COBRApy Team) .omex .h5 .json flux balance (0000624) FBA (0000437) SBML fbc (format_2585) COBRApy, CBMPy
E. coli resource allocation .omex .h5 .json resource balance (0000692) RBA (0000669) RBA RBApy
Edelstein Biol Cybern .omex .h5 .json non-spatial continuous (0000293) LSODA (0000088) SBML (format_2585) GillesPy2, PySCeS
Elowitz Nature .omex .h5 .json non-spatial continuous (0000293) CVODE (0000019) CellML (format_3240) OpenCOR
Elowitz Nature .omex .h5 .json non-spatial continuous (0000293) CVODE (0000019) SBML (format_2585) PySCeS, tellurium, VCell
Hodgkin-Huxley dynamics .omex .h5 non-spatial continuous (0000293) CVODE (0000019) NeuroML/LEMS NEURON, NetPyNe
Hodgkin-Huxley dynamics .omex .h5 non-spatial continuous (0000293) Euler forward method (0000030) NeuroML/LEMS pyNeuroML
Irons J Theor Biol .omex .h5 .json logical (0000234) synchronous updating (0000449) SBML qual (format_2585) BoolNet, GINsim
Lorenz system .omex .h5 non-spatial continuous (0000293) CVODE (0000019) OpenCOR OpenCOR
Lotka-Volterra model (Smoldyn Team) .omex .h5 spatial discrete (0000294) Smoluchowski method (0000057) Smoldyn Smoldyn
Parmar BMC Syst Biol .omex .h5 non-spatial continuous (0000293) CVODE (0000019) SBML (format_2585) PySCeS, tellurium, VCell
Powers Pflugers Arch .omex non-spatial continuous (0000293) CVODE (0000019) VCML VCell
Szymanska J Theor Biol .omex .h5 non-spatial continuous (0000293) CVODES (0000496) SBML (format_2585) AMICI
Tomida EMBO J .omex .h5 .json non-spatial continuous (0000293) LSODA/LSODAR (0000560) SBML (format_2585) COPASI
Saglam toy gene regulatory network .omex .h5 non-spatial continuous (0000293) CVODE (0000019) BNGL (format_3972) BioNetGen
Varusai Sci Rep .omex .h5 non-spatial continuous (0000293) LSODA/LSODAR (0000560) SBML (format_2585) COPASI
Vilar PNAS .omex non-spatial continuous (0000293), non-spatial discrete (0000295) CVODE (0000019) and NRM (0000027) SBML (format_2585) VCell
Wu Biochem Pharmacol .omex non-spatial continuous (0000293) CVODE (0000019) XPP ODE XPP