We Craete A clone project of Ecommerce website that name is https://www.geekbuying.com/
Team :
1.Biswarup Bhunia(Team Leader) [I created the brand page,product page, clearence page, Address Page]
2.Kunal Deotale [Kunal Created the sign up and sign in page,cart page, payment page, footer page]
3.Abhishek Kumar [Abhishek Created the new deals and best selling page]
4.Nitin Kumar [Nitin Created the home page]
5.Rohit Kumar [Rohit Created the Navbar and app only page]
6.Shivam Gupta [Shivam Created the Deals and coupen only page]
- [Live Project Link](https://brilliant-cassata-ee551e.netlify.app/)