konfd templates are Go templates with access to two (2) additional template functions: configmap
and secrets
, which provide access to Kubernetes secrets and configmaps.
There are three (3) required annotations that determine where processed templates are stored:
- The target resource kind (configmap
- The configmap or secret name.konfd.io/key
- The key name where the processed template will be stored.
Labels are used to filter which configmaps should be processed by konfd. By default konfd will only process configmaps with the following label:
konfd.io/template: "true"
Use the
flag to limit which configmaps are processed.
Returns the configmap value of the first argument (configmap name) and second argument (configmap key).
Create a configmap to hold configuration key/value pairs:
kubectl create configmap vault-configs --from-literal 'default_lease_ttl=768h'
Pass the configmap name as the first argument and the key name as the second argument:
default_lease_ttl = {{configmap "vault-configs" "default_lease_ttl"}}
default_lease_ttl = 768h
Returns the secret value of the first argument (secret name) and second argument (secret key).
Create a secret to hold the secret key/value pairs:
kubectl create secret generic vault-secrets \
--from-literal 'mysql.password=v@ulTi$d0p3'
Pass the secret name as the first argument and the secret key name as the second argument:
password = "{{secret "vault-secrets" "mysql.password"}}"
password = "v@ulTi$d0p3"
The following template uses a mix of secrets and configmaps to generate a vault config file. The results of the vault-template
configmap will be stored in a secret named vault
in a key named server.hcl
Ensure konfd
is running in the cluster.
kubectl create -f replicasets/konfd.yaml
Create the vault-secrets
kubectl create secret generic vault-secrets \
--from-literal 'mysql.password=v@ulTi$d0p3'
Create the vault-configs
kubectl create configmap vault-configs \
--from-literal 'default_lease_ttl=768h' \
--from-literal 'max_lease_ttl=768h' \
--from-literal 'mysql.username=vault' \
--from-literal 'mysql.address=' \
--from-literal 'mysql.database=vault' \
--from-literal 'mysql.table=vault'
Create the vault-template-example
cat configmaps/vault-template-example.yaml
apiVersion: v1
kind: ConfigMap
name: vault-template-example
konfd.io/kind: secret
konfd.io/name: vault
konfd.io/key: server.hcl
konfd.io/template: "true"
template: |
default_lease_ttl = {{configmap "vault-configs" "default_lease_ttl"}}
max_lease_ttl = {{configmap "vault-configs" "max_lease_ttl"}}
listener "tcp" {
address = ""
tls_cert_file = "/etc/tls/server.pem"
tls_key_file = "/etc/tls/server.key"
backend "mysql" {
username = "{{configmap "vault-configs" "mysql.username"}}"
password = "{{secret "vault-secrets" "mysql.password"}}"
address = "{{configmap "vault-configs" "mysql.address"}}"
database = "{{configmap "vault-configs" "mysql.database"}}"
table = "{{configmap "vault-configs" "mysql.table"}}"
tls_ca_file = "/etc/tls/mysql-ca.pem"
Submit the vault-template-example
configmap to the Kubernetes API server:
kubectl create -f configmaps/vault-template-example.yaml
After the "vault-template-example" configmap is processed by konfd
view the results:
kubectl get secrets vault -o yaml
apiVersion: v1
server.hcl: ZGVmYXVsdF9sZWFzZV90dGwgPSA3NjhoCm1heF9sZWFzZV90dGwgPSA3NjhoCmxpc3RlbmVyICJ0Y3AiIHsKICBhZGRyZXNzID0gIjAuMC4wLjA6ODIwMCIKICB0bHNfY2VydF9maWxlID0gIi9ldGMvdGxzL3NlcnZlci5wZW0iCiAgdGxzX2tleV9maWxlID0gIi9ldGMvdGxzL3NlcnZlci5rZXkiCn0KYmFja2VuZCAibXlzcWwiIHsKICB1c2VybmFtZSA9ICJ2YXVsdCIKICBwYXNzd29yZCA9ICJ2QHVsVGkkZDBwMyIKICBhZGRyZXNzID0gIjIzLjEyLjQuMzozMzA2IgogIGRhdGFiYXNlID0gInZhdWx0IgogIHRhYmxlID0gInZhdWx0IgogIHRsc19jYV9maWxlID0gIi9ldGMvdGxzL215c3FsLWNhLnBlbSIKfQo=
kind: Secret
creationTimestamp: 2016-12-05T14:24:07Z
name: vault
namespace: default
resourceVersion: "331267"
selfLink: /api/v1/namespaces/default/secrets/vault
uid: 7b28717c-baf6-11e6-8f3a-42010a8a001a
type: Opaque
Notice the server.hcl has been added to the existing vault secret.
It can take up to 60 seconds before the template is processed.
Use the
flag to adjust the template sync interval.
Secret values are base64 encoded. Decode the server.hcl
to see the processed template:
kubectl get secrets vault -o 'go-template={{index .data "server.hcl"}}' | base64 -D -
default_lease_ttl = 768h
max_lease_ttl = 768h
listener "tcp" {
address = ""
tls_cert_file = "/etc/tls/server.pem"
tls_key_file = "/etc/tls/server.key"
backend "mysql" {
username = "vault"
password = "v@ulTi$d0p3"
address = ""
database = "vault"
table = "vault"
tls_ca_file = "/etc/tls/mysql-ca.pem"