- local chat
- updated Autosmurf
- Autochaos
- modded BattleOrders.js
- how to define your own party and permit hardcore loot corpses
- Baal.js with adds for hdin on wave 2
- staggered delays for creating games
- picking and selling junk items
- picking and selling valuable items
- opening all chests
- open chests only from specific areas
- silenced Follower
- LifeChicken restart profile
- use Cain and sell items
- sell cubing items
- inventory full
- cubing all kind of gems
- Taiwan disclaimer
- Diabase & D2BS
- silencing the scripts
- @noah- added in the char configuration files the options:
// Public game options // If LocalChat is enabled, chat can be sent via 'sendCopyData' instead of BNET // To allow 'say' to use BNET, use 'say("msg", true)', the 2nd parameter will force BNET // LocalChat messages will only be visible on clients running on the same PC Config.LocalChat.Enabled = true; // enable the LocalChat system Config.LocalChat.Toggle = false; // optional, set to KEY value to toggle through modes 0, 1, 2 Config.LocalChat.Mode = 2; // 0 = disabled, 1 = chat from 'say' (recommended), 2 = all chat (for manual play)
- MFTeam is ok with LocalChat in mode 1
- Manual played leader and Follower.js - LocalChat in mode 2
- !!! Autosmurf is outdated and no longer maintained - Feel free to fork and update it otherwise check out Horde (not a blizzhackers project)
- @Dark-f updated the JeanMax/AutoSmurf
- the files can be found on https://github.com/blizzhackers/autosmurf repository
- check this @Dark-f video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rTXM9szlIdw
- Autoleveling sorceress script https://github.com/blizzhackers/kolbot-sonic/
- the description can be found on https://github.com/blizzhackers/kolbot-sonic/blob/master/SetupSonic.md/#sonic-setup
- it is a modified version of d2bs for sorceress chars, so check D2BotSonic.dbj starter script, config files ...\libs\config\Sorceress.js and ...\libs\config\Builds\Sorceress.Sonic.js
- it have its modified files in ...\kolbot\libs\sonic\
- by @noah-, without explicit communication in game.
- https://gist.github.com/noah-/2685fbeccc72fd595bbe89116aea272e
- check also the comments there
- you can post the results on discord #testing channel
if you want to use this feature, copy the required character configuration lines from 18-20 of .../libs/config/_BaseConfigFile.js, which could become a place to have all additional options, in order to simplify the character Class.js files.
barbarian will go to the waypoint of your choosing and bo anyone that is nearby, no matter if they have bo state or not. It will go back to town if monsters come close to the boer. It will go back to town and visit a healer NPC if it's mana gets below a set percentage then return to continue giving bo.
barbarian config file:
Scripts.BoBarbHelper = true; // specific HC script with BoBarb on the Bo area during whole game Config.BoBarbHelper.Mode = 0; // 0 = give BO, -1 = disabled Config.BoBarbHelper.Wp = 35; // 35 = Catacombs level 2
- in barbarian config Config.QuitList = ["..."]; should be completed.
other chars who need getting bo, should be moved in BO area by adding in the running area scripts, depending of the lower value between BC-BO-Shout skill duration of the barbarian helper:
Pather.useWaypoint(35, true); // go to BO area Pather.moveTo(me.x + 5, me.y + 5, 5, true); delay(3000);
It is a public mode when your players invite and accept other players invites, only if their names are in your previously configured MyOwnParty list
in char config file, look to the // Public game options section and you have to add (line Config.PublicMode is already there, so add only options 4 and 5 (use 4 only for char who's opening the game, and 5 for the others)
Config.PublicMode = 4; // 1 = invite and accept, 2 = accept only, 3 = invite only, 4 = MyOwnParty invite, 5 = MyOwnParty accept, 0 = disable Config.MyOwnParty = []; // ["MyPlayer1", "MyPlayer2", "MyPlayer3"]
in ... libs\core\Config.js before line 161 DeathMessages add
MyOwnParty: [],
and complete the same list on every char config that you will add in your team game, including all charnames.
Config.MyOwnParty = ["MyPlayer1", "MyPlayer2", "MyPlayer3", "MyPlayer4"];
check the changes in modded Party.js and replace the content of default Party.js, or make the following changes:
- in ... \threads\Party.js add after default SVN line 143 the cases 4 and 5
case 4: // MyOwnParty invite
if (Config.MyOwnParty.indexOf(player.name) === -1) {
if (Config.MyOwnParty.length > 0) {
for (let i = 0; i < Config.MyOwnParty.length; i += 1) {
if (player.name == Config.MyOwnParty[i] && player.name !== me.name) {
if (player.partyflag !== 4 && player.partyflag !== 2 && player.partyid === 65535) {
clickParty(player, 2);
if (me.hardcore) { // hardcore permit loot of leader to other char who is invited in the party
clickParty(player, 0);
} else if (Config.MyOwnParty.length === 0 || Config.MyOwnParty.length === undefined) {
Config.PublicMode = 1;
case 5: // MyOwnParty accept
if (Config.MyOwnParty.indexOf(player.name) === -1) {
if (Config.MyOwnParty.length > 0) {
for (let i = 0; i < Config.MyOwnParty.length; i += 1) {
if (player.name == Config.MyOwnParty[i] && player.name !== me.name) {
if (player.partyflag === 2) {
clickParty(player, 2);
if (me.hardcore) { // hardcore permit loot to leader
clickParty(player, 0);
if (loot.indexOf(player.name) === -1 && me.hardcore) { // hardcore permit loot to other chars
clickParty(player, 0);
} else if (Config.MyOwnParty.length === 0 || Config.MyOwnParty.length === "undefined") {
Config.PublicMode = 2;
- in ... \threads\Party.js change default line 122 with:
if (Config.PublicMode === 4 || Config.PublicMode === 5) {
console.log("ÿc2Party thread loaded. ÿc0Mode: ÿc2MyOwnParty - " + ((Config.PublicMode === 5) ? "Accept" : "Invite"));
} else {
console.log("ÿc2Party thread loaded. ÿc0Mode: ÿc2" + (Config.PublicMode === 2 ? "Accept" : "Invite"));
- in ... \threads\Party.js add after the default line 56 with:
case 0x00: // "%Name1(%Name2) dropped due to time out."
case 0x01: // "%Name1(%Name2) dropped due to errors."
case 0x03: // "%Name1(%Name2) left our world. Diablo's minions weaken."
if (me.hardcore && loot.includes(name1)) { // hardcore leaving char is removed from loot
loot.splice(loot.indexOf(name1), 1);
- in ... \threads\Party.js change the default line 28 with:
let partyTick = getTickCount();
let loot = [];
- there should be added infinite loops to stop dead HC player from other actions which will end the game because of errors, like in the case of Follower.js
if (me.hardcore && me.mode === sdk.player.mode.Dead) { // stop the HC screen to allow the loot of dead player
while (true) {
- Notes:
- on reload Chat/console in-game command, the permit loot become off for all other players because loot list is lost, but 2nd reload will swith the permit loot to on.
- the players, which are permitted to loot a hardcore player corpse, can get the equipped items back, but the mercenary stuff is lost, and also lost are the items located in inventory and stash.
- to implement the recovery of loot stuff on automatic bot characters there should be added more changes in the libs scripts. With low hp chicken values on high ping games maybe there will be errors to get the death when game is left, so the recovery can't be done.
- https://pastebin.com/mnqySRqF copy and paste the text, replacing the content of ...\libs\scripts\Baal.js file.
- the adds for pala hdin consist in an extra function for wave 2 (without having the Nature's Peace ring, which is making this unnecessary). You have to set in hdin config file for wave 2
Config.AttackSkill[5] = 97; // Secondary skill if monster is immune to primary.
Config.AttackSkill[6] = 113; // Secondary aura.
- try to have Holy Shield at max points, and hdin Smite dmg will be around 1.8-2 k physical dmg with concentration aura, which will increase also the mercenary's dmg.
For running more solo bots(game creators) you should bypass the 2 min d2 server restriction for consecutive creation of games/same IP.
Note: apply it only if you run more game creator bots, and test first without it, someone on discord is saying that it isn't required the staggering like in the previous ladder season.
a staggered version of ...\d2bs\kolbot\D2BotLead.dbj https://pastebin.com/u02RH1C2 or D2BotLeadStagger.dbj on github
copy and paste the text, and save it ...\kolbot\D2BotLeadStagger.dbj
this will create ...\logs\gameStagger.txt file and you'll see a message in status "Lobby - stagger time: (...s)" if the stagger delay wasn't reached.
in case of errors or too high values shown on d2bs status line, delete the gameStagger.txt and it will be written again.
staggerDelay was set to random value 120 - 130 sec (line 360), and CreateGameDelay to random value 10-15 sec (line 8)
if your low bot need gold, you should activate the picking of junk items.
if total gold is less than Config.LowGold value pick up anything worth 10 gold per square to sell in town.
you should add in the char configuration file:
Config.LowGold = 200000 // any low item with 10 gold per square will be picked and sold to NPC until me.gold < Config.LowGold
that variable is already defined in Config.js (line 138, where it is set to 0), and it is used in Pickit.js line 64 and Town.js line 526
you could comment the line 58 from Town.js , in order to pick the throwing potions
//38, // Missile Potion
- if you don't wanna pick arrows/bolts you should increase the value 10 from line 73 of Pickit.js to any other value like 15 or 20.
if your bot need gold, to gamble more often, you should set the picking of valuable items including white ones, which worth more than 2k gold (customizable) / square.
add in the character configuration file:
Config.PickValuableItems = true; // pick everything worth > 2k gold/square
add after line 165 (LowGold) in ... libs\core\Config.js:
LowGold: 0, PickValuableItems: false, // <--- add this
replace lines 306-324 lines 306-324 in Pickit.js:
// pick valuable items which worth more than 2k gold/square to sell in town, if Config.PickValuableItems = true. const dontSell = [ 557, 558, 559, 560, 561, 562, 563, 564, 565, 566, 567, 568, 569, 570, 571, 572, 573, 574, 575, 576, 577, 578,579, 580, 581, 582, 583, 584, 585, 586, 597, 598, 599, 600, 601, // gems 610, 611, 612, 613, 614, 615, 616, 617, 618, 619, 620, 621, 622, 623, 624, 625, 626, 627, 628, 629, 630, 631, 632, 633, 634, 635, 636, 637, 638, 639, 640, 641, 642 // runes ]; if (rval.result === Pickit.Result.UNWANTED && !Town.ignoreType(unit.itemType) && !unit.questItem && ( (unit.isInInventory && (me.inTown || !Config.FieldID.Enabled)) || ( Config.PickValuableItems && dontSell.indexOf(unit.classid) === -1 && unit.getItemCost(sdk.items.cost.ToSell) / (unit.sizex * unit.sizey) >= 2000 ) || me.gold < Config.LowGold || (me.gold < 500000 && Config.PickitFiles.length === 0) ) )) { // Gold doesn't take up room, just pick it up if (unit.classid === sdk.items.Gold) return resultObj(Pickit.Result.TRASH); if (!this.invoLocked) { const itemValue = unit.getItemCost(sdk.items.cost.ToSell); const itemValuePerSquare = itemValue / (unit.sizex * unit.sizey); if (itemValuePerSquare >= 2000) { // If total gold is less than 500k pick up anything worth 2k gold per square to sell in town. return resultObj(Pickit.Result.TRASH, "Valuable LowGold Item: " + itemValue); } else if (itemValuePerSquare >= 10) { // If total gold is less than LowGold setting pick up anything worth 10 gold per square to sell in town. return resultObj(Pickit.Result.TRASH, "LowGold Item: " + itemValue); } } }
note that the 9th line is customizable, adding only the value of the item (like 5k gold) or a mixed line with previous example (2k gold/square):
&& (unit.getItemCost(sdk.items.cost.ToSell) >= 5e3 || (unit.getItemCost(sdk.items.cost.ToSell) / (unit.sizex * unit.sizey) >= 2000))
maybe the npc town visit will be more often, but large amounts of gold will be get faster.
- if you want to open all chests during clearing, set in char configuration file
Config.OpenChests.Enabled = true; Config.OpenChests.Types = ["all"];
- add the changes to Attack.js, so line 1213 from Attack.js@openChests
ids = ["chest", "chest3", "weaponrack", "armorstand"];
will be changed to:
if (Config.OpenChests.Types.some((el) => el.toLowerCase() === "all")) {
ids = [
"chest", "loose rock", "hidden stash", "loose boulder", "corpseonstick",
"casket", "armorstand", "weaponrack", "barrel", "holeanim", "tomb2",
"tomb3", "roguecorpse", "ratnest", "corpse", "goo pile", "largeurn",
"urn", "chest3", "jug", "skeleton", "guardcorpse", "sarcophagus", "object2",
"cocoon", "basket", "stash", "hollow log", "hungskeleton", "pillar",
"skullpile", "skull pile", "jar3", "jar2", "jar1", "bonechest", "woodchestl",
"woodchestr", "barrel wilderness", "burialchestr", "burialchestl", "explodingchest",
"chestl", "chestr", "groundtomb", "icecavejar1", "icecavejar2",
"icecavejar3", "icecavejar4", "deadperson", "deadperson2", "evilurn", "tomb1l", "tomb3l", "groundtombl"
} else {
ids = ["chest", "chest3", "weaponrack", "armorstand"];
- in char config you should set:
Config.OpenChests.Enabled = true; // Open chests. Controls key buying.
- add in Misc.js before default line 988 ' shrineStates: false,' (and feel free to add any other area where you wanna open chests, using sdk\areas.txt) :
// open chests only from these areas -> Pather.popChests
openAreaChests: function (area) {
if (!area) {
area = me.area;
switch (area) {
case 79: // Lower Kurast
case 102: // Durance Of Hate Level 3
return true;
return false;
- Pather.js@NodeAction@popChests should be:
if (!!Config.OpenChests.Enabled && Misc.openAreaChests()) {
- Attack.js@openChests should be:
Config.OpenChests.Enabled && Misc.openAreaChests() && Misc.openChests(Config.OpenChests.Range);
reason = to avoid the muting of keys.
thanks to @noah-, if you set the LocalChat on mode 2, you should no worry about d2 server chat.
the default script ...\d2bs\kolbot\libs\scripts\Follower.js is a wonderful written script, but it was working only by using chat commands to move to leader position, take portals, ...
without the LocalChat active in mode 2, the follower reporting have to be silenced changing say( with print( or me.overhead (server side function of d2bs, other players don't see that).
the default Follower.js has set town activities only with command, and in the case of silenced it was changed to do town activities at the start of the game and just after every leader move to town. Cain can be used to identify items, but before setting that check the section related, below.
FolowerSilent on gist or FollowerSilent.js on github - copy and paste the text (or download that paste), in a new file ...\scripts\FollowerSilent.js. This modded script has some adds, check the top of it. And you should add a new line in the character configuration file:
Scripts.FollowerSilent = true; // a custom automated Follower.js
by default LifeChicken will exit game
if you wanna close d2 window (like the d2nt method) instead exiting game, you should think about restarting the current d2bot profile:
- add in Config.js:
LifeChicken: 0, LifeChickenRestart: false, // <--- add this
- add in char config file:
Config.LifeChickenRestart = true; // Restart profile if LifeChicken is activated
- in libs/core/Common/Tools.js add on line after
Config.LogExperience && Experience.log();
Config.LifeChickenRestart && D2Bot.restart();
the item identifying on Cain will end with dropping the unwanted items by default. That was the reason to add a variable with minimum gold, just under the enabling ID at Cain.
add in the character configuration file in Cain section:
Config.CainID.Drop = false; // drop items identified at Cain
set a lower gold limit for using Cain, like 100.000 or 0:
Config.CainID.MinGold = 0; // Minimum gold (stash + character) to have in order to use Cain.
line 181 (CainID.Enable) in ... libs\core\Config.js:
CainID: { Enable: false, MinGold: 0, MinUnids: 0, Drop: false, // <--- add this },
change the lines 890-894 in ...\libs\core\Town.js with:
case Pickit.Result.UNWANTED: if (!Config.CainID.Drop) { Item.logger("Sold", item, "cainID"); Town.initNPC("Shop", "clearInventory"); item.sell(); } else { Item.logger("Dropped", item, "cainID"); item.drop(); } break;
by default the cubing items will be dropped if them not meet the condition to be kept. You should replace the default lines 1100-1104 from Cubing.js with:
case Pickit.Result.UNWANTED:
Item.logger("Sell", cubeItem, "doCubing");
Town.initNPC("Shop", "clearInventory");
- if you get warnings/errors after the cubing is done, you should revert those lines to default.
If you don't wanna to set the Automule option, or you don't have too many d2/lod keys to do that, you can set the stop of the profile.
again, some old etal users may need this function.
add in char configuration file (at the end of General config section, ~ line 400), a new variable:
Config.InventoryFull = true; // stop profile if inventory full
then edit Config.js and add after line ~ 204
InventoryFull: false,
finally, look for the default line 657 from Pickit.js and change it to:
// Town visit failed - abort console.warn("Failed to visit town. ÿc7Not enough room for " + Item.color(_item) + _item.name); if (Config.InventoryFull) { D2Bot.printToConsole("Inventory Full. game: " + me.gamename + "char: " + me.account + " - " + me.name, 6); D2Bot.stop(me.profile, true); } return false;
if you wanna a bot from your team to cube all the gems found, you can add some changes:
in the special pickit file for that char, you can have only the perfect gem lines
[name] == perfectamethyst [name] == perfectdiamond [name] == perfectemerald [name] == perfectruby [name] == perfectsapphire [name] == perfecttopaz [name] == perfectskull
in character configuration file should be added in the cubing config section (default lines ~320-326 have the cubing of the flawless to perfect gems):
// Ingredients for the following recipes will be auto-picked, for classids check libs/core/GameData/NTItemAlias.js Config.Recipes.push([Recipe.Gem, "Flawed Amethyst"]); // make Flawed Amethyst Config.Recipes.push([Recipe.Gem, "Flawed Topaz"]); // make Flawed Topaz Config.Recipes.push([Recipe.Gem, "Flawed Sapphire"]); // make Flawed Sapphire Config.Recipes.push([Recipe.Gem, "Flawed Emerald"]); // make Flawed Emerald Config.Recipes.push([Recipe.Gem, "Flawed Ruby"]); // make Flawed Ruby Config.Recipes.push([Recipe.Gem, "Flawed Diamond"]); // make Flawed Diamond Config.Recipes.push([Recipe.Gem, "Flawed Skull"]); // make Flawed Skull Config.Recipes.push([Recipe.Gem, "Amethyst"]); // make Amethyst Config.Recipes.push([Recipe.Gem, "Topaz"]); // make Topaz Config.Recipes.push([Recipe.Gem, "Sapphire"]); // make Sapphire Config.Recipes.push([Recipe.Gem, "Emerald"]); // make Emerald Config.Recipes.push([Recipe.Gem, "Ruby"]); // make Ruby Config.Recipes.push([Recipe.Gem, "Diamond"]); // make Diamond Config.Recipes.push([Recipe.Gem, "Skull"]); // make Skull Config.Recipes.push([Recipe.Gem, "Flawless Amethyst"]); // make Flawless Amethyst Config.Recipes.push([Recipe.Gem, "Flawless Topaz"]); // make Flawless Topaz Config.Recipes.push([Recipe.Gem, "Flawless Sapphire"]); // make Flawless Sapphire Config.Recipes.push([Recipe.Gem, "Flawless Emerald"]); // make Flawless Emerald Config.Recipes.push([Recipe.Gem, "Flawless Ruby"]); // make Flawless Ruby Config.Recipes.push([Recipe.Gem, "Flawless Diamond"]); // make Flawless Diamond Config.Recipes.push([Recipe.Gem, "Flawless Skull"]); // make Flawless Skull Config.Recipes.push([Recipe.Gem, "Perfect Amethyst"]); // Make Perfect Amethyst Config.Recipes.push([Recipe.Gem, "Perfect Topaz"]); // Make Perfect Topaz Config.Recipes.push([Recipe.Gem, "Perfect Sapphire"]); // Make Perfect Sapphire Config.Recipes.push([Recipe.Gem, "Perfect Emerald"]); // Make Perfect Emerald Config.Recipes.push([Recipe.Gem, "Perfect Ruby"]); // Make Perfect Ruby Config.Recipes.push([Recipe.Gem, "Perfect Diamond"]); // Make Perfect Diamond Config.Recipes.push([Recipe.Gem, "Perfect Skull"]); // Make Perfect Skull
if picking a lot of gems will highly increase the number of the lines in d2bs manager item log tab, check the proper settings in the // Manager Item Log Screen section from character config file
- in Taiwan region
blocks the d2 start.
- install https://www.autoitscript.com/site/autoit/downloads/
- check their documentation
- edit a new script in notepad++ (thanks to Mercoory + emily785 - posts:
While 1
If WinExists("Taiwan Legal Disclaimer") Then
WinWaitActive("Taiwan Legal Disclaimer")
- save the script as TaiwanDisclaimer.au3
- run Autoit with administrative privileges
@Ned added some changes to Diabase to work with D2BS
- download using SVN Checkout... -> (https://github.com/Nedkali/DiaBaseV1/trunk)
- create a subfolder ...\d2bs\kolbot\MuleInventory\
- you have the option to not use the Diabase function which overwrite the files, using Utilities > Verify logging files, and it's enough to replace the default libs\MuleLogger.js with Mulelogger on gist - which will create the both log files for the default D2BS Char Viewer (in mules\realm\account) and Diabase(in MuleInventory).
me.overhead command in d2bs is displayed only on client side, like the print command, too. Nobody in the same game cannot see those messages. Those are different than server chat messages starting with ! symbol. Some of d2bot-with-kolbot scripts aren't silenced by default, and in some cases like MFTeam, SealLeader/Leecher, Follower.js, a.s.o. the functionality is made through chat expressions.
if you are worried about server chat filter, you can set Local Chat true and mode 1 or 2. Setting mode 1 in the case of MFTeam or SealLeader/Leecher, or mode 2 in the case of Followers.js is all you have to do to get all chat messages only on local client(d2 window).
if you don't wanna see any messages overhead, open libs/core/Me.js and add after line 10:
(function (original) { me.overhead = function (...args) { return true; }; })(me.overhead);
if you insist to silent your scripts, the easier option is to set in char config:
Config.Silence = true; // Make the bot not say a word. Do not use in combination with LocalChat
other method:
- for silencing Baal.js, look for SVN line 196
- comment this line adding // before say, or change say into print
- do the same with lines 214 and 220, for the cases of dolls and souls.
- in char configuration file you can remove the text between quotes "" , lines 85-88, 114-116, 220-223.
- in Config.js you can remove the text between quotes in lines 344-346, and for Diablo 376-381
- use Find in Files looking for say( in whole d2bs folder. Then manually edit those results, changing them to (choose one):
- print( - print on screen only
- console.log/debug/warn/error/info - prints to console only
- me.overhead( - a message displayed above bot head, but it's visible only for that char, and not in a d2 server chat.
- for silencing Baal.js, look for SVN line 196