This pingredis
package provides a simple function that pings a Redis server
address and returns the result.
This example introduces the concept of a docket mode, which is a way to select between different Docker Compose configurations at the time you run your tests.
This example supports two modes: "debug" and "full".
When you specify a DOCKET_MODE
, docket will combine the files whose names
match particular patterns to make a Docker Compose app.
The file docket.yaml
matches any mode, so you can use it to
specify common configurations.
In this example, docket.yaml
creates a service named redis
and specifies
which image to use.
In "debug" mode, the test driver runs outside Docker, and it pings a Redis instance running in a Docker container (as specified by the Docker Compose files).
I call this "debug" mode because it makes it easy to run go test
inside a
| |
go test +--------> redis |
(TCP) | |
already declared a redis
service, and
extends that service definition by
publishing the Redis port so that the test driver can access the Redis instance
from your host.
Instead of picking a fixed host port number for the internal Redis port, I let
Docker choose an ephemeral port for us. After the Docker Compose app has been
started, I can call PublishedPort()
on our docket.Context
to discover that
Here's what running the test in "debug" mode looks like:
$ DOCKET_MODE=debug DOCKET_DOWN=1 go test
[docket] config [docker-compose --file docket.yaml --file docket.debug.yaml config]
[docket] up [docker-compose --file docket.yaml --file docket.debug.yaml up -d]
Creating network "02_ping-redis_default" with the default driver
Creating 02_ping-redis_redis_1 ... done
[docket] up finished
[docket] port [docker-compose --file docket.yaml --file docket.debug.yaml port redis 6379]
[docket] down [docker-compose --file docket.yaml --file docket.debug.yaml down]
Stopping 02_ping-redis_redis_1 ... done
Removing 02_ping-redis_redis_1 ... done
Removing network 02_ping-redis_default
[docket] down finished
ok .../ 3.574s
In "full" mode, the test runs almost entirely inside the Docker Compose app. You
run the first go test
yourself outside any Docker container, but when docket
realizes that it should run the test(s) inside the tester
service, it runs
go test
again with different arguments inside that container.
| | redis
| wait script | +---------+
| | | |
go test +------------------> go test +-----------> redis |
(docker exec) | | (TCP) | |
+---------------+ +---------+
For this mode, docket.full.yaml
does a few interesting
I declare a new
service where docket should run the innergo test
. See the comments indocket.full.yaml
for a detailed explanation of the configuration.In particular, it runs a bash script that just waits, keeping the
service running so that docket candocker exec
go test
into the running container. -
Since the test runs inside Docker, I don't need to publish the Redis instance's port to the host. Instead, I mark the default network as being an internal network to prevent incoming and outgoing network connections. This helps us make sure that our test is entirely self-contained as described by our Docker Compose files.
Here's what running the test in "full" mode looks like:
$ DOCKET_MODE=full DOCKET_DOWN=1 go test
[docket] config [docker-compose --file docket.yaml --file docket.full.yaml config]
[docket] up [docker-compose --file docket.yaml --file docket.full.yaml --file docket-source-mounts.720177730.yaml up -d]
Creating network "02_ping-redis_default" with the default driver
Creating 02_ping-redis_redis_1 ... done
Creating 02_ping-redis_tester_1 ... done
[docket] up finished
[docket] exec [docker-compose --file docket.yaml --file docket.full.yaml --file docket-source-mounts.720177730.yaml exec -T tester go test -run ^TestPingRedis$ -count=1]
ok 0.009s
[docket] exec finished
[docket] down [docker-compose --file docket.yaml --file docket.full.yaml --file docket-source-mounts.720177730.yaml down]
Stopping 02_ping-redis_tester_1 ... done
Stopping 02_ping-redis_redis_1 ... done
Removing 02_ping-redis_tester_1 ... done
Removing 02_ping-redis_redis_1 ... done
Removing network 02_ping-redis_default
[docket] down finished
ok .../ 8.444s
You can see that docket added another Docker Compose file
, which is a temporary file telling Docker
Compose to mount your Go sources into the docker container so that go test
use them.