Introductory tutorials for new students.
Recommended order and title |
Language |
Tutorial 1- Installing linux (for Windows machines) | English/Hebrew |
Tutorial 2- Navigating with linux | English/Hebrew |
Tutorial 3- Reading or editing files | English/Hebrew |
Tutorial 4- Connecting to other computers | English/Hebrew |
Tutorial 5- Sending or receiving files | English/Hebrew |
Tutorial 6- Options and outputs | English/Hebrew |
Tutorial 7- Automating tasks | English/Hebrew |
Tutorial 8- Using the Vienna Ab initio Simulation Package (VASP) | English |
Tutorial 9- Working on the TAU supercomputer "POWER" | English |
Tutorial 10- Installing Python on POWER and your PC | English |
Tutorial 11- Using Python | English |
Tutorial 12- Using the Python Materials Genomics (PyMatGen) toolkit | English |
Tutorial 13- Universal Structure Predictor: Evolutionary Xtallography (USPEX) | English |
Tutorial 14- Working with the Materials Project | English |
Tutorial 15- High-throughput computing on POWER | English |