Simple example App with three events tracked LOGGED, PROJECT, NOTE and COMMENT using one of these three analytics tools:
To use it you should replace the API keys on file
private static String MIXPANEL_TOKEN = ""; //Set your default token here
private static String FLURRY_TOKEN = ""; //Your flurry token
private static String COUNTLY_SERVER = ""; //Your countly server here
private static String COUNTLY_APP_KEY = ""; //Your countly app key here
To config Localytics API key you need to add you key in AndroidManifest.xml
<meta-data android:name="LOCALYTICS_APP_KEY" android:value="YOUR_KEY_HERE"/>
Or you can add those keys while running the app in settings (Except Localytics).
Additional keys logged User: [User using app] Plan: Premium Gender: female Company: [Company selected on login]