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Automated Tests


Rust Application and Library to convert rich UTF-8 Text into plain ASCII Text

This Crate holds a Library and an Executable.
The Executable which can be invoked from command line taking the requested Data from the STDIN and producing the sanitized output to STDOUT.
Precompiled Binaries are distributed with the Releases in the Release Section:
Download text-sanitizer latest


  • Very low Dependencies
    This leads to:
    • High Compatibility (compiles even with old Rust Compilers - tested against Versions [ 1.41, 1.48, 1.60 ])
    • Very fast Startup Time (Execution Time less than < 3 ms on a 27KB document)
  • Robust Code (does not use risky unwrap() Methods)
    Developed with the DevOps Mentalitity: "can fail but will live to tell"


When dealing with System Outputs they are usually formated in the configured local language that include special characters.
Those characters are by nature not equivalent to their ASCII representation 'Acción' != 'Accion' which makes reliable parsing difficult.
Those differences are often resolved with unmaintainable sed command chains

$ cat -A nut-monitor_status.txt| sed -re 's#\$$##' -e 's#M-bM-\^##g' -e 's#M-CM-\)#e#g' -e 's#TM-\^[T\\]#|-#g' -e 's#TM-\^@#-#g' -e 's#WM-\^O#*#g'

which makes it easy to understand why those handcrafted workarounds are not desirable.

Use Cases


Invalid UTF-8 text cannot be parsed with common command line tools:

$ cat lanzarote-com_de-ausfluge.html|grep -ioE "<p>[^/]*Sichern Sie sich Ihren Platz[^/]*</p>"|wc -l

It requires always some kind of sanitizing:

$ cat -A lanzarote-com_de-ausfluge.html|grep -ioE "<p>[^/]*Sichern Sie sich Ihren Platz[^/]*</p>"|wc -l
$ cat -A lanzarote-com_de-ausfluge.html|grep -ioE "<p>[^/]*Sichern Sie sich Ihren Platz[^/]*</p>"
<p>Sichern Sie sich Ihren Platz bei einem dieser AusflM-|ge und buchen Sie online mit dem Formular, Sie auf der Informationsseite jedes Ausfluges finden. Sie kM-vnnen Ihre bevorzugten AusflM-|ge auch auf Ihrer persM-vnlichen ReisefM-|hrer-Seite einfM-|gen, um sie stets zur Hand zu haben.</p>

but that way it has lost readability.
So the sanitizing needs to be assisted with a Reconstruction of the text. Mostly with sed regular expression workarounds which often result unmaintainable because of its complex structure

$ cat -A lanzarote-com_de-ausfluge.html|grep -ioE "<p>[^/]*Sichern Sie sich Ihren Platz[^/]*</p>"|sed -re 's#M\-v#oe#g' -e 's#M\-\|#ue#g'|wc -l
$ cat -A lanzarote-com_de-ausfluge.html|grep -ioE "<p>[^/]*Sichern Sie sich Ihren Platz[^/]*</p>"|sed -re 's#M\-v#oe#g' -e 's#M\-\|#ue#g'
<p>Sichern Sie sich Ihren Platz bei einem dieser Ausfluege und buchen Sie online mit dem Formular, Sie auf der Informationsseite jedes Ausfluges finden. Sie koennen Ihre bevorzugten Ausfluege auch auf Ihrer persoenlichen Reisefuehrer-Seite einfuegen, um sie stets zur Hand zu haben.</p>

and also are measurable much slower:
The cat -A | sed command chain is twice as slow as the Text-Sanitizer

$ date +"%s.%N" ; cat lanzarote-com_de-ausfluge.html | ../../target/debug/text-sanitizer -i en es de > lanzarote-com_de-ausfluge_result.html ; date +"%s.%N"
$ echo "scale=3; 91.349053266-91.342594947"|bc -l
$ date +"%s.%N" ; cat -A lanzarote-com_de-ausfluge.html|sed -re 's#M\-v#oe#g' -e 's#M\-\|#ue#g' > ../lz_out.log ; date +"%s.%N"
$ echo "scale=3; 74.628543983-74.614412085"|bc -l

In half the time the Text-Sanitizer has already fixed the whole text:

$ cat lanzarote-com_de-ausfluge_result.html|grep -ioE "<p>[^/]*Sichern Sie sich Ihren Platz[^/]*</p>"
<p>Sichern Sie sich Ihren Platz bei einem dieser Ausfluege und buchen Sie online mit dem Formular, Sie auf der Informationsseite jedes Ausfluges finden. Sie koennen Ihre bevorzugten Ausfluege auch auf Ihrer persoenlichen Reisefuehrer-Seite einfuegen, um sie stets zur Hand zu haben.</p>


In many Automations the System Output must be parsed and converted to Data Structures to process further.
Sanitizing the text into ASCII Text helps to create recognizable Data Structures like in this Ansible Task List:

- name: Read yum History
    cmd: "yum --setopt=history_list_view=commands history list *"
    warn: false
  register: yum_history_rs
  changed_when: false
  become: yes
  become_method: su

- name: Sanitize yum History
    cmd: "roles/yum-history/library/text-sanitizer es -i"
    stdin: "{{ yum_history_rs.stdout }}"
  register: yum_history_rs
  changed_when: false
  delegate_to: localhost
  when: yum_history_rs is defined

- name: Yum History 1
    var: yum_history_rs
  when: ansible_verbosity > 1

- name: Check last Full Update
    cmd: "roles/yum-history/library/ -i -d"
    stdin: "{{ yum_history_rs.stdout }}"
  register: update_full_rs
  changed_when: false
  delegate_to: localhost
  when: yum_history_rs is defined

This task list will produce this output:
Now the Header Line can much easier transformed,parsed and matched.

TASK [yum-history : Sanitize yum History] ********************************************************
task path: /path/to/playbook/roles/yum-history/tasks/check_history.yml:52
ok: [host02] => {
    "changed": false,
    "cmd": [
    "delta": "0:00:00.002598",
    "end": "2021-04-29 10:09:57.529444",
    "invocation": {
        "module_args": {
            "_raw_params": "roles/yum-history/library/text-sanitizer es -i",
            "_uses_shell": false,
            "argv": null,
            "chdir": null,
            "creates": null,
            "executable": null,
            "removes": null,
            "stdin": "ID     | Línea de comandos        | Día y hora       | Acción(es)     | Modific\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n     5 |                          | 2021-04-07 14:57 | Install        |    6   \n     4 | -y --best upgrade        | 2020-09-23 06:03 | I, U           |   59 EE\n     3 | -C -y remove firewalld - | 2020-06-11 02:40 | Removed        |   12 EE\n     2 | -C -y remove linux-firmw | 2020-06-11 02:40 | Removed        |    1   \n     1 |                          | 2020-06-11 02:35 | Install        |  441 EE",
            "stdin_add_newline": true,
            "strip_empty_ends": true,
            "warn": true
    "rc": 0,
    "start": "2021-04-29 10:09:57.526846",
    "stderr": "",
    "stderr_lines": [],
    "stdout": "ID     | Linea de comandos        | Dia y hora       | Accion(es)     | Modific\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n     5 |                          | 2021-04-07 14:57 | Install        |    6   \n     4 | -y --best upgrade        | 2020-09-23 06:03 | I, U           |   59 EE\n     3 | -C -y remove firewalld - | 2020-06-11 02:40 | Removed        |   12 EE\n     2 | -C -y remove linux-firmw | 2020-06-11 02:40 | Removed        |    1   \n     1 |                          | 2020-06-11 02:35 | Install        |  441 EE",
    "stdout_lines": [
        "ID     | Linea de comandos        | Dia y hora       | Accion(es)     | Modific",
        "     5 |                          | 2021-04-07 14:57 | Install        |    6   ",
        "     4 | -y --best upgrade        | 2020-09-23 06:03 | I, U           |   59 EE",
        "     3 | -C -y remove firewalld - | 2020-06-11 02:40 | Removed        |   12 EE",
        "     2 | -C -y remove linux-firmw | 2020-06-11 02:40 | Removed        |    1   ",
        "     1 |                          | 2020-06-11 02:35 | Install        |  441 EE"

or unmaintainable constructs as seen in the test file nut-monitor_status.txt
which would be sanitized with the cat -A | sed command chaining in that manner:

$ cat -A nut-monitor_status.txt| sed -re 's#\$$##' -e 's#M-bM-\^##g' -e 's#M-CM-\)#e#g' -e 's#TM-\^[T\\]#|-#g' -e 's#TM-\^@#-#g' -e 's#WM-\^O#*#g'

to reproduce the same output as seen in nut-monitor_status_result.txt:

* nut-monitor.service - Network UPS Tools - power device monitor and shutdown controller
    Loaded: loaded (/usr/lib/systemd/system/nut-monitor.service; disabled; vendor preset: disabled)
    Active: active (running) since mie 2019-07-03 20:55:45 WEST; 15h ago
    Process: 23520 ExecStartPre=/usr/bin/systemd-tmpfiles --create /etc/tmpfiles.d/nut-run.conf (code=exited, status=1/FAILURE)
    Main PID: 23523 (upsmon)
   CGroup: /system.slice/nut-monitor.service
           |--23523 /usr/sbin/upsmon -F
           |--23527 /usr/sbin/upsmon -F

jul 03 20:55:45 <host_name> upsmon[23523]: UPS: salicru@localhost (master) (power value 1)
jul 03 20:55:45 <host_name> upsmon[23523]: Using power down flag file /etc/ups/killpower
jul 03 20:55:45 <host_name> upsmon[23523]: UPS [salicru@localhost]: connect failed: Connection failure: Connection refused
jul 03 20:55:45 <host_name> upsmon[23523]: Communications with UPS salicru@localhost lost
jul 03 20:55:46 <host_name> upsmon[23523]: Network UPS Tools upsmon 2.7.2
jul 03 20:55:50 <host_name> upsmon[23523]: UPS [salicru@localhost]: connect failed: Connection failure: Connection refused
jul 03 20:55:50 <host_name> upsmon[23523]: UPS salicru@localhost is unavailable
jul 03 20:55:50 <host_name> upsmon[23523]: Network UPS Tools upsmon 2.7.2
jul 03 20:55:55 <host_name> upsmon[23523]: Communications with UPS salicru@localhost established
jul 03 20:55:55 <host_name> upsmon[23523]: Network UPS Tools upsmon 2.7.2