This app takes a character name (this name becomes the name of the file - call it what you like) and a list of spell names. It queries AONPRD for these spell names and returns the spell details to an HTML file in a list.
Think of every time you've come across a wizard NPC who has 30 spells, some of which you barely know. Now you can generate her entire spellbook and save it to a single, easily-read file for future reference!
- Go to releases (
- Find the latest build ( or the build of your choice
- Download the compiled code (called
- Extract and run PFSpells.exe!
If you have any suggestions or find any bugs with this, please add them to the Issues tab (
All spells, concepts and mechanics found in the spell descriptions belong to Paizo - the world's greatest game designers Thanks to d20pfsrd & AONPRD for providing continued, fantastic docs for Pathfinder!