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Multilevel Principle Component Regression (MLPCR) Toolbox

Created by Bogdan Petre, 2019

mlpcr.m The top level script. This script has hyperparameters which need to be fit somehow. User must decide which objective function to optimize and how to optimize it to obtain hyperparameter fits. Bayesian hyperparameter optimization works well for this (see bayesopt() documentation in Matlab r2016b or later). mlpcr_full() implements hyperparameter optimization and MLPCR model fitting using some sensible default choices. See help documentation for example use. Usage is the same for mlpcr_full, except you prefix a couple extra arguments related to hyperparameter optimization.

mlpcr_full.m Fits an MLPCR model using bayesian hyperparameter optimization with a MSE objective function for determining optimal hyperparameters to use. The user must specify which mlpcr() options are hyperparameters, but either pca dimensions alone or dimensions and covariance patterns might be suitable choices. mlpcr_full() provides a quick and easy way to implement mlpcr(), but the user should think carefully about whether or not MSE is an appropriate objective function for their task. Other choices might be to only consider within subject error, and discard between subject error, or to consider between subject error but discard intercepts depending on what the analyst believes is a meaningful measure in their outcome data. Consider updating mlpcr_cv_pred.m STATS object to return any objective function metrics that you find to be useful.

mlpcr_cv_pred.m Performs CV according to user specified CV folds and returns out of fold predictions. With an appropriately designed wrapper function defining the objective function to optimize, mlpcr_cv_pred() could be useful for custom implementations of hyperparameter optimization schemes if the defaults (bayesopt() with a MSE objective function) implemented in mlpcr_full()) are not desirable.

get_synth_mlpcr_data.m Generates synthetic hierarchical data. Useful for simulation studies and for learning purposes.

get_synth_pcr_data.m Generate synthetic non-hierarchical data.

multithreadWorkers.m Automatically asigns threads to workers. Useful when fewer workers are requested than threads. For instance, if doing 5-fold cross validation on a 16 core machine multithreadWorkers() will assign 3 threads to each worker (by default workers are single threaded in matlab). This can speed up some operations, especially matrix math, and affects pca performance. multithreadWorkers() is potentially useful in many applications, not just when using the mlpcr toolbox.


  • PCR can be performed as a special case of MLPCR. Refer to mlpcr.m help documentation for details
  • This repository was primarily created to document the software used for a manuscript. It has been superceded by simpler and more efficient implementations available through the canlabCore repository, and accompanied by a tutorial on the walkthroughs page