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px.sql - query gv$px_process to see all parallel slaves clusterwide-works for single node too
pq-ash-all.sql - aggregate PQ query counts per time period
pq-ash-sqlid.sql - aggregate PQ per sqlid and time
pq-awr-all.sql - aggregate PQ per time period
pq-awr-sqlid.sql - aggregate PQ per sqlid and time
ascii.sql - generate a simple ascii table
bad-date.sql - Oracle believes there is a year zero
bitwalk.sql - discover which bits are set in a bitmap column
clears.sql - clear sqlplus settings
clear_for_spool.sql - set sqlplus for spooling output without headers,etc
colors.sql - define values for sqlprompt colors
columns.sql - several sqlplus column settings
enqueue-bitand.sql - Demonstrate how to decode v$session.p1 values for enqueue waits
get_date_range.sql - get begin and end date, put in vars - also date format var
get-schema-name.sql - prompt for schema name - schema name can be passed as a parameter
get-table-name.sql - prompt for table name - table name can be passed as a parameter
opcodes.sql - list of SQL opcodes for use in 10g-. See cpu-busy.sql
oversion_minor.sql - get the XX.xx version of oracle and store in &v_oversion_minor
oversion_major.sql - get the XX version of oracle and store in &v_oversion_major
ttitle.sql - set title and width
title.sql - set title and width
title80.sql - set title and width to 80
title132.sql - title and width to 132
nls_date_format.sql - set custom date and time formats, several options available at runtime
nls_time_format.sql - set custom (fixed) date and time formats
spool_example.sql -
scott.sql - create the scott tables
sql_trick_1.sql - demonstrates a very useful technique for conditionally executing SQL
10046.sql - Set event 10046 in a session
10046_off.sql - Stop event 10046 in a session
block_decode.sql - find which object a block belongs to
bootstrap_objects.sql - report objects from sys.bootstrap$ that may not be modified
cluster-factor.sql - get the clustering factor for all indexes on a table
cores.sql - report the number of CPU cores from v$osstat - may be subject to hyperthreading
dual_data_gen.sql - generate many rows from dual - uses a lot of memory for large number of rows
dual_data_gen-low-mem.sql - generate many rows without using extra PGA
dbms_log.sql - use sys.dbms_log to write to log and trace files -
dbms_output-allow-blank-lines.sql - just a demo of how to create blank lines via 'set format wrapped'
dbms_system_undoc_calls.sql - some undocumented dbms_system calls - how to write to alert.log
dumptrace_off.sql - Turn on SQL_trace in a session
dumptrace_on.sql - Turn off SQL_trace in a session
dumptracem_off.sql - Turn on SQL_trace for all sessions for a user
dumptracem_on.sql - Turn off SQL_trace for all sessions for a user
dup_role.sql - Generate SQL script to duplicate a database role
dup_role_users.sql - Generate SQL script to duplicate all users of a role
dup_user.sql - Generate SQL script to duplicate a database user
dump.sql - Dump a table to a CSV file, generate SQL Loader parameter and control files.
find-index-sql.sql - find SQL where an index has been used - uses AWR
gen_data_with_recursion.sql - use a recursive subfactored query to generate rows
gen_fk_from-11.1.sql - generate existing foreign key constraints from data dictionary
gen_fk_from-11.2.sql - generate existing foreign key constraints from data dictionary
gen_fk_to-11.1.sql - generate existing foreign key constraints from data dictionary
gen_fk_to-11.2.sql - generate existing foreign key constraints from data dictionary
gen_list_data_with_dual.sql - generating test data with dual
gen_list_data_without_dual.sql - generating test data without dual - 10g+
gethostname.sql - get the hostname into substitution variable uhostname
getinstance.sql - get the instance name into substitution variable uinstance
getinstanceowner.sql - get the instance owner into substitution variable uinstanceowner
getpid.sql - get the session PID into substitution variable upid
gettracefile.sql - copy the current sessions tracefile from the host
gettrcname.sql - get the name of the current sessions tracefile into substitution variable utracefile
hash-function.sql - create a PL/SQL package 'hash' containing digest functions using dbms_crypto
hwm-df.sql - Find the high water mark for each datafile and determine how much each file can be shrunk
oradebug_doc.sql - dump the documentation for oradebug
print_table_2.sql - Tom Kytes print_table, but as an anonymous block
pt.sql - similar to Tom Kytes print_table, but no stored procedure required and better quoting
q_quote.sql - demo for the q[] quoting mechanism in SQL - 10g+ I think
remove-sqlplus-settings.sql - remove the 'store set' temp file
restore-sqlplus-settings.sql - restore sqlplus settings from a temp flie
save-sqlplus-settings.sql - save sqlplus settings to a temp file
set-default-profile-unlimited.sql - Used to elimnate password timeouts in test databases
set_events.sql - various methods to set events, including per sql_id
show_event_messages.sql - List events 1000-10999
spacemap.sql - create a map of segments and free space
spacemap_rpt.sql - report on spacemap created by spacemap.sql
spacemap_sum.sql - create a summary of space as created by spacemap.sql
spacemap_sum_rpt.sql - report on space summary table created by spacemap_sum.sql
sqlid-trace.sql - set 10046 or 10053 trace per sqlid regardless of session
sql-command-types.sql - list all sql available commands
troff.sql - Turn off SQL tracing for all sessions of an account
tron.sql - Turn on SQL tracing for all sessions of an account
table_ddl.sql - generate DDL for owner.table, with indexes, constraints, etc
user_ddl.sql - Generate SQL script to duplicate a database user using DBMS_METADATA
showtemp.sql - show who owns TEMP segments and type of segment
whotmp8i.sql - show who owns TEMP segments - more info than showtemp.sql
showsort.sql - Show sort activity
avg_disk_times.sql - Show avg physical read/write times
who5.sql - physical IO per session
io_begin.sql - Save snapshot of current file IO statistics
io_end.sql - Save snapshot of current file IO statistics
io_order.sql - Shows snapshot of IO stats based on io_begin and io_end
io_stat2.sql - Shows snapshot of IO stats based on io_begin and io_end
io_stat3.sql - Shows snapshot of IO stats based on io_begin and io_end
io_stat.sql - Shows snapshot of IO stats based on io_begin and io_end
io_tbs.sql - Shows snapshot of IO stats based on io_begin and io_end
lfsdiag.sql - diagnose logfile sync
ioweight.sql - Show IO per tablespace order by weight
redo-rate.sql - show real time redo rates at the db level
showtrans.sql - Show current transactions with IO
trans_per_hour.sql - Transactions per hour with statistics per xaction
statspack-tables.txt - not a script - just a description of statspack tables
snapNmin.sql - start level 7 snapshot, sleep 2 minutes, complete snapshot and create report
sp_current.sql - get data associated with latest snapshot
sp_get_date_range.sql - enter a begin and end date and this script looks up the snap_id for each and sets variables for them
sp_getsql.sql - retrieve the SQL from input is the hash value of the sql statement in stats$sqltext this will be seen in reports created by spreport.sql in 9i+ where the snapshot level is 5+
sp_io_stat_drive.sql - get statspack data on physical IO per drive and date range aggregated per hour
sp_io_stat_sys.sql - report on total IO for the system aggregated per the hour
sp_job_submit.sql - run statspack snapshot every 15 minutes via dbms_job
sp_lvl_0.sql - change statspack to level 0
sp_lvl_5.sql - change statspack to level 5
sp_lvl_6.sql - change statspack to level 6
sp_lvl_7.sql - change statspack to level 7
sp_lvl_current.sql - get current default snapshot level
sp_lvl_sql.sql - example - change statspack SQL collection levels
sp_plan.sql - display historic execution plans from statspack data inputs are number of most recent snapshots to search and the SQL statement to look for (search is case insensitive) the function full_sql_text (full_sql_text.sql) must be created prior to running this script
full_sql_text.sql - use this to return the full text of a sql statement from statspack data - version dependent - may not be needed.
sp_plan_hash.sql - Show execution plans from statspack data. first create view with sp_plan_table.sql - input is the hash value of the sql statement in stats$sqltext this will be seen in reports created by spreport.sql in 9i+ where the snapshot level is 5+
sp_plan_table.sql - create a view stats_plan_table for use with dbms_xplan.display and stats$sql_plan
sp_recent.sql - get the 10 most recent snapshots
sp_resource_limit.sql - history of processes and sessions from stats$resource_limit
sp_snap.sql - perform a snapshot
sp_snap_6.sql - perform a level 6 snapshot
sp_snap_id.sql - example of searching for specific snap_id
sp_top_sql_io.sql - get top 10 SQL from statspack in terms of Disk Reads
spreport.sql - call ?/rdbms/admin/sprepins statspack report - calls snap_ids.sql to create a text file of snapshot IDs for viewing in another window
snap_ids.sql - called by spreport.sql - generate list of snapshot IDs
get-curr-ospid.sql - get the server PID for your current session
who.sql - summary of users logged on
who2.sql - detailed info of users logged on
who2s.sql - shortened version of who2.sql which is called by some scripts
who2g.sql - detailed info of users logged on - includes all instances and PDB for 12c
who5.sql - IO per session
who6.sql - Show session info for background sessions
who7.sql - Show session info with IO stats per session
who8.sql - similar to who2.sql
who_dba_jobs.sql - show sessions with jobs running (from dba_jobs)
who9.sql - same as who_dba_jobs.sql
who_dblink.sql - sessions using a database link
who_protocol.sql - show connection method for each session
build-record.sql - generate a PL/SQL record type based on table columns
bulk-collect-1.sql - demo of fetch .. bulk collect into
dbms_output-abstracted.sql - abstracted procedures and functions for dbms_output
get_table_lock.sql - runs a tight loop trying to acquire lock on table - use on busy systems to get the lock required - DO NOT LEAVE TABLE LOCKED!
package-error.sql - show the source lines for a PL/SQL error
plsql-return-bool-from-sql.sql - demo of returning a boolean from a function when based on a numeric value
raise_error.sql - raise any error in the database
sqlplus_return_code.sql - examples of exiting SQLPlus with an error code
sqlplus_return_code_2.sql - more examples of exiting SQLPlus with an error cod
user_exit.sql - an example of exiting sqlplus if the current user is not the one expected
tz_set.sql - set the nls_timezone_tz_format for autotask scripts
get_sched_tz.sql - get the default timezone for the scheduler
set_sess_tz.sql - set session timezone the same as scheduler default timezone
dba_table_audit_flags.sql - This script creates a SYS view against SYS tables to show all audit flags per object
show_session_audit.sql - select all from session_audit - lots of rows
getaud.sql - generate SQL to reproduce current audit settings
privmaps.sql - Show all privileges granted to a user, and whether direct or through a role
orapwdhash.sql - Determine the 10g password hash for username and password. Good for detecting accounts where username = password
dfshrink-gen-9i.sql - report of space savings by shrinking datafiles - generate df shrink code
dfshrink-gen.sql - generate code to shrink datafiles - improved script for 10g+
dbms_space_asa_rpt.sql - Show report from Auto Space Advisor
showdf.sql - Show all database tablespace files and file info
showdf8i.sql - Show all database tablespace files and file info oracle 8i
showdf7.sql - Show all database tablespace files and file info oracle 7
showfreemax.sql - Show size of maximum chunk of free space per tablespace
showfree.sql - Show all free space per tablespace
showfreesum.sql - Show sum of all free space per tablespace
showtbs.sql - Show all tablespaces and info
showspace.sql - Use DBMS_SPACE to display space stats for an object
maxext3.sql - Locates database objects that will be unable to extend based on next extent size and available space, and/or due to maximum number of extents.
undo_blocks_required.sql - calculate the number bytes of UNDO space required to satisfy the undo requirements based on the UNDO_RETENTION paramter (seconds), block size and UNDO block requests per second
undo_retention_available.sql - calculate how long undo retention should be good for based on the the bytes available in the UNDO tablespace block size and UNDO block requests per second
undo_stats.sql - used to see if ORA-1555 occurred. also shows maxquerylen and undo_retention - should not be ora-1555 if maxquerylen lt undo_retention
between-trunc-demo.sql - demo of using dates and timestamps with BETWEEN or similar so that indexes can be used
date_math.sql - how to get the minutes between to dates of the same day
date_math_2.sql - how to get the minutes between to dates of the same day
date_math_3.sql - cause a job to run at exactly 00
date_math_4.sql - round timestamps to previous interval of N minutes
date_math_epoch.sql - get epoch to the millisecond using timestamp
job_submit.sql - controlling run_time of dbms_jobs
e2ts.sql - Convert epoch value to oracle timestamp
e2ts-hires.sql - Convert epoch value to oracle timestamp
timestamp_to_millisecond.sql - convert timestamp to millisecond demo
timestamp-day-boundaries.sql - determine the beginning and ending timestamps for a day in SQL and PL/SQL
timestamp-diff-seconds.sql - convert the difference between 2 timestamps to seconds. Preserves fractional seconds
timestamp-trunc.sql - demonstrates how to truncate a timestamp to remove the time portion
timestamp-types.sql - simple demo of timestamp data types via dump()
ts2e.sql - Convert oracle timestamp to epoch value
ts2e-hires.sql - Convert oracle timestamp to epoch value