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BoxCast SDK for JavaScript

This library can be used for custom integration projects where the standard BoxCast embedded player may not suffice.

We do strongly encourage you to use the standard embedded player instead of this library where possible, because it is the most robust and well-tested playback option.

See Related:

Getting Started

There are a few ways to use this SDK: on the server (node or serverless) via NPM, or in the browser (via NPM or <script> tag). If you are importing it via NPM, please make sure you are importing from the correct entry point (node or browser). If you are unsure which, please contact BoxCast developer support.

Please note: running the SDK on node or within a severless environment is required to make Authenticated API calls

You will need to know your BoxCast account ID and corresponding channel IDs in order to properly utilize this library. Contact BoxCast developer support if you need assistance.

Running on Node\Serverless

npm install @boxcast/boxcast-sdk-js --save

import BoxCastSDK from "@boxcast/boxcast-sdk-js/node";
const { analytics, api } = new BoxCastSDK();

Running in Browser\Client Application

npm install @boxcast/boxcast-sdk-js --save

import BoxCastSDK from "@boxcast/boxcast-sdk-js/browser";
const { analytics, api } = new BoxCastSDK();

Installing via <script> tag

<script src=""></script>
  const { analytics, api } = new BoxCastSDK();

Public API Queries

Use the api object to query the BoxCast API in public scope. All methods return a promise. List responses contain both pagination information and resulting data.


  • Authenticated or restricted broadcasts (ticketed, etc) are not supported and must be viewed in the native boxcast.js player.
  • Your API credentials (client ID, secret) are not required to access these routes.
// List Channels
api.channels.list(account_id, {
  s: 'name', // sort by
  l: 20,     // page limit
  p: 0       // page number

// List Broadcasts
api.broadcasts.list(channel_id, {
  q: 'timeframe:current',
  s: '-starts_at',
  l: 20,
  p: 0

// Get a Broadcast

// Get Views for a Broadcast
api.views.get(broadcast_id, {
  channel_id: channel_id,
  host: window.location.hostname,
  extended: true


Use the analytics object to ensure your custom video player is properly reporting playback metrics.

  browser_name: 'My Browser',       // or detected automatically from user agent
  browser_version: '3.0',           // or detected automatically from user agent
  player_version: 'my-player v2.1'  // or defaults to current version of boxcast-sdk-js

  video: document.querySelector('video'),
  broadcast: broadcast,             // must contain keys: timeframe, id, account_id
  channel_id: channel_id            // or defaults to broadcast.channel_id

// ... or if using video.js ... //
  player: player, broadcast: broadcast, channel_id: channel_id

Authenticated API Queries

Use the api.auth object to query the BoxCast API in an authenticated scope, using your API client credentials. Like the public API quries, all methods return a promise.


  • When calling api.auth.authenticate, an access_token is retrieved and stored within the global scope of the application. This must be called each time the application is reloaded to obtain a new token.
  • Your API credentials (client ID, secret) are required to access these methods, and these values should never be shared. As a result, please do not allow this code to run within a client application in a browser.
// Get an Auth Token
api.auth.authenticate(CLIENT_ID, CLIENT_SECRET);

// Get Account Details

// Create a Channel
api.auth.channels.create({name: 'My New Channel'});

// List Channels
  s: 'name', // sort by
  l: 20,     // page limit
  p: 0       // page number

// List Broadcasts
  q: 'timeframe:past',   // query
  s: '-starts_at',          // sort by
  l: 20,                    // page limit
  p: 0                      // page number

// Find a Broadcast by ID

// Log Out

Running Tests

Tests in this SDK are handled by Jest, and in order to run them, you will need a BoxCast Client ID and Client Secret key. These come from the API keys page in your Dashboad within the Settings page. To set these keys, create a file at ./.jest/setEnvVars.ts with the following lines. Your Client ID and Client Secret should go inside the empty strings.


Once you've set these, you can run the tests with npm run test or a single test with npm run test -- test/test-name.ts