name | description | tags | ||
Matlab in Coder |
Build images and run matlab workloads on the Docker host with no image registry required |
Run Matlab in Coder
This example bundles Dockerfiles with the Coder template, allowing the Docker host to build images itself instead of relying on an external registry.
Docker running on the Coder server.
git clone
cd desktop-container
coder templates create
Create a Dockerfile (e.g images/golang.Dockerfile
vim images/golang.Dockerfile
# Start from base image (built on Docker host)
FROM desktop-base:latest
# Install everything as root
USER root
# Install go
RUN curl -L "" | tar -C /usr/local -xzvf -
# Setup go env vars
ENV GOROOT /usr/local/go
ENV GOPATH /home/coder/go
# Set back to coder user
USER coder
Edit the Terraform template (
Edit the validation to include the new image:
variable "docker_image" {
description = "What Docker image would you like to use for your workspace?"
default = "base"
# List of images available for the user to choose from.
# Delete this condition to give users free text input.
validation {
- condition = contains(["base", "java", "node"], var.docker_image)
+ condition = contains(["base", "java", "node", "golang], var.docker_image)
error_message = "Invalid Docker image!"
Bump the image tag to a new version:
resource "docker_image" "coder_image" {
name = "coder-base-${}-${lower(}"
build {
path = "./images/"
dockerfile = "${var.docker_image}.Dockerfile"
- tag = ["coder-${var.docker_image}:v0.1"]
+ tag = ["coder-${var.docker_image}:v0.2"]
# Keep alive for other workspaces to use upon deletion
keep_locally = true
Update the template:
coder template push desktop-container
You can also remove images from the validation list. Workspaces using older template versions will continue using the removed image until you update the workspace to the latest version.
Edit the Dockerfile (or related assets):
vim images/desktop-base.Dockerfile
FROM codercom/enterprise-vnc:ubuntu
ENV SHELL=/bin/bash
# install code-server
-RUN curl -fsSL | sh
+RUN curl -fsSL | sh -s -- --version=3.4.0
- Edit the Terraform template (
Bump the image tag to a new version:
resource "docker_image" "coder_image" {
name = "coder-base-${}-${lower(}"
build {
path = "./images/"
dockerfile = "${var.docker_image}.Dockerfile"
- tag = ["coder-${var.docker_image}:v0.1"]
+ tag = ["coder-${var.docker_image}:v0.2"]
# Keep alive for other workspaces to use upon deletion
keep_locally = true
Update the template:
coder template push docker-image-builds
Optional: Update workspaces to the latest template version
coder ls
coder update [workspace name]
See the kreuzwerker/docker Terraform provider documentation to add the following features to your Coder template:
- SSH/TCP docker host
- Build args
- Volume mounts
- Custom container spec
- More
We also welcome all contributions!