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"K9Zen" Pre-Deployment Testing Write-Up

This document details the test procedure and results of the official deployment of the K9Zen Dog Training web page.


Based upon the fourfold objective of the testing process, the test steps have been divided into four groups:

  1. User Requirement tests, labelled UR-[test number];
  2. Structural Integrity tests, labelled SI-[test number];
  3. Interactive Components tests, labelled IC-[test number];
  4. Responsive Design tests, labelled RD-[test number].

Test Procedure

User Requirements

On the Home page, check that information on the School's training method and philosophy is available.

On the Training page, check that information on the School's location is available.

On the Contact page:

  1. check that contact means/methods are listed;
  2. for each contact method, check that the corresponding contact information is available;
  3. where applicable, check that contact time(s) information is listed.

In the footer (of any page), check that links to the School's social media pages are available.

On the About page:

  1. check that information about the School's trainers is available;
  2. check that the information contains details about the trainers' references.

On the Training page, check that available training types are listed.

For each of the four training types - Obedience, Tricks, Individual and Consultation - check that:

  1. training description and purpose are listed;
  2. training duration is listed;
  3. training price is listed;
  4. training location is listed;
  5. training time(s), where applicable, is listed;
  6. training prerequisites, if applicable, are listed.

Check that the website provides the user with the option to contact the school personnel in order to obtain additional information on any school-relevant topic.

On the Home page, check that information is provided about what makes the School's training different than mainstream training.

On the Contact page, check that the School's phone number and available contact times are provided.

Check that a contact form for email/message submission is provided to the user.

Note: the full functionality/interactivity of the Message Submission Form is checked in Interactive Components tests.

Check that the option to visit/audit any training class is presented to the user.

On the Training page, check that the user is informed about the requirement to contact the School in advance if visiting/auditing a class with her/his dog.

Structural Integrity

Check that fonts are rendered properly:

  • on the Home page, the School title font is displayed correctly;
  • on all pages, the section headings' sizes are homogenous;
  • on all pages, body text size is homogenous.

Check that the Header/Navigation section is rendered properly on all pages:

  • the Navbar "brand" ("K9Zen") is displayed with the correct font;
  • the Navbar items Home, Training, Contact and About are displayed correctly.

Note: the full functionality of the Navbar is tested in Interactive Components tests.

Check that the Footer section is rendered properly on all pages:

  • the social media link icons - Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube - are displayed properly;
  • copyright information is displayed.

Note: the full functionality of the social media links is tested in Interactive Components tests.

Check that section frames, margins/paddings and borders are homogenous on all pages.

Check that the display of images, icons and embedded objects on all pages is complete and correct within the overall page structure.

Check that the textual parts contain no typos.

Using a different web browser, repeat tests SI-1 through SI-5.

Interactive Components


From Home page:

  1. In the Navbar, click on the Navbar "brand" ("K9Zen"). Check that the Home page opens.

  2. In the Navbar, click on the Home field. Check that the Home page opens.

  3. In the Navbar, click on the Training field. Check that a dropdown menu opens, containing four options:

    3a. In the dropdown menu, click on Why K9Zen?. Check that the browser navigates to the corresponding section on the Home page.
    3b. In the dropdown menu, click on What we offer. Check that the browser navigates to the corresponding section on the Training page.
    3c. In the dropdown menu, click on Where we train. Check that the browser navigates to the corresponding section on the Training page.
    3d. In the dropdown menu, click on Class timetable. Check that the browser navigates to the corresponding section on the Training page.

  4. In the Navbar, click on the Contact field. Check that the Contact page opens.

  5. In the Navbar, click on the About field. Check that the About page opens.

From Training page, repeat actions 1 through 5 of IC-1.

From Contact page, repeat actions 1 through 5 of IC-1.

From About_ page, repeat actions 1 through 5 of IC-1.

Footer links

From Home page:

  1. In the footer, click on the Facebook icon. Check that the Facebook homepage opens in a new browser window.
  2. In the footer, click on the Twitter icon. Check that the Twitter homepage opens in a new browser window.
  3. In the footer, click on the Instagram icon. Check that the Instagram homepage opens in a new browser window.
  4. In the footer, click on the YouTube icon. Check that the YouTube homepage opens in a new browser window.

Note: since K9Zen is an entirely fictional training school, the footer links will merely open the homepage / default page of the respective social network, not an actual School's page.

From Training page, repeat actions 1 through 4 of IC-2.

From Contact page, repeat actions 1 through 4 of IC-2.

From About page, repeat actions 1 through 4 of IC-2.

Buttons and modals

On Home page:

  1. Click on the Discover us! button. Check that the browser navigates to the section titled "Why K9Zen?".
  2. Click on the Let's train! button. Check that Training page opens.

On Contact page:

  1. Click on the Visit button. Check that a modal opens, containing information about visiting.
    Check that the modal can be closed by clicking on the Close button in the bottom right corner of the modal.
  2. Click on the Call button. Check that a modal opens, containing call times information and a phone number.
    Check that the modal can be closed by clicking on the "x" icon in the top right corner of the modal.
  3. Click on the Message button. Check that a modal opens, containing a message submission form.
    Check that the modal can be closed by clicking outside the modal area.


On Training page:

  1. At the bottom of the "Obedience Class" column/section, click on Read more. Check that a modal opens with details on Obedience training.
  2. At the bottom of the "Tricks Class" column/section, click on Read more. Check that a modal opens with details on Tricks training.
  3. At the bottom of the "Individual Training" column/section, click on Read more. Check that a modal opens with details on Individual training.
  4. At the bottom of the "Consultation" column/section, click on Read more. Check that a modal opens with details on Consultation.

On Training page:

  1. In the "What we offer" section, click on the location anchor. Check that the browser navigates to the appropriate section on the page.
  2. In the "What we offer" section, click on the timetable anchor. Check that the browser navigates to the appropriate section on the page.
  3. In the "What we offer" section, click on the contact us anchor. Check that Contact page opens.
  4. In the "Class Timetable" section, click on the call us anchor. Check that Contact page opens.

On Contact page, click on the Visit button to open the "Visit us" modal. In the modal:

  1. Click on the training location anchor. Check that the browser navigates to the appropriate section on Training page.
  2. Click on the class timetable anchor. Check that the browser navigates to the appropriate section on Training page.

At the bottom of About page, click on the contact us anchor. Check that Contact page opens.


On Training page, check that the embedded map is fully interactive:

  1. Map zoom in/out is available.
  2. Map panning is available.
  3. Toggle satellite/map view is available.
  4. Clicking on "Directions" or "View larger map" opens Google Maps in a new browser window.


On Contact page, click on the Message button. Check that a modal opens, containing the "Message us" submission form.

Check that the message form contains the following items:

  • a Name field (labelled as required),
  • an Email field (labelled as required),
  • a Phone field (with placeholder "optional"),
  • a Message text area/field (labelled as required),
  • a Cancel button, and
  • a Send message button.

With Name field empty, click Send message. Check that a valid warning is raised about the Name field and the form remains open.

With Name field filled, input an incomplete email address into the Email field:

  • no address,
  • an address without "@", and
  • an address without any characters following "@"

and click Send message. Check that for each of the above scenarios, a valid warning is raised about the Email field and the form remains open.

With Name and Email fields correctly filled and Message field empty, try to click Send message. Check that:

  1. no warning is raised about the Phone field (as the field is optional), and
  2. a valid warning is raised about the Message field and the form remains open.

With all required fields correctly filled, click on Send message. Check that no warning is raised and the modal closes.

Note: as no back-end processing takes place (this is outside the scope of the project), the only effect of clicking Send message will be the closure of the modal. No data is transmitted and no message is sent.

Click on the Message button to reopen the "Message us" modal.
In the bottom right corner of the modal, click on the Cancel button. Check that the modal closes.

Responsive Design

Using Google Chrome Development Tools in Responsive view, check the rendering and layout of each of the four pages in the following width ranges:

  1. below 576px;
  2. at and above 576px but below 768px;
  3. at and above 768px but below 992px;
  4. at and above 992px but below 1200px;
  5. at and above 1200px.

Using Google Chrome Development Tools in Emulated Device view, check the rendering and layout of each of the four pages on the following emulated devices:

  1. iPad Pro (large screen),
  2. Kindle Fire HDX (medium screen),
  3. Galaxy S5 (extra small screen).

Check the rendering and layout of each of the four pages on a physical device of your choice.

Test Results

Google Chrome was used as the primary test browser.


All HTML and CSS code was validated using the W3C Markup Validation Service. No error was found.

User requirements

All user requirement tests (UR-1a through UR-7b) were performed successfully. No deficiency was identified.

Structural integrity

All structural integrity tests (SI-1 through SI-7) were performed successfully.

  1. Tests SI-1 through SI-6 were performed using Google Chrome. No issue was found.

  2. Test SI-7, which requires the use of an alternate browser, was performed using the following browsers:

    • Mozilla Firefox,
    • Safari,
    • MS Edge, and
    • MS Internet Explorer 11.

    For Mozilla Firefox, Safari and MS Edge, no issue was found.

    With Microsoft Internet Explorer 11, two issues were identified:

Issue #1: On all pages, the background image jerks/twitches when the page is scrolled.

Web research revealed that there is a well-known issue (dating back at least to 2016) with fixed background images in IE 11. Suggested solutions involve CSS or JavaScript workarounds. One such solution was attempted, however, instead of fixing the issue, this workaround completely disabled the scrolling on the page(s) it was added to.

Considering that:

- any CSS workaround (especially within the "html" or "body" selectors) bears the risk of creating unwanted impact on elements not originally impacted by the issue, and
- the issue is absent from all other tested browsers, including MS Edge,

it was decided to merely document the issue and attempt no further fix at this time.

Issue #2: On About page, the trainer photos are not displayed and the structural integrity of the page body is corrupted.

A brief research had suggested that the issue was in all probability related to Bootstrap.
The first step was re-checking of the HTML code and, following a peer recommendation (thanks Anthony!) that Bootstrap containers should not be nested within other containers, the code was amended (please see the commit "fixed containers; code cleanup"). However, the issue persisted after this correction.
Further web research revealed that there are several well-known issues with IE 11 and Bootstrap. Suggested solutions involve CSS or JavaScript workarounds. However, considering that:

- any CSS workaround bears the risk of creating unwanted side issues, and
- the issue is absent from all other tested browsers, including MS Edge,

it was decided to merely document the issue and attempt no further fix at this time.

Interactive components

All interactive components tests have been performed successfully.

On tests IC-1 through IC-4, no issue was identified.

On test IC-5, an issue with modal animation on Tricks Training and Individual Training sections was identified and resolved as follows:

Issue #3: The modal just appears (pops up) instead of fading in as expected.

Subsequent code analysis of training.html revealed that the modal class of the two affected modals wrongly contained flipXin and flipYin respectively. This was a leftover from a previous in-project experiment with modal animations as provided by UpLabs. Since it had been determined that the proposed custom animations required JavaScript code modifications, and the use of JS is outside the scope of this project, the experiment was abandoned, but the aforementioned code pieces remained in the modal code by mistake. This caused the affected modals to appear with no animation.


  1. In training.html, replace the code "flipXin" and "flipYin" respectively with "fade" (default Bootstrap modal animation).
  2. Re-validate HTML code of training.html using the W3C Markup Validation Service.
  3. Commit changes to master on GitHub.
  4. On updated GitHub Pages site, repeat test IC-5.
  5. For non-regression testing:
  • redo test UR-3b;
  • redo test SI-6 on Training page only.
  1. Continue with IC test series.


  1. Code replaced/corrected.
  2. HTML validated, no error found.
  3. Changes committed to GitHub.
  4. Test IC-5 repeated successfully. Issue no longer present.
  5. Non-regression tests performed successfully. No regression identified.
  6. Issue #3 is considered resolved. Testing can continue with IC-6.

On tests IC-6 through IC-10f, no issue was identified.

Responsive design

All responsive design tests RD-1 through RD-3 were performed successfully.

Tests RD-1 and RD-2 were performed using Google Chrome as specified.
Test RD-3 was performed on LG Wine Smart (LG H410) Android smartphone, with extra small screen (480x320px).

No issue was identified.

All width-dependent page features (as defined by Bootstrap's responsive grid layout in the code) were rendered as expected across all breakpoint ranges, and the "Navbar Toggler" button (displayed at screen widths below 576px i.e. on extra small screens) is fully functional.

One observation was raised:

Observation #1: On small and extra small screens (screen width below 768px) the background images on all pages become too zoomed in (i.e. the screen range is too small) to be recognisable.

However, given that:

- at those screen sizes, the user focus will be almost completely on the page content and not the background, and
- the overall nature and tone of the background images is not distracting to the front content,

the observation is not considered to be an issue.

A potential future improvement/solution could be either a choice of higher resolution images, or of abstract images, for page backgrounds.

Test Summary and Conclusion

  1. All planned tests have been performed successfully.

  2. All User Requirements have been fulfilled.

  3. Three issues have been identified:

    Issue #1: On all pages, the background image jerks/twitches when the page is scrolled in MS Internet Explorer 11.
    Issue #2: On About page, the trainer photos are not displayed and the structural integrity of the page body is corrupted in MS Internet Explorer 11.
    Issue #3: The modal just appears (pops up) instead of fading in as expected.

  4. Issue #3 has been analysed and corrected. The implemented correction has been verified successfully. Issue #3 is considered resolved.

  5. Issue #1 and Issue #2 are documented. No fix will be attempted at this time because

    • known workarounds bear the risk of creating unwanted side effects, and
    • the issues are absent from all other tested browsers, including MS Edge.
  6. One observation has been raised:

    Observation #1: On small and extra small screens (screen width below 768px) the background images on all pages become too zoomed in (i.e. the screen range is too small) to be recognisable.

    The observation is not considered to be an issue. A potential future improvement/solution could be either a choice of higher resolution images, or of abstract images, for page backgrounds.

  7. The webpage is considered ready for official deployment.