A Logo language interpreter written in Rust. This interpreter supports many basic turtle graphics commands, as well as variables, procedures, repeats, and arithmetic expressions. All turtle graphics functionality is handled by the sunjay/Turtle Rust library.
This is my first attempt at writing an intepreter, so it is not the cleanest or most efficient implementation. I learned what I was doing as I went along, and through expermentation. I'm sure there are many mistakes in here and improvements to be made, but for now I am happy with what I was able to achieve.
Before you can run the interpreter, you need to install Rust and Cargo. You can find instructions on how to do that here
To install:
- Clone this repository onto your local workstation
git clone github.com/brayden-marshall/logo
- You can then compile the source code with the command
cargo build
(it will take a minute or so to install dependencies) - At this point you should be able to run the interpreter with the command
cargo run
If you have never heard of Logo or turtle graphics before, you can familiarize yourself by checking out this tutorial.
All supported commands and language structures are listed below, with code samples.
Turtle movement commands (take 1 argument)
- Forward:
fd 10 | forward 10
- Backward:
bk -10 | backward -10
- Left:
lt 90 | left 90
- Right:
rt -270 | right -270
- Forward:
Visual commands (take no arguments)
- PenUp:
pu | penup
- PenDown:
pd | pendown
- HideTurtle:
ht | hideturtle
- ShowTurtle:
st | showturtle
- ClearScreen:
cs | clearscreen
- Clean:
- PenUp:
Color change commands (take three arguments [0-255] as RGB)
- SetPenColor:
setpencolor 255 0 0 setpc 123 123 123
- SetScreenColor:
setscreencolor 255 0 0 setsc 123 123 123
- SetPenColor:
Misc. turtle commands
- SetPenSize:
setpensize 20
- SetHeading:
setheading 0 seth 0
- SetXY:
setxy 60 60
- Home:
- SetPenSize:
Show (prints value to screen):
show 10 show :variable
Exit (added for convenience):
make "angle_1 45
fd 10 rt :angle_1
Arithmetic operations on numbers:
fd 100 + 70 bk 7 * (:var - 12)
Repeat (can be nested):
repeat 7 [ forward 100 rt 40 ]
Procedures (supports parameters):
to draw_circle :x :y
setxy :x :y
repeat 360 [
forward 5
rt 1
draw_circle -50 -50
- Comments:
; this is a comment
- Control Flow (if, if-else). Would require implementing boolean types as well.