This document provides information on how to use the PDO Sawtooth Transaction Processor and PDO-CLI command line utility for PDO (Private Data Objects) development.
It assumes familiarity with how to setup Sawtooth Registry Transaction Processor for PDO described in the SETUP document.
There are three PDO transaction families.
- Contract enclave registry
- Contract (instance) registry
- CCL (Coordination and Commit Log) registry
All three families are executed by a single transaction processor. This document describes how to install, launch and smoke-test this transaction processor. Refer to documents in folder sawtooth/docs for details on their capabilities and APIs
There are three python classes that can be used to access PDO Sawtooth registries
- PdoAddressHelper in python/sawtooth/helpers/ This class includes methods for
- Retrieving PDO registry namespace prefixes
- Retrieving PDO registry namespaces
- Retrieving PDO family names
- Creating Sawtooth addresses from the PDO ids
- PdoRegistryHelper in in python/sawtooth/helpers/ It inherits from the PdoAddressHelper. In addition, it provides "getters" for retrieving PDO registry entries. See below for the details.
- PdoClientConnectHelper in in python/sawtooth/helpers/ It inherits from the PdoRegistryHelper. In addition, it provides API for submitting Sawtooth transactions to the PDO transaction Processor. There are two APIs for submitting transactions as serialized protocol buffers and as JSON input. See below for the details.
API for retrieving PDO registry entries from Sawtooth global state
PdoRegistryHelper provides convenience wrappers for getting PDO registries items from the Sawtooth Global State. They return a state item as a dictionary with field names matching corresponding protocol buffer definition.
def get_enclave_dict(self, enclave_id)
def get_contract_dict(self, contract_id)
def get_ccl_info_dict(self, contract_id)
def get_ccl_state_dict(self, contract_id, state_hash)
API for submitting transaction to PDO Transaction Processor in JSON format
PdoClientConnectHelper provides an API for submitting PDO Sawtooth transactions in the JSON format
def execute_json_transaction(self,
Its parameters:
is a string containing JSON input. Its format define in section "PDO Sawtooth CLI Utility" below.- One exception: key 'af' is ignored. Instead, PDO family is defined by 'address_family' parameter
must match either enclave, or contract, or CCL PDO familypdo_contract_enclave_registry
: to submit PDO enclave registry transactionpdo_contract_instance_registry
: to submit PDO contract registry transactionccl_contract
: to submit PDO CCL transaction
defines in seconds a timeout to wait for the transaction to complete- It can be 0 or None if no waiting is required
is a type of exception. Exception of this type will be raised if an error encountered. If 'exception_type' is None, no exception is raised, instead the method returns False on error and True on success. It should be noticed that this exception type is relevant only to errors discovered by this method itself. Other functions called by this method can raise different exceptions types regardless 'exception_type' valueverbose
defines if this method produces (debug) output. Default is None - no outputtimeout_exception_type
defines an exception type to raise if the timeout provided by parameter "wait" expires.transaction_input_list
- defines Sawtooth global state input dependency list. If it is not provided, the function will generate a default list. This list is broad, suatable for development, but not for productiontransaction_output_list
- defines Sawtooth global state output dependency list. If it is not provided, the function will generate a default list. This list is broad, suatable for development, but not for productiontransaction_dependency_list
- defines Sawtooth transaction dependency list to be completed before this transaction. If it is not provided, no default list is generated (the list is empty)
API for submitting transaction to PDO Transaction Processor as a serialized protocol buffer
PdoClientConnectHelper provides an API for submitting PDO Sawtooth transactions as serialized protocol buffer
def send_transaction(self,
contains a serialized protocol buffer to be submitted to the PDO Transactions Processorfamily
must match either enclave, or contract, or CCL PDO familypdo_contract_enclave_registry
: to submit PDO enclave registry transactionpdo_contract_instance_registry
: to submit PDO contract registry transactionccl_contract
: to submit PDO CCL transaction
defines in seconds a timeout to wait for the transaction to complete- It can be 0 or None if no waiting is required
- defines Sawtooth global state input dependency list. If it is not provided, the function will generate a default list. This list is broad, suatable for development, but not for productiontransaction_output_list
- defines Sawtooth global state output dependency list. If it is not provided, the function will generate a default list. This list is broad, suatable for development, but not for productionverbose
defines if this method produces (debug) output. Default is None - no outputexception_type
defines an exception type to raise if the transaction fails or the timeout provided by parameter "wait" expires.transaction_dependency_list
- defines Sawtooth transaction dependency list to be completed before this transaction. If it is not provided, no default list is generated (the list is empty)
There is a command line utility that can be accessed using pdo-cli wrapper in the sawtooth/bin folder. Its source code is in folder sawtooth/pdo-cli
Submitting Transactions
PDO CLI accepts transaction input in JSON format.
JSON input includes
- Required key
that defines transaction type- For enclave registry it is one of
- For contract registry it is one of
, 'remove-enclaves', ordelete
- For CCL registry it is one of
, ordelete
- For enclave registry it is one of
- Optional key
that defines address family. If this key is not present, address family must be specified as a command line option (see examples below) - Transaction specific keys as defined below
- Enclave register JSON input should include
- All fields except details from PdoContractEnclaveTransaction protobuf definition
- All fields from PdoContractEnclaveRegister protobuf definition
- Enclave delete JSON input should include
- All fields except details from PdoContractEnclaveTransaction protobuf definition
- Contract register JSON input should include
- All fields except details from PdoContractTransaction protobuf definition
- All fields from PdoContractRegister protobuf definition
- Contract add-enclaves JSON input should include
- All fields except details from PdoContractTransaction protobuf definition
- All fields from PdoContractAddEnclaves protobuf definition
- Contract remove-enclaves JSON input should include
- All fields except details from PdoContractTransaction protobuf definition
- All fields from PdoContractRemoveEnclaves protobuf definition
- Contract delete JSON input should include
- All fields except details from PdoContractTransaction protobuf definition
- CCL transaction JSON input should include
- All fields from CCL_TransactionPayload protobuf definition.
- In case of delete transaction most of fields can be empty
- Key state_update.contract_id must be set to delete a corresponding CCL_Information entry
- For each CCL_State that should be deleted a state_update.dependency_list object must be included in the payload
- In case of delete transaction most of fields can be empty
- All fields from CCL_TransactionPayload protobuf definition.
- Enclave register JSON input should include
Protobuf definitions can be found in folder python/sawtooth/pdo_protos/protobufs.
CLI command format is
bin/pdo-cli json\
[--keyfile <signer-private-key>]\
[--enclave-keyfile <enclave-private-key>]\
[--wait <seconds-to-wait>]\
[--url <connect-url>]\
[-e | --enclave]\
[-c | --contract]\
[--ccl | --CCL]\
[-v | --verbose]\
Only one of [-e | --enclave], [-c | --contract], or [--ccl | --CCL] can be defined at the same time. This option is required only if JSON input file does not include 'af' key.
Option [-v | --verbose] works as a counter, more times it is on the command line, the more verbose output. A shorter version example is -vvv.
Option [--keyfile] is optional; if not provided, a one-time-use key will be auto-geneated by the utility.
Option [--enclave-keyfile] is used to sign CCL transactions if the json input requires, but does not include signature. If the JSON input contains an empty enclave signature field, this key-file is required for the utility to auto-generate the signature. The enclave key file contains a private key that must match verifying key in the corresponding enclave registry entry.
It should be noted that pdo-cli utility may perform some auto adjustments to the JSON input if corresponding fields are empty to simplify BAT creation, e.g.
- as mentioned above, enclave signature auto-generation (for transactions that require it)
- PDO signature auto-generation (for transactions that require it)
- locating contract id (if it is empty for add and remove enclaves and CCL transactions). In this only one contract entry must be in the contract registry and its id will be used
- Performs base64 encoding for some fields, e.g. state hash if they have not been already BASE64 encoded
JSON input examples can be found in folder sawtooth/tests
This folder also includes a run-all shell script that executes number of JSON transactions. This script must be launched from the tests folder. Notice that they have to be executed in particular order to succeed and with a --wait delay. Below is the order of execution.
../bin/pdo-cli json --keyfile key-enclave.priv --wait 10 enclave-register-with-simulated-proof-data.json
../bin/pdo-cli json --keyfile key-enclave.priv --wait 10 enclave-register-without-proof-data.json
../bin/pdo-cli json --keyfile key-contract.priv --enclave-keyfile enclave-signing-key.priv --wait 10 contract-register.json
../bin/pdo-cli json --keyfile key-contract.priv --enclave-keyfile enclave-signing-key.priv --wait 10 contract-add-enclave-1.json
../bin/pdo-cli json --keyfile key-contract.priv --enclave-keyfile enclave-signing-key-2.priv --wait 10 contract-add-enclave-2.json
../bin/pdo-cli json --keyfile key-contract.priv --enclave-keyfile enclave-signing-key-2.priv --wait 10 contract-remove-enclave-2.json
../bin/pdo-cli json --keyfile key-contract.priv --enclave-keyfile enclave-signing-key.priv --wait 10 ccl-initialize.json
../bin/pdo-cli json --keyfile key-contract.priv --enclave-keyfile enclave-signing-key.priv --wait 10 ccl-update-AB.json
../bin/pdo-cli json --keyfile key-contract.priv --enclave-keyfile enclave-signing-key.priv --wait 10 ccl-update-BC.json
../bin/pdo-cli json --keyfile key-contract.priv --enclave-keyfile enclave-signing-key.priv --wait 10 ccl-update-CD.json
../bin/pdo-cli json --keyfile key-contract.priv --enclave-keyfile enclave-signing-key.priv --wait 10 ccl-terminate.json
Note the first command will fail if the Transaction Processor is not running in debug mode because it registers an enclave without proof data (a.k.a. simulation mode) that is not allowed in non debug mode.
Displaying PDO Sawtooth Global State Entries and Related Sawtooth Settings
To display an existing PDO registry entry from Sawtooth global state use following format
sawtooth/bin/pdo-cli show\
[--wait <seconds-to-wait>]\
[--url <connect-url>]\
[-v | --verbose]\
Types and values
- If type is
, value is a Sawtooth address - If type is
, value is a signer public key (used as enclave id) - If type is
, value is a contract id - If type is
, value is a contract id. In this case CCL_Information and the latest CCL_State are displayed - If type is
, value is a contract id. In this case CCL_Information and all CCL_State entries are displayed for this contract - If type is
, value is a <contract_id>:<state_hash>. In this case only a CCL_State entry defined by the contract id and state hash is displayed - if type is
, value can be a Sawtooth configuration setting key or one of abbreviated PDO setting names - basenames, measurements, or report-public-key
Example of displaying an enclave entry
sawtooth/bin/pdo-cli show enclave A138A74B48A7C467161F5C37D5F69A621A02A2DA7ABFFEC0B2B10893E31E30425A49A7E5538FFB72F556C33B3D6D5FFEB023D3E505B5D0F7EB8CDBA4E4043B19
Listing PDO Sawtooth Registries and Related Sawtooth Settings
Note: Currently, paging is not implemenrted so this option displays only the first page reported by Sawtooth REST API
To list entries in the PDO registry from Sawtooth global state use following format
sawtooth/bin/pdo-cli list\
[--wait <seconds-to-wait>]\
[--url <connect-url>]\
[-v | --verbose]\
[-d | --details]
'type' is one of enclave, contract, ccl-info, ccl-state, settings
Example of a brief list of contract registry.
bin/pdo-cli list contract
Example of listing CCL information registry entries with details.
bin/pdo-cli list -d ccl-info
Deleting PDO Sawtooth Registries
It should be noted that delete operations succeeds only if the Transaction Processor runs in the debug mode, with command line option --debug-on. Otherwise, the Transaction Processor rejects delete requests.
To delete specific or all PDO registries from Sawtooth global state use following format
bin/pdo-cli delete\
[--wait <seconds-to-wait>]\
[--url <connect-url>]\
[-v | --verbose]\
'type' is one of enclave, contract, ccl-info, ccl-state, pdo-all
Example of deleting all PDO registries.
bin/pdo-cli delete pdo-all
Setting and Displaying Global Sawtooth Settings
This sections describes pdo-cli commands for interacting with Sawtooth settings transaction processor. All examples in this section assume that they are executd from the top PDO folder.
Use set-setting to set a seeting. Use "pdo-cli set-settings --help" to display available options. Example belows shows how set pdo.test.registry.measurements with wait delay up to 10 seconds.
sawtooth/bin/pdo-cli set-setting pdo.test.registry.measurements c99f21955e38dbb03d2ca838d3af6e43ef438926ed02db4cc729380c8c7a174e
Below is an example how to list all global Sawtooth settings. Use "pdo-cli list --help" to print all command line options.
sawtooth/bin/pdo-cli list settings
Below is an example how to show a specific setting pdo.test.registry.measurements Use "pdo-cli show --help" to print all command line options.
sawtooth/bin/pdo-cli show setting pdo.test.registry.measurements