- xxADR-000
- Status: {
reviewing | accepted | adopted | deprecated
} *** Deciders:**- Decision Owner:
J. Doe
- Architecture and Engineering:
J. Doe
- Decision Owner:
- Date:
Reason for Decision: Azure provides ...
Which set of services is right for you depends on a variety of factors:
Items marked with High Importance are often of critical import for an organization, and should be given significant weight in the comparison. Effectively, they mark items that should be thought of in a must or should level of criticality.
Items marked with Low Importance are worth keeping in mind, but often are not critical to the decision process. While they have an impact to the over all decision, by themself they are not often important enough to lead to one option than the other. Effectively, they mark items that are nice to have or could be useful.
- Features & Benefits
- Feature
- Limitations & Consequences
- Limitation
- Features & Benefits
- Features & Benefits
- Feature
- Limitations & Consequences
- Limitation
- Features & Benefits
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