title | abstract |
Philosophy |
A brief overview of my doctoral research and some other work in philosophy. |
I completed my PhD in Philosophy at UCL (University College London) in 2019. I'm interested in a range of questions in philosophy, as well as psychology, feminist theory, and the social sciences, especially social & cultural anthropology. But most of my writing in philosophy has centred on the nature of social practices, and how they can explain human action, often without our awareness.
I don't get so much time these days for philosophy, but I'm always happy to chat about it, if anything I've worked on happens to be of interest to you! And if you can't get access to any of these papers, please feel free to get in touch.
- 'Anscombe and the Rules of Ordinary Practices', The Anscombean Mind{ext} (2021) Edited by Adrian Haddock and Rachael Wiseman. Routledge.
- 'Coordination and the Need for Culture'{ext}, Australasian Philosophical Review, 3:1, 76-80.
- Convention, Reflection, and Agency (Doctoral Thesis, UCL, 2019). Supervised by Douglas Lavin, Mike Martin, and Lucy O'Brien.
- 'Passionate Belief: Religious Practice and Social Explanation in Hume', 94th Joint Session of the Mind Association and Aristotelian Society, Postgraduate Sessions, University of Kent (Online). 2022.
- 'Deflationary Social Ontology Isn't So Easy', SIUCC 28, Conference on the work of Amie Thomasson, Granada, Spain. 2019,
- 'Passionate Belief: Religious Practice and Social Explanation in Hume', 8th International Hume Conference, Oxford Brookes. 2019.
- 'Deflating Thick Description', Departmental Symposium, Philosophy Department, UCL. 2019.
- 'The Place of Ordinary Practices in Practical Reasoning', The Future of Normativity, University of Kent. 2018.
- 'The Place of Ordinary Practices in Practical Reasoning', London Intercollegiate Graduate Philosophy Conference, University of London. 2018.
- 'Between Instrumentality and Virtue: The place of ordinary practices in Life and Action', Department of Philosophy, University of Leipzig. 2017.
- 'Hacking the Extended Mind?', Annual Convention for the Society for the Study of Artificial Intelligence and Simulation of Behaviour, University of Exeter. 2013.