NSM supports tracing via the OpenTelemetry Collector. Each NSM component is a "tracer" (OpenTelemetry
Span producer) and integrates with the opentelemetry-go
library to export traces to OpenTelemery Collector.
By default, tracing is disabled in all NSM components. You can enable tracing for a specific NSM component by adding the environment variable TELEMETRY
with the value true
. It can be done with a patch for this NSM component. For example, the following code is the patch for NSM forwarder:
apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: DaemonSet
name: forwarder-vpp
- name: forwarder-vpp
value: "true"
You can configure OpenTelemetry Collector to send traces to Jaeger. To do it you should specify Jaeger service in OpenTelemetry Config:
endpoint: "simplest-collector.observability.svc.cluster.local:14250"
insecure: true
And use jaeger
as a trace exporter:
receivers: [otlp]
processors: [batch]
exporters: [jaeger]
Jaeger installation is not in the scope of NSM, however, the Jaeger community has documented an all-in-one installation that is useful as a quick start for Kubernetes and NSM examples.
Jaeger All-in-one Installation
The following examples assume the Jaeger operator CRD was created with the
name simplest
as in the all-in-one document shows:
kubectl apply -n observability -f - <<EOF
apiVersion: jaegertracing.io/v1
kind: Jaeger
name: simplest
NOTE: Exposing the resulting simplest-query
Kubernetes service's
port (e.g. via port-forwarding) gives access to the Jaeger UI--
e.g. the following forwards http://localhost:16686
to the Jaeger UI:
kubectl port-forward svc/simplest-query -n observability 16686:16686
Create namespace observability:
kubectl create ns observability
Apply Jaeger Operator
kubectl create -f https://github.com/jaegertracing/jaeger-operator/releases/download/v1.30.0/jaeger-operator.yaml -n observability
Wait for Jaeger Operator pod status ready:
kubectl wait -n observability --timeout=1m --for=condition=ready pod -l name=jaeger-operator
Apply Jaeger pod:
kubectl apply -k https://github.com/networkservicemesh/deployments-k8s/examples/features/jaeger/jaeger?ref=204e2ec919848d7fea28075f63db3c23089e0c90
Wait for Jaeger pod status ready:
kubectl wait -n observability --timeout=1m --for=condition=ready pod -l app=jaeger
Apply OpenTelemetry pod:
kubectl apply -k https://github.com/networkservicemesh/deployments-k8s/examples/features/jaeger/opentelemetry?ref=204e2ec919848d7fea28075f63db3c23089e0c90
Apply Spire deployments (required for NSM system)
kubectl apply -k https://github.com/networkservicemesh/deployments-k8s/examples/spire/single_cluster?ref=204e2ec919848d7fea28075f63db3c23089e0c90
Wait for Spire pods status ready:
kubectl wait -n spire --timeout=4m --for=condition=ready pod -l app=spire-server
kubectl wait -n spire --timeout=1m --for=condition=ready pod -l app=spire-agent
Create namespace nsm-system:
kubectl create ns nsm-system
Apply NSM resources:
kubectl apply -k https://github.com/networkservicemesh/deployments-k8s/examples/features/jaeger/nsm-system?ref=204e2ec919848d7fea28075f63db3c23089e0c90
Wait for admission-webhook-k8s:
WH=$(kubectl get pods -l app=admission-webhook-k8s -n nsm-system --template '{{range .items}}{{.metadata.name}}{{"\n"}}{{end}}')
kubectl wait --for=condition=ready --timeout=1m pod ${WH} -n nsm-system
Expose ports to access Jaeger UI:
kubectl port-forward service/simplest-query -n observability 16686:16686
You can see traces from the NSM manager and forwarder in Jaeger UI (http://localhost:16686
) after their initialization.
Free NSM resources:
kubectl delete mutatingwebhookconfiguration nsm-mutating-webhook
kubectl delete ns nsm-system
Delete Jaeger Operator:
kubectl delete -n observability -f https://github.com/jaegertracing/jaeger-operator/releases/download/v1.30.0/jaeger-operator.yaml
Delete observability namespace:
kubectl delete ns observability
Delete Spire:
kubectl delete crd spiffeids.spiffeid.spiffe.io
kubectl delete ns spire