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Entity-relationship abstractions

In this course, we consider the question of how to split up complex software development tasks into simpler subtasks. The main tool we teach is abstraction: developing modules that extend the programming language with new operations (procedural abstraction) and new datatypes (data abstraction) so that client modules can be written in a more powerful programming language.

In this course, we consider two types of data abstractions:

  • single-object abstractions, where each instance of some class represents (immutable value abstractions) or stores (mutable value abstractions) some abstract value. See here for an introduction to value abstraction.
  • multi-object abstractions, where groups of objects of a single class (single-class multi-object abstractions) or groups of objects of multiple classes (multi-class multi-object abstractions) are used to together store special kinds of abstract values called entity graphs.

Multi-object abstractions, also called entity-relationship abstractions, are the topic of this document.

OOP Teams

Suppose I wanted to write a Java program to manage the Object-Oriented Programming course. In particular, I would want to track team compositions for the project. Students are encouraged to work in teams of two students, but they can work alone if they really want to.

The information I want the program to keep track of, then, is, mathematically speaking, the set S of students, along with the relation is-teammate-of on this set. (One can think of this relation as a subset of the set of pairs of students S × S.)

For example, suppose the course has five students: S = {Alice, Bob, Carol, Dan, Eve}. Suppose Alice and Bob constitute a team, and so do Carol and Dan, but Eve works alone. Then we have is-teammate-of = {(Alice, Bob), (Bob, Alice), (Carol, Dan), (Dan, Carol)}. (is-teammate-of must always be a symmetric relation: if X is a teammate of Y, then Y is necessarily a teammate of X as well.)

Generalizing from this example, it is often the case that we want to use Java programs to store information of this form, which we call entity graphs. In the general case, an entity graph consists of some number of sets of entities, and some number of relations between particular sets of entities. Furthermore, the graph may associate particular values with each element of some set of entities. For example, we may want to store each student's study programme; mathematically, this corresponds to a function that maps each element of S to some element of the set P of study programmes. We call each such function, that associates a value with each entity from some entity set, an attribute. In general, then, an entity graph consists of some sets of entities, some relations between the sets of entities, and some attributes.

Writing a program for managing the OOP course in Java includes the complexity of correctly storing and manipulating OOP team composition graphs. Writing such a program would be easier if it could be written in a programming language, let's call it Java++, that has a built-in way to store these graphs, that is, that has a built-in type whose values represent OOP students, and built-in operations for setting and getting a student's teammate and study programme.

We can achieve this complexity reduction by splitting the task of writing a Java program for managing the OOP course into two subtasks:

  • Writing a client module for managing the OOP course, written in the language Java++ that has built-in types and operations for storing OOP team composition graphs
  • Writing an OOP team composition graphs module that implements the extra datatypes and operations of Java++ (or, in other words, the OOP team composition graph abstraction) in terms of the regular Java datatypes and constructs such as classes, fields, and methods.

By composing the OOP team composition graphs module and the client module, we obtain a program for managing the OOP course written in Java.

A natural way to write a module for storing a particular type of entity graph is to introduce a Java class for each type of entity, a getter in class E for each attribute of entity type E, and getters in classes E and F for each relation between entity types E and F.

To store a particular entity graph, then, we would create a separate instance of class E for each entity of type E in the entity graph, and whenever a relation from the entity graph links entities e1 and e2, we would store a reference to e2 in object e1 and a reference to e1 in object e2. Obviously, we would also store in object e the attribute values assigned to entity e by the entity graph.

For example, here is one way to implement the OOP team composition graph abstraction in Java:

package teams;

 * Each instance of this class represents an Object-Oriented Programming student
 * in an OOP team composition graph.
 * @invar | getStudyProgramme() != null
 * @invar | getTeammate() == null || getTeammate().getTeammate() == this
public class OOPStudent {

     * @invar | studyProgramme != null
     * @invar | teammate == null || teammate.teammate == this
    private final StudyProgramme studyProgramme;
    /** @peerObject */
    private OOPStudent teammate;

    /** @immutable */
    public StudyProgramme getStudyProgramme() {
        return studyProgramme;

     * Returns this student's teammate, or {@code null} if this student has no
     * teammate.
     * @peerObject
    public OOPStudent getTeammate() {
        return teammate;

     * Initializes this object to represent a student with the given study
     * programme and no teammate.
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code studyProgramme} is null
     *    | studyProgramme == null
     * @post This student's study programme equals the given study programme
     *    | getStudyProgramme() == studyProgramme
     * @post This student has no teammate
     *    | getTeammate() == null
    public OOPStudent(StudyProgramme studyProgramme) {
        if (studyProgramme == null)
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("`studyProgramme` is null");
        this.studyProgramme = studyProgramme;

     * Registers the fact that this student is teaming up with the given student.
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code teammate} is null
     *    | teammate == null
     * @throws IllegalStateException if this student already has a teammate
     *    | getTeammate() != null
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the given student already has a teammate
     *    | teammate.getTeammate() != null
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the given student is this student
     *    | teammate == this
     * @mutates | this, teammate
     * @post This student's teammate equals the given teammate
     *    | getTeammate() == teammate
     * @post The given student's teammate equals this student
     *       (Note: this postcondition is redundant because it follows from the
     *       public class invariant.)
     *    | teammate.getTeammate() == this
    public void setTeammate(OOPStudent teammate) {
        if (teammate == null)
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("`teammate` is null");
        if (this.teammate != null)
            throw new IllegalStateException("This student already has a teammate");
        if (teammate.teammate != null)
            throw new IllegalArgumentException(
                "The given teammate already has a teammate");
        if (teammate == this)
            throw new IllegalArgumentException(
                "Cannot be a teammate of oneself");
        this.teammate = teammate;
        teammate.teammate = this;
     * Registers the fact that this student is splitting up with their teammate.
     * @throws IllegalStateException if this student has no teammate
     *    | getTeammate() == null
     * @mutates | this
     * @post This student has no teammate
     *    | getTeammate() == null
     * @post This student's old teammate has no teammate
     *    | old(getTeammate()).getTeammate() == null
    public void clearTeammate() {
        if (teammate == null)
            throw new IllegalStateException(
                "This student does not have a teammate");
        this.teammate.teammate = null;
        this.teammate = null;    

The abstraction exposes the is-teammate-of relation as a getter getTeammate() on class OOPStudent. The call s.getTeammate() returns either student s's teammate, or null if student s has no teammate. This reflects the fact that in OOP, a student can have at most one teammate.

Consistency of bidirectional associations

This example exhibits a typical characteristic of entity-relationship abstractions: the states of the objects that together constitute the entity-relationship abstraction are not independent: if s1.getTeammate() returns s2, then s2.getTeammate() must return s1. We call this the consistency of the bidirectional association. It is characteristic of entity-relationship abstractions that there are bidirectional associations between the objects; that is, these objects allow clients to navigate along the association in both directions. It is a crucial responsibility of a module that implements an entity-relationship abstraction that it maintain the consistency of the bidirectional associations at all times. Notice that methods setTeammate and clearTeammate do so carefully. Each check is necessary; for example, if we left out the this.teammate != null check in setTeammate, the following client code would break the consistency of the bidirectional association:

alice.setTeammate(carol); // Should fail!
assertEquals(alice, bob.getTeammate()); // Inconsistent!

The second setTeammate call is incorrect and should cause an exception. Otherwise, after this call bob.getTeammate() returns alice while alice.getTeammate() returns carol, which is inconsistent.

Peer groups

This interdependency between the states of the objects that constitute the entity-relationship abstraction is reflected in the representation invariants: the representation invariant for an OOPStudent object s1 where s1.teammate == s2 talks not just about the fields of s1 but about the fields of s2 as well: in particular, it specifies that s2.teammate == s1. This means that changing the state of object s2 can break the representation invariant of s1. This, in turn, means that when implementing the methods of class OOPStudent, it is crucial to remember not just to preserve the validity of the representation of the objects directly involved in the call, but also to remember to preserve the validity of the representation of the other objects whose representation invariants involve the objects directly involved in the call. For example, in method clearTeammate, to preserve the representation invariants of this, it is sufficient to set this.teammate = null. The extra assignment this.teammate.teammate = null is necessary to preserve the representation invariant of the receiver's old teammate.

Generalizing from this example, in order to avoid inadvertently breaking the representation invariants of objects, when implementing methods we need to know which objects' representations invariants we may break when mutating particular objects. For this reason, we introduce the following rules:

  • The representation invariants for an object X may mention a non-final field or non-immutable property of an object Y only if:
    • X = Y, or
    • Y is a representation object of X, or
    • Y is a peer object of X.
  • If X is a peer object of Y, then Y must be a peer object of X.

We define the set of representation objects of an object X as the set of objects reachable via the fields marked @representationObject of X. For example, the array object used by an IntList object to store the elements of the list is a representation object of the IntList object. Representation objects of an object X must be encapsulated inside object X; that is, it must not be possible to access the representation objects of X outside the class of X.

We define the set of peer objects of an object X as the set of objects reachable via the fields marked @peerObject of X. For example, the teammate of an OOPStudent object is a peer object of the OOPStudent object. This allows the representation invariant to mention the teammate's teammate field.

We refer to a set of objects, each of which is a direct or indirect peer object of the others, as a peer group. The objects of a peer group together constitute an entity-relationship abstraction. It does not make sense to consider each member of a peer group as a separate abstraction; the notions of representation validity and abstract state apply meaningfully only to a peer group as a whole.

The @peerObject tags on fields are internal documentation for internal use by a module author to reason about the correctness of the module. However, it is also important for client module authors to know which objects constitute a peer group. Therefore, we also define an object's peer group publicly by marking appropriate public getters as @peerObject as well, as in the example above.

Since the objects of a peer group do not have independent representations or abstract states, we interpret an object mentioned in a @mutates clause as representing that object's entire peer group. This is why, in the documentation for method clearTeammate(), it is sufficient to write @mutates | this: the method mutates object this.teammate as well, but since that object is a peer object of this, it need not be mentioned separately.