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<option value="ha">Hailey Grace Ames</option>
<option value="nc">Noah Chasen</option>
<option value="ji">Joshua Isak</option>
<option value="mm">Mark Marsden</option>
<option value="ko">Kelley Orr</option>
<option value="jp">Jason Prentice</option>
<option value="as">Aiden Sawyer</option>
<option value="vz">Vika Zafrin</option>
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<option value="toc">Table of Contents</option>
<option value="ha">Ames: Is G-d Good?</option>
<option value="nc">Chasen: Humanity & Divinity</option>
<option value="ji">Isak: Snake, Woman, Tree </option>
<option value="mm">Marsden: Who Is G-d?</option>
<option value="ko">Orr: Woman in Genesis</option>
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<span>Themes & Motifs</span>
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<div class="interp-group">
<p id="toledot" class="interp"><span>generations</span></p>
<p id="water" class="interp"><span>water</span></p>
<p id="separation" class="interp"><span>separation</span></p>
<p id="creation" class="interp"><span>creation</span></p>
<p id="consequence" class="interp"><span>consequence</span></p>
<p id="seven" class="interp"><span>seven</span></p>
<p id="food" class="interp"><span>food</span></p>
<p id="combination" class="interp"><span>combination</span></p>
<p id="farmer" class="interp"><span>farmer</span></p>
<p id="forty" class="interp"><span>forty</span></p>
<p id="shepherd" class="interp"><span>shepherd</span></p>
<div class="accordion"><span>Literary Devices</span>
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<p id="repetition" class="interp"><span>repetition</span></p>
<p id="personification" class="interp"><span>personification</span></p>
<p id="symbol" class="interp"><span>symbol</span></p>
<p id="hyperbole" class="interp"><span>hyperbole</span></p>
<div class="accordion">
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<p id="commandment" class="interp">commandment</p>
<p id="declaration" class="interp"><span>declaration</span></p>
<p id="punishment" class="interp"><span>punishment</span></p>
<p id="obedience" class="interp"><span>obedience</span></p>
<p id="reward" class="interp"><span>reward</span></p>
<p id="covenant" class="interp"><span>covenant</span></p>
<p id="independence" class="interp"><span>independence</span></p>
<p id="disobedience" class="interp"><span>disobedience</span></p>
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<div class="interp-group">
<p id="good" class="interp">good</p>
<p id="holy" class="interp"><span>holy</span></p>
<p id="bad" class="interp"><span>bad</span></p>
<p id="evil" class="interp"><span>evil</span></p>
<p id="ambiguous" class="interp"><span>ambiguous</span></p>
<div id="TEI" class="panel panel-lg">
<tei-tei data-xmlns="" data-origname="TEI" data-processed="">
<tei-teiheader data-origname="teiHeader" data-processed=""><span hidden="" data-original="">
<tei-filedesc data-origname="fileDesc" data-processed="">
<tei-titlestmt data-origname="titleStmt" data-processed="">
<tei-title data-origname="title" data-processed="">Title</tei-title>
<tei-editionstmt data-origname="editionStmt" data-processed="">
<tei-edition data-origname="edition" data-processed="">Please see the About page of the website for information about this digital edition in progress.</tei-edition>
<tei-respstmt xml:id="ha" id="ha" data-origname="respStmt" data-processed="">
<tei-resp data-origname="resp" data-processed="">CC220 student and co-editor</tei-resp>
<tei-name data-origname="name" data-processed="">Hailey Grace Ames</tei-name>
<tei-respstmt xml:id="nc" id="nc" data-origname="respStmt" data-processed="">
<tei-resp data-origname="resp" data-processed="">CC220 student and co-editor</tei-resp>
<tei-name data-origname="name" data-processed="">Noah Chasen</tei-name>
<tei-respstmt xml:id="ji" id="ji" data-origname="respStmt" data-processed="">
<tei-resp data-origname="resp" data-processed="">CC220 student and co-editor</tei-resp>
<tei-name data-origname="name" data-processed="">Joshua Isak</tei-name>
<tei-respstmt xml:id="mm" id="mm" data-origname="respStmt" data-processed="">
<tei-resp data-origname="resp" data-processed="">CC220 student and co-editor</tei-resp>
<tei-name data-origname="name" data-processed="">Mark Marsden</tei-name>
<tei-respstmt xml:id="ko" id="ko" data-origname="respStmt" data-processed="">
<tei-resp data-origname="resp" data-processed="">CC220 student and co-editor</tei-resp>
<tei-name data-origname="name" data-processed="">Kelley Orr</tei-name>
<tei-respstmt xml:id="jp" id="jp" data-origname="respStmt" data-processed="">
<tei-resp data-origname="resp" data-processed="">CC220 instructor and co-editor</tei-resp>
<tei-name data-origname="name" data-processed="">Jason Prentice</tei-name>
<tei-respstmt xml:id="as" id="as" data-origname="respStmt" data-processed="">
<tei-resp data-origname="resp" data-processed="">CC220 student and co-editor</tei-resp>
<tei-name data-origname="name" data-processed="">Aiden Sawyer</tei-name>
<tei-respstmt xml:id="vz" id="vz" data-origname="respStmt" data-processed="">
<tei-resp data-origname="resp" data-processed="">CC220 instructor and co-editor</tei-resp>
<tei-name data-origname="name" data-processed="">Vika Zafrin</tei-name>
<tei-publicationstmt data-origname="publicationStmt" data-processed="">
<tei-p data-origname="p" data-processed="">Publication Information</tei-p>
<tei-sourcedesc data-origname="sourceDesc" data-processed="">
<tei-p data-origname="p" data-processed="">Information about the source</tei-p>
<tei-profiledesc data-origname="profileDesc" data-processed="">
<tei-settingdesc data-origname="settingDesc" data-processed="">
<tei-listplace data-origname="listPlace" data-processed="">
<tei-place xml:id="l_accad" id="l_accad" data-origname="place" data-processed="">
<tei-placename data-origname="placeName" data-processed="">Accad</tei-placename>
<tei-place xml:id="l_ai" id="l_ai" data-origname="place" data-processed="">
<tei-placename data-origname="placeName" data-processed="">Ai</tei-placename>
<tei-place xml:id="l_ararat" id="l_ararat" type="mountain" data-origname="place" data-processed="">
<tei-placename data-origname="placeName" data-processed="">Ararat</tei-placename>
<tei-place xml:id="l_ashur" id="l_ashur" data-origname="place" data-processed="">
<tei-placename data-origname="placeName" data-processed="">Ashur</tei-placename>
<tei-place xml:id="l_babel" id="l_babel" data-origname="place" data-processed="">
<tei-placename data-origname="placeName" data-processed="">Babel</tei-placename>
<tei-place xml:id="l_beth-el" id="l_beth-el" data-origname="place" data-processed="">
<tei-placename data-origname="placeName" data-processed="">Beth-El</tei-placename>
<tei-place xml:id="l_calneh" id="l_calneh" data-origname="place" data-processed="">
<tei-placename data-origname="placeName" data-processed="">Calneh</tei-placename>
<tei-place xml:id="l_canaan" id="l_canaan" data-origname="place" data-processed="">
<tei-placename data-origname="placeName" data-processed="">Canaan</tei-placename>
<tei-place xml:id="l_earth" id="l_earth" data-origname="place" data-processed="">
<tei-placename data-origname="placeName" data-processed="">Earth</tei-placename>
<tei-place xml:id="l_eden" id="l_eden" data-origname="place" data-processed="">
<tei-placename data-origname="placeName" data-processed="">Eden</tei-placename>
<tei-place xml:id="l_egypt" id="l_egypt" data-origname="place" data-processed="">
<tei-placename data-origname="placeName" data-processed="">Egypt</tei-placename>
<tei-place xml:id="l_enoch" id="l_enoch" data-origname="place" data-processed="">
<tei-placename data-origname="placeName" data-processed="">Enoch</tei-placename>
<tei-place xml:id="l_erech" id="l_erech" data-origname="place" data-processed="">
<tei-placename data-origname="placeName" data-processed="">Erech</tei-placename>
<tei-place xml:id="l_euphrates" id="l_euphrates" type="river" data-origname="place" data-processed="">
<tei-placename data-origname="placeName" data-processed="">Euphrates</tei-placename>
<tei-place xml:id="l_gihon" id="l_gihon" type="river" data-origname="place" data-processed="">
<tei-placename data-origname="placeName" data-processed="">Gihon</tei-placename>
<tei-place xml:id="l_gomorrah" id="l_gomorrah" data-origname="place" data-processed="">
<tei-placename data-origname="placeName" data-processed="">Gomorrah</tei-placename>
<tei-place xml:id="l_haran" id="l_haran" data-origname="place" data-processed="">
<tei-placename data-origname="placeName" data-processed="">Haran</tei-placename>
<tei-place xml:id="l_havilah" id="l_havilah" data-origname="place" data-processed="">
<tei-placename data-origname="placeName" data-processed="">Havilah</tei-placename>
<tei-place xml:id="l_heaven" id="l_heaven" data-origname="place" data-processed="">
<tei-placename data-origname="placeName" data-processed="">Heaven</tei-placename>
<tei-place xml:id="l_hebron" id="l_hebron" data-origname="place" data-processed="">
<tei-placename data-origname="placeName" data-processed="">Hebron</tei-placename>
<tei-place xml:id="l_jordan" id="l_jordan" type="river" data-origname="place" data-processed="">
<tei-placename data-origname="placeName" data-processed="">Jordan</tei-placename>
<tei-place xml:id="l_kush" id="l_kush" data-origname="place" data-processed="">
<tei-placename data-origname="placeName" data-processed="">Kush</tei-placename>
<tei-place xml:id="l_mesha" id="l_mesha" data-origname="place" data-processed="">
<tei-placename data-origname="placeName" data-processed="">Mesha</tei-placename>
<tei-place xml:id="l_nile" id="l_nile" type="river" data-origname="place" data-processed="">
<tei-placename data-origname="placeName" data-processed="">Nile</tei-placename>
<tei-place xml:id="l_nod" id="l_nod" data-origname="place" data-processed="">
<tei-placename data-origname="placeName" data-processed="">Nod</tei-placename>
<tei-place xml:id="l_pishon" id="l_pishon" type="river" data-origname="place" data-processed="">
<tei-placename data-origname="placeName" data-processed="">Pishon</tei-placename>
<tei-place xml:id="l_saltsea" id="l_saltsea" data-origname="place" data-processed="">
<tei-placename data-origname="placeName" data-processed="">Salt Sea</tei-placename>
<tei-place xml:id="l_sephar" id="l_sephar" type="mountain" data-origname="place" data-processed="">
<tei-placename data-origname="placeName" data-processed="">Sephar</tei-placename>
<tei-place xml:id="l_shechem" id="l_shechem" data-origname="place" data-processed="">
<tei-placename data-origname="placeName" data-processed="">Shechem</tei-placename>
<tei-place xml:id="l_shinar" id="l_shinar" data-origname="place" data-processed="">
<tei-placename data-origname="placeName" data-processed="">Shinar</tei-placename>
<tei-place xml:id="l_sodom" id="l_sodom" data-origname="place" data-processed="">
<tei-placename data-origname="placeName" data-processed="">Sodom</tei-placename>
<tei-place xml:id="l_tigris" id="l_tigris" type="river" data-origname="place" data-processed="">
<tei-placename data-origname="placeName" data-processed="">Tigris</tei-placename>
<tei-place xml:id="l_tree_of_knowledge" id="l_tree_of_knowledge" data-origname="place" data-processed="">
<tei-placename data-origname="placeName" data-processed="">Tree of Knowledge</tei-placename>
<tei-place xml:id="l_tree_of_life" id="l_tree_of_life" data-origname="place" data-processed="">
<tei-placename data-origname="placeName" data-processed="">Tree of Life</tei-placename>
<tei-place xml:id="l_ur" id="l_ur" data-origname="place" data-processed="">
<tei-placename data-origname="placeName" data-processed="">Ur</tei-placename>
<tei-place xml:id="l_vineyard" id="l_vineyard" data-origname="place" data-processed="">
<tei-placename data-origname="placeName" data-processed="">Vineyard</tei-placename>
<tei-place xml:id="l_zoar" id="l_zoar" data-origname="place" data-processed="">
<tei-placename data-origname="placeName" data-processed="">Zoar</tei-placename>
<tei-particdesc data-origname="particDesc" data-processed="">
<tei-listperson data-origname="listPerson" data-processed="">
<tei-person xml:id="abel" id="abel" sex="M" data-origname="person" data-processed="">
<tei-persname data-origname="persName" data-processed="">Abel</tei-persname>
<tei-birth when-custom="9999" data-origname="birth" data-empty="" data-processed=""></tei-birth>
<tei-death when-custom="9999" data-origname="death" data-empty="" data-processed=""></tei-death>
<tei-person xml:id="abraham" id="abraham" sex="M" data-origname="person" data-processed="">
<tei-persname data-origname="persName" data-processed="">Abraham</tei-persname>
<tei-birth when-custom="1948" data-origname="birth" data-empty="" data-processed=""></tei-birth>
<tei-death when-custom="2123" data-origname="death" data-empty="" data-processed=""></tei-death>
<tei-person xml:id="adah" id="adah" sex="F" data-origname="person" data-processed="">
<tei-persname data-origname="persName" data-processed="">Adah</tei-persname>
<tei-birth when-custom="9999" data-origname="birth" data-empty="" data-processed=""></tei-birth>
<tei-death when-custom="9999" data-origname="death" data-empty="" data-processed=""></tei-death>
<tei-person xml:id="adam" id="adam" sex="M" data-origname="person" data-processed="">
<tei-persname data-origname="persName" data-processed="">Adam</tei-persname>
<tei-birth when-custom="0001" data-origname="birth" data-empty="" data-processed=""></tei-birth>
<tei-death when-custom="0930" data-origname="death" data-empty="" data-processed=""></tei-death>
<tei-person xml:id="arpachshad" id="arpachshad" sex="M" data-origname="person" data-processed="">
<tei-persname data-origname="persName" data-processed="">Arpachshad</tei-persname>
<tei-birth when-custom="1658" data-origname="birth" data-empty="" data-processed=""></tei-birth>
<tei-death when-custom="2096" data-origname="death" data-empty="" data-processed=""></tei-death>
<tei-person xml:id="cain" id="cain" sex="M" data-origname="person" data-processed="">
<tei-persname data-origname="persName" data-processed="">Cain</tei-persname>
<tei-birth when-custom="9999" data-origname="birth" data-empty="" data-processed=""></tei-birth>
<tei-death when-custom="9999" data-origname="death" data-empty="" data-processed=""></tei-death>
<tei-person xml:id="eber" id="eber" sex="M" data-origname="person" data-processed="">
<tei-persname data-origname="persName" data-processed="">Eber</tei-persname>
<tei-birth when-custom="1723" data-origname="birth" data-empty="" data-processed=""></tei-birth>
<tei-death when-custom="2187" data-origname="death" data-empty="" data-processed=""></tei-death>
<tei-person xml:id="enoch" id="enoch" sex="M" data-origname="person" data-processed="">
<tei-persname data-origname="persName" data-processed="">Enoch</tei-persname>
<tei-birth when-custom="0622" data-origname="birth" data-empty="" data-processed=""></tei-birth>
<tei-death when-custom="0987" data-origname="death" data-empty="" data-processed=""></tei-death> <!-- How are we dealing with this? He doesn't die, he's taken up by God -->
<tei-person xml:id="enosh" id="enosh" sex="M" data-origname="person" data-processed="">
<tei-persname data-origname="persName" data-processed="">Enosh</tei-persname>
<tei-birth when-custom="0235" data-origname="birth" data-empty="" data-processed=""></tei-birth>
<tei-death when-custom="1140" data-origname="death" data-empty="" data-processed=""></tei-death>
<tei-person xml:id="eve" id="eve" sex="F" data-origname="person" data-processed="">
<tei-persname data-origname="persName" data-processed="">Eve</tei-persname>
<tei-birth when-custom="0001" data-origname="birth" data-empty="" data-processed=""></tei-birth>
<tei-death when-custom="9999" data-origname="death" data-empty="" data-processed=""></tei-death>
<tei-person xml:id="yhwh" id="yhwh" sex="O" data-origname="person" data-processed="">
<tei-persname type="divine" data-origname="persName" data-processed="">God</tei-persname>
<tei-person xml:id="ham" id="ham" sex="M" data-origname="person" data-processed="">
<tei-persname data-origname="persName" data-processed="">Ham</tei-persname>
<tei-birth when-custom="1556" data-origname="birth" data-empty="" data-processed=""></tei-birth>
<tei-death when-custom="9999" data-origname="death" data-empty="" data-processed=""></tei-death>
<tei-person xml:id="haran" id="haran" sex="M" data-origname="person" data-processed="">
<tei-persname data-origname="persName" data-processed="">Haran</tei-persname>
<tei-birth when-custom="9999" data-origname="birth" data-empty="" data-processed=""></tei-birth>
<tei-death when-custom="9999" data-origname="death" data-empty="" data-processed=""></tei-death>
<tei-person xml:id="irad" id="irad" sex="M" data-origname="person" data-processed="">
<tei-persname data-origname="persName" data-processed="">Irad</tei-persname>
<tei-birth when-custom="9999" data-origname="birth" data-empty="" data-processed=""></tei-birth>
<tei-death when-custom="9999" data-origname="death" data-empty="" data-processed=""></tei-death>
<tei-person xml:id="iscah" id="iscah" sex="F" data-origname="person" data-processed="">
<tei-persname data-origname="persName" data-processed="">Iscah</tei-persname>
<tei-birth when-custom="9999" data-origname="birth" data-empty="" data-processed=""></tei-birth>
<tei-death when-custom="9999" data-origname="death" data-empty="" data-processed=""></tei-death>
<tei-person xml:id="jabal" id="jabal" sex="M" data-origname="person" data-processed="">
<tei-persname data-origname="persName" data-processed="">Jabal</tei-persname>
<tei-birth when-custom="9999" data-origname="birth" data-empty="" data-processed=""></tei-birth>
<tei-death when-custom="9999" data-origname="death" data-empty="" data-processed=""></tei-death>
<tei-person xml:id="japheth" id="japheth" sex="M" data-origname="person" data-processed="">
<tei-persname data-origname="persName" data-processed="">Japheth</tei-persname>
<tei-birth when-custom="1556" data-origname="birth" data-empty="" data-processed=""></tei-birth>
<tei-death when-custom="9999" data-origname="death" data-empty="" data-processed=""></tei-death>
<tei-person xml:id="jared" id="jared" sex="M" data-origname="person" data-processed="">
<tei-persname data-origname="persName" data-processed="">Jared</tei-persname>
<tei-birth when-custom="0460" data-origname="birth" data-empty="" data-processed=""></tei-birth>
<tei-death when-custom="1422" data-origname="death" data-empty="" data-processed=""></tei-death>
<tei-person xml:id="kenan" id="kenan" sex="M" data-origname="person" data-processed="">
<tei-persname data-origname="persName" data-processed="">Kenan</tei-persname>
<tei-birth when-custom="0325" data-origname="birth" data-empty="" data-processed=""></tei-birth>
<tei-death when-custom="1235" data-origname="death" data-empty="" data-processed=""></tei-death>
<tei-person xml:id="lamech" id="lamech" sex="M" data-origname="person" data-processed="">
<tei-persname data-origname="persName" data-processed="">Lamech</tei-persname>
<tei-birth when-custom="0874" data-origname="birth" data-empty="" data-processed=""></tei-birth>
<tei-death when-custom="1651" data-origname="death" data-empty="" data-processed=""></tei-death>
<tei-person xml:id="lot" id="lot" sex="M" data-origname="person" data-processed="">
<tei-persname data-origname="persName" data-processed="">Lot</tei-persname>
<tei-birth when-custom="9999" data-origname="birth" data-empty="" data-processed=""></tei-birth>
<tei-death when-custom="9999" data-origname="death" data-empty="" data-processed=""></tei-death>
<tei-person xml:id="mahalalel" id="mahalalel" sex="M" data-origname="person" data-processed="">
<tei-persname data-origname="persName" data-processed="">Mahalalel</tei-persname>
<tei-birth when-custom="0395" data-origname="birth" data-empty="" data-processed=""></tei-birth>
<tei-death when-custom="1290" data-origname="death" data-empty="" data-processed=""></tei-death>
<tei-person xml:id="mehujael" id="mehujael" sex="M" data-origname="person" data-processed="">
<tei-persname data-origname="persName" data-processed="">Mehujael</tei-persname>
<tei-birth when-custom="9999" data-origname="birth" data-empty="" data-processed=""></tei-birth>
<tei-death when-custom="9999" data-origname="death" data-empty="" data-processed=""></tei-death>
<tei-person xml:id="methuselah" id="methuselah" sex="M" data-origname="person" data-processed="">
<tei-persname data-origname="persName" data-processed="">Methuselah</tei-persname>
<tei-birth when-custom="0687" data-origname="birth" data-empty="" data-processed=""></tei-birth>
<tei-death when-custom="1656" data-origname="death" data-empty="" data-processed=""></tei-death>
<tei-person xml:id="methushael" id="methushael" sex="M" data-origname="person" data-processed="">
<tei-persname data-origname="persName" data-processed="">Methushael</tei-persname>
<tei-birth when-custom="9999" data-origname="birth" data-empty="" data-processed=""></tei-birth>
<tei-death when-custom="9999" data-origname="death" data-empty="" data-processed=""></tei-death>
<tei-person xml:id="milcah" id="milcah" sex="F" data-origname="person" data-processed="">
<tei-persname data-origname="persName" data-processed="">Milcah</tei-persname>
<tei-birth when-custom="9999" data-origname="birth" data-empty="" data-processed=""></tei-birth>
<tei-death when-custom="9999" data-origname="death" data-empty="" data-processed=""></tei-death>
<tei-person xml:id="naamah" id="naamah" sex="F" data-origname="person" data-processed="">
<tei-persname data-origname="persName" data-processed="">Naamah</tei-persname>
<tei-birth when-custom="9999" data-origname="birth" data-empty="" data-processed=""></tei-birth>
<tei-death when-custom="9999" data-origname="death" data-empty="" data-processed=""></tei-death>
<tei-person xml:id="nahor" id="nahor" sex="m" data-origname="person" data-processed="">
<tei-persname data-origname="persName" data-processed="">Nahor (son of Serug)</tei-persname>
<tei-birth when-custom="1849" data-origname="birth" data-empty="" data-processed=""></tei-birth>
<tei-death when-custom="1997" data-origname="death" data-empty="" data-processed=""></tei-death>
<tei-person xml:id="nahor2" id="nahor2" sex="F" data-origname="person" data-processed="">
<tei-persname data-origname="persName" data-processed="">Nahor (soh of Terah)</tei-persname>
<tei-birth when-custom="9999" data-origname="birth" data-empty="" data-processed=""></tei-birth>
<tei-death when-custom="9999" data-origname="death" data-empty="" data-processed=""></tei-death>
<tei-persongrp xml:id="nephilim" id="nephilim" sex="O" data-origname="personGrp" data-processed="">
<tei-persname type="divine" data-origname="persName" data-processed="">Nephilim</tei-persname> </tei-persongrp>
<tei-person xml:id="noah" id="noah" sex="M" data-origname="person" data-processed="">
<tei-persname data-origname="persName" data-processed="">Noah</tei-persname>
<tei-birth when-custom="1056" data-origname="birth" data-empty="" data-processed=""></tei-birth>
<tei-death when-custom="2006" data-origname="death" data-empty="" data-processed=""></tei-death>
<tei-person xml:id="peleg" id="peleg" sex="M" data-origname="person" data-processed="">
<tei-persname data-origname="persName" data-processed="">Peleg</tei-persname>
<tei-birth when-custom="1757" data-origname="birth" data-empty="" data-processed=""></tei-birth>
<tei-death when-custom="1996" data-origname="death" data-empty="" data-processed=""></tei-death>
<tei-person xml:id="reu" id="reu" sex="M" data-origname="person" data-processed="">
<tei-persname data-origname="persName" data-processed="">Reu</tei-persname>
<tei-birth when-custom="1787" data-origname="birth" data-empty="" data-processed=""></tei-birth>
<tei-death when-custom="2026" data-origname="death" data-empty="" data-processed=""></tei-death>
<tei-person xml:id="sarah" id="sarah" sex="F" data-origname="person" data-processed="">
<tei-persname data-origname="persName" data-processed="">Sarah</tei-persname>
<tei-birth when-custom="1958" data-origname="birth" data-empty="" data-processed=""></tei-birth>
<tei-death when-custom="2085" data-origname="death" data-empty="" data-processed=""></tei-death>
<tei-person xml:id="serpent" id="serpent" sex="O" data-origname="person" data-processed="">
<tei-persname type="divine" data-origname="persName" data-processed="">serpent</tei-persname>
<tei-person xml:id="serug" id="serug" sex="M" data-origname="person" data-processed="">
<tei-persname data-origname="persName" data-processed="">Serug</tei-persname>
<tei-birth when-custom="1819" data-origname="birth" data-empty="" data-processed=""></tei-birth>
<tei-death when-custom="2049" data-origname="death" data-empty="" data-processed=""></tei-death>
<tei-person xml:id="seth" id="seth" sex="M" data-origname="person" data-processed="">
<tei-persname data-origname="persName" data-processed="">Seth</tei-persname>
<tei-birth when-custom="0130" data-origname="birth" data-empty="" data-processed=""></tei-birth>
<tei-death when-custom="1042" data-origname="death" data-empty="" data-processed=""></tei-death>
<tei-person xml:id="shelah" id="shelah" sex="M" data-origname="person" data-processed="">
<tei-persname data-origname="persName" data-processed="">Shelah</tei-persname>
<tei-birth when-custom="1693" data-origname="birth" data-empty="" data-processed=""></tei-birth>
<tei-death when-custom="2126" data-origname="death" data-empty="" data-processed=""></tei-death>
<tei-person xml:id="shem" id="shem" sex="M" data-origname="person" data-processed="">
<tei-persname data-origname="persName" data-processed="">Shem</tei-persname>
<tei-birth when-custom="1556" data-origname="birth" data-empty="" data-processed=""></tei-birth>
<tei-death when-custom="2158" data-origname="death" data-empty="" data-processed=""></tei-death> <!-- Wikipedia says Shem dies in 2158 aged 600, hmm -->
<tei-person xml:id="terah" id="terah" sex="M" data-origname="person" data-processed="">
<tei-persname data-origname="persName" data-processed="">Terah</tei-persname>
<tei-birth when-custom="1878" data-origname="birth" data-empty="" data-processed=""></tei-birth>
<tei-death when-custom="2083" data-origname="death" data-empty="" data-processed=""></tei-death>
<tei-person xml:id="tubalcain" id="tubalcain" sex="M" data-origname="person" data-processed="">
<tei-persname data-origname="persName" data-processed="">Tubal-cain</tei-persname>
<tei-birth when-custom="9999" data-origname="birth" data-empty="" data-processed=""></tei-birth>
<tei-death when-custom="9999" data-origname="death" data-empty="" data-processed=""></tei-death>
<tei-person xml:id="zillah" id="zillah" sex="F" data-origname="person" data-processed="">
<tei-persname data-origname="persName" data-processed="">Zillah</tei-persname>
<tei-birth when-custom="9999" data-origname="birth" data-empty="" data-processed=""></tei-birth>
<tei-death when-custom="9999" data-origname="death" data-empty="" data-processed=""></tei-death>
<tei-text data-origname="text" data-processed="">
<tei-body data-origname="body" data-processed="">
<tei-div type="chapter" xml:id="ch1" id="ch1" data-origname="div" data-processed=""><tei-head data-origname="head" data-processed="">Chapter 1</tei-head>
<tei-ab type="p" data-origname="ab" data-processed=""><sup><tei-seg type="verse" xml:id="ch01v1" id="ch01v1" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">1</tei-seg></sup><tei-seg ana="#creation" data-origname="seg" data-processed=""><tei-measure unit="days" n="0" data-origname="measure" data-processed="">In the beginning</tei-measure> God created <tei-seg ana="#separation" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">the heaven and the earth</tei-seg></tei-seg>. <sup><tei-seg type="verse" xml:id="ch01v2" id="ch01v2" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">2</tei-seg></sup>Now the earth was unformed and void, and darkness was upon <tei-seg ana="#personification" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">the face of the deep</tei-seg>; <tei-seg ana="#water" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">and <tei-persname ref="#yhwh" data-origname="persName" data-processed="">the spirit of God</tei-persname> hovered over the <tei-seg ana="#personification" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">face of the waters</tei-seg></tei-seg>. <sup><tei-seg type="verse" xml:id="ch01v3" id="ch01v3" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">3</tei-seg></sup>And God said: <tei-seg ana="#commandment" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">'Let there be light.'</tei-seg> <tei-seg ana="#obedience" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">And there was light</tei-seg>. <sup><tei-seg type="verse" xml:id="ch01v4" id="ch01v4" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">4</tei-seg></sup><tei-seg ana="#creation" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">And <tei-seg ana="#good" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">God saw the light, that it was good</tei-seg></tei-seg><a tabindex="0" data-toggle="popover" data-trigger="focus" data-content="<i class= "small">Mark Marsden</i>: The phrase "It was good" is repeated 6 times throughout Genesis 1, referring to a handful of different creations that God wills into existence during the creation myth. The speaker of these words is ambiguous, however, we are granted the insight at least that God sees these things and notices that they are good. From the beginning, it appears that God Himself has a concrete understanding or at the very least an idea of what makes something good, and whether or not something is good. He exercises this deliberately throughout Genesis 1, taking note of each thing that impresses upon him its goodness. However, God creates more than 6 things throughout Genesis 1, and the remaining objects are omitted from this declaration of good. On a moral spectrum, "good" is most commonly seen as a positive description, compared often against "bad", and at times "neutral." Given the more black-and-white nature of the description of "good" in Genesis, the omission raises an ambiguity. If these things are not declaratively "good," then are they "neutral" or even "bad?" The most relevant omission to us is when humans are created and apparently omitted from the "good." Simply put, why? Is it a comment on the possibly subpar nature of our form or creation, or a notice of something more intimate? It is possible that here, God sees the human capacity, the exceptional "good" juxtaposed with the deplorable "bad." Regarding humanity, this omission is worrisome, but lends some understanding of "good" as perhaps relating to the capacity for "good" or "evil" that humans inherently have available to them. -Mark M."><tei-anchor xml:id="a001" id="a001" data-origname="anchor" data-empty="" data-processed=""><sup><i class="far fa-comment-alt light"></i><sup></sup></sup></tei-anchor></a>; and <tei-seg ana="#separation" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">God divided the light from the darkness</tei-seg>. <sup><tei-seg type="verse" xml:id="ch01v5" id="ch01v5" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">5</tei-seg></sup>And God called the light Day, and the darkness He called Night. <tei-measure unit="days" n="1" data-origname="measure" data-processed="">And there was evening and there was morning, one day</tei-measure>.</tei-ab>
<tei-ab type="p" data-origname="ab" data-processed=""><sup><tei-seg type="verse" xml:id="ch01v6" id="ch01v6" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">6</tei-seg></sup>And God said: <tei-seg ana="#commandment" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">'Let there be a firmament <tei-seg ana="#water" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">in the midst of the waters</tei-seg><a tabindex="0" data-toggle="popover" data-trigger="focus" data-content="<i class= "small">Hailey Grace Ames</i>: This verse along with verse 9 is curious because it is difficult to imagine what pre-existence looked like. With the description we have available to us, it seems like the universe is a congealed mass of water that contains G-d, and as time progresses, He seperates the water. Sometimes He leaves it as is, such as when he makes the seas, and other times he turns it into the land, or the sky. It's awkward to imagine, though, since creating everything out of water doesn't make sense. I suppose this is just a testament to how powerful G-d really is. -Hailey A."><tei-anchor xml:id="a002" id="a002" data-origname="anchor" data-empty="" data-processed=""><sup><i class="far fa-comment-alt light"></i><sup></sup></sup></tei-anchor></a>, and let it <tei-seg ana="#separation" data-origname="seg" data-processed=""><tei-seg ana="#water" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">divide the waters from the waters</tei-seg></tei-seg>.'<a tabindex="0" data-toggle="popover" data-trigger="focus" data-content="<i class= "small">Noah Chasen</i>: This description of the universe's basic state being water is interesting given water's chaotic connotations in mythology, such as Poseidon's tempermental moods and the Sumerian gods of the randomly flooding Tigris and Euphrates rivers. In addition, the only way for the universe as we understand it to exist is for a force of great order, such as God, setting boundaries and dividing the chaotic waters to separate the Heavens from the Earth. This understanding lends to the idea of the 6 Days of creation being the first signs of a natural order forming in the universe. -Noah C."><tei-anchor xml:id="a003" id="a003" data-origname="anchor" data-empty="" data-processed=""><sup><i class="far fa-comment-alt light"></i><sup></sup></sup></tei-anchor></a></tei-seg> <sup><tei-seg type="verse" xml:id="ch01v7" id="ch01v7" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">7</tei-seg></sup><tei-seg ana="#repetition" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">And <tei-seg ana="#creation" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">God made the firmament</tei-seg>, and <tei-seg ana="#separation" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">divided the waters which were under the firmament from the waters which were above the firmament</tei-seg></tei-seg>; <tei-seg ana="#obedience" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">and it was so</tei-seg>. <sup><tei-seg type="verse" xml:id="ch01v8" id="ch01v8" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">8</tei-seg></sup><tei-seg ana="#creation" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">And God called the firmament <tei-placename ref="#l_heaven" data-origname="placeName" data-processed="">Heaven</tei-placename></tei-seg>. <tei-measure unit="days" n="2" data-origname="measure" data-processed="">And there was evening and there was morning, a second day</tei-measure>.</tei-ab>
<tei-ab type="p" data-origname="ab" data-processed=""><sup><tei-seg type="verse" xml:id="ch01v9" id="ch01v9" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">9</tei-seg></sup>And God said: <tei-seg ana="#commandment" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">'<tei-seg ana="#water" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">Let the waters under the <tei-placename ref="#l_heaven" data-origname="placeName" data-processed="">heaven</tei-placename> be gathered together unto one place</tei-seg>, and let the dry land appear.'</tei-seg> <tei-seg ana="#obedience" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">And it was so</tei-seg>. <sup><tei-seg type="verse" xml:id="ch01v10" id="ch01v10" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">10</tei-seg></sup><tei-seg ana="#declaration" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">And God called the dry land <tei-placename ref="#l_earth" data-origname="placeName" data-processed="">Earth</tei-placename>, and <tei-seg ana="#water" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">the <tei-seg ana="#combination" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">gathering together</tei-seg> of the waters called He Seas</tei-seg></tei-seg>; and <tei-seg ana="#good" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">God saw that it was good</tei-seg>. <sup><tei-seg type="verse" xml:id="ch01v11" id="ch01v11" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">11</tei-seg></sup>And God said: '<tei-seg ana="#commandment" data-origname="seg" data-processed=""><tei-seg ana="#toledot" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">Let the earth put forth grass, herb yielding <tei-seg ana="#symbol" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">seed</tei-seg>, and fruit-tree bearing fruit<a tabindex="0" data-toggle="popover" data-trigger="focus" data-content="<i class= "small">Noah Chasen</i>: Vegetation being described in its usefulness to people is interesting, especially since in Genesis 2:15, God charges mankind with tending to the plants, hinting at a planned, symbiotic relationship between mankind and the crops they plant. In addition, this is a mark of how an agrarian society would understand the vegetation around them. -Noah C."><tei-anchor xml:id="a005" id="a005" data-origname="anchor" data-empty="" data-processed=""><sup><i class="far fa-comment-alt light"></i><sup></sup></sup></tei-anchor></a> after its kind, wherein is the <tei-seg ana="#symbol" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">seed</tei-seg> thereof, upon the earth</tei-seg>.'</tei-seg> <tei-seg ana="#obedience" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">And it was so</tei-seg>. <sup><tei-seg type="verse" xml:id="ch01v12" id="ch01v12" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">12</tei-seg></sup><tei-seg ana="#repetition" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">And the earth brought forth grass, herb yielding <tei-seg ana="#symbol" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">seed</tei-seg> after its kind, and tree bearing fruit, wherein is the <tei-seg ana="#symbol" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">seed</tei-seg> thereof, after its kind; and <tei-seg ana="#good" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">God saw that it was good</tei-seg></tei-seg>. <sup><tei-seg type="verse" xml:id="ch01v13" id="ch01v13" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">13</tei-seg></sup><tei-measure unit="days" n="3" data-origname="measure" data-processed="">And there was evening and there was morning, a third day</tei-measure>.</tei-ab>
<tei-ab type="p" data-origname="ab" data-processed=""><sup><tei-seg type="verse" xml:id="ch01v14" id="ch01v14" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">14</tei-seg></sup>And God said: <tei-seg ana="#commandment" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">'Let there be lights in the firmament of the heaven to <tei-seg ana="#separation" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">divide the day from the night</tei-seg>; and let them be for signs, and for seasons, and for days and years <sup><tei-seg type="verse" xml:id="ch01v15" id="ch01v15" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">15</tei-seg></sup>and <tei-seg ana="#repetition" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">let them be for lights in the firmament of the heaven</tei-seg> to give light upon the earth.'</tei-seg> And <tei-seg ana="#obedience" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">it was so</tei-seg>. <sup><tei-seg type="verse" xml:id="ch01v16" id="ch01v16" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">16</tei-seg></sup><tei-seg ana="#creation" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">And God made the two great lights</tei-seg>: the greater light to rule the day, and the lesser light to rule the night; and the stars. <sup><tei-seg type="verse" xml:id="ch01v17" id="ch01v17" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">17</tei-seg></sup>And God set them in the firmament of the heaven to give light upon the earth <sup><tei-seg type="verse" xml:id="ch01v18" id="ch01v18" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">18</tei-seg></sup>and to rule over the day and over the night, and to <tei-seg ana="#separation" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">divide the light from the darkness</tei-seg>; and <tei-seg ana="#good" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">God saw that it was good</tei-seg>. <sup><tei-seg type="verse" xml:id="ch01v19" id="ch01v19" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">19</tei-seg></sup><tei-measure unit="days" n="4" data-origname="measure" data-processed="">And there was evening and there was morning, a fourth day</tei-measure>.</tei-ab>
<tei-ab type="p" data-origname="ab" data-processed=""><sup><tei-seg type="verse" xml:id="ch01v20" id="ch01v20" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">20</tei-seg></sup>And God said: <tei-seg ana="#commandment" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">'<tei-seg ana="#personification" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">Let the waters swarm with swarms of living creatures</tei-seg>, and let <tei-rs type="animal" data-origname="rs" data-processed="">fowl</tei-rs> fly above the <tei-placename ref="#l_earth" data-origname="placeName" data-processed="">earth</tei-placename> in the open firmament of <tei-placename ref="#l_heaven" data-origname="placeName" data-processed="">heaven</tei-placename>.'</tei-seg> <sup><tei-seg type="verse" xml:id="ch01v21" id="ch01v21" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">21</tei-seg></sup>And <tei-seg ana="#creation" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">God created the great sea-monsters, and every living creature that creepeth, wherewith the <tei-seg ana="#personification" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">waters swarmed</tei-seg>, after its kind, and every winged <tei-rs type="animal" data-origname="rs" data-processed="">fowl</tei-rs> after its kind</tei-seg>; and <tei-seg ana="#good" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">God saw that it was good</tei-seg>. <sup><tei-seg type="verse" xml:id="ch01v22" id="ch01v22" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">22</tei-seg></sup>And God <tei-seg ana="#holy" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">blessed</tei-seg> them, saying: <tei-seg ana="#commandment" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">'<tei-seg ana="#toledot" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">Be fruitful, and multiply, and <tei-seg ana="#water" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">fill the waters in the seas</tei-seg>, and let fowl multiply in the earth</tei-seg>.'</tei-seg> <sup><tei-seg type="verse" xml:id="ch01v23" id="ch01v23" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">23</tei-seg></sup><tei-measure unit="days" n="5" data-origname="measure" data-processed="">And there was evening and there was morning, a fifth day</tei-measure>.</tei-ab>
<tei-ab type="p" data-origname="ab" data-processed=""><sup><tei-seg type="verse" xml:id="ch01v24" id="ch01v24" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">24</tei-seg></sup>And God said: <tei-seg ana="#commandment" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">'Let the earth bring forth the living creature after its kind, <tei-rs type="animal" data-origname="rs" data-processed="">cattle</tei-rs>, and creeping thing, and <tei-rs type="animal" data-origname="rs" data-processed="">beast</tei-rs> of the earth after its kind.'</tei-seg> And <tei-seg ana="#obedience" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">it was so</tei-seg>. <sup><tei-seg type="verse" xml:id="ch01v25" id="ch01v25" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">25</tei-seg></sup><tei-seg ana="#repetition" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">And <tei-seg ana="#creation" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">God made</tei-seg> the <tei-rs type="animal" data-origname="rs" data-processed="">beast</tei-rs> of the earth after its kind, and the <tei-rs type="animal" data-origname="rs" data-processed="">cattle</tei-rs> after their kind, and every thing that creepeth upon the ground after its kind</tei-seg>; and <tei-seg ana="#good" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">God saw that it was good</tei-seg>. <sup><tei-seg type="verse" xml:id="ch01v26" id="ch01v26" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">26</tei-seg></sup><a tabindex="0" data-toggle="popover" data-trigger="focus" data-content="<i class= "small">Kelley Orr</i>: In the article <tei-ref target="" data-origname="ref" data-processed=""><span hidden="" data-original="">"#CharlestonShooting: How Long White America? How Long-Pt. 2,"</span><span><a href="">"#CharlestonShooting: How Long White America? How Long-Pt. 2,"</a></span></tei-ref> the writer challenges white Christian Americans to see African Americans being made in the image of God. The writer makes a good point, as the text never states the race or ethnicity of God, but man was made in "Our image." Noticing the plurality of the word, the writer interprets this as the human race as a whole, not just white people. White Americans can make the country better for Black Americans by imaging the inclusiveness of the creation story of man. All these points can further be stronger by remembering the first Christians were not white, so Christianity is not just for white people. Similiarly, America is not just for white people, it is for everyone. -Kelley O."><tei-anchor xml:id="a006" id="a006" data-origname="anchor" data-empty="" data-processed=""><sup><i class="far fa-comment-alt light"></i><sup></sup></sup></tei-anchor></a>And God said: <tei-seg ana="#declaration" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">'<tei-seg ana="#creation" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">Let us make <tei-rs type="human" data-origname="rs" data-processed="">man</tei-rs> in our image, after our likeness</tei-seg>; and let them have dominion over the <tei-rs type="animal" data-origname="rs" data-processed="">fish</tei-rs> of the sea, and over the <tei-rs type="animal" data-origname="rs" data-processed="">fowl</tei-rs> of the air, and over the <tei-rs type="animal" data-origname="rs" data-processed="">cattle</tei-rs>, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth.'</tei-seg><a tabindex="0" data-toggle="popover" data-trigger="focus" data-content="<i class= "small">Kelley Orr</i>: The Patheos article titled <tei-ref target="" data-origname="ref" data-processed=""><span hidden="" data-original="">"The #Ferguson Declaration: A Black Lives Matter Creed"</span><span><a href="">"The #Ferguson Declaration: A Black Lives Matter Creed"</a></span></tei-ref> points out this verse in particular to show that God loves everyone equally, and thus "we believe Black Lives Matter." I find this particularly signficicant because even though the movement is reasonably about the awareness of mistreatment of black Americans, man being made in Gods image would make it seem as if we should all look the same, yet we dont and we get treated differently based on our appearance. They state God loves our differences. -Kelley O."><tei-anchor xml:id="a007" id="a007" data-origname="anchor" data-empty="" data-processed=""><sup><i class="far fa-comment-alt light"></i><sup></sup></sup></tei-anchor></a> <sup><tei-seg type="verse" xml:id="ch01v27" id="ch01v27" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">27</tei-seg></sup><tei-seg ana="#repetition" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">And <tei-seg ana="#creation" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">God created man</tei-seg><a tabindex="0" data-toggle="popover" data-trigger="focus" data-content="<i class= "small">Jason Prentice</i>: <tei-p data-origname="p" data-processed="">Heb.: 'adam (Alter 18)</tei-p>
<tei-p data-origname="p" data-processed="">Alter: "a human"</tei-p>
<tei-p data-origname="p" data-processed="">Kass: "the human being"</tei-p>
<tei-p data-origname="p" data-processed="">NRSV: "humankind"</tei-p>
<tei-p data-origname="p" data-processed="">Kass says, "Though the noun is male in gender... its meaning is sex neutral..." (36) -Jason P.</tei-p>"><tei-anchor xml:id="a008" id="a008" data-origname="anchor" data-empty="" data-processed=""><sup><i class="far fa-comment-alt light"></i><sup></sup></sup></tei-anchor></a> in His own image, in the image of God created He him; <tei-rs type="humanbeing" data-origname="rs" data-processed="">male</tei-rs> and <tei-rs type="humanbeing" data-origname="rs" data-processed="">female</tei-rs> created He them</tei-seg>. <sup><tei-seg type="verse" xml:id="ch01v28" id="ch01v28" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">28</tei-seg></sup>And <tei-seg ana="#holy" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">God blessed them</tei-seg>; and God said unto them: <tei-seg ana="#commandment" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">'<tei-seg ana="#toledot" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it; and <tei-seg ana="#repetition" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">have dominion over the <tei-rs type="animal" data-origname="rs" data-processed="">fish</tei-rs> of the sea, and over the <tei-rs type="animal" data-origname="rs" data-processed="">fowl</tei-rs> of the air, and over every living thing that creepeth upon the earth</tei-seg></tei-seg>.'</tei-seg> <sup><tei-seg type="verse" xml:id="ch01v29" id="ch01v29" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">29</tei-seg></sup>And God said: <tei-seg ana="#declaration" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">'Behold, I have given you <tei-seg ana="#food" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">every herb yielding <tei-seg ana="#symbol" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">seed</tei-seg>,<a tabindex="0" data-toggle="popover" data-trigger="focus" data-content="<i class= "small">Joshua Isak</i>: A contradiction appears here. If the fruit of all trees is food for humans, why is there a restriction on the fruit from the Tree of Knowledge? Most likely however, this contradiction is an artifact from the fact that Genesis 1 and 2 are from seperate scrolls, thus the several differences in the story of creation between the two. -Joshua I."><tei-anchor xml:id="a004" id="a004" data-origname="anchor" data-empty="" data-processed=""><sup><i class="far fa-comment-alt light"></i><sup></sup></sup></tei-anchor></a> which is upon the face of all the earth, and every tree, in which is the fruit of a tree yielding <tei-seg ana="#symbol" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">seed</tei-seg>--to you it shall be for food <sup><tei-seg type="verse" xml:id="ch01v30" id="ch01v30" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">30</tei-seg></sup>and to <tei-seg ana="#repetition" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">every <tei-rs type="animal" data-origname="rs" data-processed="">beast</tei-rs> of the earth, and to every <tei-rs type="animal" data-origname="rs" data-processed="">fowl</tei-rs> of the air, and to every thing that creepeth upon the earth</tei-seg>, wherein there is a living soul, [I have given] every green herb for food</tei-seg>.'</tei-seg> <tei-seg ana="#obedience" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">And it was so</tei-seg>. <sup><tei-seg type="verse" xml:id="ch01v31" id="ch01v31" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">31</tei-seg></sup>And <tei-seg ana="#good" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">God saw every thing that He had made, and, behold, it was very good</tei-seg>.<a tabindex="0" data-toggle="popover" data-trigger="focus" data-content="<i class= "small">Mark Marsden</i>: This statement appears at the end of Genesis 1, and could be significant in how it affects the use of "good" throughout the rest of Genesis 1. Specifically, "good" appears very deliberately throughout Genesis 1 to state what particular items are good. However, there are a few notable exceptions to this that pose an interesting threat, but depending on what this passage is trying to say, this issue may become a non-issue. Individually, is "every thing" that God made good? If so, then these omissions are not significant and there irrelevant. However, is "every thing" on the whole good, in spite of the potential bad that was created? This generates an extremely compelling narrative, fitting in to the notion of potential balance in the world with consideration to good and bad, but it also concretely shows that God created some things that were bad. Why would he do this? Given the importance of language and deliberate use of language throughout Genesis on the whole, this appears to be the case with the omission of "good" from these certain things, and this statement at the end appears to explore if these things that are not necessarily "good" are actually "bad" on the whole. -Mark M."><tei-anchor xml:id="a009" id="a009" data-origname="anchor" data-empty="" data-processed=""><sup><i class="far fa-comment-alt light"></i><sup></sup></sup></tei-anchor></a> <tei-measure unit="days" n="6" data-origname="measure" data-processed="">And there was evening and there was morning, the sixth day</tei-measure>.</tei-ab></tei-div>
<tei-div type="chapter" xml:id="ch2" id="ch2" data-origname="div" data-processed=""><tei-head data-origname="head" data-processed="">Chapter 2</tei-head>
<tei-ab type="p" data-origname="ab" data-processed=""><sup><tei-seg type="verse" xml:id="ch02v1" id="ch02v1" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">1</tei-seg></sup>And the heaven and the earth were finished, and all the <tei-seg ana="#personification" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">host of them</tei-seg>. <sup><tei-seg type="verse" xml:id="ch02v2" id="ch02v2" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">2</tei-seg></sup>And <tei-date when-custom="0000-00-07" data-origname="date" data-processed="">on the seventh day</tei-date> God finished His work which <tei-seg ana="#creation" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">He had made</tei-seg>;<tei-anchor xml:id="a010" id="a010" data-origname="anchor" data-empty="" data-processed=""><sup><i class="far fa-comment-alt light"></i><sup></sup></sup></tei-anchor> <tei-seg ana="#repetition" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">and He rested <tei-date when-custom="0000-00-07" data-origname="date" data-processed="">on the seventh day</tei-date> from all His work which <tei-seg ana="#creation" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">He had made</tei-seg></tei-seg>. <sup><tei-seg type="verse" xml:id="ch02v3" id="ch02v3" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">3</tei-seg></sup>And <tei-seg ana="#holy" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">God blessed the <tei-date when-custom="0000-00-07" data-origname="date" data-processed="">seventh day</tei-date>, and hallowed it</tei-seg>; because that in it <tei-seg ana="#repetition" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">He rested from all His work which <tei-seg ana="#creation" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">God in creating had made</tei-seg></tei-seg>.</tei-ab>
<tei-ab type="p" data-origname="ab" data-processed=""><sup><tei-seg type="verse" xml:id="ch02v4" id="ch02v4" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">4</tei-seg></sup><tei-seg ana="#toledot" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">These are the generations of the <tei-placename ref="#l_heaven" data-origname="placeName" data-processed="">heaven</tei-placename> and of the <tei-placename ref="#l_earth" data-origname="placeName" data-processed="">earth</tei-placename> when they were <tei-seg ana="#creation" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">created</tei-seg></tei-seg>, in the day that the <tei-persname ref="#yhwh" type="lordgod" data-origname="persName" data-processed="">LORD God</tei-persname> <tei-seg ana="#creation" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">made earth and heaven</tei-seg>.</tei-ab>
<tei-ab type="p" data-origname="ab" data-processed=""><sup><tei-seg type="verse" xml:id="ch02v5" id="ch02v5" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">5</tei-seg></sup>No shrub of the field was yet in the earth, and no herb of the field had yet sprung up; for the <tei-persname ref="#yhwh" data-origname="persName" data-processed="">LORD God</tei-persname> had not caused it to <tei-seg ana="#water" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">rain upon the earth</tei-seg>, and <tei-seg ana="#farmer" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">there was not a man to till the ground</tei-seg> <sup><tei-seg type="verse" xml:id="ch02v6" id="ch02v6" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">6</tei-seg></sup>but <tei-seg ana="#water" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">there went up a mist from the earth, and watered the whole <tei-seg ana="#personification" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">face of the ground</tei-seg></tei-seg>. <sup><tei-seg type="verse" xml:id="ch02v7" id="ch02v7" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">7</tei-seg></sup>Then <tei-seg ana="#creation" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">the LORD God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the <tei-seg ana="#symbol" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">breath of life</tei-seg></tei-seg>;<a tabindex="0" data-toggle="popover" data-trigger="focus" data-content="<i class= "small">Mark Marsden</i>: This text presents a unique expression on how God works. Instead of as in Genesis 1, where God speaks the universe into existence, here it is as if he walks upon the Earth like a man, constructing these creations with his hands. He acts in a very human manner here, almost as if he is a craftsman. On God, this makes him appear with more care and attention to his creation, as a creator concerned with the beauty and art of his craft, just as an artificer or master artisan might be. Yet, there is also the notion that this brings God closer to humans, and humans closer to God. Humans have the ability to create, and must toil with skill and energy to do so, yet they can still create nonetheless. In this sense, they are as God is, crafting the world and breathing life into metal and earth to suit their needs, though admittedly not quite on the level that God is portrayed to have done. -Mark M."><tei-anchor xml:id="a011" id="a011" data-origname="anchor" data-empty="" data-processed=""><sup><i class="far fa-comment-alt light"></i><sup></sup></sup></tei-anchor></a> and man became a living soul. <sup><tei-seg type="verse" xml:id="ch02v8" id="ch02v8" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">8</tei-seg></sup>And the LORD God <tei-seg ana="#farmer" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">planted</tei-seg> a garden eastward, in <tei-placename ref="#l_eden" data-origname="placeName" data-processed="">Eden</tei-placename>; and there He put the man whom He had formed. <sup><tei-seg type="verse" xml:id="ch02v9" id="ch02v9" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">9</tei-seg></sup>And <tei-seg ana="#creation" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">out of the ground made the LORD God <tei-seg ana="#food" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">to grow every <tei-seg ana="#good" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">tree that is pleasant to the sight, and good for food</tei-seg></tei-seg>; the tree of life also in the midst of the garden, and the tree of the knowledge of <tei-seg ana="#good" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">good</tei-seg> and <tei-seg ana="#evil" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">evil</tei-seg></tei-seg><a tabindex="0" data-toggle="popover" data-trigger="focus" data-content="<i class= "small">Jason Prentice</i>: The translation of this term is consequential for how one understands the tree and also, perhaps, anything that has been labeled "good" thus far in Genesis. Some translators render it just as the first JPS translation has done so here (e.g., Umberto Cassuto (1944), the New Revised Standard Version (1989), and Robert Alter (1996)). Others, such as the JPS 2nd edition (1985) and Robert Sacks (1971) translate the word as "bad." Leon Kass (2003) writes, "The Hebrew word... has a much broader meaning than moral evil" (63). -Jason P."><tei-anchor xml:id="a012" id="a012" data-origname="anchor" data-empty="" data-processed=""><sup><i class="far fa-comment-alt light"></i><sup></sup></sup></tei-anchor></a>. <sup><tei-seg type="verse" xml:id="ch02v10" id="ch02v10" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">10</tei-seg></sup>And <tei-seg ana="#water" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">a river went out of <tei-placename ref="#l_eden" data-origname="placeName" data-processed="">Eden</tei-placename> to water the garden</tei-seg>; and from thence <tei-seg ana="#separation" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">it was parted, and became four heads</tei-seg>. <sup><tei-seg type="verse" xml:id="ch02v11" id="ch02v11" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">11</tei-seg></sup>The name of the first is <tei-placename ref="#l_pishon" data-origname="placeName" data-processed="">Pishon</tei-placename>; that is it which compasseth the whole land of <tei-placename ref="#l_havilah" data-origname="placeName" data-processed="">Havilah</tei-placename>, where there is gold<a tabindex="0" data-toggle="popover" data-trigger="focus" data-content="<i class= "small">Kelley Orr</i>: Assigned value... Interesting. -Kelley O."><tei-anchor xml:id="a013" id="a013" data-origname="anchor" data-empty="" data-processed=""><sup><i class="far fa-comment-alt light"></i><sup></sup></sup></tei-anchor></a> <sup><tei-seg type="verse" xml:id="ch02v12" id="ch02v12" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">12</tei-seg></sup>and <tei-seg ana="#good" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">the gold of that land is good</tei-seg>; there is bdellium and the onyx stone. <sup><tei-seg type="verse" xml:id="ch02v13" id="ch02v13" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">13</tei-seg></sup>And the name of the second river is <tei-placename ref="#l_gihon" data-origname="placeName" data-processed="">Gihon</tei-placename>; the same is it that compasseth the whole <tei-placename ref="#l_kush" data-origname="placeName" data-processed="">land of Cush</tei-placename>. <sup><tei-seg type="verse" xml:id="ch02v14" id="ch02v14" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">14</tei-seg></sup>And the name of the third river is <tei-placename ref="#l_tigris" data-origname="placeName" data-processed="">Tigris</tei-placename>; that is it which goeth toward the east of <tei-placename ref="#l_ashur" data-origname="placeName" data-processed="">Asshur</tei-placename>. And the fourth river is the <tei-placename ref="#l_euphrates" data-origname="placeName" data-processed="">Euphrates</tei-placename>. <sup><tei-seg type="verse" xml:id="ch02v15" id="ch02v15" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">15</tei-seg></sup>And <tei-seg ana="#commandment" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">the LORD God took the man, and put him into <tei-placename ref="#l_eden" data-origname="placeName" data-processed="">the garden of Eden</tei-placename> to dress it<a tabindex="0" data-toggle="popover" data-trigger="focus" data-content="<i class= "small">Kelley Orr</i>: Foreshadowing word choice, as Adam and Eve are currently naked and unaware of what "dressing" means. The track for civilization has been set. -Kelley O."><tei-anchor xml:id="a014" id="a014" data-origname="anchor" data-empty="" data-processed=""><sup><i class="far fa-comment-alt light"></i><sup></sup></sup></tei-anchor></a> and to keep it</tei-seg>. <sup><tei-seg type="verse" xml:id="ch02v16" id="ch02v16" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">16</tei-seg></sup>And the LORD <tei-seg ana="#commandment" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">God commanded the man, saying: '<tei-seg ana="#food" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">Of every tree of the garden thou mayest freely eat</tei-seg> <sup><tei-seg type="verse" xml:id="ch02v17" id="ch02v17" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">17</tei-seg></sup>but of the tree of the knowledge of <tei-seg ana="#good" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">good</tei-seg> and <tei-seg ana="#evil" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">evil</tei-seg>, thou shalt not eat of it; for in the day that thou eatest thereof thou <tei-seg ana="#bad" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">shalt surely die</tei-seg>.'</tei-seg><a tabindex="0" data-toggle="popover" data-trigger="focus" data-content="<i class= "small">Mark Marsden</i>: <tei-p data-origname="p" data-processed="">From the beginning, Eve is uniquely set apart by the temptation of the Tree of Knowledge, and interestingly created after God's initial warning against eating from the tree. More acutely obvious in Genesis 3 is how Eve takes direct interest in the tree, the only active actor in the scene with the serpent, where Adam is notably absent. This does much to characterize her inherent curiosity, which is instrumental in differentiating the two characters. Adam only does as directed by God, and what is made available to him, where Eve appears to more fundamentally realize her capabilities as a human. Yet she appears to be concerned with things other than gaining knowledge for herself, but perhaps in the potential of humans in the future, taking advantage of their skills of creation and free will.</tei-p>
<tei-p data-origname="p" data-processed="">God is often regarded as having created the Tree of Knowledge, which is problematic in itself. If he created the tree, why tempt humanity? What does this add to the experience of living in Eden? Simply put, it is difficult to understand his motivations at this moment, because this leads to him having to apparently punish Adam and Eve when the disobey him. However, there is also the possibility that God did not create the Tree of Knowledge, or the serpent. God appears to be wary of the Tree, and of its inherent danger and apparent corruption. This creates the notion that perhaps he did not create it, as it was not intentional, and as such problematic for him as well as Adam and Eve. The serpent itself provides a unique presence in the Garden, and is often interpreted differently as Satan or a Spirit. Yet, God does appear to be able to exert his will over it, ensuring that it is a being less than divine. Overall, the presence of these things is definitively problematic, and poses an interesting crack in the paradise of Eden. -Mark M.</tei-p>"><tei-anchor xml:id="a015" id="a015" data-origname="anchor" data-empty="" data-processed=""><sup><i class="far fa-comment-alt light"></i><sup></sup></sup></tei-anchor></a><a tabindex="0" data-toggle="popover" data-trigger="focus" data-content="<i class= "small">Hailey Grace Ames</i>: Last semester, I took a class called "Ancient Worlds" and we read Genesis. In that class, we wrote essays and one of the ones I wrote was about how G-d is like a casino owner. He's manipulative and very protective of his regulars (the covenant), yet self serving, as I imagine a casino owner would be. He tests and checks his creations to see their constitution, perhaps like a watchful owner would, to ensure there isn't any misconduct going on in the casino. Inevitably, however, something will go wrong, and he starts back at square two (since there are still some humans alive) after the flood because he realises there was some corruption and the games were not going as he had intended. -Hailey A."><tei-anchor xml:id="a015a" id="a015a" data-origname="anchor" data-empty="" data-processed=""><sup><i class="far fa-comment-alt light"></i><sup></sup></sup></tei-anchor></a></tei-ab>
<tei-ab type="p" data-origname="ab" data-processed=""><sup><tei-seg type="verse" xml:id="ch02v18" id="ch02v18" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">18</tei-seg></sup>And the LORD God said: '<tei-seg ana="#bad" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">It is not good that the man should be alone</tei-seg>; I will make him a help meet<a tabindex="0" data-toggle="popover" data-trigger="focus" data-content="<i class= "small">Hailey Grace Ames</i>: In the New Standard Revised Version, the phrase is replaced with "helper." -Hailey A."><tei-anchor xml:id="a016" id="a016" data-origname="anchor" data-empty="" data-processed=""><sup><i class="far fa-comment-alt light"></i><sup></sup></sup></tei-anchor></a><a tabindex="0" data-toggle="popover" data-trigger="focus" data-content="<i class= "small">Jason Prentice</i>: <tei-p data-origname="p" data-processed="">Heb.: ezer kenegdo = help opposite</tei-p>
<tei-p data-origname="p" data-processed="">Heb.: neged = opposite (Kass 72-73)</tei-p>
<tei-p data-origname="p" data-processed="">Kass: "help opposite him" -Jason P.</tei-p>"><tei-anchor xml:id="a016a" id="a016a" data-origname="anchor" data-empty="" data-processed=""><sup><i class="far fa-comment-alt light"></i><sup></sup></sup></tei-anchor></a> for him.' <sup><tei-seg type="verse" xml:id="ch02v19" id="ch02v19" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">19</tei-seg></sup>And out of the ground <tei-seg ana="#creation" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">the LORD God formed every <tei-rs type="animal" data-origname="rs" data-processed="">beast</tei-rs> of the field, and every <tei-rs type="animal" data-origname="rs" data-processed="">fowl</tei-rs> of the air</tei-seg>; and brought them unto the man to see what he would call them; and whatsoever the man would call every living creature, that was to be the name thereof. <sup><tei-seg type="verse" xml:id="ch02v20" id="ch02v20" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">20</tei-seg></sup><tei-seg ana="#independence" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">And the man gave names to all <tei-rs type="animal" data-origname="rs" data-processed="">cattle</tei-rs>, and to the <tei-rs type="animal" data-origname="rs" data-processed="">fowl</tei-rs> of the air, and to every <tei-rs type="animal" data-origname="rs" data-processed="">beast</tei-rs> of the field</tei-seg>; but for <tei-persname ref="#adam" data-origname="persName" data-processed="">Adam</tei-persname> there was not found a help meet for him. <sup><tei-seg type="verse" xml:id="ch02v21" id="ch02v21" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">21</tei-seg></sup>And the LORD God caused a deep sleep<a tabindex="0" data-toggle="popover" data-trigger="focus" data-content="<i class= "small">Kelley Orr</i>: God puts Adam in a deep sleep as if to avoid hurting him. -Kelley O."><tei-anchor xml:id="a017" id="a017" data-origname="anchor" data-empty="" data-processed=""><sup><i class="far fa-comment-alt light"></i><sup></sup></sup></tei-anchor></a><a tabindex="0" data-toggle="popover" data-trigger="focus" data-content="<i class= "small">Hailey Grace Ames</i>: Or perhaps it was to keep Adam from stopping Him. -Hailey A."><tei-anchor xml:id="a017a" id="a017a" data-origname="anchor" data-empty="" data-processed=""><sup><i class="far fa-comment-alt light"></i><sup></sup></sup></tei-anchor></a> to fall upon the man, and he slept; and He took one of his ribs, and closed up the place with flesh instead thereof. <sup><tei-seg type="verse" xml:id="ch02v22" id="ch02v22" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">22</tei-seg></sup><tei-seg ana="#separation" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">And the rib, which the LORD God had taken from the man, <tei-seg ana="#creation" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">made He a <tei-persname ref="#eve" data-origname="persName" data-processed="">woman</tei-persname></tei-seg></tei-seg><a tabindex="0" data-toggle="popover" data-trigger="focus" data-content="<i class= "small">Jason Prentice</i>: Heb.: 'ishah (Kass 77). -Jason P."><tei-anchor xml:id="a018" id="a018" data-origname="anchor" data-empty="" data-processed=""><sup><i class="far fa-comment-alt light"></i><sup></sup></sup></tei-anchor></a>, and brought her unto the man.<a tabindex="0" data-toggle="popover" data-trigger="focus" data-content="<i class= "small">Jason Prentice</i>: This is the first occurrence in Genesis of the Hebrew word 'ish, meaning "male human being" (see Kass, page 77). Previously, the grammatically masculine but semantically gender-neutral 'adam (meaning "human" or perhaps "earthling") has been used. Thus, only after the creation of the first woman do we have the first definitive reference to a person who is sexually male. -Jason P."><tei-anchor xml:id="a019" id="a019" data-origname="anchor" data-empty="" data-processed=""><sup><i class="far fa-comment-alt light"></i><sup></sup></sup></tei-anchor></a> <sup><tei-seg type="verse" xml:id="ch02v23" id="ch02v23" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">23</tei-seg></sup><tei-seg ana="#independence" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">And the man said: 'This is now bone of my bones, and flesh of my flesh; she shall be called Woman, because she was taken out of Man.'</tei-seg> <sup><tei-seg type="verse" xml:id="ch02v24" id="ch02v24" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">24</tei-seg></sup>Therefore shall a <tei-seg ana="#separation" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">man leave his father and his mother, and shall cleave unto his wife</tei-seg>, and <tei-seg ana="#combination" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">they shall be one flesh</tei-seg>. <sup><tei-seg type="verse" xml:id="ch02v25" id="ch02v25" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">25</tei-seg></sup>And they were both naked, the man and his wife, and were not ashamed.</tei-ab></tei-div>
<tei-div type="chapter" xml:id="ch3" id="ch3" data-origname="div" data-processed=""><tei-head data-origname="head" data-processed="">Chapter 3</tei-head>
<tei-ab type="p" data-origname="ab" data-processed=""><sup><tei-seg type="verse" xml:id="ch03v1" id="ch03v1" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">1</tei-seg></sup>Now the <tei-persname ref="#serpent" data-origname="persName" data-processed="">serpent</tei-persname> was more <tei-seg ana="#ambiguous" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">subtle</tei-seg> than <tei-seg ana="#creation" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">any <tei-rs type="animal" data-origname="rs" data-processed="">beast</tei-rs> of the field which the LORD God had made</tei-seg><a tabindex="0" data-toggle="popover" data-trigger="focus" data-content="<i class= "small">Noah Chasen</i>: Does the existence of evil or some other force that opposes the will of God in Eden hint that God is imperfect and capable of imbuing creatures with flaws such as the snake's trickery? Alternatively, does it indicate that the search for knowledge is not necessarily a morally wrong one, just one that God does not want man to search for? Is knowledge sacreligious, or is God simply testing mankind? Is the snake a tool in such a test? These are the questions that can be raised by the existence of evil in a world created by a supposedly all-powerful God. -Noah C."><tei-anchor xml:id="a020" id="a020" data-origname="anchor" data-empty="" data-processed=""><sup><i class="far fa-comment-alt light"></i><sup></sup></sup></tei-anchor></a><a tabindex="0" data-toggle="popover" data-trigger="focus" data-content="<i class= "small">Hailey Grace Ames</i>: Or it could be that there are multiple deities. There are lots of instances of "us" in creation as well. Like maybe G-d created other spirits, like this "snake" spirit and then realized that perhaps not everything he created was good. Or maybe this was born out of the darkness he keeps separating from the light. -Hailey A."><tei-anchor xml:id="a020a" id="a020a" data-origname="anchor" data-empty="" data-processed=""><sup><i class="far fa-comment-alt light"></i><sup></sup></sup></tei-anchor></a>. And he said unto the <tei-persname ref="#eve" data-origname="persName" data-processed="">woman</tei-persname>: 'Yea, hath God said: Ye shall not eat of any tree of <tei-placename ref="#l_eden" data-origname="placeName" data-processed="">the garden</tei-placename>?' <sup><tei-seg type="verse" xml:id="ch03v2" id="ch03v2" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">2</tei-seg></sup>And the woman said unto the <tei-persname ref="#serpent" data-origname="persName" data-processed="">serpent</tei-persname>: 'Of the <tei-seg ana="#symbol" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">fruit of the trees of <tei-placename ref="#l_eden" data-origname="placeName" data-processed="">the garden</tei-placename></tei-seg> we may eat <sup><tei-seg type="verse" xml:id="ch03v3" id="ch03v3" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">3</tei-seg></sup>but of the <tei-seg ana="#symbol" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">fruit</tei-seg> of the <tei-placename ref="#l_tree_of_knowledge" data-origname="placeName" data-processed="">tree</tei-placename> which is in the midst of <tei-placename ref="#l_eden" data-origname="placeName" data-processed="">the garden</tei-placename>, God hath said: <tei-seg ana="#commandment" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">'Ye shall not eat of it, neither shall ye touch it, <tei-seg ana="#consequence" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">lest ye die</tei-seg>.'</tei-seg> <sup><tei-seg type="verse" xml:id="ch03v4" id="ch03v4" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">4</tei-seg></sup>And the <tei-persname ref="#serpent" data-origname="persName" data-processed="">serpent</tei-persname> said unto the <tei-persname ref="#eve" data-origname="persName" data-processed="">woman</tei-persname>: 'Ye shall not surely die <sup><tei-seg type="verse" xml:id="ch03v5" id="ch03v5" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">5</tei-seg></sup>for God doth know that in the day ye eat thereof, then your eyes shall be opened, and ye shall be as God, knowing <tei-seg ana="#good" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">good</tei-seg> and <tei-seg ana="#evil" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">evil</tei-seg>.' <sup><tei-seg type="verse" xml:id="ch03v6" id="ch03v6" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">6</tei-seg></sup>And when <tei-seg ana="#food" data-origname="seg" data-processed=""><tei-seg ana="#good" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">the <tei-persname ref="#eve" data-origname="persName" data-processed="">woman</tei-persname> saw that the <tei-placename ref="#l_tree_of_knowledge" data-origname="placeName" data-processed="">tree</tei-placename> was good for food</tei-seg></tei-seg>, and that it was a delight<a tabindex="0" data-toggle="popover" data-trigger="focus" data-content="<i class= "small">Jason Prentice</i>: Heb.: ta'awah = intensely desired; Alter: "lust". -Jason P."><tei-anchor xml:id="a022" id="a022" data-origname="anchor" data-empty="" data-processed=""><sup><i class="far fa-comment-alt light"></i><sup></sup></sup></tei-anchor></a><a tabindex="0" data-toggle="popover" data-trigger="focus" data-content="<i class= "small">Noah Chasen</i>: The implications of Alter's translation of "deight" in 3.6 and the original Hebrew "ta'awah" as more akin to "lust" demonstrates the fruit's power over Eve and serves to explain why Adam and Eve would eat from the one tree they were instructed to not touch. This change in understanding could have drastic implications for my problem statement. -Noah C."><tei-anchor xml:id="a022a" id="a022a" data-origname="anchor" data-empty="" data-processed=""><sup><i class="far fa-comment-alt light"></i><sup></sup></sup></tei-anchor></a> to the eyes, and that the <tei-placename ref="#l_tree_of_knowledge" data-origname="placeName" data-processed="">tree</tei-placename> was to be desired to make one wise, <tei-seg ana="#disobedience" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">she took of the fruit thereof, and did eat; and she gave also unto her <tei-persname ref="#adam" data-origname="persName" data-processed="">husband</tei-persname> with her, and he did eat</tei-seg><a tabindex="0" data-toggle="popover" data-trigger="focus" data-content="<i class= "small">Mark Marsden</i>: Our first interaction with the being "woman" in Genesis is the prior exchange between the serpent and Eve, and her subsequent disobedience towards God. Simply put, this is a bad foot to start off on for characterizing females as a gender in Genesis, and the blame appears to be lead to Eve practically immediately. Adam is nowhere to be seen during the exchange, and follows complacently with what Eve does, eating the fruit. Moreover, this is the first exhibition of real human independence and an attempt at understanding in Genesis. -Mark M."><tei-anchor xml:id="a021" id="a021" data-origname="anchor" data-empty="" data-processed=""><sup><i class="far fa-comment-alt light"></i><sup></sup></sup></tei-anchor></a><a tabindex="0" data-toggle="popover" data-trigger="focus" data-content="<i class= "small">Hailey Grace Ames</i>: <tei-p data-origname="p" data-processed="">Mark points out in the previous comment that this is a bad foot to get started on, and I agree. However, I think a different, more pressing question arises from asking "why did Adam let Eve eat the fruit to begin with?"</tei-p>
<tei-p data-origname="p" data-processed="">G-d created Eve after He told Adam not to eat from tree, and while she knows she's not supposed to (since she tells the serpent that she knows she will die if she eats from the tree), she may not fully understand the implications if she does eat. "Dying" means nothing to someone if they have never seen it before, and clearly she isn't afraid of it. Adam may understand more, since he existed while G-d was still creating, so he knows His power more than Eve does.</tei-p>
<tei-p data-origname="p" data-processed="">But even if she did know that dying wasn't a good thing, why did Adam just stand by and allow her to be "beguiled" by the serpent? He could have stepped in to prohibit the conversation, but he doesn't. He enables Eve to make the decision to eat the fruit. And instead of refusing the fruit, he willingly takes it from Eve's hands and takes a bite. Then Adam has the audacity to tell G-d that Eve forced him to eat the fruit. This doesn't seem right. Especially because Eve inarguable receives a worse punishment than Adam. -Hailey A.</tei-p>"><tei-anchor xml:id="a021a" id="a021a" data-origname="anchor" data-empty="" data-processed=""><sup><i class="far fa-comment-alt light"></i><sup></sup></sup></tei-anchor></a><a tabindex="0" data-toggle="popover" data-trigger="focus" data-content="<i class= "small">Mark Marsden</i>: Basically, what I'm looking for here is a statement on culpability. Is Adam complicit since he didn't say anything? Is Eve more culpable because she chose to pick the fruit and eat it, where Adam apparently just... does? What's the balance here? -Mark M."><tei-anchor xml:id="a021b" id="a021b" data-origname="anchor" data-empty="" data-processed=""><sup><i class="far fa-comment-alt light"></i><sup></sup></sup></tei-anchor></a>. <sup><tei-seg type="verse" xml:id="ch03v7" id="ch03v7" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">7</tei-seg></sup><tei-seg ana="#consequence" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">And the eyes of them both were opened, and they knew that they were naked</tei-seg><a tabindex="0" data-toggle="popover" data-trigger="focus" data-content="<i class= "small">Noah Chasen</i>: Genesis seems to indicate that part of what separates mankind from animals is the recognition that one is naked, seen here as something to be ashamed of that must be resolved before they can be in the presence of God. If Adam and Eve were unashamed of their nakedness prior to eating the fruit of knowledge, then perhaps mankind was no different from other animals aside from being made in the image of God. Does this lead to the conclusion that God is curious, can be ashamed? Is mankind the link between the animalistic nature of beasts and the perfect form of God? -Noah C."><tei-anchor xml:id="a023" id="a023" data-origname="anchor" data-empty="" data-processed=""><sup><i class="far fa-comment-alt light"></i><sup></sup></sup></tei-anchor></a><a tabindex="0" data-toggle="popover" data-trigger="focus" data-content="<i class= "small">Mark Marsden</i>: The idea that God could potentially feel shame definitely makes his later actions, specifically the flood, more interesting. Was he really trying to wipe his regrets away? This could add an angle to his actions that adds depth to his choices. -Mark M."><tei-anchor xml:id="a024" id="a024" data-origname="anchor" data-empty="" data-processed=""><sup><i class="far fa-comment-alt light"></i><sup></sup></sup></tei-anchor></a><a tabindex="0" data-toggle="popover" data-trigger="focus" data-content="<i class= "small">Noah Chasen</i>: Here, Adam and Eve realized their shame and nakedness, a strange first conclusion after they ate of the Tree of Knowledge. Moreover, they felt shame for it, a development that raises questions after the promise from the serpent that they would become as God(s). Perhaps it is possible that God experienced a far wider breadth of emotion than Adam and Eve did before eating the fruit, making him decidedly human in his perceptions and decisions. If he is susceptible to shame, it follows that he is susceptible to anger, sadness, happiness, and the whole gamut human emotion. Moreover, this conclusion leads us to wonder at the nature of God's choices later on, when he cleanses the Earth of life during the flood, or when he burns Sodom and Gomorrah. Overall, this presents a God intimately concerned with the happenings on Earth, but also a divine entity who is emotional and is affected by these actions. -Noah C."><tei-anchor xml:id="a024a" id="a024a" data-origname="anchor" data-empty="" data-processed=""><sup><i class="far fa-comment-alt light"></i><sup></sup></sup></tei-anchor></a>; and <tei-seg ana="#combination" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">they sewed fig-leaves together</tei-seg>, and made themselves girdles. <sup><tei-seg type="verse" xml:id="ch03v8" id="ch03v8" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">8</tei-seg></sup>And they heard the voice of the LORD God walking<a tabindex="0" data-toggle="popover" data-trigger="focus" data-content="<i class= "small">Hailey Grace Ames</i>: Does G-d have legs? Is he a corporeal being? -Hailey A."><tei-anchor xml:id="a025" id="a025" data-origname="anchor" data-empty="" data-processed=""><sup><i class="far fa-comment-alt light"></i><sup></sup></sup></tei-anchor></a><a tabindex="0" data-toggle="popover" data-trigger="focus" data-content="<i class= "small">Kelley Orr</i>: He's probably like a Greek god and can take forms, as evident that he makes himself a burning bush in his encounter with Moses. -Kelley O."><tei-anchor xml:id="a025a" id="a025a" data-origname="anchor" data-empty="" data-processed=""><sup><i class="far fa-comment-alt light"></i><sup></sup></sup></tei-anchor></a><a tabindex="0" data-toggle="popover" data-trigger="focus" data-content="<i class= "small">Kelley Orr</i>: Is this personification? Does God have a body? If he did, does he no longer have one? What is the relationship between body and spirit? -Kelley O."><tei-anchor xml:id="a025b" id="a025b" data-origname="anchor" data-empty="" data-processed=""><sup><i class="far fa-comment-alt light"></i><sup></sup></sup></tei-anchor></a> in the <tei-placename ref="#l_eden" data-origname="placeName" data-processed="">garden</tei-placename> toward the cool of the day; and <tei-seg ana="#separation" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">the man and his wife hid themselves from the presence of the LORD God</tei-seg> amongst the trees of the <tei-placename ref="#l_eden" data-origname="placeName" data-processed="">garden</tei-placename>. <sup><tei-seg type="verse" xml:id="ch03v9" id="ch03v9" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">9</tei-seg></sup>And the LORD God called unto the <tei-persname ref="#adam" data-origname="persName" data-processed="">man</tei-persname>, and said unto him: 'Where art thou?' <sup><tei-seg type="verse" xml:id="ch03v10" id="ch03v10" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">10</tei-seg></sup>And he said: 'I heard Thy voice in the garden, and I was afraid, because I was naked; and I hid myself.' <sup><tei-seg type="verse" xml:id="ch03v11" id="ch03v11" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">11</tei-seg></sup>And He said: 'Who told thee that thou wast naked? Hast thou eaten of <tei-placename ref="#l_tree_of_knowledge" data-origname="placeName" data-processed="">the tree, whereof I commanded thee that thou shouldest not eat</tei-placename>?' <sup><tei-seg type="verse" xml:id="ch03v12" id="ch03v12" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">12</tei-seg></sup>And the <tei-persname ref="#adam" data-origname="persName" data-processed="">man</tei-persname> said: 'The <tei-persname ref="#eve" data-origname="persName" data-processed="">woman</tei-persname> whom Thou gavest to be with me, she gave me of the <tei-placename ref="#l_tree_of_knowledge" data-origname="placeName" data-processed="">tree</tei-placename>, and I did eat.' <sup><tei-seg type="verse" xml:id="ch03v13" id="ch03v13" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">13</tei-seg></sup>And the LORD God said unto the <tei-persname ref="#eve" data-origname="persName" data-processed="">woman</tei-persname>: 'What is this thou hast done?' And the <tei-persname ref="#eve" data-origname="persName" data-processed="">woman</tei-persname> said: 'The <tei-persname ref="#serpent" data-origname="persName" data-processed="">serpent</tei-persname> beguiled me,<a tabindex="0" data-toggle="popover" data-trigger="focus" data-content="<i class= "small">Jason Prentice</i>: Heb.: hishi'ani = lifted me (Kass 93). -Jason P."><tei-anchor xml:id="a026" id="a026" data-origname="anchor" data-empty="" data-processed=""><sup><i class="far fa-comment-alt light"></i><sup></sup></sup></tei-anchor></a> and I did eat.' <sup><tei-seg type="verse" xml:id="ch03v14" id="ch03v14" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">14</tei-seg></sup>And the LORD God said unto the <tei-persname ref="#serpent" data-origname="persName" data-processed="">serpent</tei-persname><a tabindex="0" data-toggle="popover" data-trigger="focus" data-content="<i class= "small">Aiden Sawyer</i>: Here the order of judgement flows from the causal chain of their deception: from the serepent, then to Eve, and then to Adam. -Aidan S."><tei-anchor xml:id="a027" id="a027" data-origname="anchor" data-empty="" data-processed=""><sup><i class="far fa-comment-alt light"></i><sup></sup></sup></tei-anchor></a>: '<tei-seg ana="#punishment" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">'Because thou hast done this, cursed art thou from among all <tei-rs type="animal" data-origname="rs" data-processed="">cattle</tei-rs>, and from among all <tei-rs type="animal" data-origname="rs" data-processed="">beasts</tei-rs> of the field; upon thy belly shalt thou go, and dust shalt thou eat all the days of thy life. <sup><tei-seg type="verse" xml:id="ch03v15" id="ch03v15" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">15</tei-seg></sup><tei-seg ana="#separation" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">And I will put enmity between thee <tei-seg ana="#toledot" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">and the <tei-persname ref="#eve" data-origname="persName" data-processed="">woman</tei-persname>, and between thy <tei-seg ana="#symbol" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">seed</tei-seg> and her <tei-seg ana="#symbol" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">seed</tei-seg></tei-seg></tei-seg>; they shall bruise thy head, and thou shalt bruise their heel</tei-seg>.'</tei-ab>
<tei-ab type="p" data-origname="ab" data-processed=""><sup><tei-seg type="verse" xml:id="ch03v16" id="ch03v16" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">16</tei-seg></sup>Unto the woman He said: <tei-seg ana="#punishment" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">'I will greatly multiply thy pain and thy travail; in pain thou shalt bring forth children;<a tabindex="0" data-toggle="popover" data-trigger="focus" data-content="<i class= "small">Noah Chasen</i>: In the context of the story of Genesis, this could be punishment for their breaking the one rule of the Garden of Eden, but as a creation story, it explains why our species must propogate while childbirth is so terribly painful. -Noah C."><tei-anchor xml:id="a028" id="a028" data-origname="anchor" data-empty="" data-processed=""><sup><i class="far fa-comment-alt light"></i><sup></sup></sup></tei-anchor></a> and thy desire shall be to thy husband, and he shall rule over thee.'</tei-seg><a tabindex="0" data-toggle="popover" data-trigger="focus" data-content="<i class= "small">Hailey Grace Ames</i>: This punishment, or declaration, seems like G-d is formally making woman unequal to man. Woman's punishment is to be inherently less than man, now. -Hailey A."><tei-anchor xml:id="a029" id="a029" data-origname="anchor" data-empty="" data-processed=""><sup><i class="far fa-comment-alt light"></i><sup></sup></sup></tei-anchor></a><a tabindex="0" data-toggle="popover" data-trigger="focus" data-content="<i class= "small">Noah Chasen</i>: As a product of its times, this line can be seen as an excuse for men to abuse women. -Noah C."><tei-anchor xml:id="a029a" id="a029a" data-origname="anchor" data-empty="" data-processed=""><sup><i class="far fa-comment-alt light"></i><sup></sup></sup></tei-anchor></a></tei-ab>
<tei-ab type="p" data-origname="ab" data-processed=""><sup><tei-seg type="verse" xml:id="ch03v17" id="ch03v17" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">17</tei-seg></sup>And unto <tei-persname ref="#adam" data-origname="persName" data-processed="">Adam</tei-persname> He said: <tei-seg ana="#punishment" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">'Because thou hast hearkened unto the voice of thy wife, and hast eaten of the <tei-placename ref="#l_tree_of_knowledge" data-origname="placeName" data-processed="">tree</tei-placename>, of which I commanded thee, saying: Thou shalt not eat of it; cursed is the ground for thy sake; <tei-seg ana="#farmer" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">in toil shalt thou eat of it</tei-seg> all the days of thy life. <sup><tei-seg type="verse" xml:id="ch03v18" id="ch03v18" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">18</tei-seg></sup><tei-seg ana="#consequence" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">Thorns also and thistles shall it bring forth to thee; and <tei-seg ana="#food" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">thou shalt eat the herb of the field</tei-seg></tei-seg> <sup><tei-seg type="verse" xml:id="ch03v19" id="ch03v19" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">19</tei-seg></sup>In the sweat of thy face <tei-seg ana="#food" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">shalt thou eat bread</tei-seg>, till thou return unto the ground; for out of it wast thou taken; for dust thou art, and unto dust shalt thou return.'</tei-seg> <sup><tei-seg type="verse" xml:id="ch03v20" id="ch03v20" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">20</tei-seg></sup>And the man called his wife's name <tei-persname ref="#eve" data-origname="persName" data-processed="">Eve</tei-persname>; because she was the mother of all living. <sup><tei-seg type="verse" xml:id="ch03v21" id="ch03v21" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">21</tei-seg></sup><tei-seg ana="#consequence" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">And the LORD God <tei-seg ana="#creation" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">made for <tei-persname ref="#adam" data-origname="persName" data-processed="">Adam</tei-persname> and for his wife garments of skins</tei-seg>, and clothed them</tei-seg>.</tei-ab>
<tei-ab type="p" data-origname="ab" data-processed=""><sup><tei-seg type="verse" xml:id="ch03v22" id="ch03v22" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">22</tei-seg></sup>And the LORD God said: <tei-seg ana="#declaration" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">'Behold, the man is become as one of us, to know <tei-seg ana="#good" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">good</tei-seg> and <tei-seg ana="#evil" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">evil</tei-seg>; and now, lest he put forth his hand, and take also of the <tei-placename ref="#l_tree_of_life" data-origname="placeName" data-processed="">tree of life</tei-placename>, and eat, and live for ever.'</tei-seg><a tabindex="0" data-toggle="popover" data-trigger="focus" data-content="<i class= "small">Mark Marsden</i>: God appears to be an entity outside of our understanding of the self, as he refers often to what we perceive as a single entity with "our" or "us," which could be evocative of a kinship with humanity, or suggestive of a multi-faceted self that we can not understand. Moreover, God in this statement suggests that humanity is apparently equal with God on some level, a strange development when it appears they have no chance of exerting their will against him. Perhaps it is that this is the path that sets them onto becoming divine one day, but also it could be that they are only his equal one on level. That is to say, in how they experience life and emotions. They can feel everything in the way that God can, just not on the same scale, and as such there is a division between humans and God. Moreover, God still appears to hold onto vast understanding and power far beyond what humans are able to bring to bear, though in a sense, humans carry a slice of divinity within them in how they create and experience life. In equal measure, however, it could mean that God carries a slice of humanity within Himself. -Mark M."><tei-anchor xml:id="a030" id="a030" data-origname="anchor" data-empty="" data-processed=""><sup><i class="far fa-comment-alt light"></i><sup></sup></sup></tei-anchor></a><a tabindex="0" data-toggle="popover" data-trigger="focus" data-content="<i class= "small">Kelley Orr</i>: Maybe this line means something along the lines of "now man has become closer to a god because he knows good and evil." God did say "be fruitful and multiply" and people live for centuries, now that they have their own authority, they are more immortal than before. -Kelley O."><tei-anchor xml:id="a030a" id="a030a" data-origname="anchor" data-empty="" data-processed=""><sup><i class="far fa-comment-alt light"></i><sup></sup></sup></tei-anchor></a><a tabindex="0" data-toggle="popover" data-trigger="focus" data-content="<i class= "small">Aiden Sawyer</i>: <tei-p data-origname="p" data-processed="">Commentary I've read on this (unsure where) says that eating of the tree of life would cause man to be immortal, implying that knowledge and immortality are two aspects of being "like a god."</tei-p>
<tei-p data-origname="p" data-processed="">This can then be read as a warning towards the historical pursuit of immortality (e.g. fountain of youth). -Aidan S.</tei-p>"><tei-anchor xml:id="a030b" id="a030b" data-origname="anchor" data-empty="" data-processed=""><sup><i class="far fa-comment-alt light"></i><sup></sup></sup></tei-anchor></a><a tabindex="0" data-toggle="popover" data-trigger="focus" data-content="<i class= "small">Hailey Grace Ames</i>: <tei-p data-origname="p" data-processed="">The previous three comments on this one quoation are all really interesting because this is a confusing line, especially because G-d says "us," yet there is only supposed to be one god. Are there other deities?</tei-p>
<tei-p data-origname="p" data-processed="">Furthermore, since humans now know good and evil, wouldn't they be closer to G-d, now? And isn't that what Eve really wanted to begin with, to be closer to G-d (i.e., to be lifted up to G-d's level). It's also necessary to consider that "know" doesn't always mean "to be familiar with." It can also mean to "have sexual intercourse" and "be capable of," which would have incredible implications about G-d (e.g., does this mean that G-d is also capable of being evil?).</tei-p>
<tei-p data-origname="p" data-processed="">Lastly, the comment that Aidan wrote made me think that being fruitful and multiplying is, in a way, immortality, since humanity will be immortal, even if the individual isn't. -Hailey A.</tei-p>"><tei-anchor xml:id="a030c" id="a030c" data-origname="anchor" data-empty="" data-processed=""><sup><i class="far fa-comment-alt light"></i><sup></sup></sup></tei-anchor></a> <sup><tei-seg type="verse" xml:id="ch03v23" id="ch03v23" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">23</tei-seg></sup>Therefore <tei-seg ana="#consequence" data-origname="seg" data-processed=""><tei-seg ana="#separation" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">the LORD God sent him forth from the <tei-placename ref="#l_eden" data-origname="placeName" data-processed="">garden of Eden</tei-placename>, to <tei-seg ana="#farmer" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">till the ground from whence he was taken</tei-seg></tei-seg></tei-seg>. <sup><tei-seg type="verse" xml:id="ch03v24" id="ch03v24" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">24</tei-seg></sup><tei-seg ana="#consequence" data-origname="seg" data-processed=""><tei-seg ana="#repetition" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">So <tei-seg ana="#separation" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">He drove out the man</tei-seg>; and He placed at the east of <tei-placename ref="#l_eden" data-origname="placeName" data-processed="">the garden of Eden</tei-placename></tei-seg> the <tei-seg ana="#symbol" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">cherubim</tei-seg>, and the flaming sword which turned every way, to keep the way to <tei-placename ref="#l_tree_of_life" data-origname="placeName" data-processed="">the tree of life</tei-placename></tei-seg>.</tei-ab></tei-div>
<tei-div type="chapter" xml:id="ch4" id="ch4" data-origname="div" data-processed=""><tei-head data-origname="head" data-processed="">Chapter 4</tei-head>
<tei-ab type="p" data-origname="ab" data-processed=""><sup><tei-seg type="verse" xml:id="ch04v1" id="ch04v1" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">1</tei-seg></sup><tei-seg ana="#creation" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">And the man knew <tei-persname ref="#eve" data-origname="persName" data-processed="">Eve</tei-persname> his wife; and <tei-seg ana="#toledot" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">she conceived and bore <tei-persname ref="#cain" data-origname="persName" data-processed="">Cain</tei-persname>, and said: 'I have gotten a man with the help of the LORD.' <sup><tei-seg type="verse" xml:id="ch04v2" id="ch04v2" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">2</tei-seg></sup>And again she bore his brother <tei-persname ref="#abel" data-origname="persName" data-processed="">Abel</tei-persname>.</tei-seg></tei-seg> And <tei-seg ana="#shepherd" data-origname="seg" data-processed=""><tei-persname ref="#abel" data-origname="persName" data-processed="">Abel</tei-persname> was a keeper of sheep</tei-seg>, but <tei-seg ana="#farmer" data-origname="seg" data-processed=""><tei-persname ref="#cain" data-origname="persName" data-processed="">Cain</tei-persname> was a tiller of the ground</tei-seg>. <sup><tei-seg type="verse" xml:id="ch04v3" id="ch04v3" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">3</tei-seg></sup>And in process of time it came to pass, that <tei-seg ana="#farmer" data-origname="seg" data-processed=""><tei-seg ana="#obedience" data-origname="seg" data-processed=""><tei-persname ref="#cain" data-origname="persName" data-processed="">Cain</tei-persname> brought of <tei-seg ana="#food" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">the fruit of the ground</tei-seg> an offering unto the LORD</tei-seg></tei-seg>. <sup><tei-seg type="verse" xml:id="ch04v4" id="ch04v4" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">4</tei-seg></sup>And <tei-seg ana="#shepherd" data-origname="seg" data-processed=""><tei-persname ref="#abel" data-origname="persName" data-processed="">Abel</tei-persname>, he also brought of <tei-seg ana="#food" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">the firstlings of his flock and of the fat thereof</tei-seg>. And the LORD <tei-seg ana="#reward" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">had respect unto <tei-persname ref="#abel" data-origname="persName" data-processed="">Abel</tei-persname> and to his offering</tei-seg></tei-seg> <sup><tei-seg type="verse" xml:id="ch04v5" id="ch04v5" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">5</tei-seg></sup>but <tei-seg ana="#punishment" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">unto <tei-persname ref="#cain" data-origname="persName" data-processed="">Cain</tei-persname> and to his offering He had not respect</tei-seg>. And <tei-seg ana="#bad" data-origname="seg" data-processed=""><tei-persname ref="#cain" data-origname="persName" data-processed="">Cain</tei-persname> was very wroth, and his countenance fell</tei-seg>. <sup><tei-seg type="verse" xml:id="ch04v6" id="ch04v6" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">6</tei-seg></sup>And the LORD said unto <tei-persname ref="#cain" data-origname="persName" data-processed="">Cain</tei-persname>: 'Why art thou wroth? and why is thy countenance fallen? <sup><tei-seg type="verse" xml:id="ch04v7" id="ch04v7" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">7</tei-seg></sup><tei-seg ana="#declaration" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">If thou doest well, shall it not be lifted up? and if thou doest not well, sin coucheth at the door; and unto thee is its desire, but thou mayest rule over it.'</tei-seg> <sup><tei-seg type="verse" xml:id="ch04v8" id="ch04v8" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">8</tei-seg></sup>And <tei-persname ref="#cain" data-origname="persName" data-processed="">Cain</tei-persname> spoke unto <tei-persname ref="#abel" data-origname="persName" data-processed="">Abel</tei-persname> his brother. <tei-seg ana="#consequence" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">And it came to pass, when they were in the field, that <tei-seg ana="#independence" data-origname="seg" data-processed=""><tei-seg ana="#bad" data-origname="seg" data-processed=""><tei-persname ref="#cain" data-origname="persName" data-processed="">Cain</tei-persname> rose up against <tei-persname ref="#abel" data-origname="persName" data-processed="">Abel</tei-persname> his brother, and slew him</tei-seg></tei-seg></tei-seg>.</tei-ab>
<tei-ab type="p" data-origname="ab" data-processed=""><sup><tei-seg type="verse" xml:id="ch04v9" id="ch04v9" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">9</tei-seg></sup>And the LORD said unto <tei-persname ref="#cain" data-origname="persName" data-processed="">Cain</tei-persname>: 'Where is <tei-persname ref="#abel" data-origname="persName" data-processed="">Abel</tei-persname> thy brother?' And he said: 'I know not; am I my brother's keeper?'<a tabindex="0" data-toggle="popover" data-trigger="focus" data-content="<i class= "small">Mark Marsden</i>: When God offers to let him come clean for his actions or possibly even to lament on what he had done, Cain fails God completely. Abel's murder is an incredibly morally black event that occurs as we understand it, and God reflects this, when he is suitably angry and curses Cain. God wants to show Cain that what he did was wrong or at least inconvenient for him, and as such is dismayed when he fails the test of his basic loyalty and faith after murdering Abel and ultimately lying to God himself. The other potential explanation is that God did in fact, not know that Cain had killed Abel, or at least had not yet realized it. This means that God is merely a fallible observer with immense power, and colors his actions with genuine concern or interest. He does not know where Abel went, and that troubles him. The revelation that Cain had murdered him is a betrayal of the highest order for God's expectations, and He takes action in accordance with this anger. -Mark M."><tei-anchor xml:id="a031" id="a031" data-origname="anchor" data-empty="" data-processed=""><sup><i class="far fa-comment-alt light"></i><sup></sup></sup></tei-anchor></a><a tabindex="0" data-toggle="popover" data-trigger="focus" data-content="<i class= "small">Noah Chasen</i>: This is the second time that God has asked a question He already knew the answer to. First in the Garden when looking for Adam and Eve, now in the fields where Cain murdered Abel. God finds how mankind will respond to questions He already knows the answer to interesting, as can be seen when He, immediately after hearing Cain's deflection of His question, accuses and curses Cain for committing murder. -Noah C."><tei-anchor xml:id="a031a" id="a031a" data-origname="anchor" data-empty="" data-processed=""><sup><i class="far fa-comment-alt light"></i><sup></sup></sup></tei-anchor></a> <sup><tei-seg type="verse" xml:id="ch04v10" id="ch04v10" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">10</tei-seg></sup>And He said: 'What hast thou done? <tei-seg ana="#hyperbole" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">the voice of thy brother's blood crieth unto Me from the ground</tei-seg>. <sup><tei-seg type="verse" xml:id="ch04v11" id="ch04v11" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">11</tei-seg></sup><tei-seg ana="#punishment" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">And now cursed art thou from the ground, which hath <tei-seg ana="#personification" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">opened her mouth to receive thy brother's blood from thy hand</tei-seg>. <sup><tei-seg type="verse" xml:id="ch04v12" id="ch04v12" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">12</tei-seg></sup><tei-seg ana="#consequence" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">When thou tillest the ground, it shall not henceforth <tei-seg ana="#personification" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">yield unto thee her strength</tei-seg>; a fugitive and a wanderer shalt thou be in the earth.</tei-seg></tei-seg>' <sup><tei-seg type="verse" xml:id="ch04v13" id="ch04v13" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">13</tei-seg></sup>And <tei-persname ref="#cain" data-origname="persName" data-processed="">Cain</tei-persname> said unto the LORD: 'My punishment is greater than I can bear. <sup><tei-seg type="verse" xml:id="ch04v14" id="ch04v14" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">14</tei-seg></sup>Behold, Thou hast driven me out this day from the face of the land; and from Thy face shall I be hid; and <tei-seg ana="#repetition" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">I shall be a fugitive and a wanderer in the earth</tei-seg>; and it will come to pass, that whosoever findeth me will slay me.' <sup><tei-seg type="verse" xml:id="ch04v15" id="ch04v15" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">15</tei-seg></sup>And the LORD said unto him: '<tei-seg ana="#declaration" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">Therefore whosoever slayeth <tei-persname ref="#cain" data-origname="persName" data-processed="">Cain</tei-persname>, vengeance shall be taken on him <tei-seg ana="#seven" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">sevenfold</tei-seg></tei-seg>.'. And the LORD set a sign for <tei-persname ref="#cain" data-origname="persName" data-processed="">Cain</tei-persname>, lest any finding him should smite him</tei-ab>
<tei-ab type="p" data-origname="ab" data-processed=""><sup><tei-seg type="verse" xml:id="ch04v16" id="ch04v16" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">16</tei-seg></sup><tei-seg ana="#separation" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">And <tei-persname ref="#cain" data-origname="persName" data-processed="">Cain</tei-persname> went out from the presence of the LORD</tei-seg>, and dwelt in <tei-placename ref="#l_nod" data-origname="placeName" data-processed="">the land of Nod</tei-placename>, on the east of <tei-placename ref="#l_eden" data-origname="placeName" data-processed="">Eden</tei-placename>. <sup><tei-seg type="verse" xml:id="ch04v17" id="ch04v17" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">17</tei-seg></sup><tei-seg ana="#toledot" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">And <tei-persname ref="#cain" data-origname="persName" data-processed="">Cain</tei-persname> knew his wife; and she conceived, and bore <tei-persname ref="#enoch" data-origname="persName" data-processed="">Enoch</tei-persname>; and <tei-placename ref="#l_enoch" data-origname="placeName" data-processed="">he builded a city, and called the name of the city after the name of his son <tei-persname ref="#enoch" data-origname="persName" data-processed="">Enoch</tei-persname></tei-placename>. <sup><tei-seg type="verse" xml:id="ch04v18" id="ch04v18" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">18</tei-seg></sup>And unto <tei-persname ref="#enoch" data-origname="persName" data-processed="">Enoch</tei-persname> was born <tei-persname ref="#irad" data-origname="persName" data-processed="">Irad</tei-persname>; and <tei-persname ref="#irad" data-origname="persName" data-processed="">Irad</tei-persname> begot <tei-persname ref="#mehujael" data-origname="persName" data-processed="">Mehujael</tei-persname>; and <tei-persname ref="#mehujael" data-origname="persName" data-processed="">Mehujael</tei-persname> begot <tei-persname ref="#methushael" data-origname="persName" data-processed="">Methushael</tei-persname>; and <tei-persname ref="#methushael" data-origname="persName" data-processed="">Methushael</tei-persname> begot <tei-persname ref="#lamech" data-origname="persName" data-processed="">Lamech</tei-persname>. <sup><tei-seg type="verse" xml:id="ch04v19" id="ch04v19" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">19</tei-seg></sup>And <tei-persname ref="#lamech" data-origname="persName" data-processed="">Lamech</tei-persname> took unto him two wives; the name of one was <tei-persname ref="#adah" data-origname="persName" data-processed="">Adah</tei-persname>, and the name of the other <tei-persname ref="#zillah" data-origname="persName" data-processed="">Zillah</tei-persname>. <sup><tei-seg type="verse" xml:id="ch04v20" id="ch04v20" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">20</tei-seg></sup>And <tei-persname ref="#adah" data-origname="persName" data-processed="">Adah</tei-persname> bore <tei-persname ref="#jabal" data-origname="persName" data-processed="">Jabal</tei-persname>; he was the father of <tei-seg ana="#shepherd" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">such as dwell in tents and have <tei-rs type="animal" data-origname="rs" data-processed="">cattle</tei-rs></tei-seg>. <sup><tei-seg type="verse" xml:id="ch04v21" id="ch04v21" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">21</tei-seg></sup>And his brother's name was Jubal; he was the father of all such as handle the harp and pipe. <sup><tei-seg type="verse" xml:id="ch04v22" id="ch04v22" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">22</tei-seg></sup>And <tei-persname ref="#zillah" data-origname="persName" data-processed="">Zillah</tei-persname>, she also bore <tei-persname ref="#tubalcain" data-origname="persName" data-processed="">Tubal-cain</tei-persname>, the forger of every cutting instrument of brass and iron;<a tabindex="0" data-toggle="popover" data-trigger="focus" data-content="<i class= "small">Mark Marsden</i>: Cain is allowed to have children after his punishment, these offspring multiplying and prospering to form civilization, associating civilization and Cain intimately with the first instance of fratricide. These cities foster music, art, and culture, but also tools for violence and perpetuates the notion of glory in conflict. Overall, there is a very intimate association with evil and civilization here, apparently saying that civilization is inherently flawed in its conception, especially with the blood of Cain guiding them. -Mark M."><tei-anchor xml:id="a032" id="a032" data-origname="anchor" data-empty="" data-processed=""><sup><i class="far fa-comment-alt light"></i><sup></sup></sup></tei-anchor></a> and the sister of <tei-persname ref="#tubalcain" data-origname="persName" data-processed="">Tubal-cain</tei-persname> was <tei-persname ref="#naamah" data-origname="persName" data-processed="">Naamah</tei-persname>.</tei-seg> <sup><tei-seg type="verse" xml:id="ch04v23" id="ch04v23" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">23</tei-seg></sup>And <tei-persname ref="#lamech" data-origname="persName" data-processed="">Lamech</tei-persname> said unto his wives:
<tei-lg data-origname="lg" data-processed=""><tei-l data-origname="l" data-processed=""><tei-persname ref="#adah" data-origname="persName" data-processed="">Adah</tei-persname> and <tei-persname ref="#zillah" data-origname="persName" data-processed="">Zillah</tei-persname>, hear my voice;</tei-l>
<tei-l data-origname="l" data-processed="">Ye wives of <tei-persname ref="#lamech" data-origname="persName" data-processed="">Lamech</tei-persname>, hearken unto my speech;</tei-l>
<tei-l data-origname="l" data-processed=""><tei-seg ana="#consequence" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">For <tei-seg ana="#bad" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">I have slain a man</tei-seg> for wounding me</tei-seg>,</tei-l>
<tei-l data-origname="l" data-processed="">And a young man for bruising me;</tei-l>
<tei-l data-origname="l" data-processed=""><sup><tei-seg type="verse" xml:id="ch04v24" id="ch04v24" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">24</tei-seg></sup>If <tei-persname ref="#cain" data-origname="persName" data-processed="">Cain</tei-persname> shall be avenged <tei-seg ana="#seven" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">sevenfold</tei-seg>,</tei-l>
<tei-l data-origname="l" data-processed=""><tei-seg ana="#consequence" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">Truly <tei-persname ref="#lamech" data-origname="persName" data-processed="">Lamech</tei-persname> <tei-seg ana="#seven" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">seventy and sevenfold</tei-seg></tei-seg>.</tei-l></tei-lg></tei-ab>
<tei-ab type="p" data-origname="ab" data-processed=""><sup><tei-seg type="verse" xml:id="ch04v25" id="ch04v25" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">25</tei-seg></sup>And <tei-seg ana="#toledot" data-origname="seg" data-processed=""><tei-persname ref="#adam" data-origname="persName" data-processed="">Adam</tei-persname> knew his wife again; and she bore a son, and called his name <tei-persname ref="#seth" data-origname="persName" data-processed="">Seth</tei-persname></tei-seg>: 'for God hath appointed me another <tei-seg ana="#symbol" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">seed</tei-seg> instead of <tei-persname ref="#abel" data-origname="persName" data-processed="">Abel</tei-persname>; for <tei-persname ref="#cain" data-origname="persName" data-processed="">Cain</tei-persname> slew him.' <sup><tei-seg type="verse" xml:id="ch04v26" id="ch04v26" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">26</tei-seg></sup><tei-seg ana="#toledot" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">And to <tei-persname ref="#seth" data-origname="persName" data-processed="">Seth</tei-persname>, to him also there was born a son; and he called his name <tei-persname ref="#enosh" data-origname="persName" data-processed="">Enosh</tei-persname></tei-seg>; then began men to call upon the name of the LORD.</tei-ab></tei-div>
<tei-div type="chapter" xml:id="ch5" id="ch5" data-origname="div" data-processed=""><tei-head data-origname="head" data-processed="">Chapter 5</tei-head>
<tei-ab type="p" data-origname="ab" data-processed=""><sup><tei-seg type="verse" xml:id="ch05v1" id="ch05v1" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">1</tei-seg></sup><tei-seg ana="#toledot" data-origname="seg" data-processed=""><tei-seg ana="#repetition" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">This is the book of the generations of <tei-persname ref="#adam" data-origname="persName" data-processed="">Adam</tei-persname>. <tei-seg ana="#creation" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">In the day that God created <tei-persname ref="#adam" data-origname="persName" data-processed="">man</tei-persname>, in the likeness of God made He him <sup><tei-seg type="verse" xml:id="ch05v2" id="ch05v2" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">2</tei-seg></sup><tei-persname ref="#adam" data-origname="persName" data-processed="">male</tei-persname> and <tei-persname ref="#eve" data-origname="persName" data-processed="">female</tei-persname> created He them, <tei-seg ana="#holy" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">and blessed them</tei-seg>, and called their name <tei-persname ref="#adam" data-origname="persName" data-processed="">Adam</tei-persname>, in the day when they were created.</tei-seg> <sup><tei-seg type="verse" xml:id="ch05v3" id="ch05v3" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">3</tei-seg></sup><tei-seg ana="#repetition" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">And <tei-persname ref="#adam" data-origname="persName" data-processed="">Adam</tei-persname> lived <tei-date when="0130" data-origname="date" data-processed="">a hundred and thirty years</tei-date>, and <tei-seg ana="#toledot" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">begot a son in his own likeness</tei-seg>,<a tabindex="0" data-toggle="popover" data-trigger="focus" data-content="<i class= "small">Noah Chasen</i>: This line repeats the wording of humanity’s original creation, where God says “Let us make man in our image, after our likeness” (1.26). Though the likeness and image are switched when Adam begets Seth, it can be inferred that Adam and Eve are channeling God’s creation in making a son, just as Eve says after bearing Cain “I have gotten a man with the help of the LORD” (4.1). The connection between humanity’s propagation and the channeling of God’s divinity indicates a trend towards humanity reaching their own divinity. As such, if man was made in the likeness of God, is the creation of another life a step towards mankind’s divinity? -Noah C."><tei-anchor xml:id="a033" id="a033" data-origname="anchor" data-empty="" data-processed=""><sup><i class="far fa-comment-alt light"></i><sup></sup></sup></tei-anchor></a><a tabindex="0" data-toggle="popover" data-trigger="focus" data-content="<i class= "small">Kelley Orr</i>: Humans are similar to God here, as they are creating life parallel to how God created them. The difference, though, is that this result of procreation occured after humans ate from the Tree of Knowledge; now they are for certain capable of dying. As far as we know, God is an eternal character, so as much as mankind as individuals would like to act and be like God, they cannot. But the human race can continue to exist as long as God can. Humans can create time-limited individuals. Perhaps this is why in the text, it does not state God begot a son named Adam, while it does say Adam has a son. There is a difference in the significance of their creations, but they are the same in type of creations. -Kelley O."><tei-anchor xml:id="a033a" id="a033a" data-origname="anchor" data-empty="" data-processed=""><sup><i class="far fa-comment-alt light"></i><sup></sup></sup></tei-anchor></a> after his image; and called his name <tei-persname ref="#seth" data-origname="persName" data-processed="">Seth</tei-persname></tei-seg>. <sup><tei-seg type="verse" xml:id="ch05v4" id="ch05v4" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">4</tei-seg></sup>And the days of <tei-persname ref="#adam" data-origname="persName" data-processed="">Adam</tei-persname> after he begot <tei-persname ref="#seth" data-origname="persName" data-processed="">Seth</tei-persname> were eight hundred years; and he begot sons and daughters.</tei-seg> <sup><tei-seg type="verse" xml:id="ch05v5" id="ch05v5" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">5</tei-seg></sup>And all the days that <tei-persname ref="#adam" data-origname="persName" data-processed="">Adam</tei-persname> lived were <tei-measure unit="years" n="930" data-origname="measure" data-processed="">nine hundred and thirty years</tei-measure>; and he died.</tei-seg></tei-ab>
<tei-ab type="p" data-origname="ab" data-processed=""><sup><tei-seg type="verse" xml:id="ch05v6" id="ch05v6" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">6</tei-seg></sup><tei-seg ana="#toledot" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">And <tei-persname ref="#seth" data-origname="persName" data-processed="">Seth</tei-persname> lived <tei-measure unit="years" n="105" data-origname="measure" data-processed="">a hundred and five years</tei-measure>, and begot <tei-persname ref="#enosh" data-origname="persName" data-processed="">Enosh</tei-persname>. <sup><tei-seg type="verse" xml:id="ch05v7" id="ch05v7" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">7</tei-seg></sup>And <tei-persname ref="#seth" data-origname="persName" data-processed="">Seth</tei-persname> lived after he begot <tei-persname ref="#enosh" data-origname="persName" data-processed="">Enosh</tei-persname> eight hundred and <tei-seg ana="#seven" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">seven</tei-seg> years, and begot sons and daughters. <sup><tei-seg type="verse" xml:id="ch05v8" id="ch05v8" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">8</tei-seg></sup>And all the days of <tei-persname ref="#seth" data-origname="persName" data-processed="">Seth</tei-persname> were <tei-measure unit="years" n="912" data-origname="measure" data-processed="">nine hundred and twelve years</tei-measure>; and he died.</tei-seg></tei-ab>
<tei-ab type="p" data-origname="ab" data-processed=""><sup><tei-seg type="verse" xml:id="ch05v9" id="ch05v9" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">9</tei-seg></sup>And <tei-seg ana="#toledot" data-origname="seg" data-processed=""><tei-persname ref="#enosh" data-origname="persName" data-processed="">Enosh</tei-persname> <tei-measure unit="years" n="90" data-origname="measure" data-processed="">lived ninety years</tei-measure>, and <tei-seg ana="#toledot" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">begot <tei-persname ref="#kenan" data-origname="persName" data-processed="">Kenan</tei-persname></tei-seg>. <sup><tei-seg type="verse" xml:id="ch05v10" id="ch05v10" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">10</tei-seg></sup>And <tei-persname ref="#enosh" data-origname="persName" data-processed="">Enosh</tei-persname> lived after he begot <tei-persname ref="#kenan" data-origname="persName" data-processed="">Kenan</tei-persname> eight hundred and fifteen years, and begot sons and daughters. <sup><tei-seg type="verse" xml:id="ch05v11" id="ch05v11" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">11</tei-seg></sup>And all the days of <tei-persname ref="#enosh" data-origname="persName" data-processed="">Enosh</tei-persname> were <tei-measure unit="years" n="905" data-origname="measure" data-processed="">nine hundred and five years</tei-measure>; and he died</tei-seg>.</tei-ab>
<tei-ab type="p" data-origname="ab" data-processed=""><sup><tei-seg type="verse" xml:id="ch05v12" id="ch05v12" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">12</tei-seg></sup><tei-seg ana="#toledot" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">And <tei-persname ref="#kenan" data-origname="persName" data-processed="">Kenan</tei-persname> lived <tei-measure unit="years" n="70" data-origname="measure" data-processed=""><tei-seg ana="#seven" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">seventy</tei-seg> years</tei-measure>, and begot <tei-persname ref="#mahalalel" data-origname="persName" data-processed="">Mahalalel</tei-persname>. <sup><tei-seg type="verse" xml:id="ch05v13" id="ch05v13" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">13</tei-seg></sup>And <tei-persname ref="#kenan" data-origname="persName" data-processed="">Kenan</tei-persname> lived after he begot <tei-persname ref="#mahalalel" data-origname="persName" data-processed="">Mahalalel</tei-persname> eight hundred and forty years, and begot sons and daughters. <sup><tei-seg type="verse" xml:id="ch05v14" id="ch05v14" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">14</tei-seg></sup>And all the days of <tei-persname ref="#kenan" data-origname="persName" data-processed="">Kenan</tei-persname> were <tei-measure unit="years" n="910" data-origname="measure" data-processed="">nine hundred and ten years</tei-measure>; and he died.</tei-seg></tei-ab>
<tei-ab type="p" data-origname="ab" data-processed=""><sup><tei-seg type="verse" xml:id="ch05v15" id="ch05v15" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">15</tei-seg></sup><tei-seg ana="#toledot" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">And <tei-persname ref="#mahalalel" data-origname="persName" data-processed="">Mahalalel</tei-persname> lived <tei-measure unit="years" n="65" data-origname="measure" data-processed="">sixty and five years</tei-measure>, and begot <tei-persname ref="#jared" data-origname="persName" data-processed="">Jared</tei-persname>. <sup><tei-seg type="verse" xml:id="ch05v16" id="ch05v16" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">16</tei-seg></sup>And <tei-persname ref="#mahalalel" data-origname="persName" data-processed="">Mahalalel</tei-persname> lived after he begot <tei-persname ref="#jared" data-origname="persName" data-processed="">Jared</tei-persname> eight hundred and thirty years, and begot sons and daughters. <sup><tei-seg type="verse" xml:id="ch05v17" id="ch05v17" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">17</tei-seg></sup>And all the days of <tei-persname ref="#mahalalel" data-origname="persName" data-processed="">Mahalalel</tei-persname> were <tei-measure unit="years" n="895" data-origname="measure" data-processed="">eight hundred ninety and five years</tei-measure>; and he died.</tei-seg></tei-ab>
<tei-ab type="p" data-origname="ab" data-processed=""><sup><tei-seg type="verse" xml:id="ch05v18" id="ch05v18" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">18</tei-seg></sup><tei-seg ana="#toledot" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">And <tei-persname ref="#jared" data-origname="persName" data-processed="">Jared</tei-persname> lived <tei-measure unit="years" n="162" data-origname="measure" data-processed="">a hundred sixty and two years</tei-measure>, and begot <tei-persname ref="#enoch" data-origname="persName" data-processed="">Enoch</tei-persname>. <sup><tei-seg type="verse" xml:id="ch05v19" id="ch05v19" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">19</tei-seg></sup>And <tei-persname ref="#jared" data-origname="persName" data-processed="">Jared</tei-persname> lived after he begot <tei-persname ref="#enoch" data-origname="persName" data-processed="">Enoch</tei-persname> eight hundred years, and begot sons and daughters. <sup><tei-seg type="verse" xml:id="ch05v20" id="ch05v20" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">20</tei-seg></sup>And all the days of <tei-persname ref="#jared" data-origname="persName" data-processed="">Jared</tei-persname> were <tei-measure unit="years" n="962" data-origname="measure" data-processed="">nine hundred sixty and two years</tei-measure>; and he died.</tei-seg></tei-ab>
<tei-ab type="p" data-origname="ab" data-processed=""><sup><tei-seg type="verse" xml:id="ch05v21" id="ch05v21" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">21</tei-seg></sup><tei-seg ana="#toledot" data-origname="seg" data-processed=""><tei-measure unit="years" n="65" data-origname="measure" data-processed="">And <tei-persname ref="#enoch" data-origname="persName" data-processed="">Enoch</tei-persname> lived sixty and five years</tei-measure>, and begot <tei-persname ref="#methuselah" data-origname="persName" data-processed="">Methuselah</tei-persname>. <sup><tei-seg type="verse" xml:id="ch05v22" id="ch05v22" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">22</tei-seg></sup>And <tei-persname ref="#enoch" data-origname="persName" data-processed="">Enoch</tei-persname> walked with God after he begot <tei-persname ref="#methuselah" data-origname="persName" data-processed="">Methuselah</tei-persname> three hundred years, and begot sons and daughters. <sup><tei-seg type="verse" xml:id="ch05v23" id="ch05v23" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">23</tei-seg></sup>And all the days of <tei-persname ref="#enoch" data-origname="persName" data-processed="">Enoch</tei-persname> were <tei-measure unit="years" n="365" data-origname="measure" data-processed="">three hundred sixty and five years</tei-measure>. <sup><tei-seg type="verse" xml:id="ch05v24" id="ch05v24" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">24</tei-seg></sup>And <tei-persname ref="#enoch" data-origname="persName" data-processed="">Enoch</tei-persname> walked with God, and he was not; for God took him.</tei-seg></tei-ab>
<tei-ab type="p" data-origname="ab" data-processed=""><sup><tei-seg type="verse" xml:id="ch05v25" id="ch05v25" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">25</tei-seg></sup><tei-seg ana="#toledot" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">And <tei-persname ref="#methuselah" data-origname="persName" data-processed="">Methuselah</tei-persname> lived <tei-measure unit="years" n="187" data-origname="measure" data-processed="">a hundred eighty and seven years</tei-measure>, and begot <tei-persname ref="#lamech" data-origname="persName" data-processed="">Lamech</tei-persname>. <sup><tei-seg type="verse" xml:id="ch05v26" id="ch05v26" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">26</tei-seg></sup>And <tei-persname ref="#methuselah" data-origname="persName" data-processed="">Methuselah</tei-persname> lived after he begot <tei-persname ref="#lamech" data-origname="persName" data-processed="">Lamech</tei-persname> <tei-measure unit="years" n="782" data-origname="measure" data-processed="">seven hundred eighty and two years</tei-measure>, and begot sons and daughters. <sup><tei-seg type="verse" xml:id="ch05v27" id="ch05v27" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">27</tei-seg></sup>And all the days of <tei-persname ref="#methuselah" data-origname="persName" data-processed="">Methuselah</tei-persname> were <tei-measure unit="years" n="969" data-origname="measure" data-processed="">nine hundred sixty and nine years</tei-measure>; and he died.</tei-seg></tei-ab>
<tei-ab type="p" data-origname="ab" data-processed=""><sup><tei-seg type="verse" xml:id="ch05v28" id="ch05v28" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">28</tei-seg></sup><tei-seg ana="#toledot" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">And <tei-persname ref="#lamech" data-origname="persName" data-processed="">Lamech</tei-persname> lived <tei-measure unit="years" n="182" data-origname="measure" data-processed="">a hundred eighty and two years</tei-measure>, and begot a son. <sup><tei-seg type="verse" xml:id="ch05v29" id="ch05v29" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">29</tei-seg></sup>And he called his name <tei-persname ref="#noah" data-origname="persName" data-processed="">Noah</tei-persname>, saying: <tei-seg ana="#consequence" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">'This same shall comfort us in our work and in the toil of our hands, which cometh from the ground which the LORD hath cursed.'</tei-seg> <sup><tei-seg type="verse" xml:id="ch05v30" id="ch05v30" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">30</tei-seg></sup>And <tei-persname ref="#lamech" data-origname="persName" data-processed="">Lamech</tei-persname> lived after he begot <tei-persname ref="#noah" data-origname="persName" data-processed="">Noah</tei-persname> five hundred ninety and five years, and begot sons and daughters. <sup><tei-seg type="verse" xml:id="ch05v31" id="ch05v31" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">31</tei-seg></sup>And all the days of <tei-persname ref="#lamech" data-origname="persName" data-processed="">Lamech</tei-persname> were <tei-measure unit="years" n="777" data-origname="measure" data-processed=""><tei-seg ana="#seven" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">seven hundred seventy and seven</tei-seg> years</tei-measure>; and he died.</tei-seg></tei-ab>
<tei-ab type="p" data-origname="ab" data-processed=""><sup><tei-seg type="verse" xml:id="ch05v32" id="ch05v32" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">32</tei-seg></sup><tei-seg ana="#toledot" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">And <tei-persname ref="#noah" data-origname="persName" data-processed="">Noah</tei-persname> was <tei-measure unit="years" n="500" data-origname="measure" data-processed="">five hundred years old</tei-measure>; and <tei-persname ref="#noah" data-origname="persName" data-processed="">Noah</tei-persname> begot <tei-persname ref="#shem" data-origname="persName" data-processed="">Shem</tei-persname>, <tei-persname ref="#ham" data-origname="persName" data-processed="">Ham</tei-persname>, and <tei-persname ref="#japheth" data-origname="persName" data-processed="">Japheth</tei-persname>.</tei-seg></tei-ab></tei-div>
<tei-div type="chapter" xml:id="ch6" id="ch6" data-origname="div" data-processed=""><tei-head data-origname="head" data-processed="">Chapter 6</tei-head>
<tei-ab type="p" data-origname="ab" data-processed=""><sup><tei-seg type="verse" xml:id="ch06v1" id="ch06v1" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">1</tei-seg></sup>And it came to pass, when <tei-seg ana="#toledot" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">men began to multiply on the <tei-seg ana="#personification" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">face of the earth</tei-seg></tei-seg>, and daughters were born unto them <sup><tei-seg type="verse" xml:id="ch06v2" id="ch06v2" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">2</tei-seg></sup>that the sons of God saw <tei-seg ana="#good" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">the daughters of men that they were fair</tei-seg>; and <tei-seg ana="#bad" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">they took them wives, whomsoever they chose</tei-seg>. <sup><tei-seg type="verse" xml:id="ch06v3" id="ch06v3" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">3</tei-seg></sup>And the LORD said: <tei-seg ana="#declaration" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">'<tei-seg ana="#separation" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">My spirit shall not abide in man for ever</tei-seg>, for that he also is flesh; therefore <tei-seg ana="#punishment" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">shall his days be a hundred and twenty years</tei-seg>.'<a tabindex="0" data-toggle="popover" data-trigger="focus" data-content="<i class= "small">Mark Marsden</i>: Limiting humankind's lifespan is a momentous event that often goes unchecked here, where it is rather important that mankind can no longer live past 120. This means that humans can only accrue so much prestige and ability before invariably dying, their lifespan being concretely limited beyond their control by the divine. This is rather important, since it feeds into the notion that God has a specific idea for what humans should learn in their lives, and that their potential must be limited for one reason or another. This hard limit on human life is also indicative that God wants mankind to develop more slowly, possibly because he feels that humans need to learn certain things before pushing forward harder in both age and knowledge. Essentially, it appears that He wants to limit the ascension of mankind for a time. -Mark M."><tei-anchor xml:id="a034" id="a034" data-origname="anchor" data-empty="" data-processed=""><sup><i class="far fa-comment-alt light"></i><sup></sup></sup></tei-anchor></a></tei-seg> <sup><tei-seg type="verse" xml:id="ch06v4" id="ch06v4" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">4</tei-seg></sup><tei-seg ana="#combination" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">The <tei-persname ref="#nephilim" data-origname="persName" data-processed="">Nephilim</tei-persname> were in the earth in those days, and also after that, when the sons of God came in unto the daughters of men, and they bore children to them; the same were the mighty men that were of old, the men of renown.</tei-seg></tei-ab>
<tei-ab type="p" data-origname="ab" data-processed=""><sup><tei-seg type="verse" xml:id="ch06v5" id="ch06v5" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">5</tei-seg></sup><tei-seg ana="#evil" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">And the LORD saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every imagination of the <tei-seg ana="#personification" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">thoughts of his heart</tei-seg> was only evil continually</tei-seg>.<a tabindex="0" data-toggle="popover" data-trigger="focus" data-content="<i class= "small">Mark Marsden</i>: Here, humankind is displayed as potentially inherently evil, but to build on that notion, that God does not control whether or not we are good or evil. Instead, it appears that this is created of our own free will, as God observes in rapt fascination, or maybe even horror. Either way, he deems this development as highly questionable and even condemnable, and as a result prepares to flood the Earth. Ultimately, God has an aversion to evil, but the reasoning behind this is undeniably ambiguous. Does he prefer no evil so that humankind is given a more substantial opportunity to live longer? Or is the situation one of personal disdain for the evil? -Mark M."><tei-anchor xml:id="a035" id="a035" data-origname="anchor" data-empty="" data-processed=""><sup><i class="far fa-comment-alt light"></i><sup></sup></sup></tei-anchor></a> <sup><tei-seg type="verse" xml:id="ch06v6" id="ch06v6" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">6</tei-seg></sup><tei-seg ana="#consequence" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">And it repented the LORD that He had made man on the earth,<a tabindex="0" data-toggle="popover" data-trigger="focus" data-content="<i class= "small">Aiden Sawyer</i>: This is one of the early lines that speaks to the capacity of G-d to change H-s mind and to reflect over time; suggesting not only that H- is not unchanging, but is also within Time, instead of strictly apart from it. -Aidan S."><tei-anchor xml:id="a036" id="a036" data-origname="anchor" data-empty="" data-processed=""><sup><i class="far fa-comment-alt light"></i><sup></sup></sup></tei-anchor></a> and it grieved Him at His heart.</tei-seg> <sup><tei-seg type="verse" xml:id="ch06v7" id="ch06v7" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">7</tei-seg></sup><tei-seg ana="#consequence" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">And the LORD said: <tei-seg ana="#punishment" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">'I will blot out <tei-persname ref="#adam" data-origname="persName" data-processed="">man</tei-persname> whom I have created from the face of the earth; both <tei-persname ref="#adam" data-origname="persName" data-processed="">man</tei-persname>, and <tei-rs type="animal" data-origname="rs" data-processed="">beast</tei-rs>, and <tei-rs type="animal" data-origname="rs" data-processed="">creeping thing</tei-rs>, and <tei-rs type="animal" data-origname="rs" data-processed="">fowl</tei-rs> of the air; for it repenteth Me that I have made them.'<a tabindex="0" data-toggle="popover" data-trigger="focus" data-content="<i class= "small">Mark Marsden</i>: Here, the notion that God is potentially uncaring and inconvenienced by humanity in this sense because he created them and they spiraled out of control, or that God wanted to take full and utter punishment for mankind's transgressions is a compelling one. This stands apart from the ideas on forgiveness or education in Genesis, where God instead of doing either of these purges the entirety of the globe save for Noah, a bizarre turn of events that is highly violent and indiscriminate. God minimizes the variables, focusing only on Noah, who has certain expectations for and believes in, making Noah what God expects to be the ideal human to keep alive. -Mark M."><tei-anchor xml:id="a037" id="a037" data-origname="anchor" data-empty="" data-processed=""><sup><i class="far fa-comment-alt light"></i><sup></sup></sup></tei-anchor></a><a tabindex="0" data-toggle="popover" data-trigger="focus" data-content="<i class= "small">Noah Chasen</i>: The eradication of all life is confusing, especially since only humans are capable of being wicked as far as we know. -Noah C."><tei-anchor xml:id="a037a" id="a037a" data-origname="anchor" data-empty="" data-processed=""><sup><i class="far fa-comment-alt light"></i><sup></sup></sup></tei-anchor></a></tei-seg></tei-seg> <sup><tei-seg type="verse" xml:id="ch06v8" id="ch06v8" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">8</tei-seg></sup><tei-seg ana="#holy" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">But <tei-persname ref="#noah" data-origname="persName" data-processed="">Noah</tei-persname> found grace in the eyes of the LORD.</tei-seg></tei-ab>
<tei-ab type="p" data-origname="ab" data-processed=""><tei-seg ana="#repetition" data-origname="seg" data-processed=""><sup><tei-seg type="verse" xml:id="ch06v9" id="ch06v9" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">9</tei-seg></sup><tei-seg ana="#toledot" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">These are the generations of <tei-persname ref="#noah" data-origname="persName" data-processed="">Noah</tei-persname></tei-seg>. <tei-seg ana="#holy" data-origname="seg" data-processed=""><tei-persname ref="#noah" data-origname="persName" data-processed="">Noah</tei-persname> was in his generations a man righteous and wholehearted; <tei-persname ref="#noah" data-origname="persName" data-processed="">Noah</tei-persname> walked with God.</tei-seg> <sup><tei-seg type="verse" xml:id="ch06v10" id="ch06v10" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">10</tei-seg></sup>And <tei-seg ana="#repetition" data-origname="seg" data-processed=""><tei-seg ana="#toledot" data-origname="seg" data-processed=""><tei-persname ref="#noah" data-origname="persName" data-processed="">Noah</tei-persname> begot three sons, <tei-persname ref="#shem" data-origname="persName" data-processed="">Shem</tei-persname>, <tei-persname ref="#ham" data-origname="persName" data-processed="">Ham</tei-persname>, and <tei-persname ref="#japheth" data-origname="persName" data-processed="">Japheth</tei-persname></tei-seg></tei-seg>.<a tabindex="0" data-toggle="popover" data-trigger="focus" data-content="<i class= "small">Hailey Grace Ames</i>: <tei-p data-origname="p" data-processed="">In an article I read called <tei-ref target="" data-origname="ref" data-processed=""><span hidden="" data-original="">"God is a Brown Girl Too"</span><span><a href="">"God is a Brown Girl Too"</a></span></tei-ref> from <tei-ref target="" data-origname="ref" data-processed=""><span hidden="" data-original="">Patheos</span><span><a href="">Patheos</a></span></tei-ref>, the author mentioned this part of the scripture, which is a theme throughout the whole book of Genesis: rarely is a woman involved in the "begetting" even though a requirement of birth is a woman.</tei-p>
<tei-p data-origname="p" data-processed="">It's odd for texts to write like without women, especially in modern times where, at least in the west, we recognize that a woman is included in the birthing of a child and it is her child or both of theirs.</tei-p>
<tei-p data-origname="p" data-processed="">What does the man do besides plant the seed? It's the woman who grows the child, and ultimately bears the fruit after 9 months of tender care. -Hailey A.</tei-p>"><tei-anchor xml:id="a038" id="a038" data-origname="anchor" data-empty="" data-processed=""><sup><i class="far fa-comment-alt light"></i><sup></sup></sup></tei-anchor></a> <sup><tei-seg type="verse" xml:id="ch06v11" id="ch06v11" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">11</tei-seg></sup><tei-seg ana="#bad" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">And the earth was corrupt before God, and the earth was filled with violence. <sup><tei-seg type="verse" xml:id="ch06v12" id="ch06v12" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">12</tei-seg></sup>And God saw the earth, and, behold, it was corrupt; for all flesh had corrupted their way upon the earth.<a tabindex="0" data-toggle="popover" data-trigger="focus" data-content="<i class= "small">Mark Marsden</i>: God is notably and exceptionally concerned for the corruption of mankind, especially with violence. This concern for violence appears to be a core tenet of God's philosophy, starting as far back as Cain murdering Abel, this notion of violence carries on until now. God appears to abhor violence, only resorting to it when absolutely necessary, or simply finds it to be incredibly inconvenient to what happens under his watch on Earth. Regardless, in some measure it is clear that these issues are directly contrary to what God would want to see. He floods the Earth because of this, a strong implication of an emotional attachment to what is occurring indicated when his hand is forced and he tires of such violence. -Mark M."><tei-anchor xml:id="a039" id="a039" data-origname="anchor" data-empty="" data-processed=""><sup><i class="far fa-comment-alt light"></i><sup></sup></sup></tei-anchor></a></tei-seg></tei-seg></tei-ab>
<tei-ab type="p" data-origname="ab" data-processed=""><sup><tei-seg type="verse" xml:id="ch06v13" id="ch06v13" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">13</tei-seg></sup><tei-seg ana="#consequence" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">And God said unto <tei-persname ref="#noah" data-origname="persName" data-processed="">Noah</tei-persname>: '<tei-seg ana="#declaration" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">The end of all flesh is come before Me; for the earth is filled with violence through them; and, behold, <tei-seg ana="#punishment" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">I will destroy them with the earth</tei-seg><a tabindex="0" data-toggle="popover" data-trigger="focus" data-content="<i class= "small">Aiden Sawyer</i>: The symmetry of "the Earth is filled with violence through them" with "I will destroy them with the earth" is more clear in the <tei-ref target="" data-origname="ref" data-processed=""><span hidden="" data-original="">ESV translation</span><span><a href="">ESV translation</a></span></tei-ref> [1], but reminds me of the <tei-ref target="" data-origname="ref" data-processed=""><span hidden="" data-original="">contrapassos</span><span><a href="">contrapassos</a></span></tei-ref> from Dante's inferno. -Aidan S."><tei-anchor xml:id="a040" id="a040" data-origname="anchor" data-empty="" data-processed=""><sup><i class="far fa-comment-alt light"></i><sup></sup></sup></tei-anchor></a>.</tei-seg>'</tei-seg> <sup><tei-seg type="verse" xml:id="ch06v14" id="ch06v14" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">14</tei-seg></sup><tei-seg ana="#commandment" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">Make thee an ark of gopher wood; with rooms shalt thou make the ark, and shalt pitch it within and without with pitch. <sup><tei-seg type="verse" xml:id="ch06v15" id="ch06v15" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">15</tei-seg></sup>And this is how thou shalt make it: the length of the ark three hundred cubits, the breadth of it fifty cubits, and the height of it thirty cubits. <sup><tei-seg type="verse" xml:id="ch06v16" id="ch06v16" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">16</tei-seg></sup>A light shalt thou make to the ark, and to a cubit shalt thou finish it upward; and the door of the ark shalt thou set in the side thereof; with lower, second, and third stories shalt thou make it.</tei-seg> <sup><tei-seg type="verse" xml:id="ch06v17" id="ch06v17" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">17</tei-seg></sup><tei-seg ana="#punishment" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">And I, behold, I do bring the <tei-seg ana="#water" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">flood of waters</tei-seg> upon the earth, to destroy all flesh, wherein is the <tei-seg ana="#symbol" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">breath of life</tei-seg>, from under heaven; every thing that is in the earth shall perish</tei-seg>. <sup><tei-seg type="verse" xml:id="ch06v18" id="ch06v18" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">18</tei-seg></sup>But <tei-seg ana="#covenant" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">I will establish My covenant with thee; and thou shalt come into the ark, thou, and thy sons, and thy wife, and thy sons' wives with thee</tei-seg>. <sup><tei-seg type="verse" xml:id="ch06v19" id="ch06v19" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">19</tei-seg></sup><tei-seg ana="#commandment" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">And of every living thing of all flesh, two of every sort shalt thou bring into the ark, to keep them alive with thee; they shall be male and female. <sup><tei-seg type="verse" xml:id="ch06v20" id="ch06v20" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">20</tei-seg></sup><tei-seg ana="#repetition" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">Of the <tei-rs type="animal" data-origname="rs" data-processed="">fowl</tei-rs> after their kind, and of the <tei-rs type="animal" data-origname="rs" data-processed="">cattle</tei-rs> after their kind, of every <tei-rs type="animal" data-origname="rs" data-processed="">creeping thing</tei-rs> of the ground after its kind</tei-seg>, two of every sort shall come unto thee, to keep them alive. <sup><tei-seg type="verse" xml:id="ch06v21" id="ch06v21" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">21</tei-seg></sup>And take thou unto thee of all food that is eaten, and gather it to thee; and it shall be for food for thee, and for them.</tei-seg>' <sup><tei-seg type="verse" xml:id="ch06v22" id="ch06v22" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">22</tei-seg></sup><tei-seg ana="#obedience" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">Thus did <tei-persname ref="#noah" data-origname="persName" data-processed="">Noah</tei-persname>; according to all that God commanded him, so did he.</tei-seg></tei-ab></tei-div>
<tei-div type="chapter" xml:id="ch7" id="ch7" data-origname="div" data-processed=""><tei-head data-origname="head" data-processed="">Chapter 7</tei-head>
<tei-ab type="p" data-origname="ab" data-processed=""><sup><tei-seg type="verse" xml:id="ch07v1" id="ch07v1" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">1</tei-seg></sup>And the LORD said unto <tei-persname ref="#noah" data-origname="persName" data-processed="">Noah</tei-persname>: <tei-seg ana="#commandment" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">'Come thou and all thy house into the ark; for <tei-seg ana="#good" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">thee have I seen righteous before Me in this generation</tei-seg>. <sup><tei-seg type="verse" xml:id="ch07v2" id="ch07v2" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">2</tei-seg></sup><tei-seg ana="#repetition" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">Of every clean <tei-rs type="animal" data-origname="rs" data-processed="">beast</tei-rs> thou shalt take to thee <tei-seg ana="#seven" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">seven and seven</tei-seg>, each with his mate; and of the <tei-rs type="animal" data-origname="rs" data-processed="">beasts</tei-rs> that are not clean two [and two], each with his mate <sup><tei-seg type="verse" xml:id="ch07v3" id="ch07v3" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">3</tei-seg></sup>of the <tei-rs type="animal" data-origname="rs" data-processed="">fowl</tei-rs> also of the air, <tei-seg ana="#seven" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">seven and seven</tei-seg>, male and female; <tei-seg ana="#toledot" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">to keep <tei-seg ana="#symbol" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">seed</tei-seg> alive upon the face of all the earth.</tei-seg></tei-seg></tei-seg> <sup><tei-seg type="verse" xml:id="ch07v4" id="ch07v4" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">4</tei-seg></sup>For yet <tei-seg ana="#seven" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">seven</tei-seg> days, and I will cause it to <tei-seg ana="#water" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">rain upon the earth</tei-seg> <tei-measure unit="days" n="40" data-origname="measure" data-processed=""><tei-seg ana="#forty" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">forty days and forty nights</tei-seg></tei-measure>; and every living substance that I have made will I blot out from off the face of the earth.' <sup><tei-seg type="verse" xml:id="ch07v5" id="ch07v5" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">5</tei-seg></sup><tei-seg ana="#obedience" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">And <tei-persname ref="#noah" data-origname="persName" data-processed="">Noah</tei-persname> did according unto all that the LORD commanded him.</tei-seg></tei-ab>
<tei-ab type="p" data-origname="ab" data-processed=""><sup><tei-seg type="verse" xml:id="ch07v6" id="ch07v6" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">6</tei-seg></sup>And <tei-date when-custom="1656" data-origname="date" data-processed=""><tei-persname ref="#noah" data-origname="persName" data-processed="">Noah</tei-persname> was six hundred years old when <tei-seg ana="#water" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">the flood of waters</tei-seg> was upon the earth</tei-date>. <sup><tei-seg type="verse" xml:id="ch07v7" id="ch07v7" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">7</tei-seg></sup>And <tei-persname ref="#noah" data-origname="persName" data-processed="">Noah</tei-persname> went in, and his sons, and his wife, and his sons' wives with him, into the ark, because of <tei-seg ana="#water" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">the <tei-seg ana="#repetition" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">waters of the flood</tei-seg></tei-seg>. <sup><tei-seg type="verse" xml:id="ch07v8" id="ch07v8" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">8</tei-seg></sup>Of clean <tei-rs type="animal" data-origname="rs" data-processed="">beasts</tei-rs>, and of <tei-rs type="animal" data-origname="rs" data-processed="">beasts</tei-rs> that are not clean, and of <tei-rs type="animal" data-origname="rs" data-processed="">fowls</tei-rs>, and of <tei-rs type="animal" data-origname="rs" data-processed="">every thing that creepeth upon the ground</tei-rs> <sup><tei-seg type="verse" xml:id="ch07v9" id="ch07v9" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">9</tei-seg></sup>there went in two and two unto <tei-persname ref="#noah" data-origname="persName" data-processed="">Noah</tei-persname> into the ark, male and female, as God commanded <tei-persname ref="#noah" data-origname="persName" data-processed="">Noah</tei-persname>. <sup><tei-seg type="verse" xml:id="ch07v10" id="ch07v10" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">10</tei-seg></sup>And it came to pass after the <tei-seg ana="#seven" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">seven</tei-seg> days, that <tei-seg ana="#water" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">the waters of the flood </tei-seg>were upon the earth. <sup><tei-seg type="verse" xml:id="ch07v11" id="ch07v11" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">11</tei-seg></sup><tei-date when-custom="1656-02-17" data-origname="date" data-processed="">In the six hundredth year of <tei-persname ref="#noah" data-origname="persName" data-processed="">Noah</tei-persname>'s life, in the second month, on the <tei-seg ana="#seven" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">seventeenth</tei-seg> day of the month, on the same day</tei-date> <tei-seg ana="#water" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">were <tei-seg ana="#separation" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">all the fountains of the great deep broken up</tei-seg></tei-seg>, and the windows of heaven were opened. <sup><tei-seg type="verse" xml:id="ch07v12" id="ch07v12" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">12</tei-seg></sup><tei-seg ana="#water" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">And the rain was upon the earth <tei-seg ana="#forty" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">forty days and forty nights</tei-seg></tei-seg>.</tei-ab>
<tei-ab type="p" data-origname="ab" data-processed=""><sup><tei-seg type="verse" xml:id="ch07v13" id="ch07v13" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">13</tei-seg></sup><tei-seg ana="#repetition" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">In the selfsame day entered <tei-persname ref="#noah" data-origname="persName" data-processed="">Noah</tei-persname>, and <tei-persname ref="#shem" data-origname="persName" data-processed="">Shem</tei-persname>, and <tei-persname ref="#ham" data-origname="persName" data-processed="">Ham</tei-persname>, and <tei-persname ref="#japheth" data-origname="persName" data-processed="">Japheth</tei-persname>, the sons of <tei-persname ref="#noah" data-origname="persName" data-processed="">Noah</tei-persname>, and <tei-persname ref="#noah" data-origname="persName" data-processed="">Noah</tei-persname>'s wife, and the three wives of his sons with them, into the ark <sup><tei-seg type="verse" xml:id="ch07v14" id="ch07v14" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">14</tei-seg></sup>they, and every <tei-rs type="animal" data-origname="rs" data-processed="">beast</tei-rs> after its kind, and all the <tei-rs type="animal" data-origname="rs" data-processed="">cattle</tei-rs> after their kind, and every <tei-rs type="animal" data-origname="rs" data-processed="">creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth</tei-rs> after its kind, and every <tei-rs type="animal" data-origname="rs" data-processed="">fowl</tei-rs> after its kind, every <tei-rs type="animal" data-origname="rs" data-processed="">bird</tei-rs> of every sort. <sup><tei-seg type="verse" xml:id="ch07v15" id="ch07v15" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">15</tei-seg></sup>And they went in unto <tei-persname ref="#noah" data-origname="persName" data-processed="">Noah</tei-persname> into the ark, two and two of all flesh wherein is the <tei-seg ana="#personification" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">breath of life</tei-seg>. <sup><tei-seg type="verse" xml:id="ch07v16" id="ch07v16" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">16</tei-seg></sup>And they that went in, went in male and female of all flesh, <tei-seg ana="#obedience" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">as God commanded him</tei-seg>; and the LORD shut him in.</tei-seg> <sup><tei-seg type="verse" xml:id="ch07v17" id="ch07v17" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">17</tei-seg></sup>And <tei-seg ana="#water" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">the flood</tei-seg> was <tei-seg ana="#forty" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">forty</tei-seg> days upon the earth; and <tei-seg ana="#water" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">the waters</tei-seg> increased, and bore up the ark, and it was lifted up above the earth. <sup><tei-seg type="verse" xml:id="ch07v18" id="ch07v18" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">18</tei-seg></sup><tei-seg ana="#water" data-origname="seg" data-processed=""><tei-seg ana="#repetition" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">And the waters prevailed, and increased greatly upon the earth</tei-seg>; and the ark went upon the <tei-seg ana="#personification" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">face of the waters</tei-seg>.</tei-seg> <sup><tei-seg type="verse" xml:id="ch07v19" id="ch07v19" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">19</tei-seg></sup><tei-seg ana="#water" data-origname="seg" data-processed=""><tei-seg ana="#repetition" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">And the waters prevailed exceedingly upon the earth</tei-seg>; and all the <tei-rs type="geofeature" subtype="mountain" data-origname="rs" data-processed="">high mountains</tei-rs> that were under the whole heaven were covered.</tei-seg> <sup><tei-seg type="verse" xml:id="ch07v20" id="ch07v20" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">20</tei-seg></sup><tei-seg ana="#water" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">Fifteen cubits upward did the waters prevail</tei-seg>; and the <tei-rs type="geofeature" subtype="mountain" data-origname="rs" data-processed="">mountains</tei-rs> were covered. <sup><tei-seg type="verse" xml:id="ch07v21" id="ch07v21" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">21</tei-seg></sup><tei-seg ana="#punishment" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">And all flesh perished that moved upon the earth, both <tei-rs type="animal" data-origname="rs" data-processed="">fowl</tei-rs>, and <tei-rs type="animal" data-origname="rs" data-processed="">cattle</tei-rs>, and <tei-rs type="animal" data-origname="rs" data-processed="">beast</tei-rs>, and every <tei-rs type="animal" data-origname="rs" data-processed="">swarming thing that swarmeth upon the earth</tei-rs>, and every <tei-persname ref="#adam" data-origname="persName" data-processed="">man</tei-persname> <sup><tei-seg type="verse" xml:id="ch07v22" id="ch07v22" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">22</tei-seg></sup>all in whose nostrils was the <tei-seg ana="#personification" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">breath of the spirit of life</tei-seg>, whatsoever was in the dry land, died</tei-seg>. <sup><tei-seg type="verse" xml:id="ch07v23" id="ch07v23" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">23</tei-seg></sup>And <tei-seg ana="#punishment" data-origname="seg" data-processed=""><tei-seg ana="#repetition" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">He blotted out every living substance which was upon the face of the ground, both <tei-persname ref="#adam" data-origname="persName" data-processed="">man</tei-persname>, and <tei-rs type="animal" data-origname="rs" data-processed="">cattle</tei-rs>, and <tei-rs type="animal" data-origname="rs" data-processed="">creeping thing</tei-rs>, and <tei-rs type="animal" data-origname="rs" data-processed="">fowl</tei-rs> of the heaven; and they were blotted out from the earth</tei-seg>; and <tei-persname ref="#noah" data-origname="persName" data-processed="">Noah</tei-persname> only was left, and they that were with him in the ark.</tei-seg> <sup><tei-seg type="verse" xml:id="ch07v24" id="ch07v24" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">24</tei-seg></sup><tei-seg ana="#water" data-origname="seg" data-processed=""><tei-seg ana="#repetition" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">And the waters prevailed upon the earth</tei-seg> <tei-measure unit="days" n="150" data-origname="measure" data-processed="">hundred and fifty days</tei-measure>.</tei-seg></tei-ab></tei-div>
<tei-div type="chapter" xml:id="ch8" id="ch8" data-origname="div" data-processed=""><tei-head data-origname="head" data-processed="">Chapter 8</tei-head>
<tei-ab type="p" data-origname="ab" data-processed=""><sup><tei-seg type="verse" xml:id="ch08v1" id="ch08v1" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">1</tei-seg></sup>And God remembered <tei-persname ref="#noah" data-origname="persName" data-processed="">Noah</tei-persname>, and every living thing, and all the <tei-rs type="animal" data-origname="rs" data-processed="">cattle</tei-rs> that were with him in the ark; and <tei-seg ana="#creation" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">God made a wind to pass over the earth</tei-seg>, and <tei-seg ana="#water" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">the waters assuaged <sup><tei-seg type="verse" xml:id="ch08v2" id="ch08v2" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">2</tei-seg></sup>the fountains also of the deep and the windows of heaven were stopped, and the rain from heaven was restrained. <sup><tei-seg type="verse" xml:id="ch08v3" id="ch08v3" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">3</tei-seg></sup>And the waters returned from off the earth continually; and after the end of a <tei-measure unit="days" n="150" data-origname="measure" data-processed="">hundred and fifty days</tei-measure> the waters decreased.</tei-seg> <sup><tei-seg type="verse" xml:id="ch08v4" id="ch08v4" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">4</tei-seg></sup>And the ark rested in the <tei-date when-custom="1656-07-17" data-origname="date" data-processed=""><tei-seg ana="#seven" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">seventh</tei-seg> month, on the <tei-seg ana="#seven" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">seventeenth</tei-seg> day of the month</tei-date>, upon <tei-rs type="geofeature" subtype="mountain" data-origname="rs" data-processed="">the mountains of <tei-placename ref="#l_ararat" data-origname="placeName" data-processed="">Ararat</tei-placename></tei-rs>. <sup><tei-seg type="verse" xml:id="ch08v5" id="ch08v5" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">5</tei-seg></sup>And <tei-seg ana="#water" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">the waters decreased continually</tei-seg> until the tenth month; <tei-date when-custom="1656-10-17" data-origname="date" data-processed="">in the tenth month, on the first day of the month</tei-date>, were <tei-rs type="geofeature" subtype="mountain" data-origname="rs" data-processed="">the tops of the mountains</tei-rs> seen.</tei-ab>
<tei-ab type="p" data-origname="ab" data-processed=""><sup><tei-seg type="verse" xml:id="ch08v6" id="ch08v6" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">6</tei-seg></sup>And it came to pass at the end of <tei-measure unit="days" n="40" data-origname="measure" data-processed=""><tei-seg ana="#forty" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">forty</tei-seg> days</tei-measure>, that <tei-persname ref="#noah" data-origname="persName" data-processed="">Noah</tei-persname> opened the window of the ark which he had made. <sup><tei-seg type="verse" xml:id="ch08v7" id="ch08v7" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">7</tei-seg></sup>And <tei-seg ana="#separation" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">he sent forth a <tei-rs type="animal" data-origname="rs" data-processed="">raven</tei-rs></tei-seg>, and it went forth to and fro, <tei-seg ana="#water" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">until the waters were dried up from off the earth</tei-seg>. <sup><tei-seg type="verse" xml:id="ch08v8" id="ch08v8" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">8</tei-seg></sup><tei-seg ana="#separation" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">And he sent forth a <tei-rs type="animal" data-origname="rs" data-processed="">dove</tei-rs> from him</tei-seg>, to see if <tei-seg ana="#water" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">the waters were abated from off the <tei-seg ana="#personification" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">face of the ground</tei-seg></tei-seg>. <sup><tei-seg type="verse" xml:id="ch08v9" id="ch08v9" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">9</tei-seg></sup>But the <tei-rs type="animal" data-origname="rs" data-processed="">dove</tei-rs> found no rest for the sole of <tei-seg ana="#personification" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">her foot</tei-seg>, and <tei-seg ana="#combination" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">she returned unto him to the ark</tei-seg>, <tei-seg ana="#water" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">for the waters were on the <tei-seg ana="#personification" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">face of the whole earth</tei-seg></tei-seg>; and he put forth his hand, and took her, and brought her in unto him into the ark. <sup><tei-seg type="verse" xml:id="ch08v10" id="ch08v10" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">10</tei-seg></sup>And he stayed yet other <tei-measure unit="days" n="7" data-origname="measure" data-processed=""><tei-seg ana="#seven" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">seven</tei-seg> days</tei-measure>; and again <tei-seg ana="#separation" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">he sent forth the <tei-rs type="animal" data-origname="rs" data-processed="">dove</tei-rs> out of the ark</tei-seg>. <sup><tei-seg type="verse" xml:id="ch08v11" id="ch08v11" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">11</tei-seg></sup>And <tei-seg ana="#combination" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">the <tei-rs type="animal" data-origname="rs" data-processed="">dove</tei-rs> came in to him at eventide</tei-seg>; and lo in her mouth an olive-leaf freshly plucked; so <tei-persname ref="#noah" data-origname="persName" data-processed="">Noah</tei-persname> knew that the <tei-seg ana="#water" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">waters were abated from off the earth</tei-seg>. <sup><tei-seg type="verse" xml:id="ch08v12" id="ch08v12" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">12</tei-seg></sup>And he stayed yet other <tei-measure unit="days" n="7" data-origname="measure" data-processed=""><tei-seg ana="#seven" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">seven</tei-seg> days</tei-measure>; and <tei-seg ana="#separation" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">sent forth the <tei-rs type="animal" data-origname="rs" data-processed="">dove</tei-rs>; and she returned not again unto him any more</tei-seg>.</tei-ab>
<tei-ab type="p" data-origname="ab" data-processed=""><sup><tei-seg type="verse" xml:id="ch08v13" id="ch08v13" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">13</tei-seg></sup>And it came to pass in the <tei-date when-custom="1657-01-01" data-origname="date" data-processed="">six hundred and first year, in the first month, the first day of the month</tei-date>, the <tei-seg ana="#water" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">waters were dried up from off the earth</tei-seg>; and <tei-persname ref="#noah" data-origname="persName" data-processed="">Noah</tei-persname> removed the covering of the ark, and looked, and behold, the face of the ground was dried. <sup><tei-seg type="verse" xml:id="ch08v14" id="ch08v14" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">14</tei-seg></sup>And in the <tei-date when-custom="1657-02-27" data-origname="date" data-processed="">second month, on the <tei-seg ana="#seven" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">seven and twentieth</tei-seg> day of the month</tei-date>, was the earth dry.</tei-ab>
<tei-ab type="p" data-origname="ab" data-processed=""><sup><tei-seg type="verse" xml:id="ch08v15" id="ch08v15" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">15</tei-seg></sup>And God spoke unto <tei-persname ref="#noah" data-origname="persName" data-processed="">Noah</tei-persname>, saying <sup><tei-seg type="verse" xml:id="ch08v16" id="ch08v16" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">16</tei-seg></sup><tei-seg ana="#commandment" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">'Go forth from the ark, thou, and thy wife, and thy sons, and thy sons' wives with thee. <sup><tei-seg type="verse" xml:id="ch08v17" id="ch08v17" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">17</tei-seg></sup>Bring forth with thee every living thing that is with thee of all flesh, <tei-seg ana="#repetition" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">both <tei-rs type="animal" data-origname="rs" data-processed="">fowl</tei-rs>, and <tei-rs type="animal" data-origname="rs" data-processed="">cattle</tei-rs>, and every <tei-rs type="animal" data-origname="rs" data-processed="">creeping thing</tei-rs> that creepeth upon the earth; that they may swarm in the earth</tei-seg>, and <tei-seg ana="#toledot" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">be fruitful, and multiply<a tabindex="0" data-toggle="popover" data-trigger="focus" data-content="<i class= "small">Hailey Grace Ames</i>: <tei-p data-origname="p" data-processed="">"be fruitful and multiply" is quite possibly one of the most famous quotes from G-d. This commandment is the base for the rest of the text (i.e., the covenant). We see this quote twice before (Gen. 1:22, 1:28) and again once after this (Gen. 9:1), but I feel like this is the most important time.</tei-p>
<tei-p data-origname="p" data-processed="">The first time He says it to Adam and Eve, it's important, but, except for Noah, G-d destroys all their progeny because they were corrupt, so their fruitfulness and multiplication was for naught. -Hailey A.</tei-p>"><tei-anchor xml:id="a042" id="a042" data-origname="anchor" data-empty="" data-processed=""><sup><i class="far fa-comment-alt light"></i><sup></sup></sup></tei-anchor></a> upon the earth</tei-seg>.'</tei-seg> <sup><tei-seg type="verse" xml:id="ch08v18" id="ch08v18" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">18</tei-seg></sup>And <tei-seg ana="#independence" data-origname="seg" data-processed=""><tei-persname ref="#noah" data-origname="persName" data-processed="">Noah</tei-persname> went forth, and his sons, and his wife, and his sons' wives with him <sup><tei-seg type="verse" xml:id="ch08v19" id="ch08v19" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">19</tei-seg></sup><tei-seg ana="#creation" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">every <tei-rs type="animal" data-origname="rs" data-processed="">beast</tei-rs>, every <tei-rs type="animal" data-origname="rs" data-processed="">creeping thing</tei-rs>, and every <tei-rs type="animal" data-origname="rs" data-processed="">fowl</tei-rs>, whatsoever moveth upon the earth, after their families; went forth out of the ark</tei-seg></tei-seg>.<a tabindex="0" data-toggle="popover" data-trigger="focus" data-content="<i class= "small">Mark Marsden</i>: This event takes place at the end of the flood, when Noah and his family are disembarking from the Ark. God gives Noah a mandate on how to leave, and he disobeys it, relegating his wife to a position behind his son. This could be indicative a bias that God is not subject to- after all, he put Noah's wife before Noah's sons, suggesting a hierachy. The Patriach, followed by the Matriarch, then the offspring and their wives, repeating the formula of husband to wife. However, Noah elevates his sons, even in spite of God's own orders, putting his sons before his wife. This could be indicative of merely preferring to attend to his sons, but perhaps more significantly, associates Noah with subjugating women beneath men. -Mark M."><tei-anchor xml:id="a041" id="a041" data-origname="anchor" data-empty="" data-processed=""><sup><i class="far fa-comment-alt light"></i><sup></sup></sup></tei-anchor></a></tei-ab>
<tei-ab type="p" data-origname="ab" data-processed=""><sup><tei-seg type="verse" xml:id="ch08v20" id="ch08v20" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">20</tei-seg></sup><tei-seg ana="#ambiguous" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">And <tei-persname ref="#noah" data-origname="persName" data-processed="">Noah</tei-persname> builded an altar unto the LORD; and took of every clean <tei-rs type="animal" data-origname="rs" data-processed="">beast</tei-rs>, and of every clean <tei-rs type="animal" data-origname="rs" data-processed="">fowl</tei-rs>, and offered burnt-offerings on the altar.</tei-seg> <sup><tei-seg type="verse" xml:id="ch08v21" id="ch08v21" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">21</tei-seg></sup>And the LORD smelled the sweet savour; and the LORD said in His heart: <tei-seg ana="#declaration" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">'<tei-seg ana="#consequence" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">I will not again curse the ground any more for man's sake</tei-seg>; for <tei-seg ana="#evil" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">the imagination of man's heart is evil from his youth</tei-seg>; neither will I again smite any more every thing living, as I have done. <sup><tei-seg type="verse" xml:id="ch08v22" id="ch08v22" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">22</tei-seg></sup>While the earth remaineth, seedtime and harvest, and cold and heat, and summer and winter, and day and night shall not cease.'<a tabindex="0" data-toggle="popover" data-trigger="focus" data-content="<i class= "small">Mark Marsden</i>: Directly subsequent to the Flood, Noah builds an altar and sacrifices to the Lord. The Lord, upon smelling the sacrifice, realizes he was wrong and admits as much. At times, this scene is characterized as God lamenting over his prior actions, and ensuring that he never will do such a thing again. Given the earlier discussion on God feeling the full range of human emotions, as implied by humans eating from the Tree of Knowledge, we see an interesting situation here where God is potentially wracked with regret in this instance. Apparently, God can make mistakes, and this is instrumental in understanding his at times confusing relationship with mankind. The article <tei-ref target="" data-origname="ref" data-processed=""><span hidden="" data-original="">"The Politics of Immigration"</span><span><a href="">"The Politics of Immigration"</a></span></tei-ref> discusses this section as God quite literally "recoiling in horror" at what he had done, and this genuine sense of remorse colors both God and his actions differently. -Mark M."><tei-anchor xml:id="a043" id="a043" data-origname="anchor" data-empty="" data-processed=""><sup><i class="far fa-comment-alt light"></i><sup></sup></sup></tei-anchor></a></tei-seg></tei-ab></tei-div>
<tei-div type="chapter" xml:id="ch9" id="ch9" data-origname="div" data-processed=""><tei-head data-origname="head" data-processed="">Chapter 9</tei-head>
<tei-ab type="p" data-origname="ab" data-processed=""><sup><tei-seg type="verse" xml:id="ch09v1" id="ch09v1" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">1</tei-seg></sup><tei-seg ana="#holy" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">And God blessed <tei-persname ref="#noah" data-origname="persName" data-processed="">Noah</tei-persname> and his sons</tei-seg>, and said unto them: '<tei-seg ana="#commandment" data-origname="seg" data-processed=""><tei-seg ana="#toledot" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">Be fruitful and multiply</tei-seg>, and replenish the earth.</tei-seg>. <sup><tei-seg type="verse" xml:id="ch09v2" id="ch09v2" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">2</tei-seg></sup><tei-seg ana="#declaration" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">And the fear of you and the dread of you shall be upon every <tei-rs type="animal" data-origname="rs" data-processed="">beast</tei-rs> of the earth, and upon every <tei-rs type="animal" data-origname="rs" data-processed="">fowl</tei-rs> of the air, and upon all wherewith the ground teemeth, and upon all the <tei-rs type="animal" data-origname="rs" data-processed="">fishes</tei-rs> of the <tei-seg ana="#water" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">sea</tei-seg>: into your hand are they delivered. <sup><tei-seg type="verse" xml:id="ch09v3" id="ch09v3" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">3</tei-seg></sup>Every moving thing that liveth shall be for food for you;<a tabindex="0" data-toggle="popover" data-trigger="focus" data-content="<i class= "small">Aiden Sawyer</i>: Mimics the dominion given to Adam, but this time with more of an enmity and consumption. -Aidan S."><tei-anchor xml:id="a044" id="a044" data-origname="anchor" data-empty="" data-processed=""><sup><i class="far fa-comment-alt light"></i><sup></sup></sup></tei-anchor></a> as the green herb have I given you all.</tei-seg> <sup><tei-seg type="verse" xml:id="ch09v4" id="ch09v4" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">4</tei-seg></sup><tei-seg ana="#commandment" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">Only flesh with the life thereof, which is the blood thereof, shall ye not eat.</tei-seg> <sup><tei-seg type="verse" xml:id="ch09v5" id="ch09v5" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">5</tei-seg></sup><tei-seg ana="#declaration" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">And surely your blood of your lives will I require; at the hand of every <tei-rs type="animal" data-origname="rs" data-processed="">beast</tei-rs> will I require it; and at the hand of man, even at the hand of every man's brother, will I require the life of man.</tei-seg> <sup><tei-seg type="verse" xml:id="ch09v6" id="ch09v6" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">6</tei-seg></sup><tei-seg ana="#commandment" data-origname="seg" data-processed=""><tei-seg ana="#consequence" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">Whoso sheddeth man's blood, by man shall his blood be shed</tei-seg>; for <tei-seg ana="#creation" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">in the image of God made He man</tei-seg>.<a tabindex="0" data-toggle="popover" data-trigger="focus" data-content="<i class= "small">Mark Marsden</i>: This quotation is saying that God made man in his image, yet in context, as it relates to the Covenant, implies that this image alone is enough to associate mankind with divinity and thereby grant them a significant measure of dominion over the rest of the world. The mere visage of God is enough to grant humans the right to rule under the Covenant, and they are God's chosen. When mankind was created, they were allowed this degree of divinity by God himself, and this divinity is exercised through humans creating. However, this creation is exercised by humans as relating to the divine, but not necessarily an extension. With toledot, or generations, there is a theme of humanity continuing its lineage. This is mandated by God, and while it is in certain measure humans exercising their ability of creation, it is more intimately related with further mankind under God's own word. -Mark M."><tei-anchor xml:id="a045" id="a045" data-origname="anchor" data-empty="" data-processed=""><sup><i class="far fa-comment-alt light"></i><sup></sup></sup></tei-anchor></a> <sup><tei-seg type="verse" xml:id="ch09v7" id="ch09v7" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">7</tei-seg></sup><tei-seg ana="#repetition #toledot #commandment" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">And you, be ye fruitful, and multiply; swarm in the earth, and multiply therein.</tei-seg></tei-seg>'</tei-ab>
<tei-ab type="p" data-origname="ab" data-processed=""><sup><tei-seg type="verse" xml:id="ch09v8" id="ch09v8" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">8</tei-seg></sup>And God spoke unto <tei-persname ref="#noah" data-origname="persName" data-processed="">Noah</tei-persname>, and to his sons with him, saying: <sup><tei-seg type="verse" xml:id="ch09v9" id="ch09v9" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">9</tei-seg></sup><tei-seg ana="#covenant" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">'As for Me, behold, I establish My covenant with you, and with your <tei-seg ana="#symbol" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">seed</tei-seg> after you; <sup><tei-seg type="verse" xml:id="ch09v10" id="ch09v10" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">10</tei-seg></sup><tei-seg ana="#declaration" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">and with every living creature that is with you, <tei-seg ana="#repetition" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">the <tei-rs type="animal" data-origname="rs" data-processed="">fowl</tei-rs>, the <tei-rs type="animal" data-origname="rs" data-processed="">cattle</tei-rs>, and every <tei-rs type="animal" data-origname="rs" data-processed="">beast</tei-rs> of the earth</tei-seg> with you; of all that go out of the ark, even every <tei-rs type="animal" data-origname="rs" data-processed="">beast</tei-rs> of the earth. <sup><tei-seg type="verse" xml:id="ch09v11" id="ch09v11" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">11</tei-seg></sup><tei-seg ana="#consequence" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">And I will establish My covenant with you; neither shall all flesh be cut off any more by the <tei-seg ana="#water" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">waters of the flood</tei-seg>; neither shall there any more be <tei-seg ana="#water" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">a flood to destroy the earth.</tei-seg></tei-seg></tei-seg>'</tei-seg> <sup><tei-seg type="verse" xml:id="ch09v12" id="ch09v12" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">12</tei-seg></sup>And God said: <tei-seg ana="#covenant" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">'This is the token of the covenant which I make between Me and you and every living creature that is with you, for <tei-seg ana="#toledot" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">perpetual generations</tei-seg> <sup><tei-seg type="verse" xml:id="ch09v13" id="ch09v13" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">13</tei-seg></sup>I have set My bow in the cloud, and it shall be for a token of a covenant between Me and the earth. <sup><tei-seg type="verse" xml:id="ch09v14" id="ch09v14" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">14</tei-seg></sup>And it shall come to pass, when I bring clouds over the earth, and the bow is seen in the cloud <sup><tei-seg type="verse" xml:id="ch09v15" id="ch09v15" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">15</tei-seg></sup>that I will remember My covenant, which is between Me and you and every living creature of all flesh; and <tei-seg ana="#water" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">the waters shall no more become a flood to destroy all flesh</tei-seg>. <sup><tei-seg type="verse" xml:id="ch09v16" id="ch09v16" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">16</tei-seg></sup>And the bow shall be in the cloud; and I will look upon it, that I may remember the everlasting covenant between God and every living creature of all flesh that is upon the earth.' <sup><tei-seg type="verse" xml:id="ch09v17" id="ch09v17" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">17</tei-seg></sup>And God said unto <tei-persname ref="#noah" data-origname="persName" data-processed="">Noah</tei-persname>: '<tei-seg ana="#repetition" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">This is the token of the covenant which I have established between Me and all flesh that is upon the earth</tei-seg>.'</tei-seg></tei-ab>
<tei-ab type="p" data-origname="ab" data-processed=""><sup><tei-seg type="verse" xml:id="ch09v18" id="ch09v18" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">18</tei-seg></sup><tei-seg ana="#toledot" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">And the sons of <tei-persname ref="#noah" data-origname="persName" data-processed="">Noah</tei-persname>, that went forth from the ark, were <tei-persname ref="#shem" data-origname="persName" data-processed="">Shem</tei-persname>, and <tei-persname ref="#ham" data-origname="persName" data-processed="">Ham</tei-persname>, and <tei-persname ref="#japheth" data-origname="persName" data-processed="">Japheth</tei-persname>; and <tei-persname ref="#ham" data-origname="persName" data-processed="">Ham</tei-persname> is the father of Canaan. <sup><tei-seg type="verse" xml:id="ch09v19" id="ch09v19" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">19</tei-seg></sup>These three were the sons of <tei-persname ref="#noah" data-origname="persName" data-processed="">Noah</tei-persname>, and of these was the whole earth overspread.</tei-seg></tei-ab>
<tei-ab type="p" data-origname="ab" data-processed=""><sup><tei-seg type="verse" xml:id="ch09v20" id="ch09v20" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">20</tei-seg></sup><tei-seg ana="#farmer" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">And <tei-persname ref="#noah" data-origname="persName" data-processed="">Noah</tei-persname> the husbandman began, and planted a <tei-placename ref="#l_vineyard" data-origname="placeName" data-processed="">vineyard</tei-placename>.</tei-seg> <sup><tei-seg type="verse" xml:id="ch09v21" id="ch09v21" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">21</tei-seg></sup>And he drank of the wine, and was drunken; and he was uncovered within his tent. <sup><tei-seg type="verse" xml:id="ch09v22" id="ch09v22" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">22</tei-seg></sup><tei-seg ana="#consequence" data-origname="seg" data-processed=""><tei-seg ana="#bad" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">And <tei-persname ref="#ham" data-origname="persName" data-processed="">Ham</tei-persname>, the father of Canaan, saw the nakedness of his father, and told his two brethren without</tei-seg></tei-seg>. <sup><tei-seg type="verse" xml:id="ch09v23" id="ch09v23" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">23</tei-seg></sup>And <tei-seg ana="#good" data-origname="seg" data-processed=""><tei-persname ref="#shem" data-origname="persName" data-processed="">Shem</tei-persname> and <tei-persname ref="#japheth" data-origname="persName" data-processed="">Japheth</tei-persname> took a garment, and laid it upon both their shoulders, and went backward, and covered the nakedness of their father; and their faces were backward, and they saw not their father's nakedness</tei-seg>. <sup><tei-seg type="verse" xml:id="ch09v24" id="ch09v24" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">24</tei-seg></sup>And <tei-persname ref="#noah" data-origname="persName" data-processed="">Noah</tei-persname> awoke from his wine, and knew what his youngest son had done unto him. <sup><tei-seg type="verse" xml:id="ch09v25" id="ch09v25" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">25</tei-seg></sup>And he said:</tei-ab>
<tei-lg data-origname="lg" data-processed="">
<tei-l data-origname="l" data-processed=""><tei-seg ana="#punishment" data-origname="seg" data-processed=""><tei-seg ana="#bad" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">Cursed be Canaan</tei-seg>; a servant of servants shall he be unto his brethren.</tei-seg></tei-l>
<tei-ab type="p" data-origname="ab" data-processed=""><sup><tei-seg type="verse" xml:id="ch09v26" id="ch09v26" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">26</tei-seg></sup> And he said:</tei-ab>
<tei-lg data-origname="lg" data-processed="">
<tei-l data-origname="l" data-processed=""><tei-seg ana="#holy" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">Blessed be the LORD, the God of <tei-persname ref="#shem" data-origname="persName" data-processed="">Shem</tei-persname>;</tei-seg></tei-l>
<tei-l data-origname="l" data-processed=""><tei-seg ana="#punishment" xml:id="brkseg001" id="brkseg001" next="#brkseg002" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">And let Canaan be their servant.</tei-seg></tei-l>
<tei-l data-origname="l" data-processed=""><tei-seg ana="#punishment" xml:id="brkseg002" id="brkseg002" prev="brkseg001" next="#brkseg003" data-origname="seg" data-processed=""><sup><tei-seg type="verse" xml:id="ch09v27" id="ch09v27" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">27</tei-seg></sup>God enlarge <tei-persname ref="#japheth" data-origname="persName" data-processed="">Japheth</tei-persname>, and he shall dwell in the tents of <tei-persname ref="#shem" data-origname="persName" data-processed="">Shem</tei-persname>;</tei-seg></tei-l>
<tei-l data-origname="l" data-processed=""><tei-seg ana="#punishment" xml:id="brkseg003" id="brkseg003" prev="#brkseg002" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">And let Canaan be their servant.</tei-seg></tei-l>
<tei-ab type="p" data-origname="ab" data-processed=""><sup><tei-seg type="verse" xml:id="ch09v28" id="ch09v28" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">28</tei-seg></sup>And <tei-persname ref="#noah" data-origname="persName" data-processed="">Noah</tei-persname> lived after the flood three hundred and fifty years. <sup><tei-seg type="verse" xml:id="ch09v29" id="ch09v29" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">29</tei-seg></sup>And all the days of <tei-persname ref="#noah" data-origname="persName" data-processed="">Noah</tei-persname> were <tei-measure unit="years" n="950" data-origname="measure" data-processed="">nine hundred and fifty years</tei-measure>; and he died.</tei-ab></tei-div>
<tei-div type="chapter" xml:id="ch10" id="ch10" data-origname="div" data-processed=""><tei-head data-origname="head" data-processed="">Chapter 10</tei-head>
<tei-ab type="p" data-origname="ab" data-processed=""><sup><tei-seg type="verse" xml:id="ch10v1" id="ch10v1" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">1</tei-seg></sup><tei-seg ana="#toledot" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">Now these are the generations of the sons of <tei-persname ref="#noah" data-origname="persName" data-processed="">Noah</tei-persname>: <tei-persname ref="#shem" data-origname="persName" data-processed="">Shem</tei-persname>, <tei-persname ref="#ham" data-origname="persName" data-processed="">Ham</tei-persname>, and <tei-persname ref="#japheth" data-origname="persName" data-processed="">Japheth</tei-persname>; and unto them were sons born after the flood. <sup><tei-seg type="verse" xml:id="ch10v2" id="ch10v2" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">2</tei-seg></sup>The sons of <tei-persname ref="#japheth" data-origname="persName" data-processed="">Japheth</tei-persname>: Gomer, and Magog, and Madai, and Javan, and Tubal, and Meshech, and Tiras. <sup><tei-seg type="verse" xml:id="ch10v3" id="ch10v3" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">3</tei-seg></sup>And the sons of Gomer: Ashkenaz, and Riphath, and Togarmah. <sup><tei-seg type="verse" xml:id="ch10v4" id="ch10v4" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">4</tei-seg></sup>And the sons of Javan: Elishah, and Tarshish, Kittim, and Dodanim.</tei-seg> <sup><tei-seg type="verse" xml:id="ch10v5" id="ch10v5" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">5</tei-seg></sup>Of these were the isles of the nations divided in their lands, every one after his tongue, after their families, in their nations. <sup><tei-seg type="verse" xml:id="ch10v6" id="ch10v6" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">6</tei-seg></sup><tei-seg ana="#toledot" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">And the sons of <tei-persname ref="#ham" data-origname="persName" data-processed="">Ham</tei-persname>: Cush, and Mizraim, and Put, and Canaan. <sup><tei-seg type="verse" xml:id="ch10v7" id="ch10v7" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">7</tei-seg></sup>And the sons of Cush: Seba, and Havilah, and Sabtah, and Raamah, and Sabteca; and the sons of Raamah: Sheba, and Dedan. <sup><tei-seg type="verse" xml:id="ch10v8" id="ch10v8" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">8</tei-seg></sup>And Cush begot Nimrod; he began to be a mighty one in the earth.</tei-seg> <sup><tei-seg type="verse" xml:id="ch10v9" id="ch10v9" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">9</tei-seg></sup>He was a mighty hunter before the LORD; wherefore it is said: 'Like Nimrod a mighty hunter before the LORD.' <sup><tei-seg type="verse" xml:id="ch10v10" id="ch10v10" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">10</tei-seg></sup>And the beginning of his kingdom was <tei-placename ref="#l_babel" data-origname="placeName" data-processed="">Babel</tei-placename>, and <tei-placename ref="#l_erech" data-origname="placeName" data-processed="">Erech</tei-placename>, and <tei-placename ref="#accad" data-origname="placeName" data-processed="">Accad</tei-placename>, and <tei-placename ref="#l_calneh" data-origname="placeName" data-processed="">Calneh</tei-placename>, in the land of <tei-placename ref="#l_shinar" data-origname="placeName" data-processed="">Shinar</tei-placename>. <sup><tei-seg type="verse" xml:id="ch10v11" id="ch10v11" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">11</tei-seg></sup>Out of that land went forth Asshur, and builded Nineveh, and Rehoboth-ir, and Calah <sup><tei-seg type="verse" xml:id="ch10v12" id="ch10v12" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">12</tei-seg></sup>and Resen between Nineveh and Calah--the same is the great city. <sup><tei-seg type="verse" xml:id="ch10v13" id="ch10v13" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">13</tei-seg></sup><tei-seg ana="#toledot" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">And Mizraim begot Ludim, and Anamim, and Lehabim, and Naphtuhim <sup><tei-seg type="verse" xml:id="ch10v14" id="ch10v14" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">14</tei-seg></sup>and Pathrusim, and Casluhim--whence went forth the Philistines--and Caphtorim.</tei-seg></tei-ab>
<tei-ab type="p" data-origname="ab" data-processed=""><sup><tei-seg type="verse" xml:id="ch10v15" id="ch10v15" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">15</tei-seg></sup><tei-seg ana="#toledot" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">And Canaan begot Zidon his firstborn, and Heth <sup><tei-seg type="verse" xml:id="ch10v16" id="ch10v16" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">16</tei-seg></sup>and the Jebusite, and the Amorite, and the Girgashite <sup><tei-seg type="verse" xml:id="ch10v17" id="ch10v17" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">17</tei-seg></sup>and the Hivite, and the Arkite, and the Sinite <sup><tei-seg type="verse" xml:id="ch10v18" id="ch10v18" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">18</tei-seg></sup>and the Arvadite, and the Zemarite, and the Hamathite; and afterward were the families of the Canaanite spread abroad.</tei-seg> <sup><tei-seg type="verse" xml:id="ch10v19" id="ch10v19" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">19</tei-seg></sup>And the border of the Canaanite was from Zidon, as thou goest toward Gerar, unto Gaza; as thou goest toward Sodom and Gomorrah and Admah and Zeboiim, unto Lasha. <sup><tei-seg type="verse" xml:id="ch10v20" id="ch10v20" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">20</tei-seg></sup><tei-seg ana="#repetition" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">These are the sons of <tei-persname ref="#ham" data-origname="persName" data-processed="">Ham</tei-persname>, after their families, after their tongues, in their lands, in their nations</tei-seg>.</tei-ab>
<tei-ab type="p" data-origname="ab" data-processed=""><sup><tei-seg type="verse" xml:id="ch10v21" id="ch10v21" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">21</tei-seg></sup>And unto <tei-persname ref="#shem" data-origname="persName" data-processed="">Shem</tei-persname>, the father of all the children of <tei-persname ref="#eber" data-origname="persName" data-processed="">Eber</tei-persname>, the elder brother of <tei-persname ref="#japheth" data-origname="persName" data-processed="">Japheth</tei-persname>, to him also were children born. <sup><tei-seg type="verse" xml:id="ch10v22" id="ch10v22" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">22</tei-seg></sup><tei-seg ana="#toledot" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">The sons of <tei-persname ref="#shem" data-origname="persName" data-processed="">Shem</tei-persname>: Elam, and Asshur, and <tei-persname ref="#arpachshad" data-origname="persName" data-processed="">Arpachshad</tei-persname>, and Lud, and Aram. <sup><tei-seg type="verse" xml:id="ch10v23" id="ch10v23" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">23</tei-seg></sup>And the sons of Aram: Uz, and Hul, and Gether, and Mash. <sup><tei-seg type="verse" xml:id="ch10v24" id="ch10v24" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">24</tei-seg></sup>And <tei-persname ref="#arpachshad" data-origname="persName" data-processed="">Arpachshad</tei-persname> begot <tei-persname ref="#shelah" data-origname="persName" data-processed="">Shelah</tei-persname>; and <tei-persname ref="#shelah" data-origname="persName" data-processed="">Shelah</tei-persname> begot <tei-persname ref="#eber" data-origname="persName" data-processed="">Eber</tei-persname>. <sup><tei-seg type="verse" xml:id="ch10v25" id="ch10v25" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">25</tei-seg></sup>And unto <tei-persname ref="#eber" data-origname="persName" data-processed="">Eber</tei-persname> were born two sons; the name of the one was <tei-persname ref="#peleg" data-origname="persName" data-processed="">Peleg</tei-persname>; for in his days was the earth divided; and his brother's name was Joktan. <sup><tei-seg type="verse" xml:id="ch10v26" id="ch10v26" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">26</tei-seg></sup>And Joktan begot Almodad, and Sheleph, and Hazarmaveth, and Jerah <sup><tei-seg type="verse" xml:id="ch10v27" id="ch10v27" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">27</tei-seg></sup>and Hadoram, and Uzal, and Diklah <sup><tei-seg type="verse" xml:id="ch10v28" id="ch10v28" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">28</tei-seg></sup>and Obal, and Abimael, and Sheba <sup><tei-seg type="verse" xml:id="ch10v29" id="ch10v29" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">29</tei-seg></sup>and Ophir, and Havilah, and Jobab; all these were the sons of Joktan.</tei-seg> <sup><tei-seg type="verse" xml:id="ch10v30" id="ch10v30" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">30</tei-seg></sup>And their dwelling was from <tei-placename ref="#l_mesha" data-origname="placeName" data-processed="">Mesha</tei-placename>, as thou goest toward <tei-placename ref="#l_sephar" data-origname="placeName" data-processed="">Sephar</tei-placename>, unto the mountain of the east. <sup><tei-seg type="verse" xml:id="ch10v31" id="ch10v31" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">31</tei-seg></sup>These are the sons of <tei-persname ref="#shem" data-origname="persName" data-processed="">Shem</tei-persname>, after their families, after their tongues, in their lands, after their nations.</tei-ab>
<tei-ab type="p" data-origname="ab" data-processed=""><sup><tei-seg type="verse" xml:id="ch10v32" id="ch10v32" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">32</tei-seg></sup><tei-seg ana="#toledot" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">These are the families of the sons of <tei-persname ref="#noah" data-origname="persName" data-processed="">Noah</tei-persname>, after their generations, in their nations</tei-seg>; <tei-seg ana="#separation" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">and of these were the nations divided in the earth after the flood</tei-seg>.</tei-ab></tei-div>
<tei-div type="chapter" xml:id="ch11" id="ch11" data-origname="div" data-processed=""><tei-head data-origname="head" data-processed="">Chapter 11</tei-head>
<tei-ab type="p" data-origname="ab" data-processed=""><sup><tei-seg type="verse" xml:id="ch11v1" id="ch11v1" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">1</tei-seg></sup><tei-seg ana="#combination" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">And the whole earth was of one language and of one speech</tei-seg>. <sup><tei-seg type="verse" xml:id="ch11v2" id="ch11v2" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">2</tei-seg></sup>And it came to pass, as they journeyed east, that they found a <tei-rs type="geofeature" subtype="plain" data-origname="rs" data-processed="">plain</tei-rs> in the land of <tei-placename ref="#l_shinar" data-origname="placeName" data-processed="">Shinar</tei-placename>; and they dwelt there. <sup><tei-seg type="verse" xml:id="ch11v3" id="ch11v3" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">3</tei-seg></sup>And they said one to another: <tei-rs type="geofeature" subtype="city" data-origname="rs" data-processed="">'Come, let us make brick, and burn them thoroughly.' And they had brick for stone, and slime had they for mortar.</tei-rs> <sup><tei-seg type="verse" xml:id="ch11v4" id="ch11v4" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">4</tei-seg></sup>And they said: '<tei-seg ana="#creation" data-origname="seg" data-processed=""><tei-rs type="geofeature" subtype="city" data-origname="rs" data-processed="">Come, let us build us a city, and a tower, with its top in heaven</tei-rs></tei-seg>, and <tei-seg ana="#flaw" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">let us make us a name</tei-seg>; <tei-seg ana="#separation" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">lest we be scattered abroad upon the <tei-seg ana="#personification" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">face of the whole earth</tei-seg></tei-seg>.'<a tabindex="0" data-toggle="popover" data-trigger="focus" data-content="<i class= "small">Aiden Sawyer</i>: The motivations for building this great city are shown to be in direct opposition to the charge G-d gives so many times to all Life and specifically to Man several times. -Aidan S."><tei-anchor xml:id="a046" id="a046" data-origname="anchor" data-empty="" data-processed=""><sup><i class="far fa-comment-alt light"></i><sup></sup></sup></tei-anchor></a> <sup><tei-seg type="verse" xml:id="ch11v5" id="ch11v5" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">5</tei-seg></sup>And the LORD came down to see the city and the tower, which the children of men builded. <sup><tei-seg type="verse" xml:id="ch11v6" id="ch11v6" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">6</tei-seg></sup>And the LORD said: '<tei-seg ana="#declaration" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">Behold, they are one people, and they have all one language; and this is what they begin to do; and now nothing will be withholden<a tabindex="0" data-toggle="popover" data-trigger="focus" data-content="<i class= "small">Mark Marsden</i>: Here, God intentionally limits the heights that mankind can reach. This is one of the instances where God's reasoning for this is entirely ambiguous, however, one might infer that this is because humanity simply is not ready yet. Mankind requires the limitations to grow and understand the world around them, instead of aspiring to these heights and building a tower to Heaven before their time. In a sense, they tried to reach the conclusion before they went through the body of their experience. God wants humanity to be better before they ascend, but through what measure, this is unclear. -Mark M."><tei-anchor xml:id="a049" id="a049" data-origname="anchor" data-empty="" data-processed=""><sup><i class="far fa-comment-alt light"></i><sup></sup></sup></tei-anchor></a> from them, which they purpose to do.</tei-seg> <sup><tei-seg type="verse" xml:id="ch11v7" id="ch11v7" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">7</tei-seg></sup><tei-seg ana="#punishment" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">Come, let us go down, and there confound their language, that they may not understand one another's speech.</tei-seg>'<a tabindex="0" data-toggle="popover" data-trigger="focus" data-content="<i class= "small">Mark Marsden</i>: In this instance, another situation of dubious forgiveness in Genesis under God is demonstrated. God does not give the humans an opportunity to learn or change here, but scatters them without warning and confounds their language so they may not communicate. In a sense, this is a total condemnation of cooperation for quite some time to come, putting an innate barrier between all of these different language and developing peoples. However, this may fit into the notion that God wants humanity to learn- in this case, how to cooperate in the face of exceptional adversity insofar as they may not be able to speak the language. It is equally possible or even likely that this was done simply to see what mankind would do if God put one of its greatest obstacles yet in the way, the language barrier. -Mark M."><tei-anchor xml:id="a047" id="a047" data-origname="anchor" data-empty="" data-processed=""><sup><i class="far fa-comment-alt light"></i><sup></sup></sup></tei-anchor></a> <sup><tei-seg type="verse" xml:id="ch11v8" id="ch11v8" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">8</tei-seg></sup><tei-seg ana="#separation" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">So the LORD scattered them abroad</tei-seg> from thence upon the <tei-seg ana="#personification" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">face of all the earth</tei-seg>; and they left off to build the city. <sup><tei-seg type="verse" xml:id="ch11v9" id="ch11v9" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">9</tei-seg></sup><tei-seg ana="#consequence" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">Therefore was the name of it called <tei-placename ref="#l_babel" data-origname="placeName" data-processed="">Babel</tei-placename></tei-seg>; <tei-seg ana="#separation" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">because the LORD did there confound the language of all the earth; and from thence did <tei-seg ana="#repetition" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">the LORD scatter them abroad upon the face of all the earth</tei-seg></tei-seg>.</tei-ab>
<tei-ab type="p" data-origname="ab" data-processed=""><tei-seg ana="#toledot" xml:id="brkseg004" id="brkseg004" next="#brkseg005" data-origname="seg" data-processed=""><sup><tei-seg type="verse" xml:id="ch11v10" id="ch11v10" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">10</tei-seg></sup>These are the generations of <tei-persname ref="#shem" data-origname="persName" data-processed="">Shem</tei-persname>. <tei-measure unit="years" n="100" data-origname="measure" data-processed=""><tei-persname ref="#shem" data-origname="persName" data-processed="">Shem</tei-persname> was a hundred years old</tei-measure>, and begot <tei-persname ref="#arpachshad" data-origname="persName" data-processed="">Arpachshad</tei-persname> two years after the flood. <sup><tei-seg type="verse" xml:id="ch11v11" id="ch11v11" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">11</tei-seg></sup>And <tei-persname ref="#shem" data-origname="persName" data-processed="">Shem</tei-persname> lived after he begot <tei-persname ref="#arpachshad" data-origname="persName" data-processed="">Arpachshad</tei-persname> <tei-measure unit="years" n="500" data-origname="measure" data-processed="">five hundred years</tei-measure>, and begot sons and daughters.</tei-seg></tei-ab>
<tei-ab type="p" data-origname="ab" data-processed=""><tei-seg ana="#toledot" xml:id="brkseg005" id="brkseg005" prev="#brkseg004" next="#brkseg006" data-origname="seg" data-processed=""><sup><tei-seg type="verse" xml:id="ch11v12" id="ch11v12" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">12</tei-seg></sup>And <tei-persname ref="#arpachshad" data-origname="persName" data-processed="">Arpachshad</tei-persname> lived <tei-measure unit="years" n="35" data-origname="measure" data-processed="">five and thirty years</tei-measure>, and begot <tei-persname ref="#shelah" data-origname="persName" data-processed="">Shelah</tei-persname>. <sup><tei-seg type="verse" xml:id="ch11v13" id="ch11v13" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">13</tei-seg></sup>And <tei-persname ref="#arpachshad" data-origname="persName" data-processed="">Arpachshad</tei-persname> lived after he begot <tei-persname ref="#shelah" data-origname="persName" data-processed="">Shelah</tei-persname> <tei-measure unit="years" n="403" data-origname="measure" data-processed="">four hundred and three years</tei-measure>, and begot sons and daughters.</tei-seg></tei-ab>
<tei-ab type="p" data-origname="ab" data-processed=""><tei-seg ana="#toledot" xml:id="brkseg006" id="brkseg006" prev="#brkseg005" next="#brkseg007" data-origname="seg" data-processed=""><sup><tei-seg type="verse" xml:id="ch11v14" id="ch11v14" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">14</tei-seg></sup>And <tei-persname ref="#shelah" data-origname="persName" data-processed="">Shelah</tei-persname> lived <tei-measure unit="years" n="30" data-origname="measure" data-processed="">thirty years</tei-measure>, and begot <tei-persname ref="#eber" data-origname="persName" data-processed="">Eber</tei-persname>. <sup><tei-seg type="verse" xml:id="ch11v15" id="ch11v15" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">15</tei-seg></sup>And <tei-persname ref="#shelah" data-origname="persName" data-processed="">Shelah</tei-persname> lived after he begot <tei-persname ref="#eber" data-origname="persName" data-processed="">Eber</tei-persname> <tei-measure unit="years" n="403" data-origname="measure" data-processed="">four hundred and three years</tei-measure>, and begot sons and daughters.</tei-seg></tei-ab>
<tei-ab type="p" data-origname="ab" data-processed=""><tei-seg ana="#toledot" xml:id="brkseg007" id="brkseg007" prev="#brkseg006" next="#brkseg008" data-origname="seg" data-processed=""><sup><tei-seg type="verse" xml:id="ch11v16" id="ch11v16" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">16</tei-seg></sup>And <tei-persname ref="#eber" data-origname="persName" data-processed="">Eber</tei-persname> lived <tei-measure unit="years" n="34" data-origname="measure" data-processed="">four and thirty years</tei-measure>, and begot <tei-persname ref="#peleg" data-origname="persName" data-processed="">Peleg</tei-persname>. <sup><tei-seg type="verse" xml:id="ch11v17" id="ch11v17" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">17</tei-seg></sup>And <tei-persname ref="#eber" data-origname="persName" data-processed="">Eber</tei-persname> lived after he begot <tei-persname ref="#peleg" data-origname="persName" data-processed="">Peleg</tei-persname> <tei-measure unit="years" n="430" data-origname="measure" data-processed="">four hundred and thirty years</tei-measure>, and begot sons and daughters.</tei-seg></tei-ab>
<tei-ab type="p" data-origname="ab" data-processed=""><tei-seg ana="#toledot" xml:id="brkseg008" id="brkseg008" prev="#brkseg007" next="#brkseg009" data-origname="seg" data-processed=""><sup><tei-seg type="verse" xml:id="ch11v18" id="ch11v18" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">18</tei-seg></sup>And <tei-persname ref="#peleg" data-origname="persName" data-processed="">Peleg</tei-persname> lived <tei-measure unit="years" n="30" data-origname="measure" data-processed="">thirty years</tei-measure>, and begot <tei-persname ref="#reu" data-origname="persName" data-processed="">Reu</tei-persname>. <sup><tei-seg type="verse" xml:id="ch11v19" id="ch11v19" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">19</tei-seg></sup>And <tei-persname ref="#peleg" data-origname="persName" data-processed="">Peleg</tei-persname> lived after he begot <tei-persname ref="#reu" data-origname="persName" data-processed="">Reu</tei-persname> <tei-measure unit="years" n="209" data-origname="measure" data-processed="">two hundred and nine years</tei-measure>, and begot sons and daughters.<a tabindex="0" data-toggle="popover" data-trigger="focus" data-content="<i class= "small">Kelley Orr</i>: In these genealogy monologues, they always say “[father’s name] begot sons and daughters.” Clearly, females are being born and later used to create the next generation biologically. Even though women evidently exist in the book of Genesis, why do daughters ever receive the covenant from God or their fathers? -Kelley O."><tei-anchor xml:id="a050" id="a050" data-origname="anchor" data-empty="" data-processed=""><sup><i class="far fa-comment-alt light"></i><sup></sup></sup></tei-anchor></a><a tabindex="0" data-toggle="popover" data-trigger="focus" data-content="<i class= "small">Hailey Grace Ames</i>: <tei-p data-origname="p" data-processed="">In reference to the previous comment, our feminist glasses should be put on here. We've been trying to read Genesis, keeping our eyes peeled and supplementing our knowledge with more info on how women are written and treated in Genesis.</tei-p>
<tei-p data-origname="p" data-processed="">It's true that women don't have the covenant, but it's untrue that there aren't important women. There is Sarah, Hagar, Rebecca, Leia and Rachel. But they don't have G-d's protection or promise. -Hailey A.</tei-p>"><tei-anchor xml:id="a050a" id="a050a" data-origname="anchor" data-empty="" data-processed=""><sup><i class="far fa-comment-alt light"></i><sup></sup></sup></tei-anchor></a></tei-seg></tei-ab>
<tei-ab type="p" data-origname="ab" data-processed=""><tei-seg ana="#toledot" xml:id="brkseg009" id="brkseg009" prev="#brkseg008" next="#brkseg010" data-origname="seg" data-processed=""><sup><tei-seg type="verse" xml:id="ch11v20" id="ch11v20" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">20</tei-seg></sup>And <tei-persname ref="#reu" data-origname="persName" data-processed="">Reu</tei-persname> lived <tei-measure unit="years" n="32" data-origname="measure" data-processed="">two and thirty years</tei-measure>, and begot <tei-persname ref="#serug" data-origname="persName" data-processed="">Serug</tei-persname>. <sup><tei-seg type="verse" xml:id="ch11v21" id="ch11v21" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">21</tei-seg></sup>And <tei-persname ref="#reu" data-origname="persName" data-processed="">Reu</tei-persname> lived after he begot <tei-persname ref="#serug" data-origname="persName" data-processed="">Serug</tei-persname> <tei-measure unit="years" n="207" data-origname="measure" data-processed="">two hundred and seven years</tei-measure>, and begot sons and daughters.</tei-seg></tei-ab>
<tei-ab type="p" data-origname="ab" data-processed=""><tei-seg ana="#toledot" xml:id="brkseg010" id="brkseg010" prev="#brkseg009" next="#brkseg011" data-origname="seg" data-processed=""><sup><tei-seg type="verse" xml:id="ch11v22" id="ch11v22" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">22</tei-seg></sup>And <tei-persname ref="#serug" data-origname="persName" data-processed="">Serug</tei-persname> lived <tei-measure unit="years" n="30" data-origname="measure" data-processed="">thirty years</tei-measure>, and begot <tei-persname ref="#nahor" data-origname="persName" data-processed="">Nahor</tei-persname>. <sup><tei-seg type="verse" xml:id="ch11v23" id="ch11v23" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">23</tei-seg></sup>And <tei-persname ref="#serug" data-origname="persName" data-processed="">Serug</tei-persname> lived after he begot <tei-persname ref="#nahor" data-origname="persName" data-processed="">Nahor</tei-persname> <tei-measure unit="years" n="200" data-origname="measure" data-processed="">two hundred years</tei-measure>, and begot sons and daughters.</tei-seg></tei-ab>
<tei-ab type="p" data-origname="ab" data-processed=""><tei-seg ana="#toledot" xml:id="brkseg011" id="brkseg011" prev="#brkseg010" next="#brkseg012" data-origname="seg" data-processed=""><sup><tei-seg type="verse" xml:id="ch11v24" id="ch11v24" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">24</tei-seg></sup>And <tei-persname ref="#nahor" data-origname="persName" data-processed="">Nahor</tei-persname> lived <tei-measure unit="years" n="29" data-origname="measure" data-processed="">nine and twenty years</tei-measure>, and begot <tei-persname ref="#terah" data-origname="persName" data-processed="">Terah</tei-persname>. <sup><tei-seg type="verse" xml:id="ch11v25" id="ch11v25" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">25</tei-seg></sup>And <tei-persname ref="#nahor" data-origname="persName" data-processed="">Nahor</tei-persname> lived after he begot <tei-persname ref="#terah" data-origname="persName" data-processed="">Terah</tei-persname> <tei-measure unit="years" n="119" data-origname="measure" data-processed="">a hundred and nineteen years</tei-measure>, and begot sons and daughters.</tei-seg></tei-ab>
<tei-ab type="p" data-origname="ab" data-processed=""><tei-seg ana="#toledot" xml:id="brkseg012" id="brkseg012" prev="#brkseg011" data-origname="seg" data-processed=""><sup><tei-seg type="verse" xml:id="ch11v26" id="ch11v26" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">26</tei-seg></sup>And <tei-persname ref="#terah" data-origname="persName" data-processed="">Terah</tei-persname> lived <tei-measure unit="years" n="70" data-origname="measure" data-processed="">seventy years</tei-measure>, and begot <tei-persname ref="#abraham" data-origname="persName" data-processed="">Abram</tei-persname>, <tei-persname ref="#nahor2" data-origname="persName" data-processed="">Nahor</tei-persname>, and <tei-persname ref="#haran" data-origname="persName" data-processed="">Haran</tei-persname>. <sup><tei-seg type="verse" xml:id="ch11v27" id="ch11v27" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">27</tei-seg></sup><tei-seg ana="#toledot" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">Now these are the generations of <tei-persname ref="#terah" data-origname="persName" data-processed="">Terah</tei-persname>.</tei-seg> <tei-persname ref="#terah" data-origname="persName" data-processed="">Terah</tei-persname> begot <tei-persname ref="#abraham" data-origname="persName" data-processed="">Abram</tei-persname>, <tei-persname ref="#nahor2" data-origname="persName" data-processed="">Nahor</tei-persname>, and <tei-persname ref="#haran" data-origname="persName" data-processed="">Haran</tei-persname>; and <tei-persname ref="#haran" data-origname="persName" data-processed="">Haran</tei-persname> begot <tei-persname ref="#lot" data-origname="persName" data-processed="">Lot</tei-persname>. <sup><tei-seg type="verse" xml:id="ch11v28" id="ch11v28" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">28</tei-seg></sup>And <tei-persname ref="#haran" data-origname="persName" data-processed="">Haran</tei-persname> died in the presence of his father <tei-persname ref="#terah" data-origname="persName" data-processed="">Terah</tei-persname> in the land of his nativity, in <tei-placename ref="#l_ur" data-origname="placeName" data-processed="">Ur of the Chaldees</tei-placename>. <sup><tei-seg type="verse" xml:id="ch11v29" id="ch11v29" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">29</tei-seg></sup>And <tei-persname ref="#abraham" data-origname="persName" data-processed="">Abram</tei-persname> and <tei-persname ref="#nahor2" data-origname="persName" data-processed="">Nahor</tei-persname> took them wives: the name of <tei-persname ref="#abraham" data-origname="persName" data-processed="">Abram</tei-persname>'s wife was <tei-persname ref="#sarah" data-origname="persName" data-processed="">Sarai</tei-persname>; and the name of <tei-persname ref="#nahor2" data-origname="persName" data-processed="">Nahor</tei-persname>'s wife, <tei-persname ref="#milcah" data-origname="persName" data-processed="">Milcah</tei-persname>, the daughter of <tei-persname ref="#haran" data-origname="persName" data-processed="">Haran</tei-persname>, the father of <tei-persname ref="#milcah" data-origname="persName" data-processed="">Milcah</tei-persname>, and the father of <tei-persname ref="#iscah" data-origname="persName" data-processed="">Iscah</tei-persname>.<a tabindex="0" data-toggle="popover" data-trigger="focus" data-content="<i class= "small">Hailey Grace Ames</i>: Why aren't Sarai's parents mentioned at all? It seems like everyone else in Genesis always has who they are related to mentioned but not Sarai? That is really odd because Sarai, compared to Milcah, is way more important to the story. -Hailey A."><tei-anchor xml:id="a048" id="a048" data-origname="anchor" data-empty="" data-processed=""><sup><i class="far fa-comment-alt light"></i><sup></sup></sup></tei-anchor></a> <sup><tei-seg type="verse" xml:id="ch11v30" id="ch11v30" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">30</tei-seg></sup>And <tei-seg ana="#ambiguous" data-origname="seg" data-processed=""><tei-persname ref="#sarah" data-origname="persName" data-processed="">Sarai</tei-persname> was barren</tei-seg>; she had no child. <sup><tei-seg type="verse" xml:id="ch11v31" id="ch11v31" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">31</tei-seg></sup>And <tei-persname ref="#terah" data-origname="persName" data-processed="">Terah</tei-persname> took <tei-persname ref="#abraham" data-origname="persName" data-processed="">Abram</tei-persname> his son, and <tei-persname ref="#lot" data-origname="persName" data-processed="">Lot</tei-persname> the son of <tei-persname ref="#haran" data-origname="persName" data-processed="">Haran</tei-persname>, his son's son, and <tei-persname ref="#sarah" data-origname="persName" data-processed="">Sarai</tei-persname> his daughter-in-law, his son <tei-persname ref="#abraham" data-origname="persName" data-processed="">Abram</tei-persname>'s wife; and they went forth with them from <tei-placename ref="#l_ur" data-origname="placeName" data-processed="">Ur of the Chaldees</tei-placename>, to go into the land of <tei-placename ref="#l_canaan" data-origname="placeName" data-processed="">Canaan</tei-placename>; and they came unto <tei-placename ref="#l_haran" data-origname="placeName" data-processed="">Haran</tei-placename>, and dwelt there. <sup><tei-seg type="verse" xml:id="ch11v32" id="ch11v32" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">32</tei-seg></sup>And the days of <tei-persname ref="#terah" data-origname="persName" data-processed="">Terah</tei-persname> were <tei-measure unit="years" n="205" data-origname="measure" data-processed="">two hundred and five years</tei-measure>; and <tei-persname ref="#terah" data-origname="persName" data-processed="">Terah</tei-persname> died in <tei-placename ref="#l_haran" data-origname="placeName" data-processed="">Haran</tei-placename>.</tei-seg></tei-ab></tei-div>
<tei-div type="chapter" xml:id="ch12" id="ch12" data-origname="div" data-processed="">
<tei-head data-origname="head" data-processed="">Chapter 12</tei-head>
<tei-ab type="p" data-origname="ab" data-processed=""><sup><tei-seg type="verse" xml:id="ch12v1" id="ch12v1" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">1</tei-seg></sup>Now the LORD said unto <tei-persname ref="#abraham" data-origname="persName" data-processed="">Abram</tei-persname>: '<tei-seg ana="#commandment" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">Get thee out of thy country, and from thy kindred, and from thy father's house, unto the land that I will show thee.</tei-seg> <sup><tei-seg type="verse" xml:id="ch12v2" id="ch12v2" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">2</tei-seg></sup><tei-seg ana="#reward" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">And I will make of thee a great nation, <tei-seg ana="#holy" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">and I will bless thee, and make thy name great; and be thou a blessing</tei-seg>. <sup><tei-seg type="verse" xml:id="ch12v3" id="ch12v3" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">3</tei-seg></sup><tei-seg ana="#holy" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">And I will bless them that bless thee</tei-seg>, <tei-seg ana="#punishment" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">and him that curseth thee will I curse</tei-seg>; <tei-seg ana="#holy" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">and in thee shall all the families of the earth be blessed.</tei-seg></tei-seg>' <sup><tei-seg type="verse" xml:id="ch12v4" id="ch12v4" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">4</tei-seg></sup><tei-seg ana="#obedience" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">So <tei-persname ref="#abraham" data-origname="persName" data-processed="">Abram</tei-persname> went, as the LORD had spoken unto him</tei-seg>; and <tei-persname ref="#lot" data-origname="persName" data-processed="">Lot</tei-persname> went with him; and <tei-date when-custom="2023" data-origname="date" data-processed=""><tei-persname ref="#abraham" data-origname="persName" data-processed="">Abram</tei-persname> was seventy and five years old when <tei-seg ana="#separation" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">he departed out of <tei-placename ref="#l_haran" data-origname="placeName" data-processed="">Haran</tei-placename></tei-seg></tei-date>. <sup><tei-seg type="verse" xml:id="ch12v5" id="ch12v5" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">5</tei-seg></sup>And <tei-persname ref="#abraham" data-origname="persName" data-processed="">Abram</tei-persname> took <tei-persname ref="#sarah" data-origname="persName" data-processed="">Sarai</tei-persname> his wife, and <tei-persname ref="#lot" data-origname="persName" data-processed="">Lot</tei-persname> his brother's son, and all their substance that they had gathered, and the souls that they had gotten in <tei-placename ref="#l_haran" data-origname="placeName" data-processed="">Haran</tei-placename>; and they went forth to go into the land of <tei-placename ref="#l_canaan" data-origname="placeName" data-processed="">Canaan</tei-placename>; <tei-seg ana="#repetition" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">and into the land of <tei-placename ref="#l_canaan" data-origname="placeName" data-processed="">Canaan</tei-placename> they came</tei-seg>. <sup><tei-seg type="verse" xml:id="ch12v6" id="ch12v6" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">6</tei-seg></sup>And <tei-persname ref="#abraham" data-origname="persName" data-processed="">Abram</tei-persname> passed through the land unto the place of <tei-placename ref="#l_shechem" data-origname="placeName" data-processed="">Shechem</tei-placename>, unto the terebinth of Moreh. And the Canaanite was then in the land. <sup><tei-seg type="verse" xml:id="ch12v7" id="ch12v7" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">7</tei-seg></sup>And the LORD appeared unto <tei-persname ref="#abraham" data-origname="persName" data-processed="">Abram</tei-persname>, and said: '<tei-seg ana="#reward" data-origname="seg" data-processed=""><tei-seg ana="#toledot" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">Unto thy <tei-seg ana="#symbol" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">seed</tei-seg> will I give this land</tei-seg></tei-seg>'; and he builded there an altar unto the LORD, who appeared unto him. <sup><tei-seg type="verse" xml:id="ch12v8" id="ch12v8" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">8</tei-seg></sup>And he removed from thence unto the mountain on the east of <tei-placename ref="#l_beth-el" data-origname="placeName" data-processed="">Beth-el</tei-placename>, and pitched his tent, having <tei-placename ref="#l_beth-el" data-origname="placeName" data-processed="">Beth-el</tei-placename> on the west, and <tei-placename ref="#l_ai" data-origname="placeName" data-processed="">Ai</tei-placename> on the east; and he builded there an altar unto the LORD, and called upon the name of the LORD. <sup><tei-seg type="verse" xml:id="ch12v9" id="ch12v9" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">9</tei-seg></sup>And <tei-persname ref="#abraham" data-origname="persName" data-processed="">Abram</tei-persname> journeyed, going on still toward the South.</tei-ab>
<tei-ab type="p" data-origname="ab" data-processed=""><sup><tei-seg type="verse" xml:id="ch12v10" id="ch12v10" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">10</tei-seg></sup>And there was a famine in the land; and <tei-persname ref="#abraham" data-origname="persName" data-processed="">Abram</tei-persname> went down into <tei-placename ref="#l_egypt" data-origname="placeName" data-processed="">Egypt</tei-placename> to sojourn there; <tei-seg ana="#food" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">for the famine was sore in the land</tei-seg>. <sup><tei-seg type="verse" xml:id="ch12v11" id="ch12v11" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">11</tei-seg></sup>And it came to pass, when he was come near to enter into <tei-placename ref="#l_egypt" data-origname="placeName" data-processed="">Egypt</tei-placename>, that he said unto <tei-persname ref="#sarah" data-origname="persName" data-processed="">Sarai</tei-persname> his wife: 'Behold now, I know that thou art a <tei-seg ana="#good" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">fair</tei-seg> woman to look upon. <sup><tei-seg type="verse" xml:id="ch12v12" id="ch12v12" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">12</tei-seg></sup>And it will come to pass, when the Egyptians shall see thee, that they will say: This is his wife; and <tei-seg ana="#consequence" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">they will kill me</tei-seg>, but thee they will keep alive. <sup><tei-seg type="verse" xml:id="ch12v13" id="ch12v13" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">13</tei-seg></sup>Say, I pray thee, thou art my sister; that it may be well with me for thy sake, and that my soul may live because of thee.' <sup><tei-seg type="verse" xml:id="ch12v14" id="ch12v14" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">14</tei-seg></sup>And it came to pass, that, when <tei-persname ref="#abraham" data-origname="persName" data-processed="">Abram</tei-persname> was come into <tei-placename ref="#l_egypt" data-origname="placeName" data-processed="">Egypt</tei-placename>, <tei-seg ana="#good" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">the Egyptians beheld the woman that she was very fair</tei-seg>.<sup><tei-seg type="verse" xml:id="ch12v15" id="ch12v15" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">15</tei-seg></sup>And the princes of Pharaoh saw her, and praised her to Pharaoh; and the woman was taken into Pharaoh's house. <sup><tei-seg type="verse" xml:id="ch12v16" id="ch12v16" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">16</tei-seg></sup>And he dealt well with <tei-persname ref="#abraham" data-origname="persName" data-processed="">Abram</tei-persname> for her sake; and he had <tei-rs type="animal" data-origname="rs" data-processed="">sheep</tei-rs>, and <tei-rs type="animal" data-origname="rs" data-processed="">oxen</tei-rs>, and <tei-rs type="animal" data-origname="rs" data-processed="">he-asses</tei-rs>, and <tei-persname ref="#genhumanm" data-origname="persName" data-processed="">men-servants</tei-persname>, and <tei-persname ref="#genhumanf" data-origname="persName" data-processed="">maid-servants</tei-persname>, and <tei-rs type="animal" data-origname="rs" data-processed="">she-asses</tei-rs>, and <tei-rs type="animal" data-origname="rs" data-processed="">camels</tei-rs>. <sup><tei-seg type="verse" xml:id="ch12v17" id="ch12v17" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">17</tei-seg></sup> <tei-seg ana="#punishment" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">And the LORD plagued Pharaoh and his house with great plagues because of <tei-persname ref="#sarah" data-origname="persName" data-processed="">Sarai</tei-persname> <tei-persname ref="#abraham" data-origname="persName" data-processed="">Abram</tei-persname>'s wife</tei-seg>. <sup><tei-seg type="verse" xml:id="ch12v18" id="ch12v18" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">18</tei-seg></sup>And Pharaoh called <tei-persname ref="#abraham" data-origname="persName" data-processed="">Abram</tei-persname>, and said: 'What is this that thou hast done unto me? why didst thou not tell me that she was thy wife? <sup><tei-seg type="verse" xml:id="ch12v19" id="ch12v19" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">19</tei-seg></sup>Why saidst thou: She is my sister? so that I took her to be my wife; now therefore behold thy wife, take her, and go thy way.' <sup><tei-seg type="verse" xml:id="ch12v20" id="ch12v20" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">20</tei-seg></sup>And Pharaoh gave men charge concerning him; and they brought him on the way, and hiswife, and all that he had.</tei-ab></tei-div>
<tei-div type="chapter" xml:id="ch13" id="ch13" data-origname="div" data-processed=""><tei-head data-origname="head" data-processed="">Chapter 13</tei-head>
<tei-ab type="p" data-origname="ab" data-processed=""><sup><tei-seg type="verse" xml:id="ch13v1" id="ch13v1" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">1</tei-seg></sup>And <tei-persname ref="#abraham" data-origname="persName" data-processed="">Abram</tei-persname> went up out of <tei-placename ref="#l_Egypt" data-origname="placeName" data-processed="">Egypt</tei-placename>, he, and his wife, and all that he had, and <tei-persname ref="#lot" data-origname="persName" data-processed="">Lot</tei-persname> with him, into the South. <sup><tei-seg type="verse" xml:id="ch13v2" id="ch13v2" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">2</tei-seg></sup>And <tei-persname ref="#abraham" data-origname="persName" data-processed="">Abram</tei-persname> was very rich in <tei-rs type="animal" data-origname="rs" data-processed="">cattle</tei-rs>, in silver, and in gold. <sup><tei-seg type="verse" xml:id="ch13v3" id="ch13v3" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">3</tei-seg></sup>And he went on his journeys from the South even to <tei-placename ref="#l_beth-el" data-origname="placeName" data-processed="">Beth-el</tei-placename>, unto the place where his tent had been at the beginning, between <tei-placename ref="#l_beth-el" data-origname="placeName" data-processed="">Beth-el</tei-placename> and <tei-placename ref="#l_ai" data-origname="placeName" data-processed="">Ai</tei-placename> <sup><tei-seg type="verse" xml:id="ch13v4" id="ch13v4" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">4</tei-seg></sup>unto the place of the altar, which he had made there at the first; and <tei-persname ref="#abraham" data-origname="persName" data-processed="">Abram</tei-persname> called there on the name of the LORD. <sup><tei-seg type="verse" xml:id="ch13v5" id="ch13v5" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">5</tei-seg></sup>And <tei-persname ref="#lot" data-origname="persName" data-processed="">Lot</tei-persname> also, who went with <tei-persname ref="#abraham" data-origname="persName" data-processed="">Abram</tei-persname>, had flocks, and herds, and tents. <sup><tei-seg type="verse" xml:id="ch13v6" id="ch13v6" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">6</tei-seg></sup><tei-seg ana="#food" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">And the land was not able to bear them</tei-seg>, that they might dwell together; for their substance was great, so that they could not dwell together. <sup><tei-seg type="verse" xml:id="ch13v7" id="ch13v7" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">7</tei-seg></sup>And there was a strife between the herdmen of <tei-persname ref="#abraham" data-origname="persName" data-processed="">Abram</tei-persname>'s <tei-rs type="animal" data-origname="rs" data-processed="">cattle</tei-rs> and the herdmen of <tei-persname ref="#lot" data-origname="persName" data-processed="">Lot</tei-persname>'s <tei-rs type="animal" data-origname="rs" data-processed="">cattle</tei-rs>. And the Canaanite and the Perizzite dwelt then in the land. <sup><tei-seg type="verse" xml:id="ch13v8" id="ch13v8" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">8</tei-seg></sup>And <tei-persname ref="#abraham" data-origname="persName" data-processed="">Abram</tei-persname> said unto <tei-persname ref="#lot" data-origname="persName" data-processed="">Lot</tei-persname>: 'Let there be no strife, I pray thee, between me and thee, and between my herdmen and thy herdmen; for we are brethren. <sup><tei-seg type="verse" xml:id="ch13v9" id="ch13v9" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">9</tei-seg></sup>Is not the whole land before thee? <tei-seg ana="#separation" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">separate thyself, I pray thee, from me; if thou wilt take the left hand, then I will go to the right; or if thou take the right hand, then I will go to the left</tei-seg>.' <sup><tei-seg type="verse" xml:id="ch13v10" id="ch13v10" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">10</tei-seg></sup>And <tei-persname ref="#lot" data-origname="persName" data-processed="">Lot</tei-persname> lifted up his eyes, and beheld all the plain of the Jordan, that it was <tei-seg ana="#water" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">well watered</tei-seg> every where, before the LORD destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah, like the <tei-placename ref="#l_eden" data-origname="placeName" data-processed="">garden of the LORD</tei-placename>, like the land of <tei-placename ref="#l_Egypt" data-origname="placeName" data-processed="">Egypt</tei-placename>, as thou goest unto <tei-placename ref="#l_zoar" data-origname="placeName" data-processed="">Zoar</tei-placename>. <sup><tei-seg type="verse" xml:id="ch13v11" id="ch13v11" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">11</tei-seg></sup>So <tei-persname ref="#lot" data-origname="persName" data-processed="">Lot</tei-persname> chose him all the plain of the <tei-placename ref="#l_jordan" data-origname="placeName" data-processed="">Jordan</tei-placename>; and <tei-persname ref="#lot" data-origname="persName" data-processed="">Lot</tei-persname> journeyed east; <tei-seg ana="#separation" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">and they separated themselves the one from the other</tei-seg>. <sup><tei-seg type="verse" xml:id="ch13v12" id="ch13v12" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">12</tei-seg></sup><tei-persname ref="#abraham" data-origname="persName" data-processed="">Abram</tei-persname> dwelt in the land of <tei-placename ref="#l_canaan" data-origname="placeName" data-processed="">Canaan</tei-placename>, and <tei-persname ref="#lot" data-origname="persName" data-processed="">Lot</tei-persname> dwelt in the cities of the Plain, and moved his tent as far as <tei-placename ref="#l_sodom" data-origname="placeName" data-processed="">Sodom</tei-placename>. <sup><tei-seg type="verse" xml:id="ch13v13" id="ch13v13" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">13</tei-seg></sup>Now <tei-seg ana="#evil" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">the men of Sodom were wicked and sinners against the LORD exceedingly</tei-seg>. <sup><tei-seg type="verse" xml:id="ch13v14" id="ch13v14" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">14</tei-seg></sup>And the LORD said unto <tei-persname ref="#abraham" data-origname="persName" data-processed="">Abram</tei-persname>, after that <tei-seg ana="#separation" data-origname="seg" data-processed=""><tei-persname ref="#lot" data-origname="persName" data-processed="">Lot</tei-persname> was separated from him</tei-seg>: <tei-seg ana="#covenant" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">'Lift up now thine eyes, and look from the place where thou art, northward and southward and eastward and westward <sup><tei-seg type="verse" xml:id="ch13v15" id="ch13v15" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">15</tei-seg></sup><tei-seg ana="#reward" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">for all the land which thou seest, to thee will I give it, and to thy <tei-seg ana="#symbol" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">seed</tei-seg> for ever</tei-seg>. <sup><tei-seg type="verse" xml:id="ch13v16" id="ch13v16" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">16</tei-seg></sup>And <tei-seg ana="#toledot" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">I will make thy <tei-seg ana="#symbol" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">seed</tei-seg> as the dust of the earth</tei-seg>; so that if a man can number the dust of the earth, then shall thy <tei-seg ana="#symbol" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">seed</tei-seg> also be numbered. <sup><tei-seg type="verse" xml:id="ch13v17" id="ch13v17" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">17</tei-seg></sup>Arise, walk through the land in the length of it and in the breadth of it; for unto thee will I give it.'</tei-seg> <sup><tei-seg type="verse" xml:id="ch13v18" id="ch13v18" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">18</tei-seg></sup>And <tei-persname ref="#abraham" data-origname="persName" data-processed="">Abram</tei-persname> moved his tent, and came and dwelt by the terebinths of Mamre, which are in <tei-placename ref="#l_hebron" data-origname="placeName" data-processed="">Hebron</tei-placename>, and built there an altar unto the LORD.</tei-ab></tei-div>
<tei-div type="chapter" xml:id="ch14" id="ch14" data-origname="div" data-processed=""><tei-head data-origname="head" data-processed="">Chapter 14</tei-head>
<tei-ab type="p" data-origname="ab" data-processed=""><sup><tei-seg type="verse" xml:id="ch14v1" id="ch14v1" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">1</tei-seg></sup>And it came to pass in the days of Amraphel king of Shinar, Arioch king of Ellasar, Chedorlaomer king of Elam, and Tidal king of Goiim <sup><tei-seg type="verse" xml:id="ch14v2" id="ch14v2" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">2</tei-seg></sup> that they made war with Bera king of <tei-placename ref="#l_sodom" data-origname="placeName" data-processed="">Sodom</tei-placename>, and with Birsha king of <tei-placename ref="#l_gomorrah" data-origname="placeName" data-processed="">Gomorrah</tei-placename>, Shinab king of Admah, and Shemeber king of Zeboiim, and the king of Bela--the same is Zoar. <sup><tei-seg type="verse" xml:id="ch14v3" id="ch14v3" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">3</tei-seg></sup>All these came as allies unto <tei-placename ref="#l_saltsea" data-origname="placeName" data-processed="">the vale of Siddim--<tei-seg ana="#water" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">the same is the Salt Sea</tei-seg></tei-placename>. <sup><tei-seg type="verse" xml:id="ch14v4" id="ch14v4" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">4</tei-seg></sup>Twelve years they served Chedorlaomer, and in the thirteenth year they rebelled. <sup><tei-seg type="verse" xml:id="ch14v5" id="ch14v5" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">5</tei-seg></sup>And in the fourteenth year came Chedorlaomer and the kings that were with him, and smote the Rephaim in Ashteroth-karnaim, and the Zuzim in <tei-persname ref="#ham" data-origname="persName" data-processed="">Ham</tei-persname>, and the Emim in Shaveh-kiriathaim <sup><tei-seg type="verse" xml:id="ch14v6" id="ch14v6" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">6</tei-seg></sup>and the Horites in their mount Seir, unto El-paran, which is by the wilderness. <sup><tei-seg type="verse" xml:id="ch14v7" id="ch14v7" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">7</tei-seg></sup>And they turned back, and came to En-mishpat--the same is Kadesh--and smote all the country of the Amalekites, and also the Amorites, that dwelt in Hazazon-tamar. <sup><tei-seg type="verse" xml:id="ch14v8" id="ch14v8" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">8</tei-seg></sup>And there went out the king of <tei-placename ref="#l_sodom" data-origname="placeName" data-processed="">Sodom</tei-placename>, and the king of <tei-placename ref="#l_gomorrah" data-origname="placeName" data-processed="">Gomorrah</tei-placename>, and the king of Admah, and the king of Zeboiim, and the king of Bela--the same is Zoar; and they set the battle in array against them in the vale of Siddim <sup><tei-seg type="verse" xml:id="ch14v9" id="ch14v9" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">9</tei-seg></sup>against Chedorlaomer king of Elam, and Tidal king of Goiim, and Amraphel king of Shinar, and Arioch king of Ellasar; four kings against the five. <sup><tei-seg type="verse" xml:id="ch14v10" id="ch14v10" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">10</tei-seg></sup>Now the vale of Siddim was full of <tei-rs type="geofeature" subtype="city" data-origname="rs" data-processed="">slime pits</tei-rs>; and the kings of <tei-placename ref="#l_sodom" data-origname="placeName" data-processed="">Sodom</tei-placename> and <tei-placename ref="#l_gomorrah" data-origname="placeName" data-processed="">Gomorrah</tei-placename> fled, and they fell there, and they that remained fled to the mountain. <sup><tei-seg type="verse" xml:id="ch14v11" id="ch14v11" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">11</tei-seg></sup>And they took all the goods of <tei-placename ref="#l_sodom" data-origname="placeName" data-processed="">Sodom</tei-placename> and <tei-placename ref="#l_gomorrah" data-origname="placeName" data-processed="">Gomorrah</tei-placename>, and all their victuals, and went their way. <sup><tei-seg type="verse" xml:id="ch14v12" id="ch14v12" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">12</tei-seg></sup><tei-seg ana="#consequence" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">And they took <tei-persname ref="#lot" data-origname="persName" data-processed="">Lot</tei-persname>, <tei-persname ref="#abraham" data-origname="persName" data-processed="">Abram</tei-persname>'s brother's son, who dwelt in <tei-placename ref="#l_sodom" data-origname="placeName" data-processed="">Sodom</tei-placename>, and his goods, and departed.</tei-seg> <sup><tei-seg type="verse" xml:id="ch14v13" id="ch14v13" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">13</tei-seg></sup>And there came one that had escaped, and told <tei-persname ref="#abraham" data-origname="persName" data-processed="">Abram</tei-persname> the Hebrew--now he dwelt by the terebinths of Mamre the Amorite, brother of Eshcol, and brother of Aner; and these were confederate with <tei-persname ref="#abraham" data-origname="persName" data-processed="">Abram</tei-persname>. <sup><tei-seg type="verse" xml:id="ch14v14" id="ch14v14" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">14</tei-seg></sup>And when <tei-persname ref="#abraham" data-origname="persName" data-processed="">Abram</tei-persname> heard that his brother was taken captive, he led forth his trained men, born in his house, three hundred and eighteen, and pursued as far as Dan. <sup><tei-seg type="verse" xml:id="ch14v15" id="ch14v15" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">15</tei-seg></sup><tei-seg ana="#consequence" data-origname="seg" data-processed=""><tei-seg ana="#separation" data-origname="seg" data-processed=""><tei-seg ana="#separation" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">And he divided himself against them by night</tei-seg>, he and his servants</tei-seg>, and smote them, and pursued them unto Hobah</tei-seg>, which is on the left hand of Damascus. <sup><tei-seg type="verse" xml:id="ch14v16" id="ch14v16" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">16</tei-seg></sup>And he brought back all the goods, and also brought back his brother <tei-persname ref="#lot" data-origname="persName" data-processed="">Lot</tei-persname>, and his goods, and the women also, and the people. <sup><tei-seg type="verse" xml:id="ch14v17" id="ch14v17" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">17</tei-seg></sup>And the king of <tei-placename ref="#l_sodom" data-origname="placeName" data-processed="">Sodom</tei-placename> went out to meet him, after his return from the slaughter of Chedorlaomer and the kings that were with him, at the vale of Shaveh--the same is the King's Vale. <sup><tei-seg type="verse" xml:id="ch14v18" id="ch14v18" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">18</tei-seg></sup>And Melchizedek king of Salem brought forth bread and wine; and he was priest of God the Most High. <sup><tei-seg type="verse" xml:id="ch14v19" id="ch14v19" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">19</tei-seg></sup><tei-seg ana="#holy" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">And he blessed him, and said: 'Blessed be <tei-persname ref="#abraham" data-origname="persName" data-processed="">Abram</tei-persname> of God Most High</tei-seg>, Maker of heaven and earth <sup><tei-seg type="verse" xml:id="ch14v20" id="ch14v20" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">20</tei-seg></sup><tei-seg ana="#holy" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">and blessed be God the Most High</tei-seg>, who hath delivered thine enemies into thy hand.' And he gave him a tenth of all. <sup><tei-seg type="verse" xml:id="ch14v21" id="ch14v21" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">21</tei-seg></sup>And the king of <tei-placename ref="#l_sodom" data-origname="placeName" data-processed="">Sodom</tei-placename> said unto <tei-persname ref="#abraham" data-origname="persName" data-processed="">Abram</tei-persname>: 'Give me the persons, and take the goods to thyself.' <sup><tei-seg type="verse" xml:id="ch14v22" id="ch14v22" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">22</tei-seg></sup>And <tei-persname ref="#abraham" data-origname="persName" data-processed="">Abram</tei-persname> said to the king of Sodom: <tei-seg ana="#declaration" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">'<tei-seg ana="#obedience" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">I have lifted up my hand unto the LORD, God Most High, Maker of heaven and earth <sup><tei-seg type="verse" xml:id="ch14v23" id="ch14v23" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">23</tei-seg></sup>that I will not take a thread nor a shoe-latchet nor aught that is thine</tei-seg>, lest thou shouldest say: I have made <tei-persname ref="#abraham" data-origname="persName" data-processed="">Abram</tei-persname> rich <sup><tei-seg type="verse" xml:id="ch14v24" id="ch14v24" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">24</tei-seg></sup>save only that which the young men have eaten, and the portion of the men which went with me, Aner, Eshcol, and Mamre, let them take their portion.'</tei-seg></tei-ab></tei-div>
<tei-div type="chapter" xml:id="ch15" id="ch15" data-origname="div" data-processed=""><tei-head data-origname="head" data-processed="">Chapter 15</tei-head>
<tei-ab type="p" data-origname="ab" data-processed=""><sup><tei-seg type="verse" xml:id="ch15v1" id="ch15v1" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">1</tei-seg></sup>After these things the word of the LORD came unto <tei-persname ref="#abraham" data-origname="persName" data-processed="">Abram</tei-persname> in a vision, saying: <tei-seg ana="#declaration" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">'Fear not, <tei-persname ref="#abraham" data-origname="persName" data-processed="">Abram</tei-persname>, I am thy shield, thy reward shall be exceeding great.'</tei-seg> <sup><tei-seg type="verse" xml:id="ch15v2" id="ch15v2" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">2</tei-seg></sup>And <tei-persname ref="#abraham" data-origname="persName" data-processed="">Abram</tei-persname> said: 'O Lord GOD, what wilt Thou give me, <tei-seg ana="#toledot" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">seeing I go hence childless</tei-seg>, and he that shall be possessor of my house is Eliezer of Damascus?' <sup><tei-seg type="verse" xml:id="ch15v3" id="ch15v3" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">3</tei-seg></sup>And <tei-persname ref="#abraham" data-origname="persName" data-processed="">Abram</tei-persname> said: <tei-seg ana="#toledot" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">'Behold, to me Thou hast given no <tei-seg ana="#symbol" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">seed</tei-seg>, and, lo, one born in my house is to be mine heir.'</tei-seg> <sup><tei-seg type="verse" xml:id="ch15v4" id="ch15v4" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">4</tei-seg></sup> And, behold, the word of the LORD came unto him, saying: <tei-seg ana="#declaration" data-origname="seg" data-processed=""><tei-seg ana="#toledot" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">'This man shall not be thine heir; but he that shall comeforth out of thine own bowels shall be thine heir.'</tei-seg></tei-seg> <sup><tei-seg type="verse" xml:id="ch15v5" id="ch15v5" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">5</tei-seg></sup>And He brought him forth abroad, and said: <tei-seg ana="#reward" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">'Look now toward heaven, and count the stars, if thou be able to count them'; and He said unto him: <tei-seg ana="#toledot" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">'So shall thy <tei-seg ana="#symbol" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">seed</tei-seg> be.'</tei-seg></tei-seg> <sup><tei-seg type="verse" xml:id="ch15v6" id="ch15v6" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">6</tei-seg></sup>And <tei-seg ana="#obedience" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">he believed in the LORD; and He counted it to him for righteousness</tei-seg>. <sup><tei-seg type="verse" xml:id="ch15v7" id="ch15v7" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">7</tei-seg></sup>And He said unto him: <tei-seg ana="#declaration" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">'I am the LORD that brought thee out of <tei-placename ref="#l_ur" data-origname="placeName" data-processed="">Ur of the Chaldees</tei-placename>, <tei-seg ana="#toledot" data-origname="seg" data-processed=""><tei-seg ana="#toledot" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">to give thee this land to inherit it</tei-seg></tei-seg>.'</tei-seg> <sup><tei-seg type="verse" xml:id="ch15v8" id="ch15v8" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">8</tei-seg></sup>And he said: 'O Lord GOD, whereby shall I know that I shall inherit it?' <sup><tei-seg type="verse" xml:id="ch15v9" id="ch15v9" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">9</tei-seg></sup>And He said unto him: <tei-seg ana="#commandment" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">'Take Me a <tei-rs type="animal" data-origname="rs" data-processed="">heifer</tei-rs> of three years old, and a <tei-rs type="animal" data-origname="rs" data-processed="">she-goat</tei-rs> of three years old, and a <tei-rs type="animal" data-origname="rs" data-processed="">ram</tei-rs> of three years old, and a <tei-rs type="animal" data-origname="rs" data-processed="">turtle-dove</tei-rs>, and a young <tei-rs type="animal" data-origname="rs" data-processed="">pigeon</tei-rs>.'</tei-seg> <sup><tei-seg type="verse" xml:id="ch15v10" id="ch15v10" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">10</tei-seg></sup>And <tei-seg ana="#obedience" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">he took him all these</tei-seg>, and <tei-seg ana="#separation" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">divided them in the midst</tei-seg>, and laid each half over against the other; but the <tei-rs type="animal" data-origname="rs" data-processed="">birds</tei-rs> divided he not. <sup><tei-seg type="verse" xml:id="ch15v11" id="ch15v11" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">11</tei-seg></sup>And the <tei-rs type="animal" data-origname="rs" data-processed="">birds of prey</tei-rs> came down upon the carcasses, and <tei-persname ref="#abraham" data-origname="persName" data-processed="">Abram</tei-persname> drove them away. <sup><tei-seg type="verse" xml:id="ch15v12" id="ch15v12" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">12</tei-seg></sup>And it came to pass, that, when the sun was going down, a deep sleep fell upon <tei-persname ref="#abraham" data-origname="persName" data-processed="">Abram</tei-persname>; and, lo, a dread, even a great darkness, fell upon him. <sup><tei-seg type="verse" xml:id="ch15v13" id="ch15v13" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">13</tei-seg></sup>And He said unto <tei-persname ref="#abraham" data-origname="persName" data-processed="">Abram</tei-persname>: <tei-seg ana="#covenant" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">'<tei-seg ana="#toledot" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">Know of a surety that thy <tei-seg ana="#symbol" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">seed</tei-seg> shall be a stranger in a land that is not theirs</tei-seg>, and shall serve them; and they shall afflict them four hundred years <sup><tei-seg type="verse" xml:id="ch15v14" id="ch15v14" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">14</tei-seg></sup><tei-seg ana="#punishment" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">and also that nation, whom they shall serve, will I judge</tei-seg>; and <tei-seg ana="#reward" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">afterward shall they come out with great substance</tei-seg>. <sup><tei-seg type="verse" xml:id="ch15v15" id="ch15v15" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">15</tei-seg></sup><tei-seg ana="#reward" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">But thou shalt go to thy fathers in peace; thou shalt be buried in a good old age.</tei-seg> <sup><tei-seg type="verse" xml:id="ch15v16" id="ch15v16" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">16</tei-seg></sup>And in the fourth generation they shall come back hither; for the iniquity of the Amorite is not yet full.'</tei-seg> <sup><tei-seg type="verse" xml:id="ch15v17" id="ch15v17" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">17</tei-seg></sup>And it came to pass, that, when the sun went down, and there was thick darkness, behold a smoking furnace, and a flaming torch that passed between these pieces. <sup><tei-seg type="verse" xml:id="ch15v18" id="ch15v18" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">18</tei-seg></sup><tei-seg ana="#covenant" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">In that day the LORD made a covenant with <tei-persname ref="#abraham" data-origname="persName" data-processed="">Abram</tei-persname>, saying: '<tei-seg ana="#toledot" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">Unto thy <tei-seg ana="#symbol" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">seed</tei-seg> have I given this land</tei-seg>, from <tei-placename ref="#l_nile" data-origname="placeName" data-processed="">the river of Egypt</tei-placename> unto the great river, <tei-placename ref="#l_euphrates" data-origname="placeName" data-processed="">the river Euphrates</tei-placename> <sup><tei-seg type="verse" xml:id="ch15v19" id="ch15v19" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">19</tei-seg></sup>the Kenite, and the Kenizzite, and the Kadmonite <sup><tei-seg type="verse" xml:id="ch15v20" id="ch15v20" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">20</tei-seg></sup>and the Hittite, and the Perizzite, and the Rephaim <sup><tei-seg type="verse" xml:id="ch15v21" id="ch15v21" data-origname="seg" data-processed="">21</tei-seg></sup>and the Amorite, and the Canaanite, and the Girgashite, and the Jebusite.'</tei-seg></tei-ab></tei-div>
<tei-back data-origname="back" data-processed="">
<tei-div type="notes" data-origname="div" data-processed="">
<tei-note target="#a001" resp="#mm" data-origname="note" data-processed=""><span hidden="" data-original="">The phrase "It was good" is repeated 6 times throughout Genesis 1, referring to a handful of different creations that God wills into existence during the creation myth. The speaker of these words is ambiguous, however, we are granted the insight at least that God sees these things and notices that they are good. From the beginning, it appears that God Himself has a concrete understanding or at the very least an idea of what makes something good, and whether or not something is good. He exercises this deliberately throughout Genesis 1, taking note of each thing that impresses upon him its goodness. However, God creates more than 6 things throughout Genesis 1, and the remaining objects are omitted from this declaration of good. On a moral spectrum, "good" is most commonly seen as a positive description, compared often against "bad", and at times "neutral." Given the more black-and-white nature of the description of "good" in Genesis, the omission raises an ambiguity. If these things are not declaratively "good," then are they "neutral" or even "bad?" The most relevant omission to us is when humans are created and apparently omitted from the "good." Simply put, why? Is it a comment on the possibly subpar nature of our form or creation, or a notice of something more intimate? It is possible that here, God sees the human capacity, the exceptional "good" juxtaposed with the deplorable "bad." Regarding humanity, this omission is worrisome, but lends some understanding of "good" as perhaps relating to the capacity for "good" or "evil" that humans inherently have available to them. -Mark M.</span><span>(The phrase "It was good" is repeated 6 times throughout Genesis 1, referring to a handful of different creations that God wills into existence during the creation myth. The speaker of these words is ambiguous, however, we are granted the insight at least that God sees these things and notices that they are good. From the beginning, it appears that God Himself has a concrete understanding or at the very least an idea of what makes something good, and whether or not something is good. He exercises this deliberately throughout Genesis 1, taking note of each thing that impresses upon him its goodness. However, God creates more than 6 things throughout Genesis 1, and the remaining objects are omitted from this declaration of good. On a moral spectrum, "good" is most commonly seen as a positive description, compared often against "bad", and at times "neutral." Given the more black-and-white nature of the description of "good" in Genesis, the omission raises an ambiguity. If these things are not declaratively "good," then are they "neutral" or even "bad?" The most relevant omission to us is when humans are created and apparently omitted from the "good." Simply put, why? Is it a comment on the possibly subpar nature of our form or creation, or a notice of something more intimate? It is possible that here, God sees the human capacity, the exceptional "good" juxtaposed with the deplorable "bad." Regarding humanity, this omission is worrisome, but lends some understanding of "good" as perhaps relating to the capacity for "good" or "evil" that humans inherently have available to them. -Mark M.)</span></tei-note>
<tei-note target="#a002" resp="#ha" data-origname="note" data-processed=""><span hidden="" data-original="">This verse along with verse 9 is curious because it is difficult to imagine what pre-existence looked like. With the description we have available to us, it seems like the universe is a congealed mass of water that contains G-d, and as time progresses, He seperates the water. Sometimes He leaves it as is, such as when he makes the seas, and other times he turns it into the land, or the sky. It's awkward to imagine, though, since creating everything out of water doesn't make sense. I suppose this is just a testament to how powerful G-d really is. -Hailey A.</span><span>(This verse along with verse 9 is curious because it is difficult to imagine what pre-existence looked like. With the description we have available to us, it seems like the universe is a congealed mass of water that contains G-d, and as time progresses, He seperates the water. Sometimes He leaves it as is, such as when he makes the seas, and other times he turns it into the land, or the sky. It's awkward to imagine, though, since creating everything out of water doesn't make sense. I suppose this is just a testament to how powerful G-d really is. -Hailey A.)</span></tei-note>
<tei-note target="#a003" resp="#nc" data-origname="note" data-processed=""><span hidden="" data-original="">This description of the universe's basic state being water is interesting given water's chaotic connotations in mythology, such as Poseidon's tempermental moods and the Sumerian gods of the randomly flooding Tigris and Euphrates rivers. In addition, the only way for the universe as we understand it to exist is for a force of great order, such as God, setting boundaries and dividing the chaotic waters to separate the Heavens from the Earth. This understanding lends to the idea of the 6 Days of creation being the first signs of a natural order forming in the universe. -Noah C.</span><span>(This description of the universe's basic state being water is interesting given water's chaotic connotations in mythology, such as Poseidon's tempermental moods and the Sumerian gods of the randomly flooding Tigris and Euphrates rivers. In addition, the only way for the universe as we understand it to exist is for a force of great order, such as God, setting boundaries and dividing the chaotic waters to separate the Heavens from the Earth. This understanding lends to the idea of the 6 Days of creation being the first signs of a natural order forming in the universe. -Noah C.)</span></tei-note>
<tei-note target="#a004" resp="#ji" data-origname="note" data-processed=""><span hidden="" data-original="">A contradiction appears here. If the fruit of all trees is food for humans, why is there a restriction on the fruit from the Tree of Knowledge? Most likely however, this contradiction is an artifact from the fact that Genesis 1 and 2 are from seperate scrolls, thus the several differences in the story of creation between the two. -Joshua I.</span><span>(A contradiction appears here. If the fruit of all trees is food for humans, why is there a restriction on the fruit from the Tree of Knowledge? Most likely however, this contradiction is an artifact from the fact that Genesis 1 and 2 are from seperate scrolls, thus the several differences in the story of creation between the two. -Joshua I.)</span></tei-note>
<tei-note target="#a005" resp="#nc" data-origname="note" data-processed=""><span hidden="" data-original="">Vegetation being described in its usefulness to people is interesting, especially since in Genesis 2:15, God charges mankind with tending to the plants, hinting at a planned, symbiotic relationship between mankind and the crops they plant. In addition, this is a mark of how an agrarian society would understand the vegetation around them. -Noah C.</span><span>(Vegetation being described in its usefulness to people is interesting, especially since in Genesis 2:15, God charges mankind with tending to the plants, hinting at a planned, symbiotic relationship between mankind and the crops they plant. In addition, this is a mark of how an agrarian society would understand the vegetation around them. -Noah C.)</span></tei-note>
<tei-note target="#a006" resp="#ko" data-origname="note" data-processed=""><span hidden="" data-original="">In the article <tei-ref target="" data-origname="ref" data-processed=""><span hidden="" data-original="">"#CharlestonShooting: How Long White America? How Long-Pt. 2,"</span><span><a href="">"#CharlestonShooting: How Long White America? How Long-Pt. 2,"</a></span></tei-ref> the writer challenges white Christian Americans to see African Americans being made in the image of God. The writer makes a good point, as the text never states the race or ethnicity of God, but man was made in "Our image." Noticing the plurality of the word, the writer interprets this as the human race as a whole, not just white people. White Americans can make the country better for Black Americans by imaging the inclusiveness of the creation story of man. All these points can further be stronger by remembering the first Christians were not white, so Christianity is not just for white people. Similiarly, America is not just for white people, it is for everyone. -Kelley O.</span><span>(In the article <tei-ref target="" data-origname="ref" data-processed=""><span hidden="" data-original="">"#CharlestonShooting: How Long White America? How Long-Pt. 2,"</span><span><a href="">"#CharlestonShooting: How Long White America? How Long-Pt. 2,"</a></span></tei-ref> the writer challenges white Christian Americans to see African Americans being made in the image of God. The writer makes a good point, as the text never states the race or ethnicity of God, but man was made in "Our image." Noticing the plurality of the word, the writer interprets this as the human race as a whole, not just white people. White Americans can make the country better for Black Americans by imaging the inclusiveness of the creation story of man. All these points can further be stronger by remembering the first Christians were not white, so Christianity is not just for white people. Similiarly, America is not just for white people, it is for everyone. -Kelley O.)</span></tei-note>
<!-- unedited --><tei-note target="#a007" resp="#ko" data-origname="note" data-processed=""><span hidden="" data-original="">The Patheos article titled <tei-ref target="" data-origname="ref" data-processed=""><span hidden="" data-original="">"The #Ferguson Declaration: A Black Lives Matter Creed"</span><span><a href="">"The #Ferguson Declaration: A Black Lives Matter Creed"</a></span></tei-ref> points out this verse in particular to show that God loves everyone equally, and thus "we believe Black Lives Matter." I find this particularly signficicant because even though the movement is reasonably about the awareness of mistreatment of black Americans, man being made in Gods image would make it seem as if we should all look the same, yet we dont and we get treated differently based on our appearance. They state God loves our differences. -Kelley O.</span><span>(The Patheos article titled <tei-ref target="" data-origname="ref" data-processed=""><span hidden="" data-original="">"The #Ferguson Declaration: A Black Lives Matter Creed"</span><span><a href="">"The #Ferguson Declaration: A Black Lives Matter Creed"</a></span></tei-ref> points out this verse in particular to show that God loves everyone equally, and thus "we believe Black Lives Matter." I find this particularly signficicant because even though the movement is reasonably about the awareness of mistreatment of black Americans, man being made in Gods image would make it seem as if we should all look the same, yet we dont and we get treated differently based on our appearance. They state God loves our differences. -Kelley O.)</span></tei-note>
<!-- unedited --><tei-note target="#a008" resp="#jp" data-origname="note" data-processed=""><span hidden="" data-original=""><tei-p data-origname="p" data-processed="">Heb.: 'adam (Alter 18)</tei-p>
<tei-p data-origname="p" data-processed="">Alter: "a human"</tei-p>
<tei-p data-origname="p" data-processed="">Kass: "the human being"</tei-p>
<tei-p data-origname="p" data-processed="">NRSV: "humankind"</tei-p>
<tei-p data-origname="p" data-processed="">Kass says, "Though the noun is male in gender... its meaning is sex neutral..." (36) -Jason P.</tei-p></span><span>(<tei-p data-origname="p" data-processed="">Heb.: 'adam (Alter 18)</tei-p>
<tei-p data-origname="p" data-processed="">Alter: "a human"</tei-p>
<tei-p data-origname="p" data-processed="">Kass: "the human being"</tei-p>
<tei-p data-origname="p" data-processed="">NRSV: "humankind"</tei-p>
<tei-p data-origname="p" data-processed="">Kass says, "Though the noun is male in gender... its meaning is sex neutral..." (36) -Jason P.</tei-p>)</span></tei-note>
<tei-note target="#a009" resp="#mm" data-origname="note" data-processed=""><span hidden="" data-original="">This statement appears at the end of Genesis 1, and could be significant in how it affects the use of "good" throughout the rest of Genesis 1. Specifically, "good" appears very deliberately throughout Genesis 1 to state what particular items are good. However, there are a few notable exceptions to this that pose an interesting threat, but depending on what this passage is trying to say, this issue may become a non-issue. Individually, is "every thing" that God made good? If so, then these omissions are not significant and there irrelevant. However, is "every thing" on the whole good, in spite of the potential bad that was created? This generates an extremely compelling narrative, fitting in to the notion of potential balance in the world with consideration to good and bad, but it also concretely shows that God created some things that were bad. Why would he do this? Given the importance of language and deliberate use of language throughout Genesis on the whole, this appears to be the case with the omission of "good" from these certain things, and this statement at the end appears to explore if these things that are not necessarily "good" are actually "bad" on the whole. -Mark M.</span><span>(This statement appears at the end of Genesis 1, and could be significant in how it affects the use of "good" throughout the rest of Genesis 1. Specifically, "good" appears very deliberately throughout Genesis 1 to state what particular items are good. However, there are a few notable exceptions to this that pose an interesting threat, but depending on what this passage is trying to say, this issue may become a non-issue. Individually, is "every thing" that God made good? If so, then these omissions are not significant and there irrelevant. However, is "every thing" on the whole good, in spite of the potential bad that was created? This generates an extremely compelling narrative, fitting in to the notion of potential balance in the world with consideration to good and bad, but it also concretely shows that God created some things that were bad. Why would he do this? Given the importance of language and deliberate use of language throughout Genesis on the whole, this appears to be the case with the omission of "good" from these certain things, and this statement at the end appears to explore if these things that are not necessarily "good" are actually "bad" on the whole. -Mark M.)</span></tei-note>
<tei-note target="#a0010" resp="#ha" data-origname="note" data-processed=""><span hidden="" data-original=""><tei-p data-origname="p" data-processed="">According to a video on <tei-ref target="" data-origname="ref" data-processed=""><span hidden="" data-original="">The HistoryMakers</span><span><a href="">The HistoryMakers</a></span></tei-ref> titled "Dawn Wright Describes the Non-Conflicting Emphasis on Religion and Science at Wheaton College," [n.b.: video available by institutional subscription] <tei-ref target="" data-origname="ref" data-processed=""><span hidden="" data-original="">Dr. Wright</span><span><a href="">Dr. Wright</a></span></tei-ref>, an esteemed geographer and oceanographer, shares an intriguing comment about how the Bible is meant to teach us about our spiritual relationship with G-d and that Genesis is not meant to teach us about geology or science.</tei-p>
<tei-p data-origname="p" data-processed="">Furthermore, she goes on to talk about how what may be seven days for us, may not be seven days for Him. He had not created the sun or the moon, yet "days" existed. Since the sun is the way we determine our days, it's impossible to really say how long a day was for G-d. It could have been the billions of years the Big Bang Theory states is true.</tei-p>
<tei-p data-origname="p" data-processed="">There is also a movie called G-d's not Dead where similar themes are present. A boy tries to convince his college class that G-d exists with actual science. What both of these sources are trying to say is this: science and Genesis can work together if you look to each thing for what it is meant to represent. For the big bang, it is science, and for Genesis, it is religion. -Hailey A.</tei-p></span><span>(<tei-p data-origname="p" data-processed="">According to a video on <tei-ref target="" data-origname="ref" data-processed=""><span hidden="" data-original="">The HistoryMakers</span><span><a href="">The HistoryMakers</a></span></tei-ref> titled "Dawn Wright Describes the Non-Conflicting Emphasis on Religion and Science at Wheaton College," [n.b.: video available by institutional subscription] <tei-ref target="" data-origname="ref" data-processed=""><span hidden="" data-original="">Dr. Wright</span><span><a href="">Dr. Wright</a></span></tei-ref>, an esteemed geographer and oceanographer, shares an intriguing comment about how the Bible is meant to teach us about our spiritual relationship with G-d and that Genesis is not meant to teach us about geology or science.</tei-p>
<tei-p data-origname="p" data-processed="">Furthermore, she goes on to talk about how what may be seven days for us, may not be seven days for Him. He had not created the sun or the moon, yet "days" existed. Since the sun is the way we determine our days, it's impossible to really say how long a day was for G-d. It could have been the billions of years the Big Bang Theory states is true.</tei-p>
<tei-p data-origname="p" data-processed="">There is also a movie called G-d's not Dead where similar themes are present. A boy tries to convince his college class that G-d exists with actual science. What both of these sources are trying to say is this: science and Genesis can work together if you look to each thing for what it is meant to represent. For the big bang, it is science, and for Genesis, it is religion. -Hailey A.</tei-p>)</span></tei-note>
<tei-note target="#a011" resp="#mm" data-origname="note" data-processed=""><span hidden="" data-original="">This text presents a unique expression on how God works. Instead of as in Genesis 1, where God speaks the universe into existence, here it is as if he walks upon the Earth like a man, constructing these creations with his hands. He acts in a very human manner here, almost as if he is a craftsman. On God, this makes him appear with more care and attention to his creation, as a creator concerned with the beauty and art of his craft, just as an artificer or master artisan might be. Yet, there is also the notion that this brings God closer to humans, and humans closer to God. Humans have the ability to create, and must toil with skill and energy to do so, yet they can still create nonetheless. In this sense, they are as God is, crafting the world and breathing life into metal and earth to suit their needs, though admittedly not quite on the level that God is portrayed to have done. -Mark M.</span><span>(This text presents a unique expression on how God works. Instead of as in Genesis 1, where God speaks the universe into existence, here it is as if he walks upon the Earth like a man, constructing these creations with his hands. He acts in a very human manner here, almost as if he is a craftsman. On God, this makes him appear with more care and attention to his creation, as a creator concerned with the beauty and art of his craft, just as an artificer or master artisan might be. Yet, there is also the notion that this brings God closer to humans, and humans closer to God. Humans have the ability to create, and must toil with skill and energy to do so, yet they can still create nonetheless. In this sense, they are as God is, crafting the world and breathing life into metal and earth to suit their needs, though admittedly not quite on the level that God is portrayed to have done. -Mark M.)</span></tei-note>
<tei-note target="#a011" resp="#nc" data-origname="note" data-processed=""><span hidden="" data-original="">The powers of God and potential differences between Him and humanity are a large part of my problem statement, here explained by a difference between His creation of the universe/world and his more minute work as a craftsman, working personally like a human would do. -Noah C</span><span>(The powers of God and potential differences between Him and humanity are a large part of my problem statement, here explained by a difference between His creation of the universe/world and his more minute work as a craftsman, working personally like a human would do. -Noah C)</span></tei-note>
<tei-note target="#a012" resp="#jp" data-origname="note" data-processed=""><span hidden="" data-original="">The translation of this term is consequential for how one understands the tree and also, perhaps, anything that has been labeled "good" thus far in Genesis. Some translators render it just as the first JPS translation has done so here (e.g., Umberto Cassuto (1944), the New Revised Standard Version (1989), and Robert Alter (1996)). Others, such as the JPS 2nd edition (1985) and Robert Sacks (1971) translate the word as "bad." Leon Kass (2003) writes, "The Hebrew word... has a much broader meaning than moral evil" (63). -Jason P.</span><span>(The translation of this term is consequential for how one understands the tree and also, perhaps, anything that has been labeled "good" thus far in Genesis. Some translators render it just as the first JPS translation has done so here (e.g., Umberto Cassuto (1944), the New Revised Standard Version (1989), and Robert Alter (1996)). Others, such as the JPS 2nd edition (1985) and Robert Sacks (1971) translate the word as "bad." Leon Kass (2003) writes, "The Hebrew word... has a much broader meaning than moral evil" (63). -Jason P.)</span></tei-note>
<tei-note target="#a013" resp="#ko" data-origname="note" data-processed=""><span hidden="" data-original="">Assigned value... Interesting. -Kelley O.</span><span>(Assigned value... Interesting. -Kelley O.)</span></tei-note>
<tei-note target="#a014" resp="#ko" data-origname="note" data-processed=""><span hidden="" data-original="">Foreshadowing word choice, as Adam and Eve are currently naked and unaware of what "dressing" means. The track for civilization has been set. -Kelley O.</span><span>(Foreshadowing word choice, as Adam and Eve are currently naked and unaware of what "dressing" means. The track for civilization has been set. -Kelley O.)</span></tei-note>
<tei-note target="#a015" resp="#mm" data-origname="note" data-processed=""><span hidden="" data-original=""><tei-p data-origname="p" data-processed="">From the beginning, Eve is uniquely set apart by the temptation of the Tree of Knowledge, and interestingly created after God's initial warning against eating from the tree. More acutely obvious in Genesis 3 is how Eve takes direct interest in the tree, the only active actor in the scene with the serpent, where Adam is notably absent. This does much to characterize her inherent curiosity, which is instrumental in differentiating the two characters. Adam only does as directed by God, and what is made available to him, where Eve appears to more fundamentally realize her capabilities as a human. Yet she appears to be concerned with things other than gaining knowledge for herself, but perhaps in the potential of humans in the future, taking advantage of their skills of creation and free will.</tei-p>
<tei-p data-origname="p" data-processed="">God is often regarded as having created the Tree of Knowledge, which is problematic in itself. If he created the tree, why tempt humanity? What does this add to the experience of living in Eden? Simply put, it is difficult to understand his motivations at this moment, because this leads to him having to apparently punish Adam and Eve when the disobey him. However, there is also the possibility that God did not create the Tree of Knowledge, or the serpent. God appears to be wary of the Tree, and of its inherent danger and apparent corruption. This creates the notion that perhaps he did not create it, as it was not intentional, and as such problematic for him as well as Adam and Eve. The serpent itself provides a unique presence in the Garden, and is often interpreted differently as Satan or a Spirit. Yet, God does appear to be able to exert his will over it, ensuring that it is a being less than divine. Overall, the presence of these things is definitively problematic, and poses an interesting crack in the paradise of Eden. -Mark M.</tei-p></span><span>(<tei-p data-origname="p" data-processed="">From the beginning, Eve is uniquely set apart by the temptation of the Tree of Knowledge, and interestingly created after God's initial warning against eating from the tree. More acutely obvious in Genesis 3 is how Eve takes direct interest in the tree, the only active actor in the scene with the serpent, where Adam is notably absent. This does much to characterize her inherent curiosity, which is instrumental in differentiating the two characters. Adam only does as directed by God, and what is made available to him, where Eve appears to more fundamentally realize her capabilities as a human. Yet she appears to be concerned with things other than gaining knowledge for herself, but perhaps in the potential of humans in the future, taking advantage of their skills of creation and free will.</tei-p>
<tei-p data-origname="p" data-processed="">God is often regarded as having created the Tree of Knowledge, which is problematic in itself. If he created the tree, why tempt humanity? What does this add to the experience of living in Eden? Simply put, it is difficult to understand his motivations at this moment, because this leads to him having to apparently punish Adam and Eve when the disobey him. However, there is also the possibility that God did not create the Tree of Knowledge, or the serpent. God appears to be wary of the Tree, and of its inherent danger and apparent corruption. This creates the notion that perhaps he did not create it, as it was not intentional, and as such problematic for him as well as Adam and Eve. The serpent itself provides a unique presence in the Garden, and is often interpreted differently as Satan or a Spirit. Yet, God does appear to be able to exert his will over it, ensuring that it is a being less than divine. Overall, the presence of these things is definitively problematic, and poses an interesting crack in the paradise of Eden. -Mark M.</tei-p>)</span></tei-note>
<tei-note target="#a015a" resp="#ha" data-origname="note" data-processed=""><span hidden="" data-original="">Last semester, I took a class called "Ancient Worlds" and we read Genesis. In that class, we wrote essays and one of the ones I wrote was about how G-d is like a casino owner. He's manipulative and very protective of his regulars (the covenant), yet self serving, as I imagine a casino owner would be. He tests and checks his creations to see their constitution, perhaps like a watchful owner would, to ensure there isn't any misconduct going on in the casino. Inevitably, however, something will go wrong, and he starts back at square two (since there are still some humans alive) after the flood because he realises there was some corruption and the games were not going as he had intended. -Hailey A.</span><span>(Last semester, I took a class called "Ancient Worlds" and we read Genesis. In that class, we wrote essays and one of the ones I wrote was about how G-d is like a casino owner. He's manipulative and very protective of his regulars (the covenant), yet self serving, as I imagine a casino owner would be. He tests and checks his creations to see their constitution, perhaps like a watchful owner would, to ensure there isn't any misconduct going on in the casino. Inevitably, however, something will go wrong, and he starts back at square two (since there are still some humans alive) after the flood because he realises there was some corruption and the games were not going as he had intended. -Hailey A.)</span></tei-note>
<tei-note target="#a016" resp="#ha" data-origname="note" data-processed=""><span hidden="" data-original="">In the New Standard Revised Version, the phrase is replaced with "helper." -Hailey A.</span><span>(In the New Standard Revised Version, the phrase is replaced with "helper." -Hailey A.)</span></tei-note>
<!-- unedited --> <tei-note target="#a016a" resp="#jp" data-origname="note" data-processed=""><span hidden="" data-original=""><tei-p data-origname="p" data-processed="">Heb.: ezer kenegdo = help opposite</tei-p>
<tei-p data-origname="p" data-processed="">Heb.: neged = opposite (Kass 72-73)</tei-p>
<tei-p data-origname="p" data-processed="">Kass: "help opposite him" -Jason P.</tei-p></span><span>(<tei-p data-origname="p" data-processed="">Heb.: ezer kenegdo = help opposite</tei-p>
<tei-p data-origname="p" data-processed="">Heb.: neged = opposite (Kass 72-73)</tei-p>
<tei-p data-origname="p" data-processed="">Kass: "help opposite him" -Jason P.</tei-p>)</span></tei-note>
<tei-note target="#a017" resp="#ko" data-origname="note" data-processed=""><span hidden="" data-original="">God puts Adam in a deep sleep as if to avoid hurting him. -Kelley O.</span><span>(God puts Adam in a deep sleep as if to avoid hurting him. -Kelley O.)</span></tei-note>
<tei-note target="#a017a" resp="#ha" data-origname="note" data-processed=""><span hidden="" data-original="">Or perhaps it was to keep Adam from stopping Him. -Hailey A.</span><span>(Or perhaps it was to keep Adam from stopping Him. -Hailey A.)</span></tei-note>
<!-- unedited --><tei-note target="#a018" resp="#jp" data-origname="note" data-processed=""><span hidden="" data-original="">Heb.: 'ishah (Kass 77). -Jason P.</span><span>(Heb.: 'ishah (Kass 77). -Jason P.)</span></tei-note>
<tei-note target="#a019" resp="#jp" data-origname="note" data-processed=""><span hidden="" data-original="">This is the first occurrence in Genesis of the Hebrew word 'ish, meaning "male human being" (see Kass, page 77). Previously, the grammatically masculine but semantically gender-neutral 'adam (meaning "human" or perhaps "earthling") has been used. Thus, only after the creation of the first woman do we have the first definitive reference to a person who is sexually male. -Jason P.</span><span>(This is the first occurrence in Genesis of the Hebrew word 'ish, meaning "male human being" (see Kass, page 77). Previously, the grammatically masculine but semantically gender-neutral 'adam (meaning "human" or perhaps "earthling") has been used. Thus, only after the creation of the first woman do we have the first definitive reference to a person who is sexually male. -Jason P.)</span></tei-note>
<tei-note target="#a020" resp="#nc" data-origname="note" data-processed=""><span hidden="" data-original="">Does the existence of evil or some other force that opposes the will of God in Eden hint that God is imperfect and capable of imbuing creatures with flaws such as the snake's trickery? Alternatively, does it indicate that the search for knowledge is not necessarily a morally wrong one, just one that God does not want man to search for? Is knowledge sacreligious, or is God simply testing mankind? Is the snake a tool in such a test? These are the questions that can be raised by the existence of evil in a world created by a supposedly all-powerful God. -Noah C.</span><span>(Does the existence of evil or some other force that opposes the will of God in Eden hint that God is imperfect and capable of imbuing creatures with flaws such as the snake's trickery? Alternatively, does it indicate that the search for knowledge is not necessarily a morally wrong one, just one that God does not want man to search for? Is knowledge sacreligious, or is God simply testing mankind? Is the snake a tool in such a test? These are the questions that can be raised by the existence of evil in a world created by a supposedly all-powerful God. -Noah C.)</span></tei-note>
<tei-note target="#a020a" resp="#ha" data-origname="note" data-processed=""><span hidden="" data-original="">Or it could be that there are multiple deities. There are lots of instances of "us" in creation as well. Like maybe G-d created other spirits, like this "snake" spirit and then realized that perhaps not everything he created was good. Or maybe this was born out of the darkness he keeps separating from the light. -Hailey A.</span><span>(Or it could be that there are multiple deities. There are lots of instances of "us" in creation as well. Like maybe G-d created other spirits, like this "snake" spirit and then realized that perhaps not everything he created was good. Or maybe this was born out of the darkness he keeps separating from the light. -Hailey A.)</span></tei-note>
<tei-note target="#a021" resp="#mm" data-origname="note" data-processed=""><span hidden="" data-original="">Our first interaction with the being "woman" in Genesis is the prior exchange between the serpent and Eve, and her subsequent disobedience towards God. Simply put, this is a bad foot to start off on for characterizing females as a gender in Genesis, and the blame appears to be lead to Eve practically immediately. Adam is nowhere to be seen during the exchange, and follows complacently with what Eve does, eating the fruit. Moreover, this is the first exhibition of real human independence and an attempt at understanding in Genesis. -Mark M.</span><span>(Our first interaction with the being "woman" in Genesis is the prior exchange between the serpent and Eve, and her subsequent disobedience towards God. Simply put, this is a bad foot to start off on for characterizing females as a gender in Genesis, and the blame appears to be lead to Eve practically immediately. Adam is nowhere to be seen during the exchange, and follows complacently with what Eve does, eating the fruit. Moreover, this is the first exhibition of real human independence and an attempt at understanding in Genesis. -Mark M.)</span></tei-note>
<tei-note target="#a021a" resp="#ha" data-origname="note" data-processed=""><span hidden="" data-original=""><tei-p data-origname="p" data-processed="">Mark points out in the previous comment that this is a bad foot to get started on, and I agree. However, I think a different, more pressing question arises from asking "why did Adam let Eve eat the fruit to begin with?"</tei-p>
<tei-p data-origname="p" data-processed="">G-d created Eve after He told Adam not to eat from tree, and while she knows she's not supposed to (since she tells the serpent that she knows she will die if she eats from the tree), she may not fully understand the implications if she does eat. "Dying" means nothing to someone if they have never seen it before, and clearly she isn't afraid of it. Adam may understand more, since he existed while G-d was still creating, so he knows His power more than Eve does.</tei-p>
<tei-p data-origname="p" data-processed="">But even if she did know that dying wasn't a good thing, why did Adam just stand by and allow her to be "beguiled" by the serpent? He could have stepped in to prohibit the conversation, but he doesn't. He enables Eve to make the decision to eat the fruit. And instead of refusing the fruit, he willingly takes it from Eve's hands and takes a bite. Then Adam has the audacity to tell G-d that Eve forced him to eat the fruit. This doesn't seem right. Especially because Eve inarguable receives a worse punishment than Adam. -Hailey A.</tei-p></span><span>(<tei-p data-origname="p" data-processed="">Mark points out in the previous comment that this is a bad foot to get started on, and I agree. However, I think a different, more pressing question arises from asking "why did Adam let Eve eat the fruit to begin with?"</tei-p>
<tei-p data-origname="p" data-processed="">G-d created Eve after He told Adam not to eat from tree, and while she knows she's not supposed to (since she tells the serpent that she knows she will die if she eats from the tree), she may not fully understand the implications if she does eat. "Dying" means nothing to someone if they have never seen it before, and clearly she isn't afraid of it. Adam may understand more, since he existed while G-d was still creating, so he knows His power more than Eve does.</tei-p>
<tei-p data-origname="p" data-processed="">But even if she did know that dying wasn't a good thing, why did Adam just stand by and allow her to be "beguiled" by the serpent? He could have stepped in to prohibit the conversation, but he doesn't. He enables Eve to make the decision to eat the fruit. And instead of refusing the fruit, he willingly takes it from Eve's hands and takes a bite. Then Adam has the audacity to tell G-d that Eve forced him to eat the fruit. This doesn't seem right. Especially because Eve inarguable receives a worse punishment than Adam. -Hailey A.</tei-p>)</span></tei-note>
<tei-note target="#a021b" resp="#mm" data-origname="note" data-processed=""><span hidden="" data-original="">Basically, what I'm looking for here is a statement on culpability. Is Adam complicit since he didn't say anything? Is Eve more culpable because she chose to pick the fruit and eat it, where Adam apparently just... does? What's the balance here? -Mark M.</span><span>(Basically, what I'm looking for here is a statement on culpability. Is Adam complicit since he didn't say anything? Is Eve more culpable because she chose to pick the fruit and eat it, where Adam apparently just... does? What's the balance here? -Mark M.)</span></tei-note>
<tei-note target="#a022" resp="#jp" data-origname="note" data-processed=""><span hidden="" data-original="">Heb.: ta'awah = intensely desired; Alter: "lust". -Jason P.</span><span>(Heb.: ta'awah = intensely desired; Alter: "lust". -Jason P.)</span></tei-note>
<tei-note target="#a022a" resp="#nc" data-origname="note" data-processed=""><span hidden="" data-original="">The implications of Alter's translation of "deight" in 3.6 and the original Hebrew "ta'awah" as more akin to "lust" demonstrates the fruit's power over Eve and serves to explain why Adam and Eve would eat from the one tree they were instructed to not touch. This change in understanding could have drastic implications for my problem statement. -Noah C.</span><span>(The implications of Alter's translation of "deight" in 3.6 and the original Hebrew "ta'awah" as more akin to "lust" demonstrates the fruit's power over Eve and serves to explain why Adam and Eve would eat from the one tree they were instructed to not touch. This change in understanding could have drastic implications for my problem statement. -Noah C.)</span></tei-note>
<tei-note target="#a023" resp="#nc" data-origname="note" data-processed=""><span hidden="" data-original="">Genesis seems to indicate that part of what separates mankind from animals is the recognition that one is naked, seen here as something to be ashamed of that must be resolved before they can be in the presence of God. If Adam and Eve were unashamed of their nakedness prior to eating the fruit of knowledge, then perhaps mankind was no different from other animals aside from being made in the image of God. Does this lead to the conclusion that God is curious, can be ashamed? Is mankind the link between the animalistic nature of beasts and the perfect form of God? -Noah C.</span><span>(Genesis seems to indicate that part of what separates mankind from animals is the recognition that one is naked, seen here as something to be ashamed of that must be resolved before they can be in the presence of God. If Adam and Eve were unashamed of their nakedness prior to eating the fruit of knowledge, then perhaps mankind was no different from other animals aside from being made in the image of God. Does this lead to the conclusion that God is curious, can be ashamed? Is mankind the link between the animalistic nature of beasts and the perfect form of God? -Noah C.)</span></tei-note>
<tei-note target="#a024" resp="#mm" data-origname="note" data-processed=""><span hidden="" data-original="">The idea that God could potentially feel shame definitely makes his later actions, specifically the flood, more interesting. Was he really trying to wipe his regrets away? This could add an angle to his actions that adds depth to his choices. -Mark M.</span><span>(The idea that God could potentially feel shame definitely makes his later actions, specifically the flood, more interesting. Was he really trying to wipe his regrets away? This could add an angle to his actions that adds depth to his choices. -Mark M.)</span></tei-note>
<tei-note target="#a024a" resp="#nc" data-origname="note" data-processed=""><span hidden="" data-original="">Here, Adam and Eve realized their shame and nakedness, a strange first conclusion after they ate of the Tree of Knowledge. Moreover, they felt shame for it, a development that raises questions after the promise from the serpent that they would become as God(s). Perhaps it is possible that God experienced a far wider breadth of emotion than Adam and Eve did before eating the fruit, making him decidedly human in his perceptions and decisions. If he is susceptible to shame, it follows that he is susceptible to anger, sadness, happiness, and the whole gamut human emotion. Moreover, this conclusion leads us to wonder at the nature of God's choices later on, when he cleanses the Earth of life during the flood, or when he burns Sodom and Gomorrah. Overall, this presents a God intimately concerned with the happenings on Earth, but also a divine entity who is emotional and is affected by these actions. -Noah C.</span><span>(Here, Adam and Eve realized their shame and nakedness, a strange first conclusion after they ate of the Tree of Knowledge. Moreover, they felt shame for it, a development that raises questions after the promise from the serpent that they would become as God(s). Perhaps it is possible that God experienced a far wider breadth of emotion than Adam and Eve did before eating the fruit, making him decidedly human in his perceptions and decisions. If he is susceptible to shame, it follows that he is susceptible to anger, sadness, happiness, and the whole gamut human emotion. Moreover, this conclusion leads us to wonder at the nature of God's choices later on, when he cleanses the Earth of life during the flood, or when he burns Sodom and Gomorrah. Overall, this presents a God intimately concerned with the happenings on Earth, but also a divine entity who is emotional and is affected by these actions. -Noah C.)</span></tei-note>
<tei-note target="#a025" resp="#ha" data-origname="note" data-processed=""><span hidden="" data-original="">Does G-d have legs? Is he a corporeal being? -Hailey A.</span><span>(Does G-d have legs? Is he a corporeal being? -Hailey A.)</span></tei-note>
<tei-note target="#a025a" resp="#ko" data-origname="note" data-processed=""><span hidden="" data-original="">He's probably like a Greek god and can take forms, as evident that he makes himself a burning bush in his encounter with Moses. -Kelley O.</span><span>(He's probably like a Greek god and can take forms, as evident that he makes himself a burning bush in his encounter with Moses. -Kelley O.)</span></tei-note>
<tei-note target="#a025b" resp="#ko" data-origname="note" data-processed=""><span hidden="" data-original="">Is this personification? Does God have a body? If he did, does he no longer have one? What is the relationship between body and spirit? -Kelley O.</span><span>(Is this personification? Does God have a body? If he did, does he no longer have one? What is the relationship between body and spirit? -Kelley O.)</span></tei-note>
<tei-note target="#a026" resp="#jp" data-origname="note" data-processed=""><span hidden="" data-original="">Heb.: hishi'ani = lifted me (Kass 93). -Jason P.</span><span>(Heb.: hishi'ani = lifted me (Kass 93). -Jason P.)</span></tei-note>
<tei-note target="#a027" resp="#as" data-origname="note" data-processed=""><span hidden="" data-original="">Here the order of judgement flows from the causal chain of their deception: from the serepent, then to Eve, and then to Adam. -Aidan S.</span><span>(Here the order of judgement flows from the causal chain of their deception: from the serepent, then to Eve, and then to Adam. -Aidan S.)</span></tei-note>
<tei-note target="#a028" resp="#nc" data-origname="note" data-processed=""><span hidden="" data-original="">In the context of the story of Genesis, this could be punishment for their breaking the one rule of the Garden of Eden, but as a creation story, it explains why our species must propogate while childbirth is so terribly painful. -Noah C.</span><span>(In the context of the story of Genesis, this could be punishment for their breaking the one rule of the Garden of Eden, but as a creation story, it explains why our species must propogate while childbirth is so terribly painful. -Noah C.)</span></tei-note>
<tei-note target="#a029" resp="#ha" data-origname="note" data-processed=""><span hidden="" data-original="">This punishment, or declaration, seems like G-d is formally making woman unequal to man. Woman's punishment is to be inherently less than man, now. -Hailey A.</span><span>(This punishment, or declaration, seems like G-d is formally making woman unequal to man. Woman's punishment is to be inherently less than man, now. -Hailey A.)</span></tei-note>
<tei-note target="#a029a" resp="#nc" data-origname="note" data-processed=""><span hidden="" data-original="">As a product of its times, this line can be seen as an excuse for men to abuse women. -Noah C.</span><span>(As a product of its times, this line can be seen as an excuse for men to abuse women. -Noah C.)</span></tei-note>
<tei-note target="#a030" resp="#mm" data-origname="note" data-processed=""><span hidden="" data-original="">God appears to be an entity outside of our understanding of the self, as he refers often to what we perceive as a single entity with "our" or "us," which could be evocative of a kinship with humanity, or suggestive of a multi-faceted self that we can not understand. Moreover, God in this statement suggests that humanity is apparently equal with God on some level, a strange development when it appears they have no chance of exerting their will against him. Perhaps it is that this is the path that sets them onto becoming divine one day, but also it could be that they are only his equal one on level. That is to say, in how they experience life and emotions. They can feel everything in the way that God can, just not on the same scale, and as such there is a division between humans and God. Moreover, God still appears to hold onto vast understanding and power far beyond what humans are able to bring to bear, though in a sense, humans carry a slice of divinity within them in how they create and experience life. In equal measure, however, it could mean that God carries a slice of humanity within Himself. -Mark M.</span><span>(God appears to be an entity outside of our understanding of the self, as he refers often to what we perceive as a single entity with "our" or "us," which could be evocative of a kinship with humanity, or suggestive of a multi-faceted self that we can not understand. Moreover, God in this statement suggests that humanity is apparently equal with God on some level, a strange development when it appears they have no chance of exerting their will against him. Perhaps it is that this is the path that sets them onto becoming divine one day, but also it could be that they are only his equal one on level. That is to say, in how they experience life and emotions. They can feel everything in the way that God can, just not on the same scale, and as such there is a division between humans and God. Moreover, God still appears to hold onto vast understanding and power far beyond what humans are able to bring to bear, though in a sense, humans carry a slice of divinity within them in how they create and experience life. In equal measure, however, it could mean that God carries a slice of humanity within Himself. -Mark M.)</span></tei-note>
<tei-note target="#a030a" resp="#ko" data-origname="note" data-processed=""><span hidden="" data-original="">Maybe this line means something along the lines of "now man has become closer to a god because he knows good and evil." God did say "be fruitful and multiply" and people live for centuries, now that they have their own authority, they are more immortal than before. -Kelley O.</span><span>(Maybe this line means something along the lines of "now man has become closer to a god because he knows good and evil." God did say "be fruitful and multiply" and people live for centuries, now that they have their own authority, they are more immortal than before. -Kelley O.)</span></tei-note>
<tei-note target="#a030b" resp="#as" data-origname="note" data-processed=""><span hidden="" data-original=""><tei-p data-origname="p" data-processed="">Commentary I've read on this (unsure where) says that eating of the tree of life would cause man to be immortal, implying that knowledge and immortality are two aspects of being "like a god."</tei-p>
<tei-p data-origname="p" data-processed="">This can then be read as a warning towards the historical pursuit of immortality (e.g. fountain of youth). -Aidan S.</tei-p></span><span>(<tei-p data-origname="p" data-processed="">Commentary I've read on this (unsure where) says that eating of the tree of life would cause man to be immortal, implying that knowledge and immortality are two aspects of being "like a god."</tei-p>
<tei-p data-origname="p" data-processed="">This can then be read as a warning towards the historical pursuit of immortality (e.g. fountain of youth). -Aidan S.</tei-p>)</span></tei-note>
<tei-note target="#a030c" resp="#ha" data-origname="note" data-processed=""><span hidden="" data-original=""><tei-p data-origname="p" data-processed="">The previous three comments on this one quoation are all really interesting because this is a confusing line, especially because G-d says "us," yet there is only supposed to be one god. Are there other deities?</tei-p>
<tei-p data-origname="p" data-processed="">Furthermore, since humans now know good and evil, wouldn't they be closer to G-d, now? And isn't that what Eve really wanted to begin with, to be closer to G-d (i.e., to be lifted up to G-d's level). It's also necessary to consider that "know" doesn't always mean "to be familiar with." It can also mean to "have sexual intercourse" and "be capable of," which would have incredible implications about G-d (e.g., does this mean that G-d is also capable of being evil?).</tei-p>
<tei-p data-origname="p" data-processed="">Lastly, the comment that Aidan wrote made me think that being fruitful and multiplying is, in a way, immortality, since humanity will be immortal, even if the individual isn't. -Hailey A.</tei-p></span><span>(<tei-p data-origname="p" data-processed="">The previous three comments on this one quoation are all really interesting because this is a confusing line, especially because G-d says "us," yet there is only supposed to be one god. Are there other deities?</tei-p>
<tei-p data-origname="p" data-processed="">Furthermore, since humans now know good and evil, wouldn't they be closer to G-d, now? And isn't that what Eve really wanted to begin with, to be closer to G-d (i.e., to be lifted up to G-d's level). It's also necessary to consider that "know" doesn't always mean "to be familiar with." It can also mean to "have sexual intercourse" and "be capable of," which would have incredible implications about G-d (e.g., does this mean that G-d is also capable of being evil?).</tei-p>
<tei-p data-origname="p" data-processed="">Lastly, the comment that Aidan wrote made me think that being fruitful and multiplying is, in a way, immortality, since humanity will be immortal, even if the individual isn't. -Hailey A.</tei-p>)</span></tei-note>
<tei-note target="#a031" resp="#mm" data-origname="note" data-processed=""><span hidden="" data-original="">When God offers to let him come clean for his actions or possibly even to lament on what he had done, Cain fails God completely. Abel's murder is an incredibly morally black event that occurs as we understand it, and God reflects this, when he is suitably angry and curses Cain. God wants to show Cain that what he did was wrong or at least inconvenient for him, and as such is dismayed when he fails the test of his basic loyalty and faith after murdering Abel and ultimately lying to God himself. The other potential explanation is that God did in fact, not know that Cain had killed Abel, or at least had not yet realized it. This means that God is merely a fallible observer with immense power, and colors his actions with genuine concern or interest. He does not know where Abel went, and that troubles him. The revelation that Cain had murdered him is a betrayal of the highest order for God's expectations, and He takes action in accordance with this anger. -Mark M.</span><span>(When God offers to let him come clean for his actions or possibly even to lament on what he had done, Cain fails God completely. Abel's murder is an incredibly morally black event that occurs as we understand it, and God reflects this, when he is suitably angry and curses Cain. God wants to show Cain that what he did was wrong or at least inconvenient for him, and as such is dismayed when he fails the test of his basic loyalty and faith after murdering Abel and ultimately lying to God himself. The other potential explanation is that God did in fact, not know that Cain had killed Abel, or at least had not yet realized it. This means that God is merely a fallible observer with immense power, and colors his actions with genuine concern or interest. He does not know where Abel went, and that troubles him. The revelation that Cain had murdered him is a betrayal of the highest order for God's expectations, and He takes action in accordance with this anger. -Mark M.)</span></tei-note>
<tei-note target="#a031a" resp="#nc" data-origname="note" data-processed=""><span hidden="" data-original="">This is the second time that God has asked a question He already knew the answer to. First in the Garden when looking for Adam and Eve, now in the fields where Cain murdered Abel. God finds how mankind will respond to questions He already knows the answer to interesting, as can be seen when He, immediately after hearing Cain's deflection of His question, accuses and curses Cain for committing murder. -Noah C.</span><span>(This is the second time that God has asked a question He already knew the answer to. First in the Garden when looking for Adam and Eve, now in the fields where Cain murdered Abel. God finds how mankind will respond to questions He already knows the answer to interesting, as can be seen when He, immediately after hearing Cain's deflection of His question, accuses and curses Cain for committing murder. -Noah C.)</span></tei-note>
<tei-note target="#a032" resp="#mm" data-origname="note" data-processed=""><span hidden="" data-original="">Cain is allowed to have children after his punishment, these offspring multiplying and prospering to form civilization, associating civilization and Cain intimately with the first instance of fratricide. These cities foster music, art, and culture, but also tools for violence and perpetuates the notion of glory in conflict. Overall, there is a very intimate association with evil and civilization here, apparently saying that civilization is inherently flawed in its conception, especially with the blood of Cain guiding them. -Mark M.</span><span>(Cain is allowed to have children after his punishment, these offspring multiplying and prospering to form civilization, associating civilization and Cain intimately with the first instance of fratricide. These cities foster music, art, and culture, but also tools for violence and perpetuates the notion of glory in conflict. Overall, there is a very intimate association with evil and civilization here, apparently saying that civilization is inherently flawed in its conception, especially with the blood of Cain guiding them. -Mark M.)</span></tei-note>
<tei-note target="#a033" resp="#nc" data-origname="note" data-processed=""><span hidden="" data-original="">This line repeats the wording of humanity’s original creation, where God says “Let us make man in our image, after our likeness” (1.26). Though the likeness and image are switched when Adam begets Seth, it can be inferred that Adam and Eve are channeling God’s creation in making a son, just as Eve says after bearing Cain “I have gotten a man with the help of the LORD” (4.1). The connection between humanity’s propagation and the channeling of God’s divinity indicates a trend towards humanity reaching their own divinity. As such, if man was made in the likeness of God, is the creation of another life a step towards mankind’s divinity? -Noah C.</span><span>(This line repeats the wording of humanity’s original creation, where God says “Let us make man in our image, after our likeness” (1.26). Though the likeness and image are switched when Adam begets Seth, it can be inferred that Adam and Eve are channeling God’s creation in making a son, just as Eve says after bearing Cain “I have gotten a man with the help of the LORD” (4.1). The connection between humanity’s propagation and the channeling of God’s divinity indicates a trend towards humanity reaching their own divinity. As such, if man was made in the likeness of God, is the creation of another life a step towards mankind’s divinity? -Noah C.)</span></tei-note>
<tei-note target="#a033a" resp="#ko" data-origname="note" data-processed=""><span hidden="" data-original="">Humans are similar to God here, as they are creating life parallel to how God created them. The difference, though, is that this result of procreation occured after humans ate from the Tree of Knowledge; now they are for certain capable of dying. As far as we know, God is an eternal character, so as much as mankind as individuals would like to act and be like God, they cannot. But the human race can continue to exist as long as God can. Humans can create time-limited individuals. Perhaps this is why in the text, it does not state God begot a son named Adam, while it does say Adam has a son. There is a difference in the significance of their creations, but they are the same in type of creations. -Kelley O.</span><span>(Humans are similar to God here, as they are creating life parallel to how God created them. The difference, though, is that this result of procreation occured after humans ate from the Tree of Knowledge; now they are for certain capable of dying. As far as we know, God is an eternal character, so as much as mankind as individuals would like to act and be like God, they cannot. But the human race can continue to exist as long as God can. Humans can create time-limited individuals. Perhaps this is why in the text, it does not state God begot a son named Adam, while it does say Adam has a son. There is a difference in the significance of their creations, but they are the same in type of creations. -Kelley O.)</span></tei-note>
<tei-note target="#a034" resp="#mm" data-origname="note" data-processed=""><span hidden="" data-original="">Limiting humankind's lifespan is a momentous event that often goes unchecked here, where it is rather important that mankind can no longer live past 120. This means that humans can only accrue so much prestige and ability before invariably dying, their lifespan being concretely limited beyond their control by the divine. This is rather important, since it feeds into the notion that God has a specific idea for what humans should learn in their lives, and that their potential must be limited for one reason or another. This hard limit on human life is also indicative that God wants mankind to develop more slowly, possibly because he feels that humans need to learn certain things before pushing forward harder in both age and knowledge. Essentially, it appears that He wants to limit the ascension of mankind for a time. -Mark M.</span><span>(Limiting humankind's lifespan is a momentous event that often goes unchecked here, where it is rather important that mankind can no longer live past 120. This means that humans can only accrue so much prestige and ability before invariably dying, their lifespan being concretely limited beyond their control by the divine. This is rather important, since it feeds into the notion that God has a specific idea for what humans should learn in their lives, and that their potential must be limited for one reason or another. This hard limit on human life is also indicative that God wants mankind to develop more slowly, possibly because he feels that humans need to learn certain things before pushing forward harder in both age and knowledge. Essentially, it appears that He wants to limit the ascension of mankind for a time. -Mark M.)</span></tei-note>
<tei-note target="#a035" resp="#mm" data-origname="note" data-processed=""><span hidden="" data-original="">Here, humankind is displayed as potentially inherently evil, but to build on that notion, that God does not control whether or not we are good or evil. Instead, it appears that this is created of our own free will, as God observes in rapt fascination, or maybe even horror. Either way, he deems this development as highly questionable and even condemnable, and as a result prepares to flood the Earth. Ultimately, God has an aversion to evil, but the reasoning behind this is undeniably ambiguous. Does he prefer no evil so that humankind is given a more substantial opportunity to live longer? Or is the situation one of personal disdain for the evil? -Mark M.</span><span>(Here, humankind is displayed as potentially inherently evil, but to build on that notion, that God does not control whether or not we are good or evil. Instead, it appears that this is created of our own free will, as God observes in rapt fascination, or maybe even horror. Either way, he deems this development as highly questionable and even condemnable, and as a result prepares to flood the Earth. Ultimately, God has an aversion to evil, but the reasoning behind this is undeniably ambiguous. Does he prefer no evil so that humankind is given a more substantial opportunity to live longer? Or is the situation one of personal disdain for the evil? -Mark M.)</span></tei-note>
<tei-note target="#a036" resp="#as" data-origname="note" data-processed=""><span hidden="" data-original="">This is one of the early lines that speaks to the capacity of G-d to change H-s mind and to reflect over time; suggesting not only that H- is not unchanging, but is also within Time, instead of strictly apart from it. -Aidan S.</span><span>(This is one of the early lines that speaks to the capacity of G-d to change H-s mind and to reflect over time; suggesting not only that H- is not unchanging, but is also within Time, instead of strictly apart from it. -Aidan S.)</span></tei-note>
<tei-note target="#a037" resp="#mm" data-origname="note" data-processed=""><span hidden="" data-original="">Here, the notion that God is potentially uncaring and inconvenienced by humanity in this sense because he created them and they spiraled out of control, or that God wanted to take full and utter punishment for mankind's transgressions is a compelling one. This stands apart from the ideas on forgiveness or education in Genesis, where God instead of doing either of these purges the entirety of the globe save for Noah, a bizarre turn of events that is highly violent and indiscriminate. God minimizes the variables, focusing only on Noah, who has certain expectations for and believes in, making Noah what God expects to be the ideal human to keep alive. -Mark M.</span><span>(Here, the notion that God is potentially uncaring and inconvenienced by humanity in this sense because he created them and they spiraled out of control, or that God wanted to take full and utter punishment for mankind's transgressions is a compelling one. This stands apart from the ideas on forgiveness or education in Genesis, where God instead of doing either of these purges the entirety of the globe save for Noah, a bizarre turn of events that is highly violent and indiscriminate. God minimizes the variables, focusing only on Noah, who has certain expectations for and believes in, making Noah what God expects to be the ideal human to keep alive. -Mark M.)</span></tei-note>
<tei-note target="#a037a" resp="#nc" data-origname="note" data-processed=""><span hidden="" data-original="">The eradication of all life is confusing, especially since only humans are capable of being wicked as far as we know. -Noah C.</span><span>(The eradication of all life is confusing, especially since only humans are capable of being wicked as far as we know. -Noah C.)</span></tei-note>
<tei-note target="#a038" resp="#ha" data-origname="note" data-processed=""><span hidden="" data-original=""><tei-p data-origname="p" data-processed="">In an article I read called <tei-ref target="" data-origname="ref" data-processed=""><span hidden="" data-original="">"God is a Brown Girl Too"</span><span><a href="">"God is a Brown Girl Too"</a></span></tei-ref> from <tei-ref target="" data-origname="ref" data-processed=""><span hidden="" data-original="">Patheos</span><span><a href="">Patheos</a></span></tei-ref>, the author mentioned this part of the scripture, which is a theme throughout the whole book of Genesis: rarely is a woman involved in the "begetting" even though a requirement of birth is a woman.</tei-p>
<tei-p data-origname="p" data-processed="">It's odd for texts to write like without women, especially in modern times where, at least in the west, we recognize that a woman is included in the birthing of a child and it is her child or both of theirs.</tei-p>
<tei-p data-origname="p" data-processed="">What does the man do besides plant the seed? It's the woman who grows the child, and ultimately bears the fruit after 9 months of tender care. -Hailey A.</tei-p></span><span>(<tei-p data-origname="p" data-processed="">In an article I read called <tei-ref target="" data-origname="ref" data-processed=""><span hidden="" data-original="">"God is a Brown Girl Too"</span><span><a href="">"God is a Brown Girl Too"</a></span></tei-ref> from <tei-ref target="" data-origname="ref" data-processed=""><span hidden="" data-original="">Patheos</span><span><a href="">Patheos</a></span></tei-ref>, the author mentioned this part of the scripture, which is a theme throughout the whole book of Genesis: rarely is a woman involved in the "begetting" even though a requirement of birth is a woman.</tei-p>
<tei-p data-origname="p" data-processed="">It's odd for texts to write like without women, especially in modern times where, at least in the west, we recognize that a woman is included in the birthing of a child and it is her child or both of theirs.</tei-p>
<tei-p data-origname="p" data-processed="">What does the man do besides plant the seed? It's the woman who grows the child, and ultimately bears the fruit after 9 months of tender care. -Hailey A.</tei-p>)</span></tei-note>
<tei-note target="#a039" resp="#mm" data-origname="note" data-processed=""><span hidden="" data-original="">God is notably and exceptionally concerned for the corruption of mankind, especially with violence. This concern for violence appears to be a core tenet of God's philosophy, starting as far back as Cain murdering Abel, this notion of violence carries on until now. God appears to abhor violence, only resorting to it when absolutely necessary, or simply finds it to be incredibly inconvenient to what happens under his watch on Earth. Regardless, in some measure it is clear that these issues are directly contrary to what God would want to see. He floods the Earth because of this, a strong implication of an emotional attachment to what is occurring indicated when his hand is forced and he tires of such violence. -Mark M.</span><span>(God is notably and exceptionally concerned for the corruption of mankind, especially with violence. This concern for violence appears to be a core tenet of God's philosophy, starting as far back as Cain murdering Abel, this notion of violence carries on until now. God appears to abhor violence, only resorting to it when absolutely necessary, or simply finds it to be incredibly inconvenient to what happens under his watch on Earth. Regardless, in some measure it is clear that these issues are directly contrary to what God would want to see. He floods the Earth because of this, a strong implication of an emotional attachment to what is occurring indicated when his hand is forced and he tires of such violence. -Mark M.)</span></tei-note>
<tei-note target="#a040" resp="#as" data-origname="note" data-processed=""><span hidden="" data-original="">The symmetry of "the Earth is filled with violence through them" with "I will destroy them with the earth" is more clear in the <tei-ref target="" data-origname="ref" data-processed=""><span hidden="" data-original="">ESV translation</span><span><a href="">ESV translation</a></span></tei-ref> [1], but reminds me of the <tei-ref target="" data-origname="ref" data-processed=""><span hidden="" data-original="">contrapassos</span><span><a href="">contrapassos</a></span></tei-ref> from Dante's inferno. -Aidan S.</span><span>(The symmetry of "the Earth is filled with violence through them" with "I will destroy them with the earth" is more clear in the <tei-ref target="" data-origname="ref" data-processed=""><span hidden="" data-original="">ESV translation</span><span><a href="">ESV translation</a></span></tei-ref> [1], but reminds me of the <tei-ref target="" data-origname="ref" data-processed=""><span hidden="" data-original="">contrapassos</span><span><a href="">contrapassos</a></span></tei-ref> from Dante's inferno. -Aidan S.)</span></tei-note>
<tei-note target="#a041" resp="#mm" data-origname="note" data-processed=""><span hidden="" data-original="">This event takes place at the end of the flood, when Noah and his family are disembarking from the Ark. God gives Noah a mandate on how to leave, and he disobeys it, relegating his wife to a position behind his son. This could be indicative a bias that God is not subject to- after all, he put Noah's wife before Noah's sons, suggesting a hierachy. The Patriach, followed by the Matriarch, then the offspring and their wives, repeating the formula of husband to wife. However, Noah elevates his sons, even in spite of God's own orders, putting his sons before his wife. This could be indicative of merely preferring to attend to his sons, but perhaps more significantly, associates Noah with subjugating women beneath men. -Mark M.</span><span>(This event takes place at the end of the flood, when Noah and his family are disembarking from the Ark. God gives Noah a mandate on how to leave, and he disobeys it, relegating his wife to a position behind his son. This could be indicative a bias that God is not subject to- after all, he put Noah's wife before Noah's sons, suggesting a hierachy. The Patriach, followed by the Matriarch, then the offspring and their wives, repeating the formula of husband to wife. However, Noah elevates his sons, even in spite of God's own orders, putting his sons before his wife. This could be indicative of merely preferring to attend to his sons, but perhaps more significantly, associates Noah with subjugating women beneath men. -Mark M.)</span></tei-note>
<tei-note target="#a042" resp="#ha" data-origname="note" data-processed=""><span hidden="" data-original=""><tei-p data-origname="p" data-processed="">"be fruitful and multiply" is quite possibly one of the most famous quotes from G-d. This commandment is the base for the rest of the text (i.e., the covenant). We see this quote twice before (Gen. 1:22, 1:28) and again once after this (Gen. 9:1), but I feel like this is the most important time.</tei-p>
<tei-p data-origname="p" data-processed="">The first time He says it to Adam and Eve, it's important, but, except for Noah, G-d destroys all their progeny because they were corrupt, so their fruitfulness and multiplication was for naught. -Hailey A.</tei-p></span><span>(<tei-p data-origname="p" data-processed="">"be fruitful and multiply" is quite possibly one of the most famous quotes from G-d. This commandment is the base for the rest of the text (i.e., the covenant). We see this quote twice before (Gen. 1:22, 1:28) and again once after this (Gen. 9:1), but I feel like this is the most important time.</tei-p>
<tei-p data-origname="p" data-processed="">The first time He says it to Adam and Eve, it's important, but, except for Noah, G-d destroys all their progeny because they were corrupt, so their fruitfulness and multiplication was for naught. -Hailey A.</tei-p>)</span></tei-note>
<tei-note target="#a043" resp="#mm" data-origname="note" data-processed=""><span hidden="" data-original="">Directly subsequent to the Flood, Noah builds an altar and sacrifices to the Lord. The Lord, upon smelling the sacrifice, realizes he was wrong and admits as much. At times, this scene is characterized as God lamenting over his prior actions, and ensuring that he never will do such a thing again. Given the earlier discussion on God feeling the full range of human emotions, as implied by humans eating from the Tree of Knowledge, we see an interesting situation here where God is potentially wracked with regret in this instance. Apparently, God can make mistakes, and this is instrumental in understanding his at times confusing relationship with mankind. The article <tei-ref target="" data-origname="ref" data-processed=""><span hidden="" data-original="">"The Politics of Immigration"</span><span><a href="">"The Politics of Immigration"</a></span></tei-ref> discusses this section as God quite literally "recoiling in horror" at what he had done, and this genuine sense of remorse colors both God and his actions differently. -Mark M.</span><span>(Directly subsequent to the Flood, Noah builds an altar and sacrifices to the Lord. The Lord, upon smelling the sacrifice, realizes he was wrong and admits as much. At times, this scene is characterized as God lamenting over his prior actions, and ensuring that he never will do such a thing again. Given the earlier discussion on God feeling the full range of human emotions, as implied by humans eating from the Tree of Knowledge, we see an interesting situation here where God is potentially wracked with regret in this instance. Apparently, God can make mistakes, and this is instrumental in understanding his at times confusing relationship with mankind. The article <tei-ref target="" data-origname="ref" data-processed=""><span hidden="" data-original="">"The Politics of Immigration"</span><span><a href="">"The Politics of Immigration"</a></span></tei-ref> discusses this section as God quite literally "recoiling in horror" at what he had done, and this genuine sense of remorse colors both God and his actions differently. -Mark M.)</span></tei-note>
<tei-note target="#a044" resp="#as" data-origname="note" data-processed=""><span hidden="" data-original="">Mimics the dominion given to Adam, but this time with more of an enmity and consumption. -Aidan S.</span><span>(Mimics the dominion given to Adam, but this time with more of an enmity and consumption. -Aidan S.)</span></tei-note>
<tei-note target="#a045" resp="#mm" data-origname="note" data-processed=""><span hidden="" data-original="">This quotation is saying that God made man in his image, yet in context, as it relates to the Covenant, implies that this image alone is enough to associate mankind with divinity and thereby grant them a significant measure of dominion over the rest of the world. The mere visage of God is enough to grant humans the right to rule under the Covenant, and they are God's chosen. When mankind was created, they were allowed this degree of divinity by God himself, and this divinity is exercised through humans creating. However, this creation is exercised by humans as relating to the divine, but not necessarily an extension. With toledot, or generations, there is a theme of humanity continuing its lineage. This is mandated by God, and while it is in certain measure humans exercising their ability of creation, it is more intimately related with further mankind under God's own word. -Mark M.</span><span>(This quotation is saying that God made man in his image, yet in context, as it relates to the Covenant, implies that this image alone is enough to associate mankind with divinity and thereby grant them a significant measure of dominion over the rest of the world. The mere visage of God is enough to grant humans the right to rule under the Covenant, and they are God's chosen. When mankind was created, they were allowed this degree of divinity by God himself, and this divinity is exercised through humans creating. However, this creation is exercised by humans as relating to the divine, but not necessarily an extension. With toledot, or generations, there is a theme of humanity continuing its lineage. This is mandated by God, and while it is in certain measure humans exercising their ability of creation, it is more intimately related with further mankind under God's own word. -Mark M.)</span></tei-note>
<tei-note target="#a046" resp="#as" data-origname="note" data-processed=""><span hidden="" data-original="">The motivations for building this great city are shown to be in direct opposition to the charge G-d gives so many times to all Life and specifically to Man several times. -Aidan S.</span><span>(The motivations for building this great city are shown to be in direct opposition to the charge G-d gives so many times to all Life and specifically to Man several times. -Aidan S.)</span></tei-note>
<tei-note target="#a047" resp="#mm" data-origname="note" data-processed=""><span hidden="" data-original="">In this instance, another situation of dubious forgiveness in Genesis under God is demonstrated. God does not give the humans an opportunity to learn or change here, but scatters them without warning and confounds their language so they may not communicate. In a sense, this is a total condemnation of cooperation for quite some time to come, putting an innate barrier between all of these different language and developing peoples. However, this may fit into the notion that God wants humanity to learn- in this case, how to cooperate in the face of exceptional adversity insofar as they may not be able to speak the language. It is equally possible or even likely that this was done simply to see what mankind would do if God put one of its greatest obstacles yet in the way, the language barrier. -Mark M.</span><span>(In this instance, another situation of dubious forgiveness in Genesis under God is demonstrated. God does not give the humans an opportunity to learn or change here, but scatters them without warning and confounds their language so they may not communicate. In a sense, this is a total condemnation of cooperation for quite some time to come, putting an innate barrier between all of these different language and developing peoples. However, this may fit into the notion that God wants humanity to learn- in this case, how to cooperate in the face of exceptional adversity insofar as they may not be able to speak the language. It is equally possible or even likely that this was done simply to see what mankind would do if God put one of its greatest obstacles yet in the way, the language barrier. -Mark M.)</span></tei-note>
<tei-note target="#a048" resp="#ha" data-origname="note" data-processed=""><span hidden="" data-original="">Why aren't Sarai's parents mentioned at all? It seems like everyone else in Genesis always has who they are related to mentioned but not Sarai? That is really odd because Sarai, compared to Milcah, is way more important to the story. -Hailey A.</span><span>(Why aren't Sarai's parents mentioned at all? It seems like everyone else in Genesis always has who they are related to mentioned but not Sarai? That is really odd because Sarai, compared to Milcah, is way more important to the story. -Hailey A.)</span></tei-note>
<tei-note target="#a049" resp="#mm" data-origname="note" data-processed=""><span hidden="" data-original="">Here, God intentionally limits the heights that mankind can reach. This is one of the instances where God's reasoning for this is entirely ambiguous, however, one might infer that this is because humanity simply is not ready yet. Mankind requires the limitations to grow and understand the world around them, instead of aspiring to these heights and building a tower to Heaven before their time. In a sense, they tried to reach the conclusion before they went through the body of their experience. God wants humanity to be better before they ascend, but through what measure, this is unclear. -Mark M.</span><span>(Here, God intentionally limits the heights that mankind can reach. This is one of the instances where God's reasoning for this is entirely ambiguous, however, one might infer that this is because humanity simply is not ready yet. Mankind requires the limitations to grow and understand the world around them, instead of aspiring to these heights and building a tower to Heaven before their time. In a sense, they tried to reach the conclusion before they went through the body of their experience. God wants humanity to be better before they ascend, but through what measure, this is unclear. -Mark M.)</span></tei-note>
<tei-note target="#a050" resp="#ko" data-origname="note" data-processed=""><span hidden="" data-original="">In these genealogy monologues, they always say “[father’s name] begot sons and daughters.” Clearly, females are being born and later used to create the next generation biologically. Even though women evidently exist in the book of Genesis, why do daughters ever receive the covenant from God or their fathers? -Kelley O.</span><span>(In these genealogy monologues, they always say “[father’s name] begot sons and daughters.” Clearly, females are being born and later used to create the next generation biologically. Even though women evidently exist in the book of Genesis, why do daughters ever receive the covenant from God or their fathers? -Kelley O.)</span></tei-note>
<tei-note target="#a050a" resp="#ha" data-origname="note" data-processed=""><span hidden="" data-original=""><tei-p data-origname="p" data-processed="">In reference to the previous comment, our feminist glasses should be put on here. We've been trying to read Genesis, keeping our eyes peeled and supplementing our knowledge with more info on how women are written and treated in Genesis.</tei-p>
<tei-p data-origname="p" data-processed="">It's true that women don't have the covenant, but it's untrue that there aren't important women. There is Sarah, Hagar, Rebecca, Leia and Rachel. But they don't have G-d's protection or promise. -Hailey A.</tei-p></span><span>(<tei-p data-origname="p" data-processed="">In reference to the previous comment, our feminist glasses should be put on here. We've been trying to read Genesis, keeping our eyes peeled and supplementing our knowledge with more info on how women are written and treated in Genesis.</tei-p>
<tei-p data-origname="p" data-processed="">It's true that women don't have the covenant, but it's untrue that there aren't important women. There is Sarah, Hagar, Rebecca, Leia and Rachel. But they don't have G-d's protection or promise. -Hailey A.</tei-p>)</span></tei-note>
<tei-div type="editorial" data-origname="div" data-processed="">
<tei-interpgrp type="motif" data-origname="interpGrp" data-processed="">
<tei-desc data-origname="desc" data-processed="">themes and motifs</tei-desc>
<tei-interp xml:id="toledot" id="toledot" data-origname="interp" data-processed="">Generations in Genesis</tei-interp>
<tei-interp xml:id="water" id="water" data-origname="interp" data-processed="">water</tei-interp>
<tei-interp xml:id="separation" id="separation" data-origname="interp" data-processed="">separation</tei-interp>
<tei-interp xml:id="creation" id="creation" data-origname="interp" data-processed="">creation</tei-interp>
<tei-interp xml:id="consequence" id="consequence" data-origname="interp" data-processed="">consequence</tei-interp>
<tei-interp xml:id="seven" id="seven" data-origname="interp" data-processed="">seven</tei-interp>
<tei-interp xml:id="food" id="food" data-origname="interp" data-processed="">food</tei-interp>
<tei-interp xml:id="combination" id="combination" data-origname="interp" data-processed="">combination</tei-interp>
<tei-interp xml:id="farmer" id="farmer" data-origname="interp" data-processed="">farmer</tei-interp>
<tei-interp xml:id="forty" id="forty" data-origname="interp" data-processed="">forty</tei-interp>
<tei-interp xml:id="shepherd" id="shepherd" data-origname="interp" data-processed="">shepherd</tei-interp>
<tei-interpgrp type="lit_device" data-origname="interpGrp" data-processed="">
<tei-desc data-origname="desc" data-processed="">literary devices</tei-desc>
<tei-interp xml:id="repetition" id="repetition" data-origname="interp" data-processed="">repetition</tei-interp>
<tei-interp xml:id="personification" id="personification" data-origname="interp" data-processed="">personification</tei-interp>
<tei-interp xml:id="symbol" id="symbol" data-origname="interp" data-processed="">symbol</tei-interp>
<tei-interp xml:id="hyperbole" id="hyperbole" data-origname="interp" data-processed="">hyperbole</tei-interp>
<tei-interpgrp type="authority" data-origname="interpGrp" data-processed="">
<tei-desc data-origname="desc" data-processed="">WHAT DO WE WRITE HERE?</tei-desc>
<tei-interp xml:id="commandment" id="commandment" data-origname="interp" data-processed="">commandment</tei-interp>
<tei-interp xml:id="declaration" id="declaration" data-origname="interp" data-processed="">declaration</tei-interp>
<tei-interp xml:id="punishment" id="punishment" data-origname="interp" data-processed="">punishment</tei-interp>
<tei-interp xml:id="obedience" id="obedience" data-origname="interp" data-processed="">obedience</tei-interp>
<tei-interp xml:id="reward" id="reward" data-origname="interp" data-processed="">reward</tei-interp>
<tei-interp xml:id="covenant" id="covenant" data-origname="interp" data-processed="">covenant</tei-interp>
<tei-interp xml:id="independence" id="independence" data-origname="interp" data-processed="">independence</tei-interp>
<tei-interp xml:id="disobedience" id="disobedience" data-origname="interp" data-processed="">disobedience</tei-interp>
<tei-interpgrp type="values" data-origname="interpGrp" data-processed="">
<tei-desc data-origname="desc" data-processed="">the good-vs-evil scale</tei-desc>
<tei-interp xml:id="good" id="good" data-origname="interp" data-processed="">good</tei-interp>
<tei-interp xml:id="holy" id="holy" data-origname="interp" data-processed="">holy</tei-interp>
<tei-interp xml:id="bad" id="bad" data-origname="interp" data-processed="">bad</tei-interp>
<tei-interp xml:id="evil" id="evil" data-origname="interp" data-processed="">evil</tei-interp>
<tei-interp xml:id="ambiguous" id="ambiguous" data-origname="interp" data-processed="">ambiguous</tei-interp>
<tei-div type="notes" data-origname="div" data-processed="">
<tei-note target="#xmlid" data-origname="note" data-empty="" data-processed=""><span>()</span></tei-note>
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