The project is an expense tracker application designed for web use, enabling users to efficiently track and analyze their expenses.
- Adding Expense Categories: Users can define categories to organize their expenses.
- Logging Expenses: Entry of expenses is facilitated with details such as category, description, date, and amount.
- Viewing Expenses: A comprehensive view of expenses, with filtering options by category, is provided.
- Data Visualization: Expenses across categories are visualized over time for better financial insights.
- Interactivity: Intuitive user interfaces and forms are integrated for easy data entry and modifications.
- Persistence: Reliable data storage ensures long-term expense tracking and historical data analysis.
Progress has been significant, with key milestones achieved:
- Environment Setup: Accomplished the initialization of a Node.js project with necessary dependencies.
- Server Initialization: The Express server is up and running, ready to handle incoming HTTP requests.
- Database Connection: A connection to an SQLite database has been established, currently active for data storage.
- Routes Creation: API routes for adding and retrieving categories and expenses have been defined.
- Endpoints Implementation: Basic CRUD operations are now available through the created routes.
Total Expenses Counter (Done):
- Implementation completed via a dedicated endpoint.
- The sum of all expenses can be retrieved for display.
Refine Business Logic (Done):
- Input validation checks are in place to ensure the integrity of the data being processed.
Data Manipulation and Reporting (Done):
- Completed via an additional endpoint.
- Expenses can now be aggregated by category for analytical purposes.
Security Measures (Pending):
- Postponed as a pre-deployment task to reinforce security just before launching the application.
Testing (Done):
- Completed through manual testing of all endpoints, confirming expected functionality.
Frontend Integration (Done):
- The frontend now communicates with the backend API, with data fetching implemented in React components.
UI Components:
- In progress: Implementation of a pop-up form for adding new expenses is underway.
- To-Do: Implementation of the delete feature for categories and expenses is pending and is critical for the MVP release.
Deployment Preparation:
- Selection of a hosting service and database configuration for production are pending tasks.
- Deployment strategy is outlined and will be executed following the completion of the deployment preparation phase.
Continuous Monitoring and Improvement:
- A plan for post-deployment monitoring and iterative improvement is ready to be actioned upon launch.
The focus is now on completing the UI components, particularly the delete functionality, to ensure the MVP is feature-complete for initial user feedback. The deployment phase is approaching, with preparations being made for a smooth transition to a production environment.