By default, the wallet will be stored at a specific location. If you want to
specify a different location for test or isolation purposes, use the --home
flag to do so.
There are 3 ways to list the available commands
vegawallet -h
vegawallet help
Before using the wallet, you need to initialise it with the following command:
vegawallet init
This creates the folders, the configuration file, the default networks and the RSA keys needed by the wallet to operate.
To create a new wallet, generate your first key pair using the following command:
vegawallet key generate --wallet "YOUR_WALLET"
The --wallet
flag sets the name of your wallet.
It will then prompt you to input a passphrase, and then confirm that passphrase.
You'll use this username and passphrase to login to Vega Console. You can also
specify the passphrase with the --passphrase-file
You have the opportunity to attach metadata to your key with the --meta
flag (more on this below).
This command will generate a "mnemonic", along with a public and private key and print it on the output.
The mnemonic is very important as it acts as a backup key, from which the wallet can restore all your keys. As a result, it has to be kept safe and secret. If lost, you won't be able to retrieve your keys. If stolen, the thief will be able to use your keys.
Also, you’ll see an output with your public and private key. Do not share your private key. You don’t need to save this information anywhere, as you’ll be able to retrieve it with specific commands.
If you want to restore your wallet, use the following command:
vegawallet import --wallet "YOUR_WALLET" --mnemonic-file "PATH_TO_YOUR_MNEMONIC"
The flag --mnemonic-file
is used to locate the file that contains the
It will then prompt you to input a passphrase, and then confirm that passphrase.
You'll use this username and passphrase to login to Vega Console. You can also
specify the passphrase with the --passphrase-file
This command is only able to import the wallet from which you can re-generate your key pairs.
If you want to list all the registered wallets, use the following command:
vegawallet list
To generate a key pair on the given wallet, use the following command:
vegawallet key generate --wallet "YOUR_WALLET"
It will then prompt you to input a passphrase. You can also specify the
passphrase with the --passphrase-file
If the wallet does not exist, it will automatically create one. See "Create a wallet" for more information.
You have the opportunity to attach metadata to your key with the --meta
flag (more on this below).
For better key management, you may want to add metadata to your key pairs. This is done with the following command:
vegawallet key annotate --wallet "YOUR_WALLET" --meta "key1:value1;key2:value2" --pubkey "YOUR_HEX_PUBLIC_KEY"
An item of metadata is represented as a key-value property.
You can give to each key pair a nickname/alias with a metadata name
. For
vegawallet key annotate --wallet "YOUR_WALLET" --meta "name:my-alias" --pubkey "YOUR_HEX_PUBLIC_KEY"
This command does not insert the new metadata into the existing ones, it replaces them. If you want to keep the previous metadata, ensure to add them to your update.
You may want to prevent the use of a key by "tainting" it with the following command:
vegawallet key taint --wallet "YOUR_WALLET" --pubkey "YOUR_HEX_PUBIC_KEY"
It will then prompt you to input a passphrase. You can also specify the
passphrase with the --passphrase-file
You may have tainted a key by mistake. If you want to untaint it, use the following command:
vegawallet key untaint --wallet "YOUR_WALLET" --pubkey "YOUR_HEX_PUBIC_KEY"
It will then prompt you to input a passphrase. You can also specify the
passphrase with the --passphrase-file
If you tainted a key for security reasons, you should not untaint it.
To list your key pairs, use the following command:
vegawallet key list --wallet "YOUR_WALLET"
It will then prompt you to input a passphrase. You can also specify the
passphrase with the --passphrase-file
This will also return the private key. Never expose this command or its content to the outside world.
To sign and verify any kind of base-64 encoded messages, use the following commands:
vegawallet sign --wallet "YOUR_WALLET" --pubkey "YOUR_HEX_PUBIC_KEY" --message "c3BpY2Ugb2YgZHVuZQo="
vegawallet verify --pubkey "YOUR_HEX_PUBIC_KEY" --message "c3BpY2Ugb2YgZHVuZQo=" --signature "76f978asd6fa8s76f"
It will then prompt you to input a passphrase. You can also specify the
passphrase with the --passphrase-file
During wallet initialisation, default networks are installed. You can list them with the following command:
vegawallet network list
If you want to import a network configuration from a local file, use the following command:
vegawallet network import --from-file "PATH_TO_FILE"
Or, from a URL:
vegawallet network import --from-url "URL_TO_FILE"
You can override the imported network name using the --with-name
Once a wallet and a network have been set up, you can run the wallet with the following command:
vegawallet service run --network "YOUR_NETWORK"
To run the wallet and open up a local version of Vega Console, the trading UI, use the following command:
vegawallet service run --network "YOUR_NETWORK" --console-proxy
To terminate the process, such as if you want to run other commands in Wallet,
use ctrl+c
If you're running an ad/tracker blocker, and you're getting errors, it may be
blocking the node from connecting. Try allowlisting
Instead of sending a command through the API, you can send it through the command line, use the following command:
vegawallet command --pubkey "YOUR_HEX_PUBIC_KEY" --wallet "YOUR_WALLET" --network "YOUR_NETWORK" '{"THE_COMMAND": {...}, "propagate": true}'
On HD wallets, the wallet node is used to generate (and retrieve) key pairs. For security purpose, you may not want to store the wallet node on the machine running the node, because it can be compromised. So, you might want to isolate a single key pair, without the wallet node, in an "isolated wallet".
vegawallet key isolate --pubkey "YOUR_HEX_PUBIC_KEY" --wallet "YOUR_WALLET"