To reproduce the tests you have to use Docker containers.
Inside the project directory create and start a docker container:
docker run -it -v $(pwd):/zeromq_benchmarking/ --name zeromq_project ros:foxy
Note: If the container has already been created previously, you can start it using the following command:
docker start zeromq_project
docker exec -it zeromq_project /bin/bash
Inside the container:
sudo apt update
sudo apt install python3-pip
pip install -r zeromq_benchmarking/requirements.txt
Enter in the root folder of the project called 'zeromq_benchmarking':
cd zeromq_benchmarking
In the same terminal, you can use this doc to set up ROS workspace: Cheat Sheet RTES Lab Unimore
Note: workspace directory is 'ros2_ws'
It is necessary one terminal for each node.
In the same terminal where you are setting up ROS2 workspace:
ros2 run cpp_echo server
Open a new terminal inside the container:
docker exec -ti zeromq_project /bin/bash
cd zeromq_benchmarking/ros2_ws
source install/setup.bash
ros2 run cpp_echo client
Open a new terminal (not inside the container) and execute:
cd zeromq_benchmarking/ros2_ws
docker run --rm -v $(pwd):/work remuslazar/gnuplot graph.gnu
It is necessary one terminal for each node.
docker exec -ti zeromq_project /bin/bash
cd zeromq_benchmarking/zeromq/pub-sub
docker exec -ti zeromq_project /bin/bash
cd zeromq_benchmarking/zeromq/pub-sub
Open a new terminal (not inside the container) and execute:
cd zeromq_benchmarking/zeromq/pub-sub/
docker run --rm -v $(pwd):/work remuslazar/gnuplot graph.gnu