This module provides a Gradle plugin for managing schema migrations. It uses the Misk schema migrator that runs in local development and testing, and packages it into a Gradle plugin that can run standalone. This is useful for when you want to run your schema migrations without running your service, for instance if you are generating code with JOOQ. It can be used as an alternative to Flyway.
plugins {
id("com.squareup.misk.schema-migrator") version <<latest version>>
val dbConfig = mapOf(
"url" to "jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/",
"schema" to "codegen",
"user" to "root",
"password" to ""
miskSchemaMigrator {
database = dbConfig["schema"]
host = "localhost" // optional, defaults to localhost
port = 3306 // optional, defaults to 3306
username = dbConfig["user"]
password = dbConfig["password"]
migrationsDir = layout.projectDirectory.dir("src/main/resources/db-migrations")
migrationsFormat = "TRADITIONAL"
// If you want to integrate with JOOQ
// tasks.withType<nu.studer.gradle.jooq.JooqGenerate>().configureEach {
// dependsOn("migrateSchema")
// }