To install Vagrant with libvirt backend in Fedora 21/22
yum/dnf install -y vagrant-libvirt vagrant
Vagrant packages are not available in CentOS core. However these are available throgh Fedora Copr and SCL(i.e.
Here are the commands to get Vagrant in CentOS
$cat > /etc/yum.repos.d/vagrant.repo <<- EOM [jstribny-vagrant1] name=Copr repo for vagrant1 owned by jstribny baseurl= gpgcheck=1 gpgkey= enabled=1 [ruby200-copr] name=ruby200-copr baseurl= enabled=1 gpgcheck=0 [ror40-copr] name=ror40-copr baseurl= enabled=1 gpgcheck=0 EOM $yum -y -d 0 install vagrant1 rsync $service libvirtd start $scl enable vagrant1 bash
The image is available in . However you don't have to download the box image manually. The following steps will take care of it implicitly.
Step-1 : Initialising a new Vagrant environment by creating a Vagrantfile
vagrant init atomicapp/dev
Step-2 : To start the vagrant image and ssh in to it, run following command
vagrant up
vagrant ssh
vagrant ssh should place you inside of the Vagrant box
If the above steps fail to download the Vagrant image or you have very low internet bandwidth, you can then manually download the box image and start it.
The images are kept at:
#To get the libvirt image $ wget #To get the virtual box image $ wget #Add the image to vagrant $ vagrant box add atomicappbox <local path to the downloded image> #Initialize the atomicapp vagrant box $ vagrant init atomicappbox #Start the atomicapp vagrant box $ vagrant up #SSH in to it $ vagrant ssh
vagrant destroy
Inside the vagrant box, you should be able to run docker containers Example: (following commands should be run inside the Vagrant box)
docker pull centos
docker run -t -i centos /bin/bash
For running atomicapp in the Vagrant box refer below [1] page