All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog and this project adheres to Forge Recommended Versioning.
- Updated to Minecraft 1.21.3 (Fabric 0.107.0+1.21.3, Neoforge 21.3.56)
- (Forge support is still not available until the capability system is re-added)
- Updated BucketLib to 1.21.3-
- Updated Cloth Config support (16.0.141) (Fabric/Quilt)
- Updated ModMenu support (12.0.0) (Fabric/Quilt)
- number config options are now text fields instead of sliders (Fabric)
- updated NeoForge to 21.0.94-beta
- updated BucketLib to 1.21-
- the
directory is used for the default configuration (NeoForge)
- crashed on startup with NeoForge (caused by a breaking change in 21.0.82-beta)
- Updated to Minecraft 1.21 (Fabric 0.100.3+1.21, Neoforge 21.0.20-beta)
- (Forge support is still not available until the capability system is re-added)
- Updated BucketLib to 1.21-
- Updated Cloth Config support (15.0.127) (Fabric/Quilt)
- Updated ModMenu support (11.0.0) (Fabric/Quilt)
- Updated to Minecraft 1.20.6 (Fabric 0.98.0+1.20.6, Neoforge 20.6.119)
- Removed Forge support until the capability system is re-added
- Updated BucketLib to 1.20.6-
- Updated Cloth Config support (14.0.126) (Fabric/Quilt)
- Updated ModMenu support (10.0.0-beta.1) (Fabric/Quilt)
- fixed known issue: max stack size was not taken into account and defaulted to 1 (Fabric)
- add Fabric (>=0.96.11+1.20.4) support (Fabric, Quilt)
- updated BucketLib to 1.20.4-
- break temperature can also be configured to be negative (Deactivation by setting a number larger than the hottest fluid)
- changed the config descriptions to be more precisely
- Fabric: max stack size of 16 is not taken into account and defaults to 1
- Update to Minecraft 1.20.4 (Forge 49.0.22, Neoforge 20.4.138-beta)
- Update BucketLib to 1.20.4-
- Update to Forge 48.1.0 & Neoforge 20.2.86
- Update BucketLib to 1.20.2-
- Move to Multiloader mod template to support Forge and Neoforge
- update and move back to Forge 1.20.2-48.0.23 (from NeoForge) until it is stable
- Changed Forge to NeoForge 1.20.1-47.1.54 (compatible with Forge 47.1.0)
- Updated BucketLib mod to 1.20.1-
- Update to Forge 1.20.1-47.0.1 #69
- Update BucketLib mod to 1.20- #69
- Added Portuguese Translation (thanks to alofh) #65
- Update to Forge 1.19.3-44.0.41
- Update BucketLib mod to 1.19.3-
- Update to Forge 1.19-41.0.62 #62
- Update BucketLib mod to 1.19- #62
- Update to Forge 1.18.2-40.0.18
- Update BucketLib mod to 1.18.2-
- Update to Forge 1.18.2-40.0.2
- Update BucketLib mod to 1.18.2-
- Update BucketLib mod to 1.18.1-
- config option to add durability to ceramic buckets. #48 (thanks to doctor_unknown for the idea)
- Update BucketLib mod to 1.18.1-
- textures of entity buckets of other mods did not work correctly
- milk bucket was not registered correctly when a mod enables milk fluid
- fixed dispense behaviour for buckets filled with entities or blocks
- filled buckets could be stacked in special cases
- Update mod to Forge 1.18.1-39.0.0 (fix Log4J security issue)
- Mod needs BucketLib mod to work
- Hint: Updating from an earlier mod version could cause issues with existing buckets (milk & entities could be removed)
- Milking Goats #35
- Axolotls can be obtained with ceramic buckets #35
- Powder Snow interaction #35
- Lava can be placed in Cauldrons #35
- extra items for fluid, entity & milk buckets where removed
- Russian and Ukrainian translation (thanks to vstannumdum aka DMHYT) #59
- some more automated tests
- Update mod to Forge 1.16.5-36.1.0 to fix some small issues
- add ceramic items to item tag itemfilters:check_nbt to support the mods FTB Quests & Item Filters (thanks to ItayKisous for the report) #58
- change order of Minecraft version and mod version to fit Forge Recommended Versioning
- Item capabilities are cached now for a slightly better performance
- change mappings to official channel
- add some automated tests to test the mod functionalities automatically
- Support Alex's Mobs version 1.11.0 (two new entities)
- Support Fins And Trails version 1.6.0 (new entity, some changed textures)
- Support Cindershell entity of Creatures And Beats mod #57
- Using the translation key of the fluid attributes to support the fluid translations of Create mod #49 (thanks to imliterallydoingthistoreportabug for the report and PepperCode1 for the help)
- add support of 1 new mob of "Fins and Trails" mod (Gopjet) #55
- add support of the axolotl of "Caves and Cliffs Mod, 1.17 concept"
- add support of the axolotl of "Caves and Cliffs Backport" mod #56
- add support of the 2 new mobs of Alex's Mobs mod #52
- add support of the 1 new mob of Upgrade Aquatic mod #50
- change pike texture of Upgrade Aquatic mod #50
- change 4 textures of Fins and Trails mod #51
- Empty ceramic buckets cannot interact any longer with tanks with less than 1000mb. #53 (thanks to benbenlaw for the report)
- Filled ceramic buckets cannot interact with tanks with less than 1000mb empty space.
- Add support for Fins and Trails mod.
- Support the Forge milk addition
- Ceramic bucket coloring was adapted to terracotta colors.
- Tactical Fishing advancement is now triggered when a fish is caught with a ceramic bucket.
- fish buckets of Alex's Mobs, Environmental and The Undergarden are now compatible (thanks to bloche1871 for the hint)
- Support mods which are adding other cauldrons #44 (thanks to benbenlaw for the report)
- fix possible server crash #42 (thanks to ClaudiusMinimus)
- enhance nbt handling for better mod compatibility
- infinity enchanted buckets are not looking cracked if filled with breaking fluid
- infinity enchanted buckets in crafting recipes are now working like intended
- bugfix: infinity enchanted buckets could be enchanted with infinity again
- Ceramic Buckets can be dyed like leather armor (thanks to pandrian29 for the idea)
- reworked textures of Ceramic Buckets
- Slime Bucket of Quark mod is supported now
- fluid tag "ceramicbucket:ceramic_cracking" added
- All fluids listed there are breaking a ceramic bucket unrelated to the ceramicBucketBreakTemperature config.
- fluid tag "ceramicbucket:infinity_enchantable" added
- This tag has only an effect if infinityEnchantmentEnabled config is enabled.
- corresponding infinityEnchantmentFluids config removed
- Bugfix: Server crash when right-clicking an entity with a ceramic bucket #36 (thanks to nanonestor for reporting this issue)
- add config option to define fluids that can be enchanted with Infinity (default: water)
- add possibility to enchant filled ceramic buckets with infinity (only for multiplying fluids like water)
- add a config option for enabling this infinity enchantment (default disabled)
- config has been moved to serverconfig folder of each savegame for consistent configuration
- entity buckets are displayed independently of the configuration
- Water and Lava can be added to Botany Pots with ceramic buckets (since BotanyPots-1.16.3-5.1.9)
- Support entity buckets of Axolotl mod (when it is released for 1.16)
- Fish buckets of other mods can now be supported.
- Milking entities with a Ceramic Bucket can now be enabled/disabled via config.
- support for fish buckets of Aquaculture 2
- support for fish buckets of Upgrade Aquatic
- support for fish bucket of Combustive Fishing
- soundfix of cauldron interaction
- removed forge fluid tags of water and lava (changed recipes to use the corresponding vanilla tags)
- added config option to disable fish obtaining with ceramic buckets
- if fish obtaining is disabled there are no ceramic fish buckets in creative tab and JEI
- bugfix: a fish of another mod was maybe transformed to salmon - fixed
- filled Ceramic Buckets can now be used as ingredient in data packs (via the item itself or via its contained fluid)
- added compatible recipes for CauldronRecipes, CobblesForDays mod
- added two fluid tags (forge:water, forge:lava)
- When bucket was filled, the empty sound was played - fixed
- there was an error in the logs when jei was installed - fixed
- blocks that can be waterlogged with other fluids than water are supported now
- Icons of filled ceramic buckets are a bit darker in JEI (fixed in jei-1.16.2- and later)
- cauldrons can now be emptied or filled with water using a ceramic bucket
- fuel recipe for ceramic lava bucket added to JEI (if installed)
- filling recipe added for Tinkers Construct (if installed)
- internal change: removed old model files
- Ceramic bucket filled with lava can now be used as fuel in furnaces. (thanks to NetherStriderMC for reporting this issue)
- It also works for other fluids that have a burn time for their buckets.
- Because of a breaking change in Forge 33.0.21 Minecraft 1.16.1 cannot be supported any longer
- requires Forge 33.0.21 or later
- requires Minecraft 1.16.2 or later
- Mod supports Minecraft 1.16.2 now
- requires Forge 32.0.108 or later (because of a breaking change in Forge 32.0.106)
- only works until Forge 33.0.20 (because of a breaking change in Forge 33.0.21)
Mod is now available for Minecraft 1.16.1! (Only works until Forge 32.0.106)
- Ceramic Buckets filled with a "too hot" fluid (like lava) are looking cracked
- All fluids and gases of all mods are supported now
- flipped buckets are also supported for all fluids and gases where the density is lower than 0
- Ceramic Milk Buckets can now be used in recipes of Pam's Harvestcraft 2
- reordered filled Ceramic Bucket names (from "Milk Ceramic Bucket" to "Ceramic Milk Bucket"
- not placeable fluids disappeared when the player tried to place it
- some buckets of other mods did not appear in creative tab
- duplicated milk buckets in creative tab